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Everything posted by Kamil

  1. This one was tough to choose, but in the end I didn't change any votes that won the previous round. The Wildcard victors seem to be having a much tougher time now though, all of the secured ponies are currently in the lead. Of course, we've seen before not to trust the initial turnout at face value, and most of these are as close as the final scores last round in terms of flat numbers.
  2. Where I live: Apple juice is just juice, it comes straight out of an apple in whatever method they use, and then it's usually dehydrated into concentrate for shipping. Apple CIDER involves a specific blend of spices and other ingredients, not just straight-up juice. That or it's just extremely fresh juice, I have never been able to find any outside of harvest season. I don't know about alcoholic variants, but they may just call it hard cider any time it's apple-based alcohol regardless of the recipe.
  3. The Best Night Ever is extremely entertaining, probably more so than Sleepless in Ponyville in my opinion, but it also doesn't really have a lot of character or relationship development; at the end the only change is nobody wants to go to the Gala anymore. It's more fun to watch, but not enough so to make up for everything else it lacks.
  4. See, THIS is the part that pisses me off. Having your show for free online with ads would make plenty of money and make your fanbase both happy and large, but all but the largest show producers can't get a good deal with any network if they demand their own ability to release online, and only the largest networks can negotiate online release rights from the distributors (cable and satellite). Now, the distributors have no obligation to not provide content online, but they make so much more money when you have to buy a $50/mo. package even if you're only going to watch one show on one channel. I wish more companies would just go to the internet directly instead, skipping the need to deal with networks or distributors. VGHS was a short series released exclusively online, and it is both a great series and requires no additional monetary commitment over your internet bill. AND IT MADE MONEY. Real profit from advertising, merchandise, and most of the costs were covered by thousands of fans contributing a little at a time through Kickstarter. It did well enough that they're already working on a second season. It's a perfectly valid business model, but contracts tie the whole thing up to the point where none of the big groups can really take advantage.
  5. $2 per episode is a bit more than I would like to pay. I really don't see any reason why they don't just put it on Hulu or something, YouTube has pretty low payout relative to the number of views, though admittedly they also give a lot of views, Hulu on the other hand puts in basically just as many ads as live broadcast so unless Hasbro has some kind of exclusivity agreement with the Hub they would make a lot more money than just those individuals who are willing to pay more than $100 when starting from the beginning. On the other hand, if specifically removing only Season 2 was an attempt to allow people to get into the show before requiring any payment then that makes some kind of sense. I still wouldn't want to pay $50 just to get through the second season, but if they're already hooked it makes some sense to charge more. Actually, I thought of a way to make a lot of money off YouTube: Skip the regular ads, just put them as part of the video itself (basically upload the entire 30 minutes that aired with commercial breaks intact, rather than just the content) and then have the advertisers pay based on views. It's allowed and I think there's even a specific way to do that straight through YouTube.
  6. The way you don't notice me stalking you just encourages me even more.
  7. Scootalove and Luna being awesome definitely wins out over fancy parties, though that was a pretty good episode too. Choosing between the winner and Magic Duel will be a bit more difficult though...
  8. Hey Dash, do you think Gilda and Lightning Dust are secretly plotting revenge against you for what happened to them as a result of your actions (not that it wasn't their own fault, but vengeful individuals will 'venge anyway).
  9. You confuse them with your weird "replacing faces with rectangular images of other faces" technique, while I sip tea. Afterward, when they find me sipping tea, they'll release me because I don't drink tea so that couldn't possibly be me. Of course, if we could find a rubber duck, 15 matchsticks, and some duct tape I could think of a much better plan.
  10. Now that I think about it, Spike as Vaporeon wouldn't be bad. I mean, dragons may be all about fire, but he's still scaly and has fins.
  11. I don't know about you, but I've seen every one of those phrases frequently as slang and never before this moment as anything else. I doubt that the creators of MLP tried extremely hard to name random background ponies after obscure wines, and find it much more plausible that wines named themselves after the same popular phrases as the ponies simply by coincidence. It is an interesting coincidence though.
  12. Luna is Umbreon, for obvious reasons. I think AJ would be better as Flareon than any of the other options, if only because of orange. Pinkie should be Eevee though, Vaporeon just doesn't suit her. Other than that I agree with what's been said.
  13. There's a test linked in the first post on this page, though I don't know if it's the one he was talking about. It seemed fairly accurate to me.
  14. I prefer my wallpapers mostly dark and simple, so all my icons stand out well. I'm currently using some nice colorful line art that I found through Google with the Mane 6 and Derpy each on a separate image. Currently they're all on a rotation so I get a new pony every 10 minutes. It's awesome. But yours are great, if that's what you like. Definitely some nice quality images with well-done effects.
  15. One day the conspiracy theorists will be right and everybody will DIE. By that point they'll probably be out of money due to all the times they #YOLO'd before each of the other times everybody was going to die. And then we find out that the afterlife is ponies, and we'll go to the haters and be like, "UMAD BRO?" Or something like that.
  16. I would consider this since I do like playing MtG, but I haven't gotten any new cards in years or paid attention to the whole background story ever. Heck, the only deck I have is a structure deck from Mirrodin slightly modified with cards even older than that, and isn't allowed in any tournaments due to being massively broken under certain circumstances. I also haven't done much RPing in almost as long, and don't really have an OC planned out.
  17. Well despite what my desktop may look like right now... I did vote for Lyra. Rainbow Dash is awesome and cool, and if this were a "best pony" thread she would win easily, but attractive requires something a little different (for me at least). (That background is actually just one of 7 in that style that randomly cycle every 10 minutes. All my brohoof to whoever made them).
  18. Yeah, Vinyl and Octavia have gotten a lot more secure leads (though who knows what could happen in the next two days?). The real competition is Lyra v. Rainbow Dash right now, those 4 votes are barely a lead at all. Admittedly, I don't think RD has actually been ahead any time in the last few days, but just two people changing over (for whatever reason) and one new vote would bring her to the narrowest of victories possible.
  19. So to be sure... You already have the idea, development team, resources, and plan to make this game. All you need are some track concepts (it's a racing game... duh) and general fan input? Because I can do the fan input, but nothing else involved with development. As for the fan choice character, it might be better to make a poll so people don't have to deal with the character limit and you don't have to manually count all the votes.
  20. Well based on the word trap.... + = Pony Trap music Nope, can't say I've seen anything like that. If you find any, let me know though. I love traps.
  21. For some strange reason, I get the feeling that not enough people (i.e. fewer than everybody) know about Miracle of Sound a.k.a. Gav, the absolutely amazing musician who composes completely original pieces based on video games. So here's a thread to prove me wrong and/or cause me to become wrong by watching some of his videos, such as this one Or any of the linked ones. Go ahead and choose one, do you like: Skyrim? Resident Evil? Halo? Assassin's Creed? Any shooter game ever? (Actually screw it, the full list of things he's written songs about is in the spoiler. Find them yourself.) I have yet to dislike any of the songs he's made even if I hate the game or never even heard of it.
  22. I didn't think that a spinoff would happen right away, after Season 4 at the earliest. Possibly even Season 5 if they start doing 13 episodes every season; you would need more than a couple episodes to even gauge the response to those other two enough to make a decision, and then possibly an entire episode of heavy foreshadowing (if not a flat-out announcement/prologue); though they might be able to combine that with something else in the finale of whichever season. Also, if none of you noticed, I TOTALLY pulled that out of my ass. I don't see many better choices if a spin-off did get made, but I can't think of a really compelling reason why ANY spin-off needs to get made, or really why Hasbro would find it necessary to make one (I doubt it would make more money to have two shows with 13 episodes each year rather than one with 26). I just think a spin-off is more likely than suddenly changing all of the main characters 3 seasons into a show.
  23. I don't think they'll be the new Mane 6, considering the current ones are doing just fine and don't seem like they'll run out of harmony or anything else that could get in the way for quite some time, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders could easily make their own spinoff show. In whichever episode it was, we saw Applejack going on a journey when trying to find her Cutie Mark. She ended up only visiting one place and coming straight back, but if the 6 crusaders meet up and start travelling all around Equestria looking for their special something there would be an excuse to finally show all those locations that have only been mentioned so far, and an opportunity to deeply develop the personalities and backgrounds of some of the most popular non-main ponies (including some of the fan-developed ones like Lyra) without taking time away from the main series.
  24. Actually, someone was planning to make that... Dunno how much progress they made, if any. I would personally like to see pony crossdressing, though I haven't read through any fan fiction so that may already exist.
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