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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Stormwind

  1. Cool, i really like the rainbow dash one. I usually dont buy pony merchandise but these are so cool.
  2. You just described my life in a nutshell. I constantly overreact to small things like a phone ringing, or a strange look from a teacher, etc. i try not to let in bother me but it still does.
  3. 1: a man to me is just an adult male, it does not matter what they do or like. 2: My main role model is my father. He is generally nice and understanding. My father is generally involved in my life and we talk nearly every day. I usually see him at home, however we dont do many "special" things together. 3: I generally ignore sexist acts aimed at me. I find the whole concept of sexism completely idiotic, a man should be able to do he wants and a woman should be able to do what she wants. People who are so stuck in their ways that they cannot see anything but fault in being different do not deserve any of my time. 4: I haven't learned that much from MLP per say. However the show has helped me emotionally, i struggle with depression and anxiety from time to time and this show helps me pull through some of the rougher patches. It makes me smile and laugh even when i feel like the world is ending and all hope is lost. Alot of times it feels like a bright patch of sunlight in a stormy sky, reminding me that there are always good things on the horizon. 5: I am somewhere in the middle, some of my friends know and my sister knows but my parents dont. What got me out was a friend making fun of bronies. It got to a point where i couldn't take it and i started defending the show. Surprisingly, it made her stop and i never heard her insult the fandom or show again. 6: My favorite has to be Rainbow Dash. While she can be a bit of a jerk i like her characterization.
  4. I highly doubt we will get a fan made mmo for my little pony. I know we could make something like that but the costs of operating the servers would be too high for a non profit endeavor and Hasbro would probably shut it down due to copyright infringement. The closest i think we will get are MLP servers on other games.
  5. ayup, christian and proud of it. Im a practicing episcopalian and i go to church on a regular basis. Its nice to find some like minded people out there.
  6. Welcome to the herd, MLP has one of the best (probably the most active and creative) communities out there.
  7. It was a hard choice between gummy and tank. Gummy is funny spontaneous, and defies logic (sound like anyponyelse?). However tank is likeable and i thinks he is also pretty funny. Overall, i have to go with Gummy, its a toothless alligator for bucks sake.
  8. I think her shape shifting in the first episodes was due to the dark magic which corrupted her in the first place. After she becomes luna again, she loses the shape shifting ability (except for that one time in Luna eclipsed)
  9. I doubt it was exactly 1000 years since Luna and Celestia locked him away, the way Celestia says it makes it seem like it was approximately 1000 years. Its like saying that the US is 200 years old when it is 237.
  10. I like the idea. In my headcannon is plays out like this: The changelings used to be a in small scattered groups which would feed off of just enough love to survive and nopony was hurt by it. Then the queen managed to rally the majority of them behind her by promising more food better lives. Then they attempted to attack canterlot (and we all know what happened then), and after they were blasted out the queen was killed (or at least fell out of power). So an episode where they show that not all changelings are bad would be interesting. What if the changeling was already in ponyvill, hiding from the queen and her followers. The changling could be discovered and the Mane 6 could help it become accepted.
  11. I dont dislike any of them so this is a list of who i like the most to who i like the least. 1: Rainbow dash 2: Apple jack 3: Fluttershy 4: Twilight 5: Rarity 6: Pinkie
  12. I dont think they should add anymore to the show. I thought three was a good number, and four is stretching it. However the writers may have to add more if Hasbro says so.
  13. Hasbro has made it clear that the comics, books, etc. are not cannon in the show's storyline. So the whole nightmare rarity thing is completely irrelevant until it happens in an episode. To answer your second point, they probably will change the intro to suit twilight's new wings. Lastly, about derpy, i dont think there going to abandon her altogether. The fallout with her was mostly in season two and i feel like they are going to have her appear, just less than before. Also, she winks at the camera in one seen during MMC as if hinting that she isn't gone for good.
  14. i dont think so, since she is nine she still falls within the target audience of 5-12 year old girls. The terms brony and pegasister are usually used to describe people who like FIM and fall outside of the demographic, whether it is by age or gender.
  15. I never said the first person was intelligent, in fact i was trying to get the opposite point across. The anti brony video was stupid, i said the second PRO BRONY video was good. Sorry if that was unclear.
  16. I dont care if they make a parody as long as they dont make us out in the same way as Jerry Springer and fox news. If its just poking a little fun at guys for liking MLP but isnt meant to directly insult us than its fine. But, its south park, they will probably try to stir up as much of a controversy as possible. Prepare for a new wave of trolls and hatred my friends.
  17. here is mine. I couldn't make a cutie mark that looked good so i will have to describe it. Mine would be a quill and book, i love to write and i feel that it would be my special talent should if i lived in equestria.
  18. i would want to be changed into a pony because i would feel too different as a human, any chance of fitting in or making friends (besides Lyra that is) would be lost. However i would have trouble deciding between being a Pegasus or unicorn. Assuming that i could keep my human memories upon change it would be hard to adjust to having hooves instead of hands. Being a unicorn would allow for fine manipulation of objects like with hands and casting various spells which would be epic. However i cannot ignore the desire to fly. Almost every human has some desire to be able to fly, even if it is masked. The sky has an especially strong calling for me, explaining why being a pilot is my carer of choice, and being able to fly under my own power would be amazing.
  19. Luna feels like a more realistic character to me. While she is powerful and important she is flawed and struggles with acceptance. Also Celestia is very manipulative and has more questionable motives and character traits. Over all i just think that Luna is better realized than Celestia.
  20. It took me three episodes to rely get into the fandom. I am relatively new to the fandom, i came in after i saw MMC and watched a few episodes after that which i fell in love with. The episodes which made me like the show (besides the one i came in on) were Lesson zero, the canterlot wedding episodes (i consider 2 part episodes one episodes), and stare master.
  21. The crystal empire is one of the most underrated episodes in my opinion. While it was the worst of the two part episodes it was still very good. I feel that the story was unique and truly suspenseful, i liked the concept, and king sombra was awesome. I dont get why a lot of people dismiss it as one of the worse episodes. The other episode that stands out is Wonderbolts Academy. I dont see why people thought it was forgettable. I liked the story, i thought lighting dust was cool at first, and the lesson was good. It did have some mediocre parts, but as a whole the episode was good.
  22. I use the term "brony" to describe any fan who falls outside of the 5-12 year old girl target demographic. In my opinion you dont have to be active in the fandom to be considered a brony, you just need to enjoy the show. So you dont have to be like me and write fanfics, make music, draw fanart, etc. to be a brony.
  23. i like derpy because she is cute and funny. I think alot of the hype comes from the fact that she was a mistake and the animators turned her into a wheres waldo type of character. Also she has become a meme within the community.
  24. No, i would never leave the fandom because of fan animations, art, fan fics, etc. disappointing me. I try not to elevate fan works to the level of an actual episode. That way i dont feel disappointed, i either dont like it (double rainboom), or it impresses me (Snowdrop). The only thing that would make me leave is if the episodes became terrible and the entire fandom lost its creativity (which we all know is not going to happen).
  25. No one is so crazy that they would storm a brony convention and commit mass murder. I highly doubt that you have to orry about being killed for liking a show, many people troll us, but i have never heard of someone getting physically violent against people becasue of watching MLP.
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