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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by StormBlaze

  1. i must say that i had anxiety when I was a teen - I was a very shy child too. it wasnt until I was 16/17 did I start breaking out of it, but the anxiety still remained with me for years. I was scared to go anywhere on my own, had a fear of using phones to call/actually talk to someone and it screwed up my first job and relationships. Mainly its from my parents - my Mum especially from her upbringing. Her family were very business driven when she was growing up, we had a chain of shops back in the day and she was just landed with being in charge of it all from her teens pretty much. My anxiety comes from her and how failing grades or giving up anything is the biggest failure ever. I have a fear of failure and just stepping out against my Mum (tatoos is the big issue we're arguing over at this time actually). I've 98% broken through any anxiety I had now, new home, travel, new friends, new job and new partner really did help me just "grow up" and get on with my life. I now have no issues in asking for pool cues behind the bar (that was one thing I was never able to do before and my ex used to always bring it up and say how pathetic I was about it). I also now work as a secretary answering phones and making calls. The making calls to strangers still bugs me a little if i dont know what im even really phoning for. I did however get an anxiety attack in front of my current partner over a simple thing =/ I insisted on paying the parking meter, but my brain cant function maths very well and whilst I was trying to work out what change I needed, I started panicking and just broke down as a small queue formed at the machine. It was horrible. That happened early this year in fact, but has bene the only time recently ive felt anxiety try to bring be back down. My personality has done well to hide anxiety by just being the over confident loud Rainbow Dash type person, because it works. Its like compensating personality traits vs flaws.
  2. um... no? considering Dashie and I are female? (for the last time, Im a girl irl!) that would make me want him to be straight
  3. from a deisgn point of view, there are 4 evil colours to choose from; Red, Green, Orange and Purple. So there only so many combos you can have. But even I think it was too close to similar designs here. also noting haven drawn starlight a few times, she has 2 shades of purple in her mane, not the one main one.
  4. oooh its a toughie, i like all cartoons equally and dont have a fave. MLP is pretty high up there. hmmmm do Disney movies count? lol
  5. im 26 and theres nothing wrong with being an adult and loving cartoons. Im a pretty big SU fan too, i love the theories if anything. Jasper and Amethyst are my fave characters... oh and Lion too.
  6. As Dash sings in the latest song, this is the reason people love and hate her. Its a very split discussion. Some people love in your face characters like her, others really hate it because of the egomania. Me? I freaking love her because she has reflected a lot of my old personality - I've been trying to change and make myself a better person because of her attitudes in her episodes and seeing how people can hate her. I don'y like being hated, I've had a lot of drama in my past because of the way I acted. I'm a wannabe extrovert, I just want to be sucessful and show off what I can do, but I'm learning to curb my egotism. Of all the ponies, I relate to her the most (yes I know a lot of people say that), but I already mentioned personality, the other thing I am is a tomboy. =3 I'm also not a fan of quiet shy "pathetic" characters. Sorry
  7. sometimes i guess? but if anything i'd be happy to be able to slim down to cosplay as her again without worrying about my body size. I just want to get rid of my middle part, maybe get a few more muscles back in my arms.
  8. LOL I went to a prep school and omfg Sports is the biggest thing - especially girls hockey and all the boys' main sports. Prep schools are bloody competitive. We really are on the levels of seeing rival schools as bitchy glory hounds like in EQG. One of our big rivals was a very sports obsessed school and very difficult to beat - so having a match against them does very much feel like the tensions seen in the Friendship Games. Not sure if its the school driven to be the best or if its actually the pupils who really fight for it. It was really hard to tell and I think this mind set is what we see in Equestria Girls. The reason Twilight got glowered on a lot is because she is not sporty. In our school, you were kinda a nobody if you were not into sports at all. I guess that Canterlot High is just a very chilled out school - I've no idea what a non prep school over here is like, I never went to one and we only had sports matches against other private schools. I also have no idea if its just different in the States anyway.
  9. It was ok... my partner (big AJ fan) didnt like it. - Has AJ got 2 jobs now? Working at this stand as well as farm work at home? - Its a very Adele style song, personally not a fan of Adele much. Didnt seem like AJ's style to me. But always nice to hear Ashley get her solo songs. - This juice bar is not apples only!
  10. Sunset why you so talented?! Super smart, ace at guitar and singing, and now art! Girl of many talents. I only tick 2 of those boxes LOL
  11. eek! any of the mods around? commission store related query please!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. StormBlaze


      I just need the last commission payment sent through urgently. Lady K hasnt been on for a while and Im going away this week so i need the order payment to be finalised. I will have no internet access until september. Not even on my phone. 

    3. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      @StormBlaze I've passed it on to the techs. Hopefully they can get it sorted for you asap. :)

    4. StormBlaze
  12. i simply love this one have had the song in my head since I heard it aired. I love Sunset Shimmer, keep seeing more of myself in her as the EQ episodes go on. I love her "screw it" moment with her hair ^^ I'm also glad to see she has an apartment. Its certainly the kind of apartment I would love to have if I lived in London. open air bedroom area and open plan living space. Those places cost a fair bit here in the UK. Not sure what the standard building regs are like over the pond, but copper piping, as youve all pointed out, is a standard feature in any kind of home. Heck the wealthier houses have exposed brass and copper piping on the walls in bathrooms as a feature not because of a cost issue to upgrade. If anything points out the condition/age of the place, its the awful old wallpaper in the bathroom. though it does appear that her kitchen consists of a fridge and microwave. also pssssst double bed anyone? Usually in film/TV/cartoons that hints she hasn't/does'nt live alone. Maybe Flash hung out a few nights? *wink wink*
  13. out of box and tagless for my fave plushies. Just looks better on my shelves if its not just a block of boxes. I keep some boxes - Wonderbolt themed ones or SDCC type buys. Theres a few figures still in boxes atm because I'm still working out where to put them.
  14. im assuming we will see each character get a blind bag figure - there's been an increase on variations recently with them. I think they are also done on popularity. I still have no clue as to why there's merch of Hoity Toity. The fandom didnt like him THAT much. Auhizotal, Ember and Sunburst should be on the list for merch though. The creatures may just be future accessories in guardians of harmony packs. The Cockatrice came with the Shadowbolt after all. Let Hasbro get the movie out of their system first then we can see what will come next.
  15. kinda an odd one, considering Tomy do amazingly well with things like Pokemon. Their figures tend to be really high quality, but I guess with guardians of harmony and the mini figure sets, Hasbro don't need another toy company to partner with for MLP.
  16. for some reason the fandom likes to jump on every stallion who is single being gay unless otherwise stated within the show -_- You leave my Soarin alone. He's made for Dashie (and me)
  17. at work so i cant do a quick recording, but here's one of our song covers. Luna's speaking voice is closest to my everyday voice - but I also sing. I have 2 singing voices. The Luna one is more my "formal" singing. Then there's my "fun" voice. I use it for Dashie and Vinyl Scratch and with more punk/rock sounding songs. (towards the end, my god I turn into Vinyl) If anything I just sound like a British Nowacking
  18. British here and very Southern. I was born and live in Taunton, Somerset. Though I have moved around the country a bit. You can find me in Cornwall and Cumbria in the Summer. I've lived in Plymouth (Devon), Outside Basingstoke (Hampshire) and Camberly (Surrey)
  19. I wish I was a pro singer and knew what I was doing. Ok so I can sing, but I rely a lot on Denz or music friends to do the tracks and mixing. I have no idea how to properly mix vocals.
  20. pokemon general fandom - I am still big on merch collection groups though FNAF - the lore still interests me, but lost the love and thrill for the games Any anime fandoms - just lost interest in the fandom, but not the anime. Sonic - left a veeery long time ago. Neopets - just drifted away and stopped playing Furry fandom - semi retired. I only do the artwork these days. I dont go to meets, I barely fursuit and i withdrew from most cons and events.
  21. i like both, but i feel happiest when part of a group. I like being the centre of attention, the beta/ 2nd in command and a matriarch figure in a group. I have done for years, but in the last year Ive just not been able to get that friendship group again and I just feel very lost. =( I also enjoy being a host, but its awful when you feel you have no one to invite over or go places with. So it's just been Denz and myself for a year now. It does get quite lonely for us.
  22. i think im 5" 10/11 near to the 6ft mark. my Mum is the only one in the family shorter than me. My Dad and younger siblings are all taller. Dad is like 6" 3.
  23. Music certainly helps a ton. Watching cartoons - mainly ponies, pokemon and Disney My partner. He just knows how to get a smile out of me no matter how bad the situation.
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