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Everything posted by StormBlaze

  1. So ponies, Nightmare Night is coming, lets talk about costumes!!! What would your OC dress up as? Or do you have a fave costume from the show? Stormy usually sports a Shadowbolts outfit, but she also takes on her Siren form around this time of year.
  2. Tabitha, Rebecca (Equestria Girls more) and Kazumi Evans are my faves. Also liking Vincent Tong a bit more recently. The only one I have met in person is Peter New.
  3. got the feather flu =( ill pegasus

    1. Techno Universal

      Techno Universal

      Yeah I got a strain of the dangerous Fijian flu last year and the headaches from it were so bad to the point where I was just losing awareness. Like I literally felt like I could just suddenly drop dead at any moment! Anyways I wonder if you've noticed that my OC seems impossible to exist? :)

  4. they are based on the Blue Angels, but as I am not American, I am not familiar with them and what they do. We do however, have our own variation of them, the Red Arrows. Which are military, but not used in combat, they are entertainment and a national symbol of morale. I assume the Blue Angels and Wonderbolts would be the same terms. BUT We have seen the Wonderbolts deployed as military units. The episode where Spike grows full size, its the Wondebrolts who attempt to come to the rescue as authority measures, but fail. The main one is the use of the Wonderbolts as an Air Force in the Crystal War against Sombra. Ok so its a different timeline and the Wonderbolts will likely have been reassigned to combat, but that would not have taken effect until Sombra returned. We would note that peace in the timelines are the same until the Crystal Empire returned. Then there is the History of the Wonderbolts. Originally they were part of the Royal Equestrian guard, but branched off for morale entertainment purposes. So I would say that they are trained to be ready for combat, but its not needed during peacetimes, which is why they don't come across so militaristic. Heck, even Dash just wants to join up to show off her flying skills, not to enlist.
  5. loving Dashies new look, at last something thats more her and NO SKIRT! Im very indifferent to the others, but Im not os sure about Sunset's more studs look. Kinda reverts back to her old look, her bully look and I dunno if i really like it. Just annoyed it came out just as I finished putting together my sunset cosplay of her current nice look. x.x i am however, glad to see the giant boot look gone!
  6. join up and become the new double crime spree team? LOL i dunno. My faves are Vinyl, Lyra and Sea Swirl..... though I guess Sea Swirl really wanted that dress that she couldnt afford....
  7. Fallout Equestria would be a thing =D but meh, it would more likely be Crystal warfare than nuclear
  8. wasnt intended to be mean. Heck, Lauren Faust has been posting such things for AGES!!!
  9. my god my heart just melted when Sunset ruffled Flash's hair <3 really shipping hard now. Flash has grown on me too. I love that short. Also pushing more Bulk Shy shipping ^^ I found it rather amusing that Dash works in a sports shop....... if anyone knows of Sports Direct stores, its notoriously the worst retail company to work for, poor Dash. I cant say I enjoyed Coinky Dink very much. just a sub par Pinkie one really. *shrugs*
  10. Currently marathoning our way through Hell's Kitchen USA (the UK one is not on netflix yet for some odd reason).
  11. being British, we're pretty harsh on our insults. They just roll off the tongue or have a sharp edge to them when said mwwaha. anyway my fave ones are "Twat-hammer" and "douche canoe". or the best ones against Americans or everyday joes are the ones where you use ye olde long lost English words that are not an insult, but the uneducated masses take as an insult. eg: "you in-eloquent tarquin"
  12. yup. always a custom in my family to be given calendars at Christmas. I also always use them for work, be it digital or hand written ones. if you have a routine or are organised, youre never without a calendar.
  13. *facedesk* Jehovah's Witnesses are not bloody SJW -_- ...good lord reading the start of this thread. Theyre actually quite nice people. My new co worker is one and he doenst shove the beliefs in our faces at all. He's rather chill and lax about it. They only really have a bad rep because theyre the usual door to door "Have you heard the good news?" type people. Just come across as an annoyance in this modern world because of it.
  14. hey Im a cat person ^^; and yeah i can drink tea, but i just dont like being hot in general so cold drinks please! My fave drink would be milkshakes. Although I've been on a berry juice phase this summer.
  15. Denz has asked which song/where do you think I sound flat? He wants to run it by his software to check. He showed me last night how he uses his music software (not sure what tbh, not my department heh) and it tells you if the key and pitch is on or not. He normally uses it for his own vocals, but has told me and shown me that he doesn't have to touch my vocals in adjusting pitch. So we're both wondering where you think its off for wip notes.
  16. yaaay questions! - I have a few, but the worst ones are leaving drink or cereal on the kitchen counter without washing it out. (My Mum is the worst for this with tea) and people who clean up my spaces without me knowing ie. My Mum and Office Cleaners. I like knowing where things are. - I will, but I won't be drinking tea. Not a fan of hot drinks. - Kanto, its where it all started and I have always had a love for the region. - Not too hard, had to double take when I glanced over the questions at first. - I don't have a perfect sandwhich. I guess as long as its got bacon and some form of chicken in it with mayo or ranch, then I'm happy. OR A cheese spread roll with crisps(chips) in it. Walkers/Lays and Cheesey puff crisps are the best for this! - Easy. Cats. I adore cats. I like dogs too, but I'd much rather have cats over dogs =3
  17. Not really fussed but to help with ideas; she is a rock singer and a mega fan of the Wonderbolts
  18. i get a few comments saying they think im holding back on power, but i really dont feel it O.o also my posture is utterly buggered so i dunno if that affects that or if i'll ever get over that. You're the first one to tell me im flat, like ever =/ Denz does all my mixing and editing and hasnt pointed out any flat notes, he's really good at pin pointing flaws, or ive never really noticed myself. so im a little taken back by such comment
  19. if yoou're still taking requests, could you do one of StormBlaze for me please?
  20. Rainbow Dash. it was nice to finally see a decent tomboy character in a cartoon and ironic because she's got rainbow mane and tail. Still my fave. So she got me invested in the show, but community fandom stuff didnt happen until 2012 when I went to a pony promotion day at my local Forbidden Planet - they were having a pony day for all the new merch they just got in.
  21. Sunset, Twilight, Fluttershy and Dash I always seem to find suitable ships for. (though Dash should only be with Soarin imo) I always struggle to pair Rarity, AJ and Pinkie with some ponies. Pinkie could be asexual for all I know lol. Rarity and AJ I just pair together. I imagine Rarity would have had so many breakups with past stallions.
  22. another Brit with a British complaint. its the correct way to spell it. same goes for Colour. It annoys me when its spelt wrong. (dont you say "spelt" is not a word google auto correct) Anyway. A few peeves are the lack of remembering when something has already happened. Like this weeks episode - Twilight being unable to do a magic hair spell after being able to give Spike facial hair in earlier seasons. and the spelling of Griffon....... its either Griffin or Gryphon please.
  23. i wouldve thought in general some horse terms could be used. "Mule" is one they dont like to be called anyway. "Lame" could be used as a slur for broken/disabled/mentally slow. A lame horse is a bad horse. Zebras could be "griffon/manticore fodder"..... because thats the closest to lions we'll get... food chains and all that. ^^; im not good at creating insults really.
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