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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by StormBlaze

  1. StormBlaze

    movies/tv Subs Or Dubs?

    dont hate me, but i favour the dubs. its a mix of having grown up with various anime being shown on daytime TV being dubbed (often badly, it was the 90s) and the fact that when im watching an anime im either drawing/working on something else or falling asleep on the sofa/in bed. So i rely on my hearing more than my eyes. Plus theres a lot of VAs ive grown up hearing and falling in love with their characters, why change that? (Matt Hill & Josh Seth yes plz) I dont utterly shun subs though. Denz and I watch a lot of asian cinema subbed. because it is better in its original. Heck i started watching Ghibli movies subbed first. Then found out they had been dubbed. THE MOST annoying thing about dubbed movies and TV shows is that there are usually 2 versions. The original dub vs updated newer dubs dont utterly bother me, but its the UK vs US ones i hate. America you have ruined Asterix films!!!!!!!!! It's not Vitamix, hes called Getafix in english! Some of the Asterix movies are VERY hard to find download and DVD versions, so im always pissed off when I finally find a opy of "The Big Fight" and its the crappy US dub. I dread to think that they have re-dubbed Asterix in Britain. ugh Anyway. im 50/50 on it really, but I opt more for dubs if I can. Personal faves: Cowboy Bebop, The Seven Deadly Sins, Wolf's Rain, Lupin III series, Hellsing Ultimate The ones I grew up with but still watch the dubs (dont hate me): Pokemon (up to Master Quest and Movie 8), Digimon (up to series 2), Card Captors, Moomin, Naruto
  2. a very rare art trade thread has appeared! :pout:

  3. So Im having a quiet moment after a con this weekend, and now offering to do some very rare art trades. I am offering either Pencil sketch or black ink work In return I would like anything from the list: StormBlaze (normally wears dog tags and Wonderbolts hoodie) - With any of these canon ponies: Soarin, Rainbow Dash, Tempest Shadow, Sunset Shimmer, Vinyl Scratch - With Denz (her special somepony & guitarist) - Singing - As a Wonderbolt - As a Shadowbolt - Drinking a mint milkshake - Drawing - Dancing/rocking out - As a Fallout Character (vault suit & swords as weapon of choice) - As her siren form Dont mind if shes anthro or if you wanna draw a generic easy pic of her/flying. If anthro, then she wears a black tank top and urban camo shorts under her hoodie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you would like to trade please give me details: Name of character: Species: Ref: Brief personality description: Accessories: Theme (if any): Preference in art type: Simple sketch | Headshot sketch | inks
  4. lets see.... there are a few nice ones around. the obvious Gurdaians of Harmony ones (theres 2), the welovefine chibi and the Funko mini fig. Sadly she was never made into the full size version.
  5. i love these kinds of figures, so im hoping for Rainbow Dash, AJ and Sunset Shimmer ones!
  6. haha yeah we noticed this too! and my BF's fave pony is AJ. Rarity is the same though, theres not much of her either. I guess the "market research" says that they are least popular so put more of the popular ponies on the merch.
  7. Liberty Prime....... well this is an odd thread. Starlight would win. Liberty Prime is just a robot. And was defeated anyway. I would assume Starlight would know a spell to just take him to pieces, maybe unscrew all the bolts holding him together.
  8. i have the BaB one, both types of TY minis, the slightly bigger one, the auora plush and one I got as a prize at the arcades. But I only have 1 custom made Dashie, with a matching Soarin.
  9. more so weirded out by it. They cant controll the Everfree Forest weather either. so Id guess it would be like that all the time. Theyd probably be confused by weather forecasts too.
  10. ive not done so myself, but my partner and my sister both works at a wildlife rescue (in the UK). I assume the animals vary in different places, but they both said that they dealt with a stupid amount of pigeons. Ive only ever worked with animals as a stablehand.
  11. oh you guys are talking about actually mixing up drinks to drink....... i thought this was about "mixing drinks" on a night out i.e; drinking beer first, then move on to cocktails and jagerbombs at the same time.....WHICH IS A REALLY BAD IDEA.
  12. im 27 and have always felt like i should be in my early 30s since I was 21. Some things Im quite mature on, but then theres other things that drag me down to teenage fears and worries. Usually things I dont understand or dont know how to do. Socially, even though i wasnt always the oldest in the group, ive always felt like the alpha female/den mother type character of the group. Im also perfectly capable of being a big kid. Sometimes i just never grew up =p
  13. wow lots of angry young people in here! All I can say is, dont go down that route. Its not worth it and you wont be seeing these people again later in life. Focus on yourself and getting through the day. Cant say I really had such thoughts when I was in school. I think i thought more along the prankster levels rather than "i wish they were dead". tbh the harshest thing Id ever had wanted to do was scream at their faces letting them know how much of a bad person they are. But tbh karma and destiny find ways to deal with bullies. I see one of the guys I hated around town since I moved back. Hes pretty much been in the same job since leaving college and hes stuck in the same routine, when all of his old friends have gone away. Tbh I made up with his lackeys who joined in the name calling. Theyre pretty nice guys. One of those amazing moments when you meet one of them when theyre alone and theyre civil and nice. But that one guy was a bad egg on his own >.> makes me happy to see that im doing better than him.
  14. honestly cant say for sure. Like for exmaple my 6th form years were great, but more so because at that age, you get to know the teachers more and are trusted as an adult more so too. Being the heads of the houseroom type roles, or after school stuff for the younger years. Also at this time for me I pretty much had the power to go along on various younger years' field trips as "a teacher's assistant" or for "artistic research". Best one was that I got to go to the zoo with my little brother's year because I my art coursework had animals in it. Plus I kinda enjoyed being the oldest one of the groups. I also had a great 4th form (year 10) just due to the whole "will they wont they" with a close friend (that was actually fun and hilarious at the same time), had the best field trip ever - 3 days in Disneyland "studying" rollercoaster designs, had to go to seminars in the morning but afterwards were free to roam the parks. It was also the last year we get before serious exams were a thing. So it was one big party really. so my best years were when I was 14 and when I was 17/18.
  15. someone told me I was funny. but i honestly dont believe it. I can make our household laugh by quoting daft things that are relevant.... usually The Simpsons. But just everyday, no I dont think I am.
  16. wasnt so much a spank than it was a slap from my Mum. her target zones were shoulder, waist, upper arm and just back in general. always got the old "go to your room". which tbh thinking about it now, wasnt the worst place to be sent to. got a console ban, PC ban, games were confiscated. But if anything the worst was and still is the stern talking to at the kitchen table. Literally the worst thing ever. or and just being screamed and shouted at when i did a bad thing. That sticks with you for life. I still cant talk back to my Mum today because she has the louder voice x.x luckily I have my own house though. Punishments were Mum's department. Dad only ever told me off verbally. I listen to him LOL.
  17. always wanted to be a horse, so lol. i guess id rather be the pony.
  18. Horses and cats are the big ones. but specifically: Horses, Snow Leopards and Okapis.
  19. spending the remainder of my evening rocking out to my music inspiration, Sir Elton. YEAH YEAH YEAH

  20. anyone got a link to the premiere? i was an hour out because bloody daylight savings -_- 

  21. cost and time are key factors in it. You need a lot of manpower to do the old hand drawn cell animation. technically.... hand drawn animation exists but its using digital software and graphic tablets. There are some dire 2D animations out there where its just flash used to move shapes around the screen (Peppa Pig for one). They just have rigs instead of redraw every character. Sadly CGI has become really cheap and a cost cutting way to produce cartoons, adverts and games. The cheapo ones dont require much in the way of artist and design talent. Can you use a computer? then yes we'll hire you to move/program this character's finger. >.> I really hope we get a revival in animation, because youtube is full of students and hobbyists who animate for fun and for the love of keeping the old techniques alive. Maybe one day one of those animators will bring back 2D animation on the big screen. (Im excluding MLP in this as we are all aware of it)
  22. thats Canadian??? i thought it was British..... but that would explain why theres some very odd accents and words used in it. The one that bugs me the most is in Mattameo. they dont say "ants" they call them "aunts"..... there is no UK accent that calls ants "aunt". Im British, so pretty much all US cartoons are forgein to me lol. but my faves are The Silver Brumby (Australia), The Raccoons (Canada) and Tintin (Belgium) and Asterix (France).
  23. cant remember distcances, but ive done army cadet training when I was a teen. I remember a hike going on all day. We camped and spent the next day just walking. Got to the point in late afternoon. but i cant remember the distance. Im used to just walking in "automatic" on walks in the Lake District. For someone who is very unfit, 3-5 miles is huge.
  24. nuts, i misread is a "SoarDash". not a fan of shipping sonic characters with ponies personally.
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