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Everything posted by Jangocoolguy

  1. More like a thousanaire. Her business is expanding and is successful, but expenses and the cost of living can really catch up with you. Not to mention her frittering away who knows how much on extravagant items...
  2. After an unimpressive premiere and standard episode with some good moments, this was the kick in the pants this season needed. It addressed something we've been wondering about even before they got their marks about what happen after that, and even different ways. Some nice cameos too. Though I'm not sure I buy Applebloom being so codependent (especially after "Somepony to Watch Over Mer") Also, seeing the CMC with Bulk Biceps of all ponies was hysterical! They should do that kind of thing with Derpy next
  3. Not bad. Started out kinda slow or low key (though that's to be expected with Maude involved), then things got interesting. Pairing Rarity with Pinkie Pie makes things good off the bat, since we don't see them together much without the other 4. They played off each other rather well. Better than I thought they would even Adding Maude to the mix also helped. Then when the party canon was put on the line, things REALLY got interesting. Also, Rarity does a pretty good Pinkie impression!
  4. Probably saving him for the movie so they can get someone big (or at least moderate sized) to voice him
  5. If it ain't broke... Maybe for the series finale. Otherwise I can't see them making a story that takes so many episodes without things being forced or awkward.
  6. It's just that I'm so used to them in the premieres and finales it feels weird not to have one this time. (though it would be nice if they showed just a little more often)
  7. Worst. Premiere. Ever. It was like they took stand alone episodes, and (very) awkwardly mashed them together to make a premiere that doesn't know what it's about or decide on a tone Also, points lost for no villain :okiedokielokie: HOWEVER, I'll give it points for making the best use of Spike in years, and having Celestia at least try to make herself useful.
  8. The Million Bit question: Now that the crusade is over, just what can the writer's DO with them? I guess we're about to find out...
  9. The Crystalling, which felt like 2 stand-alone episodes (very) awkwardly mashed together to make a 2-Part Premiere that doesn't seem to know what it's about and can't decide on a tone... I fear they're running out of ideas. My Shark-Jump sense is tingling...
  10. I just have this to say about it... https://i.chzbgr.com/full/8758989312/h409E37D9/
  11. "Season 6 will probably be Spike's Best Season" Not that that will take much...
  12. I'm okay with her as long as she doesn't become MLP's Cousin Oliver or Scrappy Doo... (Though I have an uncomfortable feeling she will... )
  13. Bulk Biceps: Uh-oh! (why da ya think we called "Roid Rage" for so long? )
  14. No thanks. As much as part of me would like what happened with Discord to happen with her, I want it to be more organic than in the OP. That was a terrible so-called "redemption", and I can see her going bad again because of it...but it could make things worse if not done juuussst right. So we'll just have to see how it play out and hope things get better.
  15. It'll be looked at as an oddity of grown-ass men obsessing over (and HIGHLY perverting) a show for little girls and making mountains out of mole hills...
  16. meh. The only thing I took from that is visiting the Dragonlands. Otherwise I'm not impressed. I just hope this doesn't get little girls interested in that overrated trash. And to those of you said you haven't seen GoT, don't bother. It's a complete waste of time and emotional investment.
  17. I think they kind of touched on that with "Three's a Crowd" when Twilight and Cadence went to that Starswirl thing. Not to mention Twi and Dash being total fangeeks in "Daring Don't" talking about DD's adventures while the others looked on like "okay..." That said, it could be a fun and interesting episode if done right (IF being the keyword there)
  18. Okay, so the new tagline for the toys is "Explore Equestria". Which makes me wonder if the Mane 6 will go out and about the land to previously un-shown locations, along doing new things with old locales. Or do they do enough world traveling as it is that they don't need to dedicate a season to it? Just fairly curious and wanted to see what anyone else thought.
  19. Probably in the 2017 Movie, I shouldn't wonder (And just hope they don't do for MLP what they did for the Smurfs...) And yes, one has to wonder if the Williams Siblings will be involved. At one time I thought we might get something semi-human like elves, dwarves, fairies and the like, but it looks like they're out of the question thanks to Equestria Girls.
  20. Oh yeah, forgot about BBBFF. Why actually TELL the Other 5 and the audience about Shining Armor when you can use a fluffy song? The CMC kinda deserved for misinterpreting Twilight's advice and did what they liked instead of what they were good at. Though to be fair, Twilight herself deserves blame for her poor choice of words. Meanwhile, Spike just got cocky and made a full of himself for it. Though I DO agree with you that him being a buttmonkey (buttdragon) really does get old (poor li'l feller )
  21. Just so clear things up: "The Cutie Mark Crusaders Theme Song" and Spike's rendition of the Cloudsdale Anthem are bad on purpose. So I'm not sure they count (still bad to listen to though). I think "Razzle Dazzle" was intentionally bad too, but for a different reason. That said, I'm not a big fan of Pinkie's early songs in the first few episodes. The little girls may've like them, or at least I hope so, but to me they were just annoying.
  22. Pretty much this. (even though Optimus has been killed and revived so many times it's a joke)
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