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The Nth Doctor

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Everything posted by The Nth Doctor

  1. Moondancer threw herself into her studies, something real people have done Starlight...turned into an evil dictator because her friend got a tattoo, which... Yeah, there's nothing similar about their backstories (Although Starlight had some fifteen years or so to stew in her misery before getting apprehended, so...)
  2. I just want to know HOW the Changelings managed to get into Canterlot to replace the Royal Sisters AGAIN
  3. -Seasons Five and Six took the beautifully-crafted characters from the first four seasons and proceeded to drag them through the mud in terms of characterization, with Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash getting hit the hardest -Twilight Sparkle is not good princess material -Discord should not have been redeemed -Starlight Glimmer should not have been redeemed
  4. It was never explicitly stated the Apples are related to the Pies (It was left ambiguous at the end of the episode because Status Quo Is God) Besides, by the time the show takes place, they're cousins so far removed it wouldn't matter if they got together or not
  6. With the exception of Return of Harmony and Dungeons and Discords, the show has wasted Discord as a character He's an omnipotent reality warper with a prankster streak a mile wide that's being strangled by the likes of the Mane 6 His flirting with Trixie in There and Back Again Part 1 was a breath of fresh air and he was then promptly gagged again
  7. I just view EQG as an alternate universe and blame inconsistencies on the fact events have happened slightly differently in Equestria that we never get to see Such as Pony!Twilight being a good ten/fifteen years younger than she is in the show so she's eligible to even enroll in high school EQG is basically fanfiction that doesn't even try to adhere to the show it's based off of and characterization is all over the place Somewhat justified for the Humane Five since they've not had the same development as their Equestrian coutnerparts, but sweet mother of Faust, is the flanderization of Rarity and Pinkie Pie cringe-inducing All that's ever on their minds is FASHION and PARTIES respectively as of Legend of Everfree
  8. Season 6 did a fantastic job of wasting the potential plotline of Starlight Glimmer growing as a character by showing her growing past her mistakes and learning how not to be a dictator The Season 6 Finale implies that's what happened, but we never saw any of it "No Second Prances" should've come after "Every Little Thing She Does" and was Starlight's first attempt at taking her Friendship Lessons seriously, gaining her an acquaintance in Trixie "I'm An Insufferable Blowhard" Lulamoon I found Trixie's flirting with Discord more believable than her "friendship" with Starlight
  9. Rainbow Dash: Ego? Ego ego, ego, awesome, cool, sweet, Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash Scootaloo: Rainbow Dash Rainbow Dash angst angst Rarity: DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARLING Fluttershy: ... Celestia: MOOOOOOOOOOOON Luna: SISTER I'm sure their conversations are truly sometihng to behold
  10. Every time I watch Legend of Everfree, the animation errors seem to get worse and worse Rainbow Rocks holds up pretty well while Friendship Games drives me into a frothing rage over a wasted plotline with Midnight Sparkle
  11. Unique design, detailed character arc, interesting premise (that was then copied by Starlight Glimmer and given a new coat of paint) I also blame the fact she was introduced during the time of the Internet when bacon was memetic and her hair...looks nothing like bacon It is literally ketchup and mustard But does anyone ever listen to the sane person? Noooooooooo
  12. Absolutely just look at characters like Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity Especially during episodes like Cart Before The Ponies, Tanks for the Memories and Princess Spike When a show has to butcher characterization for the sake of the plot, you know the quality has plummeted from what it used to be It peaked during Season 4 and has been falling ever since
  13. I'm surprised to you didn't use Rarity's behavior in Spice Up Your Life or Cart Before The Ponies She keeps getting caught up in current trends and tramples over other ponies without a care in the world until she's beaten over the head with the moral of the story for the Nth time in the series Much like how Dash never learns to curb her ego, Rarity's characterization inches forward glacially At least she's not as bad as Twilight, who's flat-out regressed worse than Starlight during "Every Little Thing She Does"
  14. Kinda-maybe-sorta blue-green Depends on the lighting
  15. Socks and a towel Not the alarm clock to replace the one that died on me Not money to buy food Nothing to stave off boredom Just some nice comfy socks and a thick fluffy towel DESPITE THE FACT I ALREADY HAVE THREE OTHER TOWELS GG family
  16. Depends on the shape of the claw - sometimes the thumb and pinkie never touch the face, leaving only the index, middle and ring fingers to actually claw the face
  17. There's only so many times you can milk her shy personality before it starts boring people Granted, that doesn't stop the writers from making Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and especially Rainbow Dash into hypocrites who forget their previous lessons, so... Just no reason to use her, I guess?
  18. If Celestia and Luna still had access to their magic to raise the sun and moon...why didn't they use that power to lay the smackdown on Chryssi? That's Canterlot Wedding levels of stupid
  19. EQG1 should've ended with Twilight taking Sunset back home to Celestia where she starts over while Starlight Glimmer remains more-or-less unchanged Preferably remaining evil or at least being imprisoned for her crimes against Equestria, but since this show loves redeeming and slaughtering interesting characterization... Unfortunately, as FiM is now, Sunset is redundant and the EQG films thankfully aren't canonical to the show's timeline (They happened, but they don't impact characterization at all)
  20. Let's see...Twilight Clones... We have Trixie Lulamoon, Twilight Velvet, Sunset Shimmer, Moondancer, Sci-Twi, Starlight Glimmer and Sweetcream Scoops Pinkie Clones are Cheese Sandwich and Party Favor Applejack clones are...the entire extended Apple family, more-or-less Fluttershy clones are Marble Pie I'd rather have more CMC clones like Tender Taps
  21. Should've been a background pony at Crystal Prep, along with Sombra and Chrysalis Ah well, missed opportunity
  22. Those both feel like something you'd hear as you're tripping through the time vortex
  23. Whenever the personalities clash so horribly that it requires the butchering of the characterization of both to even pretend to work Rarity with just about anyone, for example, since she's so self-absorbed Might as well be dating a mirror
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