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Everything posted by frecklesareblooming

  1. Fish, namely sushi and cod. I used to hate seafood but I gave it another try recently, and it's delicious. I especially love california rolls with spicy mayo - yum.
  2. It's stupid and illegal (in most places, I believe). Taking your attention off the road for a split second could cause an accident, that either kills/injures the driver taking the selfie, or those around them, if not both. I've heard of countless (and preventable) accidents happening on the road because some moron decided it was smart to take a selfie while the car was moving. Honestly, I wish people would at least wait for the car to stop moving at a red light, or just not do it at all.
  3. My dislike of social interaction. Honestly, I've missed out on so many things just because I didn't want to be around other people, or because I felt I couldn't do it anyway. My laziness. I tend to procrastinate a lot and do the bare minimum, especially concerning school. Just last week, during finals, I wrote an entire book report the day before it was due, without even reading the book. Eating. I have a love for food of all kinds, so I have a bad habit of eating absolute junk, and a lot of it. Because of this, I'm overweight, and before I become three to four hundred pounds I need to have it under control. Luckily, I've started a whole new, much healthier diet that I'm doing a good job of staying on, so there's something positive. Internet addiction. I prefer being on the Internet compared to being in real life. I just hate interacting with others and I want to stay behind a computer screen (or phone screen) all day long without being bothered.
  4. When I was younger, my sister accidentally hit me square in the face with a metal baseball bat. It was my fault, since I was standing directly behind her while she was playing ball, but I was being an idiot and didn't notice until I felt the bat collide with my skull. Fortunately, she didn't swing it too hard, but it still hurt like hell. Another time, having my toe nail ripped off from someone stepping on my foot. It was bleeding and I couldn't put any weight on it without it stinging. Makes me wince just thinking about it.
  5. Yep. This past school year, I was supposed to be at school by 8:00, only I woke up at 7:58 or so. I ended up not going because I was too afraid to face the secretary and get yelled at. It was pretty distressing for me as I hate being late to anything.
  6. MOTHS. I run from the room whenever I see one. I honestly don't know why, but I completely panic when one of them comes near me. Cockroaches are another one. They're absolutely disgusting and I have very bad memories of them infesting my house a few years back. Lastly, flies. I can't stand the buzzing noises they make and that's pretty much the entire reason why I hate them so much.
  7. A lot of vegetables, especially carrots. I can't stand the taste of them at all. My most hated is pickles, though. I can't stand the texture, taste, or even the sight of them. They gross me out and when I see people eating them I die a little inside. Spaghetti is also pretty high up on my list. It's quite a popular food but I just don't get it at all - especially when meat balls are involved. Makes me queasy just thinking about it. I have a lot more, but I could write a whole novel about them. I'm a very picky eater, if you haven't been able to tell.
  8. PS4. And this may sound completely stupid, but my phone lately. If you look hard enough, you can find some really addicting games with good stories or that are just plain fun. Something besides apps like Angry Birds and Temple Run, of course.
  9. Yep. I can stay up till two or three in the morning and still wake up at eight or nine, at the very latest ten, which sucks because I'm usually the first one up, and thus haven't much to do except browse the Internet or play games on my phone till someone comes out of their room.
  10. That's like choosing between my own two children, but if I had to pick, pizza.
  11. It depends on that particular teen's maturity, I would think. Way too often, being that I'm in high school, I see teens entering new relationships every day, acting like they can't live without the other and decorating everything with a flat surface with the date they got together. Then, big surprise, it doesn't work out and they hate each other mere days later. If two teens enter a relationship, and they treat that relationship with maturity and respect, not going into it just because it's 'cool' or 'expected', that relationship has a good chance to survive and grow. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen often.
  12. Coca Cola. I was once a pretty big soda fanatic, but Coca Cola tastes horrible. I remember nearly vomiting when I accidentally took a sip of my dad's soda, thinking it was mine. Gatorade. Everyone at my school drinks it, especially the athletes, and I don't get it. I can tolerate it, but the flavors are so weak to me and it sort of just tastes like watered down juice, if that makes any sense. Capri Sun. I used to like them enough, but now they just leave a bad taste in my mouth. I haven't had another for a long, long time. Sweet tea. I love unsweet, or regular, iced tea. I drink it every day, and it's probably my favorite drink. But sweet tea is my enemy - it tastes absolutely horrid, like drinking a mix of salt and sugar. I just hate it. What's worse is that whenever I order unsweet at a restaurant, they'll most likely give me sweet tea instead, and my soul will shrivel up each time I taste it before I have to send it back.
  13. Moths are my most hated insect. God, they look like zombie butterflies. I've had too many horrific experiences with them that I have a panic attack if I see one even near me. Even the pictures of them on this post gives me the creeps. I can't even express my disgust in words. Just, ugh.
  14. One thing that comes to mind is my almost (thankfully) car accident. It was snowing pretty heavily but unfortunately, school was still on. My school at the time was about twenty minutes away from my town and my mom had to drive on the icy roads. All was well until suddenly the car lurched and had us heading straight toward a tree. We got the car to stop only a few inches away from the stump. It was pretty terrifying and I remember everyone screaming and my mom trying to reassure us everything was going to be okay. I was pretty shaken up the rest of the day. The rest of my experiences have all been paranormal, or at least to me they were. Most likely, it was my imagination or something explainable, but still creepy. Probably the eeriest was at a sleepover a few years back. Everyone was laying in my living room on mattresses and I woke up in the middle of the night. I saw a tall (and by tall, I mean nearly reaching the ceiling) black figure standing over me. It didn't have a face, more of a cloud just hanging over me. I didn't even scream, I was too terrified, so I dove under my blankets and literally climbed on top of my friend, clinging onto her. She didn't see anything apparently. When I peeked out, I saw it going down the hallway. I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night and so I just kept my eyes shut and my head under the blanket.
  15. The country, no doubt! It seems so peaceful there, and not having to see people every time you leave your house is a bonus. I'd pretty much surround myself with animals (and hopefully wi-fi?) and live out my days happily.
  16. No, I find it easier to just check my phone. Plus, watches are super uncomfortable when I wear them. They always dig into my wrist and leave bright red marks behind, too.
  17. Just recently, I practically stabbed my leg on the corner of a chair at my school. I now have a huge, black bruise the size of a tennis ball on my thigh. When I was younger, I had two really bad burns from touching a tray of hot cookies and candle wax, respectively.
  18. My family would probably grab all essentials (and I'd stuff as much stuff in my bag as possible - obviously, my laptop and phone, some pony plushies and Harry Potter book collection, etc.), and then we'd all pile up in one of our cars and go the next town over, about an hour away, and stay in a hotel there. Oh, and I wouldn't forget my dog, because she's a sweetheart.
  19. Kind of. For example, my mother is one of my best friends in the world. She might frustrate me and even make me angry sometimes, but I love her and always will. As for the rest of my family, I love them, but don't consider them friends. I rarely see them since they're always either working or holed up in their rooms. My extended family, I see them as something far, far away from the term "friend". They're horrible and once I move out of my parent's home, I'll probably never see or speak to them again. They're the worst type of human beings there are.
  20. Without a doubt, pizza. There's so many variations of it that it probably wouldn't be too tiring and it would be delicious.
  21. Well, I'm a teenager myself, but I'll go ahead and contribute to this post. I can understand some people's hatred of teenagers. I'm around other teens all day at high school, and they're some of the worst people I've met. Incredibly rude and disrespectful, many of them dependent on drugs/alcohol, dressing in tight/revealing clothing or baggy jeans and oversized t-shirts, completely rude and judgemental. I've also met some wonderful teenagers who aren't completely insane (I consider myself to be in this group). Overall, I don't think teenagers should be painted with such a broad brush, but a lot of them don't exactly represent the rest of us very well. You can even argue that there are much older people who act exactly the same way; some people are just idiotic morons, no matter what their age group.
  22. I love the nighttime. It seems quieter to me and so much more peaceful than the daytime. During the day, there's always someone up in my house, making noise or wanting to go out and talk. I'm always thinking of one thing or another. But at night, everyone's asleep and it's completely silent. I love it. Now that summer's coming up, I can afford to stay up just a bit later and relish in the peace more than usual. I love using it to read a nice book with a cup of tea. Most relaxing part of my entire day.
  23. No. I sadly used to think that being a SJW was a good thing. I listened to some people who opposed them and came to my senses. Most SJWs are whiny teenagers who take everything way too seriously. In my experience, they're extremely defensive and if you don't agree with them, you're racist or sexist or homophobic. They make generalizations and are triggered by everything. Honestly, they're like a cancer of the Internet and make my Internet experience so much less enjoyable. Tumblr, a site I rather like, has been completely flooded with them for a long, long time, and I can't go two minutes without seeing a post on my dash about how all men are rape apologists or how women are so oppressed in society, flashing their bogus statistics. I'm just glad I didn't go too far that I couldn't see reason and the simple truth - SJWs are dumb.
  24. Yes, sometimes so much so that leaving the house requires more energy than it should, because the thought of being around people and even worse, talking to them makes me ill. I've had anxiety attacks, or at least some symptoms - sweating excessively, extremely nervous thoughts, dry mouth, nausea, etc. I hate attending my high school because of this; constantly surrounded by people, bumping into me in the hallways and being earbleedingly loud. I can't even order my own food at restaurants. It's an irritating thing and I know I have nothing to be afraid of, but I'm afraid anyway.
  25. Not at all. I do have some fandom-related shirts, which I love, but apart from that, my wardrobe is hideous. I only own three pairs of jeans, all of which are super baggy and too big for me since I've been losing some weight. I own some nice shirts (by some I mean, like, four), but they're all dying a slow, painful death since I've had them so long. Fortunately, around this August I was promised an entirely new wardrobe, so I'm gonna be twice as careful with what I pick and making sure I actually look appealing to the eye.
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