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Everything posted by DageNox

  1. Just Finished watching Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works and wow

  2. Close to crying

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    2. DageNox


      Sigh, its because I started thinking about myself. In my head I believe I am nothing and not valued at all. That I'm dumb, a loser and a bunch if other things even more negative.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Aw, that is not good at all. :( I know how that feels, I deal with self esteem and self confidence issues all the time, it really is a rough feeling to deal with.

    4. DageNox


      Yeah, I pushed it back again for now.

      I'm thinking about seeing a psychologist sometime soon I hope.

  3. Self reflecting again, also just watched LDShadowlady's newest video. I should probably do my school work though, but I'm lazy and tired. Maybe I vent later on the forums, as I'm holding a lot of stress and feelings in.
  4. It'd would take time getting use to my new body, but yeah I'd love to go to Equestria and never come back. I would do anything within my power to do so probably if it was guaranteed. It would be weird if I was a pegasus, because I'd be more use to walking than flying so I might end up like Fluttershy and hardly fly. (Hopefully I'm a Unicorn) Next thing on my agenda is getting to know the canon characters and my cutie mark.
  5. Remember, remember, the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot; I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

  6. (just lurks through the thread) (sees all the amazing oc artwork) Why can't I do this. This is agonizing but amazing to look at. I'm tormenting myself, maybe one day I'll be able to draw my OC. Or never.
  7. This artwork is truly beautiful and something I wish I could do. I'm jealous of your boyfriend ;u; The characters themselves also seem like they would have a nice backstory.
  8. I'm not quite sure what age I started drawing, but as far as I can remember was when I was around five. I don't draw as often, because I became lazy. But I like to sketch when I'm in school, it helps me relax and ease off the stress. Sometime I feel like I can draw good and sometimes I can't. i would like to try paint.net or some program but I don't feel like I have that kind of ability/talent. Here's a sketch I am proud of.
  9. I wouldn't want anything like this to happen. This scenario... why? I rather go through torture or something. But if I had to.. (forcefully go through this ) then I guess I'll try to be a good father and husband . As well as a ruler? Hmm. I suppose that means I leave everyone from this world to be apart of this which I would not like at all. But my morals will make me stay as I wouldn't leave any child behind, or my lover? (Bleh the images in my head are awful) :scoots:
  10. I live in Thornton, which is located in Pennsylvania. I only know of like two bronies and I don't really talk to them that much. (I don't know how they feel about me.)
  11. When you want to pay for someone to make awesome fan art of your oc, but your broke ;-;

  12. I'd still stick around and watch the show. Maybe in time it would revive. But I wouldn't freak out, as I feel like that would be over dramatic. It would probably be more lonely though, and I would miss it, and (almost) everyone that left.
  13. I didn't hear of these "SJW's" till this week I think. what I'm hearing is so horrible and cruel. I'm going to keep an eye out now for this kind of thing and report it.
  14. My voice. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1KpoGHhrNGK I thought I sounded okay, but then I recorded it for you guys. (It's horrible, not as smooth or likable as I hoped. ) I think I also messed up Sans joke too ;-; Maybe my voice just sounded bad because I was using my phone? (I hope)
  15. I would like to find a quiz with all the gods on it, but I doubt I could find one. That is an interesting god btw.
  16. I'd like them to call me "Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen". Nah jk, I think I'd prefer the title "Nox" which is latin for night.
  17. I wish I could live/traverse in fictional worlds of my choosing. Like a video game, anime, or book. In these worlds I'd start out as my default self and keep my mind (consciousness).
  18. I prefer a pencil, as I too am liable to mistakes in my work. If I had to live using only a pen, my life would suck, unless I got better and stooped making lousy mistakes.
  19. I do not care or show interest in religion. I rather play a game or watch a show tbh. Though some of my family I think is Christian, like my mom and maybe some of my siblings. Religion starts problems, so therefore I find it pointless. Though I do admit it started some nice holidays, and fiction. I like the idea of the four horseman of the apocalypse, and maybe some other things, idk.
  20. Well according to this information I am Melancholic. It seems to be true for my case.
  21. I'm homosexual. I kind of dislike having to be, but I just am. Because my teenage hormones make me crazy anxious and stuff when I'm around a guy I find oddly attractive. I have nothing against homosexuality, but I thought maybe I could convert somehow to heterosexuality, when I was younger. It doesn't help having homophobes around (Especially in your family). I do however idolize fictional homosexual couples. It just feels weird and uncomfortable for me. Even though it feels right. ._. (do not open spoiler if thy are easily offended... i think or do not want to see a bit of crude language. its from a web comic i like to read called It's Always Raining here. I ship Adrian and Carter.)
  22. Wow, it kinda made me laugh at first (mostly at the comments from other people), but then I felt bad. I don't know why either. Like the first time I saw this was from that My Little Dashie video on youtube. I'm okay with it, as it really doesn't affect my life directly. For some reason I pictured myself doing this. I hope I don't because I'm pretty sure after high school ends, I'll have no friends irl to talk to. This just seems that if I did, I'd most likely be deluding myself. ._.
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