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Everything posted by Meushell
It’s an enjoyable episode. I hope the series gives a final answer for Scootaloo. Either we see her fly or we see her realizing she never will. At this point, I think she just hasn’t learned yet. Fluttershy still had trouble at that age. I agree. While I don’t agree with their behavior, taking the time to watch someone else’s work instead of working on their own was just pathetic. Then there is Silver Spoon’s, “But how do we stop them? We already called them blank flank.” I’m probably reading too much into it, but line was just sad. It gave the impression that she’s...not very bright, like to the point that it might actually be an issue. This is, after all, someone who bullied the others for years now, and she’s got only one insult? She can’t think of anything else? I hope we something good in both of them in the future. For a show that forgives just about everypony, two children should have a chance to be redeemed as well.
I wasn’t wild about Daring Do being real, but I’m liking it more now. It paints a bigger picture of the world, and we have more heroes than we see. My only real issue was the Mane 6 doing nothing while Daring Do was being attacked. I can see being surprised into immobility, but the fight went on way too long for them to just stand there the entire time. The incompetence stays a bit too long with Rainbow Dash, even with fan girlism being the reason. While it’s neat that Rainbow Dash is in the book, wouldn’t that give away to everyone that Daring Do is real? Rainbow Dash isn’t the type to keep quiet about her adventures.
S04:E01+02 - Princess Twilight Sparkle
Meushell replied to Yellow Diamond's topic in Season 4 Discussion
I really feel like the issues of this episode and the last should have been switched. It is Twilight’s choice to give up power that elevates. Of course, the others went along with her choice, so it might feel as if they were screwed over...but it kind of feels like that way. Then the first thing Princess Twilight does is accidentally switch the cutie marks of her friends. It makes her really question being a princess. Celestia would be the only answer here. Between this and allowing the Nightmare Night holiday happen, I’m thinking that the sun princess wasn’t so innocent in driving Luna to such jealousy. Luna feels so guilty about what she did that she won’t bring it up, but Celestia might have had to reign in her own ego after seeing what results of her pride. -
I enjoyed this episode, but I do feel the story needed more detail. It also helps that I’ve seen enough future episodes to see the result of this. Back when I first saw the episode, when my son was watching the show, but I really wasn’t, I admit I did a bit of eye rolling when Twilight got wings. The others having the wrong cutie marks had no much potential in itself. That really could’ve been an whole episode. It would have been fun seeing them learn to do their new jobs well, but with their own methods. Twilight getting wings after a final test that she barely struggled with is also disappointing. Both stories suffered by having to share one episode.
I think the previous episode should have come after this one. The tease of “What are Spike and the others doing on the train?” would have been fun. With the other way around, well, I didn’t really wonder what the Mane 6 were off doing. Why was Harshwhinny angry, then not angry? It seems like the mistake should have been obvious to her at that point. Otherwise, why would someone else get the exact greeting she should have gotten? It would have been better if the same mix up happened, but Harshwhinny still gets a great welcome. It’s less than she thought, but it turns out the crystal ponies just treat every newcomer with a big welcome. The kindness of the city itself sways her over.
Spike seems to lose IQ points when an episode is about him. He can’t not eat gems long enough to make his cake. Still, I enjoyed the episode for the most part. I can even understand his trying to bake when looking after the pets. I just wish they left out the overly compulsive. That was going beyond his normal behavior. Without reading the links, maybe Spike just didn’t want to go, or Cadence figured an invite to Twilight would automatically include him. As for TVTropes, I enjoy it, but I’ve been disappointed in them as well. This is off topic, so I’ll keep it short...there was a character on a show that I felt would not have gotten so much fandom hate if she wasn’t a black woman. Seeing a bit of that in TVTropes as well was very disappointing. Bringing your own bias into a wiki is just not appropriate.
I wasn’t sure what to say about this one as I found it kind of boring. I do like Discord realizing he enjoys having a friend. I wonder what Fluttershy’s promise was really worth though. Discord could easily make life unbearable. Surly, she’d have broken it (though the deal was already broken by him anyway), if he didn’t reform.
Mrs. Cake cheated on Mr. Cake
Meushell replied to My little pwny's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
What is your opinion on the Wonderbolts' suits
Meushell replied to Lord Valtasar's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
I didn’t catch it being a uniform at first either. I only half watched the show when my son was watching, so I thought they were all blue...sort of like how Celestia’s and Luna’s guards are color coded. I don’t really like the full uniform myself...though admittedly, I don’t like a lot of what any of the ponies wear. (Sorry, Rarity.) -
Theory What's her real name: Daring Do, or A.K Yearling?
Meushell replied to Steve Piranha's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
What age were you when you started watching MLP?
Meushell replied to Sondash Studios's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
mega thread Your favourite pony and why?
Meushell replied to Twilight Sparkle ✨'s topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Rainbow Dash. She just caught my attention the most in that first episode. I picked Luna among the secondary characters. I’m a night person myself. I don’t know most of the tertiary characters. I picked Derpy because, well, she was one of the few I recognized. I would not really call myself a fan. I just like her over the others. I also picked Silver Spoon. I’m behind in the show, but Silver has some great potential. I think she’s very insecure of herself. I hope to see her become more than a sidekick bully. -
Only if that magic is not about to be directed at me.
This episode would have been a lot better if Spike was indeed useful...and if Spike hadn’t had that “I’m a pony” episode. Applejack could enjoy his help while still feeling that it’s not necessary. Maybe she even feels guilty when he helps her. She doesn’t have to ask. Spike would be smart enough to know how to be useful. I do like Spike complimenting the obviously fake timber wolf, but noting the lack of smell.
I felt a bit bad for Applejack. I get what she was doing, though she took it too far. Where are the Oranges? Since everyone said they were coming, I guess they weren’t invited. Not appley enough? It’s fun how most of the Apples/Smiths/Seeds/etc. are apple colors (for cartoons anyway). Shades of red, orange, yellow, and green. I noticed at one blue pony, and I think a white one. I guess they married into the family.
Great episode. Dash is one step closer to her dream. Lightening Dust was pretty awesome. She even has her own streak. As for that ending, it was a bit strange. I wasn’t sure if she was removed as lead pony or kicked out entirely. Being kicked out would be pretty screwy. The tornado accident was just that, an accident, but Lightening didn’t learn anything from it. Still, she could make a great Wonderbolt if she learns to reign herself in. The reaction of embarrassment that Fluttershy had to being caught was cute, as was the annoyed reaction to the one who caught her. ETA: After voting, I see one person hated this episode, and everyone else loved or liked it. That’s not to say that one person is wrong. It just amuses me.
Yikes! I’d hate to have anyone looking at my dreams, especially the nightmares. Knowing that Luna does that would be enough to make me sleep during the day. Also that idea alone is really fuel for fanfic, isn’t it? As to the episode. I enjoyed it, but the conflict went on a bit too long. Maybe it needed another side story, with Luna, because Luna is awesome. Yeah. It’s an old gag, so it needs to be done right when it is done. Making a child lug it around isn’t it. It might have worked if it didn’t even slow Sweetie Bell. Having boundless amounts of energy isn’t part of her characterization though. Imagine if she had Pinkie Pie-like energy, and was always waiting for the others to catch up or just running circles around them.
I mostly enjoyed this episode. I like that Trixie was corrupted rather than just being evil. The episode could have gone there easily given her last episode, where she was the “bad guy” for doing her job. I loved that “Applejack” as a stallion spoke like her brother. I thought it was just a funny joke, but it was actually a clue! My only issue was that Trixie’s career was ruined for no good reason, and no one seemed to care. Sure, at the beginning, she started problems right away. Of course, they aren’t going to sympathize with her then. At the end though, no one thinks to say something like, “Er, sorry for bullying you during your own show that one time. I guess we got carried away there. Never imagined it would ruin your career. From now on, we’re going to tell people how fun and exciting it is to watch.”
I’m iffy on Babs. I had a “Babs” best friend growing up, who never changed her ways, even though I defended her time and time again. I don’t excuse Babs her actions because of this, though the show does. She even kicked Applebloom out off her own bed. That goes beyond, “I just don’t want to be bullied.” She did change her ways though, so I’ll give her a pass. The CMC revenge plot was wrong because it was potentially dangerous. Bullying though? I don’t agree. That it relied on Babs being a bully as a sort of “Does she really deserve this humiliation?” test is pretty clever in itself. Since this episode does explore on why people might bully, it was a bit of a missed opportunity that we don’t get any indication that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon also bully for a reason. After all, cutie marks indicate talent. Their talent is being born rich. Um. Yay? Maybe they bully “blank flanks,” and the multi talented CMCs in particular, because they secretly hate their own cutie marks.
I found this episode to be hilarious. ”Fun! Fun! Fun! Fun!” As for Pinkie herself, the slow dive into the lake was great. I also liked her wanting to push Rainbow Dash around in the lake on a float. it shows what kind of pony she is. The end was creepy. I’m going to assume those Pinkies were not sentient or were just going back from where they came in a non-murderous way.
Great episode. Poor, poor Cadance. Barely any recovery time from the last episode before this all happens. It’s kind of creepy that it was a test for Twilight as Cadance suffered. I’m going to assume Celestia would have stepped in if she had failed. Maybe she was still recovering herself. Aw, Dash and Fluttershy in armor. It is a bit strange that “Have a fair” is part of the solution. I wonder how many of the crystal ponies lost families and friends that were outside of their city/empire? Do they have a chance to meet descendants of anyone they knew? I do sort of wished Sombra survived to attack again, but only if he remained a villain. I don’t read the comics. Are they canon? He just seemed like such a powerful, clever, and downright evil villain. No other villain has had that.