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Everything posted by Teller

  1. Teller

    movies/tv SFM Animation

    Here I am, silently hoping that someone recreates the Half-Life: Full-Life Consequences series in SFM.
  2. My parents are pretty dishonest people. Sometimes I'm brutally honest.
  3. Nah, people are salty because waifu-stealing. It would require Flash Sentry to have a tragic backstory of varying cliche degrees to have the fans allow him to get married out of pity.
  4. Why have worldly possessions if you're just going to lose them when you die? But to not answer your question with a question: it varies from person to person. An introverted couchpotato probably doesn't need to very fit, but, y'know, it's your life n' whatnot. I live an active lifestyle and my job is physically demanding, so me being in shape does me a world of good.
  5. I'm all about that low-sodium beef flavor. Maybe crack an egg into it so it actually has some form of nutritional value.
  6. Where's the "I giggle-snorted at this post while drinking water" button?
  7. The funny thing is, the people who won the lottery are usually the ones who end up bankrupt in a few years. It's about learning how to spend your money without getting the shaft from insurance and taxes. The top post in the Reddit thread basically sums up how easy it is to fail. With the 65051350 USD that I would have won from the lottery, I would probably move to Kansas City, into a modest-sized house. Google Fiber will definitely be a must. Me being a computer hardware enthusiast and "guy who wants to entertain people", I would definitely invest in building two computers–one to game on, and one to capture and broadcast the video feed from the first computer. I would also probably invest in a Black Magic 4K Production Camera, a lav mic, 3-point lighting, and a white backdrop, because schmancy. Expensive cars? Nah. The cost to keep them insured would be astronomical. I would also do all my clothes shopping at Nordstrom. With the 64 million left over, I would help out my family.
  8. It doesn't bother me much. They're free to spew shit out of their fingers and mouths all day if they want. At the end of the day, I'll still be the happy one–with friends, even.
  9. I like people who are aesthetically pleasing and are not dumb as rocks. (Though firm butts definitely win me some brownie points.)
  10. Sometimes, dwarves wear exclusive fleece sweaters knowing people will knowingly listen. tyfghkjm
  11. I'm a Pinkie Pie. Hopefully I'm not as loud.
  12. I'd be down for that. It would teach the newbies how to make decent OCs.
  13. For me, Facebook is just to let my IRL friends and family know that I'm alive. While forums are for forcing my opinions down everyone's throats having civil discussion with strangers on the internet.
  14. I'd be salty for 15 minutes, and then I would get over it. I'd also have a good chuckle from the attention whores people quitting the fandom.
  15. Vaccinations do not cause autism. Oh, you said post opinions.
  16. Bedtimes are great when you have to go to class early in the morning. Otherwise, I just let my internal clock do all the bedtimes, unless caffeine is added into the mix.
  17. "I'll have you know that I stubbed my toe last week while watering my spice garden, and I only cried for twenty minutes!"
  18. I'd be down for it, but I can imagine that switching over will be a challenge. Imagine American-based architectural firms having to switch over to the metric system.
  19. I suppose people nowadays aren't interested in pure enlightenment. If people want to go straight to the workforce, all they need to do is drop out and read instruction manuals. Teachers assign homework because they're not able to convey the entire day's worth of lesson in one period. Basically, if a teacher has to assign homework, they are not good instructors.
  20. Prepare to be disappointed. Mobile AMD APUs are the exact opposite of what you want if you want to play Dolphin. Ideally, you would want a laptop with an i7 4700 MQ, but that's approaching the pricier range. The price on this is a little high, but this laptop is by all means the best bang for your buck: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834313742 If you're limited to the two choices, I would go for the second one. The GPU on the thing, the Radeon HD 8550G, will run Skyrim on minimum settings in 720p at around 40 frames per second.
  21. With Netflix, you are purchasing the rights to stream the episode from their servers, but you don't "own" the episode. So copying that floppy would be a big no-no. Don't get caught.
  22. Only for games that I really, really like.
  23. Because princes don't sell as well as princesses.
  24. Half-Life 3 is coming out next month. I should know. My roommate's cousin's best friend's mom had sex with someone who worked at Valve. I'm going to apologize ahead of time for my predictions of what's gonna happen. Enough people are going to disagree with you and you will either: - Turn around and say, "lol guize I was just trolling top keks" - Never read this topic again. - admit that you were wrong
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