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Everything posted by Stellafera

  1. Seriously, why are glasses designed like that in Equestria? Trolling? I guess so. I would have put all of Twilight's expressions from Lesson Zero, but I figured that'd be a bit much. Ah yes, The Mysterious Mare Do Well, from back when they were first trying out those more frontal facial expressions. Far superior to her more famous face from The Best Night Ever.
  2. Failure song: Ehh... Success Song: BEST. SONG. EVER! I loved it from the moment I heard it. It has such a jaunty tune and pace, and sorry Spike, but the Mane 6 are better singers than you are.
  3. No, but the "Find a Pet Song" features her with a major part in it. AJ only ever sings in group songs. Yeah, what I've noticed is that nobody really dislikes Twilight (unlike, say, AJ or Rarity), but most people don't really like her either. She's somewhere in the middle.
  4. What language was it, out of curiosity? There are after all quite a variety of them in most continents. And how much of it do you still remember?
  5. Okay, I know a lot of people say they don't have an accent, but my mother, who has lived all around the US, had once told me that I actually do have a neutral American accent. And I've never really understood the term "newscaster accent", because they just sound normal to me. Being in a state with a lot of people moving there from across the country does that to you. I used to be a stutterer. It's gotten better, but if I'm caught off guard I can still slip back into it sometimes.
  6. Rainbow Dash, though I consider them on the same level really. It's just that Twilight happens to be so similar to myself that her character is a wide open book to me. She's almost... boring. Rainbow Dash is wonderfully flawed as a character, and that's why I love her. She has a tendency to be really insensitive, but in her good episodes you can tell that she cares underneath her brash exterior. I love characters with image-based conflicts, and RD is full of that. I don't find her cool (that's Applejack's territory, thank ya'll very much), but I find her to be a very engaging character. She's also very different from me in a lot of respects, which adds an element of intrigue that Twilight does not possess.
  7. In the fandom, I consider Princess Celestia to be very underrated in comparison to her sister Luna. Maybe that's just me though. After all, she's my favorite princess.
  8. I don't like Luna. She's an okay character, but Celestia is way better. I do not like shipping. It's not in my nature. Of the ones that are not "NO REALLY?" (Cadence + Shining Armour), the one I support the most would probably have to be Rarity + Spike. It's not something I'm particularly concerned about, though. Pinkie Pie is not that funny. In fact, I find her the least amusing of all the Mane 6. Fluttershy is flat and one dimensional outside of her character centered episodes, and is far less adorable than Twilight Sparkle. The "OMG GILDA MADE FLUTTERSHY CRY" whining is annoying. What about when Fluttershy made Rarity and Pinkie Pie cry with much meaner words? What's so special about Trixie anyways? I don't mind Egotistical!Dash too much. I kinda liked her in "The Mysterious Mare Do Well". "You Gotta Share" is not too shabby of a song.
  9. (assuming I was a pony so she didn't freak out and interrogate me) AJ and I would work together to try to Macgyver our way out the room. We'd hold some respect for eachother from working on the solution, but I honestly think we'd keep our distance. And that's just fine with me.
  10. My Ponysona, Storm Chaser! One day I will actually draw her out in inkscape when I learn how to draw ponies. Name: Storm Chaser Species: Pegasus Gender: Female Age: Young adult (which is a bit older than myself, but whatever) Personality: Myself, obviously, but with a few tweaks... Excited and interested. Gets obsessed with something, then drops it. Tends to turn down social gatherings, but has a lot of fun when she actually comes. Total history and magic nerd. She loves to come up with new cloud-related inventions (see: her special talent), but doesn't think to really sell them or anything, that sounds like too much work and hassle and then she'd have to do all those annoying specifications. Not to say that she is a "go with the flow" sort of mare; she totally relates with [the first half of] Lesson Zero! She can talk your ear off, and if she didn't get her cutie mark in clouds, she might have gotten it in speaking. History: A lot like Twilight Sparkle's to be honest. Spent her foalhood being socially isolated and not that friendly. Unlike Twilight Sparkle, entered into the social world on her own will. Like Twilight Sparkle, loves having friends and became a better mare through them. Friendship is FRICKIN' MAGIC. Special Talent: Cloud engineering. When most pegasi were interested in the flying aspect of their species, Storm Chaser was fascinated by how clouds work and interact with pegasi. She's made some pretty nifty contraptions in her time! Normal Storm Chaser vs Discorded Storm Chaser (key characteristic is thoughtlessness), with her cutie mark in between:
  11. Voting for AJ. Earlier on, RD had some issues representing her element, but Hurricane Fluttershy and The Crystal Empire have gotten her back on track as far as that goes. AJ has a habit of letting her stubbornness get in the way of accepting the truth. In Sisterhooves Social, I think that Rarity, after her epiphany, was genuinely trying to be generous to her sister, but didn't realize that she wasn't actually being so. The race displays her element for sure; she goes straight against her own personal preferences to make her sister happy. Rarity may be vain, but in terms of time and energy she is very self sacrificing. And I will not use any examples from Suited for Success here to make my case. In Sweet and Elite, you have a mixture of selfishness and selflessness. She is selfish in her desire to climb up the social ladder, but when the Canterlot elite seem like they'd be disappointed if she didn't come (during the "And then I said, puh-please, that isn't a hat darling..." scene) , she says she'll go to all of their events despite it really not being convenient for her at all. During most of Sonic Rainboom Rarity was self centered and boastful as heck, but let's not forget that she was the only one who realized at first how nervous Rainbow Dash was and immediately offered to be used as a test subject for a risky, extremely difficult spell just to go and support her friend. Rarity is very willing to suppress her own desires for others. Time and time again she will ignore if she is mad or upset or whatever to put on a cheerful face to make another pony happy. Her and Pinkie Pie were truly the most suited for dealing with New Fluttershy in Putting Your Hoof Down. Pinkie Pie, as the element of laughter, will remain hopeful for Fluttershy even after being told by her that she was a vapid party animal. Rarity, as the element of generosity, is hurt by Fluttershy's words, but will take it because she wants to help her friend. Am I looking too much into things? Maybe, but I think that Rarity's relationship to her element and how she manifests it is the most interesting of any of the Mane 6 (followed by Rainbow Dash and loyalty).
  12. By far Twilight Sparkle. I've got a similar attitude, get worked up and worried over small stuff, have a sense of sarcasm, get excited and rambly about technical things, can be talkative but not particularly outgoing, looking for acceptance, etc. I've also got a bit of Rarity in my love of aesthetics and fashion. Despite being an introvert, I have little in common with Fluttershy. I got AJ in the test. Weird. Maybe it's because I like apples and the color brown.
  13. Well, Rarity and Applejack are already done, so... Name: Sweetie Belle Species: Unicorn Gender: Female Rank: Veteran Highlight Episode: Sisterhooves Social Why you think this is best pony: She's the best of the CMC and has a fabulous singing voice to rival Pinkie Pie's. Her relationship with her sister is a joy to see. Actually, just her appearances are. She always recieves the stinger to a joke, and has the best fandom reinterpretation of anypony (Sweetie Bot!).
  14. Fluttershy is at the bottom of my "Favorite Mane 6" list, but she has the honor of holding the position for "best episode in the series". Earlier on it's got some good comedy, and the second half is just epic and emotional. I consider this both my favorite Fluttershy episode and my favorite "Rainbow Dash" episode.
  15. I also think Rarity and Twilight need more interacting. Perfectionist vs Perfectionist. They share quite a lot, but also have that classic form vs function conflict that AJ and Rarity share.
  16. Just normal as far as now. I'll think about doing YTPMVs, though!
  17. Feeling Pinkie Keen. It has the misfortune to occur right after my favorite Season 1 episode (Suited For Success) and for some reason I loathe it so much that I didn't actually finish it the first time around. It wasn't the moral, since I didn't even get to that part... it just really bugged me. Comedy that is based on the universe hating somebody for a day isn't my cup of tea. I kinda liked the Mysterious Mare Do Well. Not my favorite, but it had some funny moments with RD.
  18. Heh, not quite. I'm in Arizona. In terms of American accents, it'd be "neutral", maybe a bit California-ish.
  19. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Applejack How did you find MLP Forums?: Google. Boring, but what can you do? How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: That genius invention known as TV Tropes. 100% success rate so far in fiction recommendations. Joined the herd a few weeks before Season 2. I'm a Pegasister living in the Southwest U.S.A (it does look a bit like Appleloosa, but has lots more shrubbery!). I listed the best pony as AJ, but in truth she and Rarity are neck to neck in this race. More about me, hmm. Well, some of my hobbies are photography ("Oh, I never go anywhere without my party Canon!"), finding random facts about history and science, Latin, graphic design, psychology, overanalyzing things for fun, and other stuff that I forgot to mention. I'm starting out in video editing and PMV making, and am considering doing fanfiction and learning vector art. I don't have a proper conclusion to this post, so here's a emoticon:
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