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Have you ever had a lucid dream?  

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I've been able to lucid dream for a while now, it's not like I practiced or anything though, it just came to me. I have complete control over the dream, If I don't like something I've done in the dream, I'll rewind it a bit and redo it an entirely different way, I haven't had a nightmare in years because of this.


It certainly makes dreams more exciting, that much I can tell you.


The worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if you're ok...

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I stopped having nightmares when I was about 14, and if I did dream at all up to that point it was always an awful nightmare.


I skipped straight from nightmares to becoming a goddess of my own mind when I'm asleep.

I can do, say, or be whatever I want. I control a whole world. If I dislike how the dream is turning out, I can just start it over. If I want to bend reality so there is no gravity and everyone grows fabulous purple mustaches, I can.


I will say this does take some of the fun out of dreams though, because now I always know how it's gonna turn out. My dreams don't surprise me anymore. I'll still take them over my childhood nightmares  :)

"The Earth speaks to all of us, and if we listen, we can understand." -Uncle Pom

"Sometimes she wonders if she can do it like nuns do it but she never heard of Catholic religion or sinner's redemption" -K Dot

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've been trying to get into it for some time now, but I've yet to have an actual lucid dream. I ... have my reasons for wanting to get into it ... *wink wink* ... *cough* ... nah, I kid ... kind of. I would just love to be able to control the things around me in my dreams, and what happens, where it happens, etc. :lol:


I did actually manage to become aware in my most recent dream (that I can remember). It started off in some random airbase, as far as I remember, and there were others as well. We were all teenagers, being led by some douche-ass teenager. The sky and everything was an orange colour, like during a sunrise. At some point, we were attacked by WWII style aircraft, however I was the only person who reacted, everyone else seemed to have dropped the f*cks they were about to give. Anyways, I guess it ended after I tried to set up a mounted MG, as a makeshift AA gun. and then the leader kid started to harass some other kid, so I flung him off the edge into the water using a chair.


After that, I escaped up to the northwest, through a forest. As I walked, I heard radio sounds coming from the base, can't remember what was being said though. Anyways, I then came up to an area that looked exactly like the area behind our backyards in real life, and it seemed to be noon at this point, which is when I realised I was dreaming. I looked at my hands, and noticed they were very glitchy, with fingers disappearing and reappearing, swapping positions, etc. So I walked over to my left, until I saw two strange old men. I couldn't see what they looked like though, because their faces were hidden, like, in the shade of their hats or something. I then turned left a few degrees, closed my eyes, and woke up, disappointed.


It was really cool though, it's like, when you become aware of the fact that you're in a dream, you gain a whole new perception of everything around you, in the dream. At least, that's what it felt like to me, and it was awesome. :wub:

  • Brohoof 1

3rd Eye | To suffer hate in search of love, or lose them both forever? 🎔 ~


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I've never had a Lucid dream,but I've been trying to have one.If someone can please help.I know that you need to be able to focus really hard with your mind.

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Fun Fact: Playing video games helps people lucid dream!

I can't force myself to lucid dream, it happens randomly! I can't even control my lucid dreams!

Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want!


Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron.

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I've had a few dreams where I do reality checks (but don't realize I'm dreaming), or where I make a reference to the "waking up on command" thing. Would a tulpa be able to be a good reality check, since they're in your mind/subconscious (I think)?

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Falling dreams are actually my favorite kind of dreams. Not the slow, controlled kind of falling you'd get with, say, wings or something, but the crazy, uncontrollable falling you'd get jumping out of a plane or something. Such an adrenaline rush <3

I like falling dreams for the most part. I don't have them anymore, though, because I lowered my dose of melatonin to 1 and a half milligrams rather than two XD! My body never manufactured much natural melatonin until I became a teen XD!

I don't really have lucid dreams, except at the end occasionally when I'm waking myself up because I don't want to see what happens next LOL. There was only one years ago (with some rack of stuff in front of me and this white stuffed bear I was holding) where I knew I was dreaming in the dream XD!

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Ok, this may sound a little stupid, but i was wondering if anypony knows how to induce dreaming (cuase yorself to dream more) I also wanted to know if anypony knows how induce a specific kind of dream. Meaning, if i wanted to dream about MLP for example, how would i cause or force myself to do so? I know there may not be a way to do this, i was just wondering. Thanks!

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yes, i know how. First, you have to relax. sounds simple right? WRONG!!!!

Actually kinda is for some people, but not for everyone. So here is a quick way to relax into sleep. Lay on your bed, and focus on two things. Your breathing. And your heart beat. Listen to those two things until you fall asleep. You can also listen to waves, but the other things are easier. Also, if you can, listen to a recording of a heart beat, will help alot.

That is how to sleep, but what you described is lucid dreaming, and there is a completely different way to do that. This one requires you to have LOTS of will power. All you have to do is..... Stay still. If you stay still for 30-100 minutes without moving then you will enter a lucid dream. You also have to have your eyes open, so try not to blink. To do right, you cant even move if your body feels uncomfortable, you cannot move period. Besides breathing. that is kind of essential. But ya, if you stare at a fuzzy TV screen, or a blue TV screen the whole time, then you will enter the lucid dream. Now be warned that this is also how Night Terrors can occur, so watch out for that. When you suddenly cant move your body and hear voices whispering into your ear, then you have reached your destination. All you have to do then is close your eyes and imagine where you want to go, and bing bang zam, your there.

I have done this to visit places like the leaf village, following Aang, and even Equestria. Where you go, and what you do, are only limited by your imagination, and you.

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... I was going to say, you could just watch a lot of scary movies while exhausted, and hopefully you'll get nightmares :comeatus:.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Ah you mean lucid dreaming. Lucid Dreaming is when one's conscious is awake while they are asleep. This basically means that you are aware that you are dreaming while sleeping. When this happens, and if you know that you are dreaming one can control their dreams!!! This thread also reminds me. I'm going to make an in depth thread later about how to lucid dream, from a cached thread on a dead forum. :yay:

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I would like to thank TwistedDippy who posted this back in '011 on the old halo bungie forums. Thank fully All threads from the old threads were moved to the current bungie.net so they can still be viewed and posted on.


Here is the Post. (I'm not stealing his post or claiming credit for it, I just want to spread this info to help people who want to learn and try this like how this post helped me)


EDIT: Yield waring to the wake up 90 minute cycles.


Regarding waking up every 90 minutes: Although we stop growing as we near our 20's the brain starts to develop its most important cognitive functions during the late teen years until about mid-20s. Having irregular sleeping patterns can damage the cognitive connections that are being created during this stage (by the way, alcohol is even worse during this time period, thought I should throw that out there).


Again, I don't discourage it, just don't go blindly into it.


I recommend only doing this


I just did reality checks with out waking yourself up every hour. It did take longer to get the lucid dream then his method, but after learning it I never had to even think about it to lucid dream again I just did when I felt like it.

If people are a little shaken and afraid, there is no reason to fret.


End edit



editSorry for the mass of grammar mistakes that occur below, I have yet to had a time to re-type this guide in a grammar friendly way.
For the record this guide was made in February of 2011edit

Before you post hateful comments saying it isn't possible it is.
This is a phenomenon called lucid dreaming and I have recently in the past week or so discovered this and had multiple experiences.
A lucid dream is where you realise in your dream that you are dreaming and this can lead to you being able to do anything, your wildest fantasies including ,ahem ahem,

If you wish to experience one or multiple of these dreams you will need dedication and want to perform a dream, I will list in short form beneath what is needed to be done to achieve LUCIDITY

The first step is psychological and very important. You need to believe you can perform these dreams and you need to believe that the world around you could be a dream or not. You need to start to think of yourself as having a real body and a dream body that is a reflection of you (I imagine a coin on one side is the world as it is and the other my dreamscape)

You will need to improve your dream recall as if you have a dream that's lucid but forget it whets the point.
To do this you will need to create a dream diary or log, this will be somewhere for you to record your dreams near your bed immediately after waking.
To successfully create this diary you will need to when you wake have the first thought you have to be 'what did I dream' this will lead you into the phase or mind where you remember what you did, you will remember backwards. Once you have successfully remembered key points jot them in your diary before you forget.
Looking back upon your diary at a later stage will enable you to remember dreams and bring them back which in turn allows you to remember dreams better.

. Example (exert from my diary)- I was running, there was a red wall, as I went to climb it the COD icon for climbing appeared, I am in a dream I thought, the world span around, (I now wake up)
This is the largest step towards receiving your fist lucid dream.
Every hour you will need to perform two of these or alternatively whenever things seem odd, (or even better do both), until you get into a habit of doing these, this is important as these cause you to realise you are dreaming and cause your conscience to kick in while your body is sleeping.

CHECK 1- Try and push your fingers through your hand in a dream they should go strait through

CHECK 2- if you wear a watch look at it turn away for a few seconds then look again as in a dream the time will of completely changed or gone fuzzy.

CHECK 3-hold your nose and close your mouth then try to breathe, in a dream you can even if u block off airways (I should know this caused my first lucid dream)

CHECK 4- if you have text infront of you looks at it then look back much like the watch or is the letters fuzzy or unreadable in a dream they often are.

This is a technique I used to get my memory better for recalling.
When you sleep you go into cycles of different strengths. Every 90mins you enter one where you are in REM (rapid eye movement) this is the stage where you have lucid dreams.
Set an alarm, not radio, to wake you up 4 1/2 hours after you sleep this will be your strongest REM cycle. Remember your dream and fill your diary. Wait an hour (read or do anything before returning to sleep) when falling asleep picture in your head your last dream and you might feel like you are getting closer to it, you may of now entered a lucid dream.

It has been proven the more you think about wanting lucid dreams the more your subconscious (the part of your brain where you dream) will realise it should create them. This will help you get a lucid dream as if you want one you can get one. warning if you want it too much you may have a negative effect, play it cool


Before you fall asleep think to yourself, I will remember my dreams, or I will have a lucid dream (once you can remember them. think these when you are dozing off, just repeat them until you physically fall asleep. (Note. if u are experienced at how to get lucid dreams you can choose what its like by saying, I will dream about-what you want-)


Once you realise you are dreaming then be careful not to get too excited as this will cause you to wake up.

In a lucid dream play it cool you can cheer after you record it in your diary upon waking.

If you feel the dream fading then spin around as fast as possible on the spot and shout, I want more clarity, this triggers your subconscious into reiterating your dream, repeat this when you might wake

you are the limit you can do many things in your dream, perform magic, seduce your love or play halo without armour lock ;) you just got to believe you can do it, the moment you doubt you can do it is the moment your cant and this often leads to awaking

this is the way I got to lucid dream I hope it works for you if you want more detail please research more although I have placed the best techniques I have found


1. It takes various lengths of time to get into a few dreams it took me a couple of weeks it can take months, don't give up keep trying LICUD DREAMS ARE WORTH IT

2.If you wake up you might not be able to move muscles for a bit, this is sleep paralysis, where you body stops you moving your real body by locking itself like a safe, wait or fall back to sleep and you will come to normal.

3. Believe in yourself, the only barrier is YOU

4. There is no harm from lucid dreams, but if you are having a stressed life you will have less lucid dreams,

5. If you're worried about a presentation or something, practice I in your dreamscape.


7.follow these steps and you should in time enjoy a wonderful world.

8. Dieing in lucid dreams don't kill u in real life, its not real just a world created by your conscious to sort out random bits of information

Please record your thoughts or amazing dreams you've had
This is truly amazing and should be shared among everyone

P.s tell people you know about your dreams this will hit home telling your brain you are determined to have these lucid dreams

p.p.s sleep paralysis is a very rare and uncommon thing if it happens just swallow as this will cause your brain to restart its motor neurones and this will unlock your muscles

p.p.p.s-yes inception did make a movie on this but I have been lucid since way before so have millions of people, I decided it would be nice to help others have these awesome dreams

TLDR: follow the bullet points if you want to be aware you are dreaming and to fulfil your fantasies. Don't give up. And when you do get lucid dreams continue these techniques for more.

edit Title edited to prevent a seizure from the lack of grammar and use of capitals.end of edit

Edited by Sunshower Raindrops
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I don't want to bash the author of the thread or the writer on this concept of lucid dreaming, but lucid dreaming can have negative effects on one's personality, as well with one's body (especially if the person performing this task of lucid dreaming is under the age of 27).


I am not saying that you should not try lucid dreaming, I am just saying that you should be aware of some the negative aspects that can result from lucid dreaming and/or following some of the steps listed above.


If anyone would like to talk with me about it, I'd be more than happy to chat with you via PM or other methods.


I hope no one takes umbrage to what I have said.

Edited by Krenton
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i used to have nightmares all the time, about aliens abducting me, creepy monsters ,zombies, evil teddy bears eating me,

UNTIL i started carrying weapons in my dreams, most of the time i either have a mossberg 590, M16, or a .308 of some kind,

then when ever they come after me i just shoot them, i have not had a nightmare in a decade since i started going armed in my dreams,

i have even used advanced energy plasma weapons, which are awesome!

  • Brohoof 1

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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I don't want to bash the author of the thread or the writer on this concept of lucid dreaming, but lucid dreaming can have negative effects on one's personality, as well with one's body (especially if the person performing this task of lucid dreaming is under the age of 27).


I am not saying that you should not try lucid dreaming, I am just saying that you should be aware of some the negative aspects that can result from lucid dreaming and/or following some of the steps listed above.


If anyone would like to talk with me about it, I'd be more than happy to chat with you via PM or other methods.


I hope no one takes umbrage to what I have said.


From research I have done on the topic, there is no data that supports lucid dreaming being harmful. http://dreamstudies.org/2011/06/28/is-lucid-dreaming-dangerous/

  • Brohoof 1
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i used to have nightmares all the time, about aliens abducting me, creepy monsters ,zombies, evil teddy bears eating me,

UNTIL i started carrying weapons in my dreams, most of the time i either have a mossberg 590, M16, or a .308 of some kind,

then when ever they come after me i just shoot them, i have not had a nightmare in a decade since i started going armed in my dreams,

i have even used advanced energy plasma weapons, which are awesome!

i just got sick of having nightmares and i decided i needed weapons to fight the monsters, so i just decided that is what i was going to do and did it, not really sure how but i am glad i did because i hate bad dreams

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Just like Inception (haha, sorry) if you begin to "live" or take control in your dreams, you may become depressed with the outside world, since the dream you have made is your perfect world, and the outside world isn't.


Regarding waking up every 90 minutes: Although we stop growing as we near our 20's the brain starts to develop its most important cognitive functions during the late teen years until about mid-20s. Having irregular sleeping patterns can damage the cognitive connections that are being created during this stage (by the way, alcohol is even worse during this time period, thought I should throw that out there).


Again, I don't discourage it, just don't go blindly into it.

Edited by Krenton
  • Brohoof 1
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Just like Inception (haha, sorry) if you begin to "live" or take control in your dreams, you may become depressed with the outside world, since the dream you have made is your perfect world, and the outside world isn't.


Why yes just  like inception. Inception did give the bad name to it, and made people skeptical about it. I personally like to think of it as living in two worlds at once, and have a very strong control over my emotions.



Regarding waking up every 90 minutes: Although we stop growing as we near our 20's the brain starts to develop its most important cognitive functions during the late teen years until about mid-20s. Having irregular sleeping patterns can damage the cognitive connections that are being created during this stage (by the way, alcohol is even worse during this time period, thought I should throw that out there).


Again, I don't discourage it, just don't go blindly into it.


I was not a big fan of the waking up every 90 minutes thing either, infact I did not do that for I thought it was stupid for both your body and your brain.


I just did reality checks with out waking yourself up every hour. It did take longer to get the lucid dream then his method, but after learning it I never had to even think about it to lucid dream again I just did when I felt like it.

If people are a little shaken and afraid, there is no reason to fret.



There’s no evidence that lucid dreaming can bring on mental illness. In fact, lucid dreaming has recently been linked to resilience, the ability to maintain stability during and after traumatic events. Lucid dreaming is used clinically to help cope with nightmares, and is considered by many psychologists to promote psychological growth and encourage problem solving.


Just remember to be carefully if you do the wake up 90 minute cycles.

Edited by Sunshower Raindrops
  • Brohoof 1
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I daydream. Which doesn't count since I'm awake. But I've never lucid dreamed. Sounds fun, but scary. What if I can't wake up?

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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  • 1 month later...

I've had a couple more lucid dreams since my last post.  In one, I was running from a tsunami, which is a recurring dream I have.  This time I became lucid and stopped the tsunami with telekinesis.  It was pretty awesome.


But the biggest developement was last night.  Buckle up.  This is going to be one helluva ride.  As my dream started, I was in the movie Congo.  Remember that one?  About the talking gorilla they return to the jungle, and they find the diamond mine in the ruined city of Zinj, and they fight off the psycho gorillas?  Good movie.  So, it was happening for real, and I was with the expedition.  We had set up camp just outside the Zinj city walls, late in the afternoon.  We had set up a defensive perimeter to deter the evil gray gorillas.


As twilight approached (the time of day, not the pony ;) ), the gray gorillas attacked in force.  I began to fight them off.  I was awesome.  I was like some kinda badass ninja.  While everyone else used guns, I fought bare-handed.  I was flipping through the air, breaking gorilla necks right and left.  That's when I became lucid.  That's right, I wasn't up to this point.  Why it took me that long, I don't know.  Usually my physical abilities are muddy and muted in my dreams.  My adept strength and agility might have been some kind of tip-off.  The fact remains that I was now I was lucid and in control.  I stopped and closed my eyes.  I held up my hands, and envisioned holding all the gorillas in place with telekinesis.  When I opened my eyes, all of the gorillas were frozen in time, mid combat.  My hands glowed with purple energy, like a unicorn's horn.  The gorillas glowed with the same energy.  The company slowly lowered their weapons, and looked around in utter disbelief.  They slowly walked around, examining the frozen gorillas.  A few people poked the gorillas, causing them to teeter back and forth like inanimate objects.  One gorillas toppled over like a felled tree.


I walked around the camp, admiring my handiwork.  Then, I closed my eyes again, and with a thought, I killed all the gorillas.  With my mind, I sent out a flick of dark energy into their minds, burning out every essence of their selves, like Daemon from the Black Jewels trilogy.  I opened my eyes, let go of my hold on them, and they all fell lifelessly to the ground like ragdolls.  I smiled and walked towards the edge of the camp, remembering my next goal.  I wanted to try changing my surroundings.  I also had another experiment I wanted to try.  This one would require a nice, luxurious, intimate setting.  The jungle would not do.  I looked at the ruins of Zinj.  I tilted my head and frowned.  I decided I would transform the city into something more suitable for my next endevour.  I turned my back to the ruins.  I imagined that when I turned around again, the city would be a shining fantasy castle.  Like Beast's place from Beauty and the Beast.  I turned around.  It had worked.  It was a gorgeous place, and completely out of place amidst the jungle.  I turned back to the Congo company, said, "Welp, see ya guys," and with that, I strode towards the castle.


I entered the main hall.  I imagined that what I wanted to find waited for me upstairs.  I climbed.  I walked into a massive hallway, with ornate arched windows overlooking the jungle.  The Congo company was still wandering around, staring in disbelief at the carcasses.  I smirked.  I continued walking, imagining an ornate door on my next right.  And there it was.  I stopped and performed a reality check.  Yes, I was definitely still dreaming, and I was definitely making this happen.  On the other side of this door would be....yes....oh yes....


I entered.


The large bedchamber was indeed luxurious.  Satin curtains decorated the room.  The only light came from hundreds of candles beautifully displayed on across the furnishings.  I looked around.  I appeared to be alone.  I felt a pang of dissapointment.  I was so sure I had done it.  Then, all of a sudden...


"Hello..." a sultry woman's voice purred from behind me.  I turned.  Another side to the room curled around behind the door.  I walked slowly towards the alcove, towards the large, heart-shaped bed adorned in sheets of lucious, multi-toned purples, the colors of Twilight Sparkle.  On the bed, in a sheer camisole, lay the woman I had had the biggest crush on throughout all of jr. high and high school.  Oh yes...that was her.  She crawled towards the edge of the bed and slipped off her garment.  I undressed as well.  And so began a vivid night of uninhibited passion that I will not go into any more detail about.


When it was over, I closed my eyes, ready to wake up.  When I opened my eyes again, they were my own, in my bed, in real life.  I smiled.  I had done it.  Now, where to go from here?  I can't wait to go to sleep again and see what I can do next.


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  • 2 months later...

As of late, I be getting back to my practice of lucid dreaming and I am running into a number of issues.  But I will focus one issue for now.


I keep having this same dream over and over again for the last few weeks.  I would walk into a bathroom and look into the mirror.  I would see myself but get scared....a lot.  I would see myself, but disfigured in a horrible way.  Or I would see myself without eyes and look like a creepypasta like (whatever you call it) where you would have just DARK BLACK with no eyes that look like they are vibrating.  I would get scared and then wake up.  


What do you think this means?  


I can become lucid and aware pretty good now.  Now I am trying to take better control of my dreams. However this one, or anything involving a mirror, I get scared to death when I look into the mirror.  Sometimes, when I become lucid just in time,  I would purposely look at the mirror and try to LAUGH at myself and point at the mirror.  It helps a lot, but I end up waking up anyway.  What do you think this means and how else would I "defeat" this?


I can go on an talk about my other lucid dreaming issues, but this one stands out the most. I guess a good place to start is what would this mean? Why does it happen often as of late?



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