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music Poll: What type of music do you listen to?


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My favourite genre would probably be either 50's-60's or Rock. But that doesn't mean I don't listen to other kinds of music! :P


For my 50's-60's music I just tune into Galaxy News Radio and listen to the music there!  :)


My favourite Bands in the more recent decades would be MCR,Green Day and Yellow Card ( Those are the ones I can think of right now )

Edited by Nye1254
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In all honesty, I enjoy all types of music to some extent (except country).

As far as the ones I mainly listen to, I enjoy classic rock and some modern rock.  Favorite bands include the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Black Keys, Aerosmith, and Foreigner.


Recently, however, I have been listening to more and more video game music.  I prefer some of the older music, mostly N64 and earlier.  I love the music from the Kirby, Donkey Kong, and Banjo-Kazooie games (Grant Kirkhope is a god).


And Eurobeat Brony is pretty good too :)

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I like Classic Rock and Alternative but alternative is not really a genre as it is a place for post grunge and modern rock to call home, to me alternative is where music falls under when it does not fit anywhere else because it's so wide from like Radiohead to bands like alice in chains and muse which are completely different bands. The three kings in my opinion are Deftones, The strokes and Bloc Party. There the best bands to me. Followed by smashing pumpkins,Nirvana,pearl jam,Led Zeppelin and Pink floyd which is my favorite classic band if you can even call them that there more like psychedelic rock. But i listen to just about everything from techno and dubstep to like rap and classical. But im very particular about my electronica by that i mean popular artist's like deadmouse and skrilix im not as into. i like them but i enjoy like House music such as David Guetta, Tiesto, swedish house mafia, and DJ blend. all house techno actually. I also like DJ Premiere, DJ Chuckie, Daft Punk, Chemical Brothers, DJ yoda, DJ Rectangle, DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Ros, DJ Izzo, White Shadow, BT, Greg Notill, W&W, DJ Ogi, and DJ Icey There are a million others on my ipod im forgetting but these are the one's that come to mind off the bat.

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metal, dubstep and post hardcore and pretty much almost all other genres. I listen to everyhting I find nice

(guess it is mostly metal so i go for that.

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I really don't have a genre I don't listen to, I think I've listened to stuff from the majority of genders before.


However rock is my favorite probaly, idk why I just like it. Can't really explain.


I love music in general though, it's just so awesome, it conveys all kinds of thoughts and feelings without saying a thing. It's just awesome.


Maybe that partly has to do with being a musician and playing trumpet, but still I love music.


As long as the music appeals to me the genre doesn't matter. Of course outside of rock I'm more picky then with rock stuff.


But I've listened to whatever, and try to be open minded about whatever I listen to.

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I usually listen to post-hardcore, drum and bass, and dubstep. But if a song has a good drum beat or whatever, then I'd probably like it. There are also genres I like but I never know the artist(hardstyle or whatever its called).

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You have everything, but prog rock. :/
I guess you should add this, let's not ignore Genesis and Pink Floyd and other prog rock groups.
So I voted for other lol.

Edited by GhostPony750
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Without getting into subgenres, I like pop, rock, folk, some electronic, RnB and funk, along with classical and jazz when I'm in the mood.


With getting into subgenres, I like power pop, pop rock, folk rock, punk, alternative rock, ambient music, baroque/chamber pop, art rock/pop, sunshine pop, pyschadelic pop, rock, and folk, and several other forms of rock and pop.

Edited by Callisto
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You should make it a multiple choice instead of a one choice only. I listen to just about every genre of music (except country (western is not country)) also blues is in your poll twice.

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Mostly just video game music because I have a serious distaste for most "normal" music, especially now that hacks like Justin Bieber, Rebecca Black and so on are somehow popular. That, and most of it is just... bad. Meanwhile I really like video games (NO DUH.) so I listen to music from them and bam, music.

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Everything from Electronic music to Metal. I currently though mainly listen to Electronic music because it gives me a rush I love (dnb, hard dance music) but I still love Rock/Metal. It just depends on what mood I am. 

My favourite genre would probably be either 50's-60's or Rock. But that doesn't mean I don't listen to other kinds of music! :P


For my 50's-60's music I just tune into Galaxy News Radio and listen to the music there!  :)


My favourite Bands in the more recent decades would be MCR,Green Day and Yellow Card ( Those are the ones I can think of right now )

As a Fallout 3 player for 5 years, I'm pretty sure that GNR plays 40's-50's music. My grandma used to listen to those bands when she was a kid and she's born 1941. But I might be wrong though.

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You really should make this a multi-answear pool as I (and probably most people) don't just listen to one single genre. I listen to a lot of Metal, Prog, Pop, Punk, and a billion different crossover genres (Orchestral Metal, Folk Punk, Trancecore, etc.) and essentially jump between what I feel like listening to at the moment.

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Everything except for the ridiculously popular stuff (mainstream music). And no, I don't dislike it just because it's popular, but popular music have a tendency to be extremely shallow and easy accessible


Also, this poll is flawed. You do realize that decades aren't legitimate genres, right? You mentioned "Blues" twice as well

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I mostly listen to Rock and some Alternative. I also do listen to Classical music on some occasions. And I do have a techno I like listening to as well.

Edited by EquestriasCourier
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everything. oh wait, everything is not a poll choice...?


if you want something a bit more specific...


i listen to most electronic-related stuff, from simple stuff like house and trance, to more hardcore stuff like gabber, speedcore, and breakcore. i prefer interestingly melded electronic music as opposed to repetitive one nowadays, it seems. favorite is Petriform.


metal i can dig. i can swallow most of it, and i seem to prefer the more interesting ones, that meld harsh music with emotional atmospheres, however that makes sense. favorites are Enter Shikari and Diablo Swing Orchestra.


i can't not mention pop, even though i'm gonna get beheaded for saying so :P most pop music is interestingly melded, because they have renowned producers that makes great melodies and such. favorites are Lady Gaga and Michael Jackson.


video game music, that deserves its own spot, right? right. it goes hand-in-hand with electronic music, especially back in the days when VGM music was still synthesized and tracked as opposed to streamed. i like whatever's interesting enough for me, which, more often than not, favours Sonic the Hedgehog music over Super Mario music, the latter of which is pretty subpar at best, to be honest. favorite soundtracks are Streets of Rage and Sonic 3.


i don't feel like making any more detailed lists, so here's a quick rummage through some more music i like:







Phil Collins



Edited by Viscra Maelstrom
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I listen to a bunch of different kinds of music genres, but mostly it's alternative rock and 90's alternative (my favorite~), but since you said to choose the one that we listen to the most... Well, that's 90's alternative for me, but since no one voted 90's (yet, as of this post), I'll vote 90's. That's what I listen to when I have Pandora running in another tab. The local radio station I listen to while I'm in my car plays a mix of rock, alt. rock, metal, punk rock, stuff like that. Which I also enjoy very much. However, I have very random tastes. You can also catch me listening to a classical song, jazz song, techno, etc. from time to time.


My favorite band is Green Day, though, which falls under the punk rock, pop punk, alternative rock genres. I've enjoyed practically all their songs from every single album, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

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Too bad, I can choose only one genre. Well, my favourite music genre is metal, but I also listen to rock (especially post rock) and some random songs from other genres. My favourite bands are Swallow The Sun, Insomnium, Blind Guardian, Vildhjarta and Sybreed but I listen to many other bands from different genres as well. 

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I listen to:


Alternative rock

Classic rock

Electronic rock

Punk rock

80's Metal

80's synthpop



Progressive house


I found out what kind of music I like mostly because of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and GTA IV. Also the Galaxie music channels on my TV(channels 400-500).


1. C2C - Down the Road

2. Queen - Radio Ga Ga

3. Billy Talent - Viking Death March

4. Against Me! - Stop!

5. Jet - She's a Genius

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I really enjoy finding video game rap and video game rap battles on Youtube and listening to those

I really like dubstep, techno, metal, alternative, and rap music

I enjoy listening to foreign music mostly Russian, Japanese and Swedish ones.

I like independent artists who mostly use Youtube to broadcast their songs. (Youtube is where I listen to most of my music) Haha

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