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What other fandoms are considered as annoying as the Brony fandom?


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Look at this. This is one of many signs of growing anger directed at anyone who gies references to MLP:FiM, just anywhere, and almost everywhere.


Do you know ahy other fandoms that are as annoying as the MLPFiM fandom, shoving images of themselves everywhere, and being referenced here and there?

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That is an awfully old GameFAQs topic you dug up, my friend.


And if you read through it, it's clear most people find the original poster more annoying than the Pinkie Pie reference he's griping about.


As for other fandoms that catch ire, pretty much every big fandom gets its fair share of jokes, but Naruto fans, Sonic fans, and Furries probably still get just as much flak as Bronies do, though I'm thinking Bronies at this point probably get even more. And I'd say that is a huge credit to our fandom.


Go Bronies. Keep making people rage. It's funny.

  • Brohoof 3
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Ask any Naruto fan about KArin Uzumaki, the red-haired girl with glasses who was on Sasuke Uchiha's new team, the one he made after leaving his village. See what response they give you.


...No, I'm not going to say what the response is, that'd be rude.

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Let's see here:


Apple fanboys.

Anime fanboys.

Apple fanboys.

PewDiePie fanboys.

Tobuscus fanboys.

Sonic fanboys. (*Cough* SammyClassicSonicFan *cough*)

Apple fanboys.

Console fanboys.

Nostalgia/Retro fanboys.

CoD fanboys.

Pokemon fanboys. 


So many more. 

I really don't see how bronies are pointed at when there are much worse out there. 

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The Sonic fanbase is a miserable place. Trust me, I've been in the deep, dark depths, and it isn't a fun place to be in. :(
I also hate the console/PC fanboy communities, Anti-Brony community (that group is the walking definition of contradiction), and comic book fanboys. 

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All fandoms a have the potential to be super irritating. Considering how many pieces of media have references to other things in pop culture, I don't think the abundance of ponies is actually the reason people think bronies are more annoying. We just stand out more because it's weirder to like MLP that it is to be a fan of something like Sonic.

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I don't really have much to say that hasn't been said.


Other than that, I do get kind of annoyed at some anime fans. For instance, the ones who believe that anime isn't a cartoon. The ones who believe that rather than anime being a different art style, it is a completely different medium. They think that all anime is more "mature", and that all "eeeevil American" Cartoons are for children only. These specific people tend to use this to avoid looking like they're an adult watching cartoons, since only children can watch cartoons, apparently. They also get angry whenever there's an English dub of something. Not because the acting is necessarily worse, but simply because it sounds different, and is done by "eeeevil Americans". They never take into account that someone's tone of voice might have to be different, in order to accommodate for what works for our language. That, and it's done by different actors.


I know not all anime fans are like this, but I'm sure that you've noticed people like this.

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I have had too much of a bad time with the Dragonball fandoms, fandoms regarding popular..."critics", and the obvious console/PC fanboy

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Other than that, I do get kind of annoyed at some anime fans. For instance, the ones who believe that anime isn't a cartoon.


"My girlfriend called Spirited Away a cartoon. So I dumped her."


Anywho, pretty much what everyone else said about the furries and Sonic fans.

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All fandoms have ppl who are obsessed and shoving their interest down everyone's throat.


It's just mlp isn't exactly conforming to the stereotypes which makes it receives way more Hate.

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Let's see here:


Apple fanboys.

Anime fanboys.

Apple fanboys.

PewDiePie fanboys.

Tobuscus fanboys.

Sonic fanboys. (*Cough* SammyClassicSonicFan *cough*)

Apple fanboys.

Console fanboys.

Nostalgia/Retro fanboys.

CoD fanboys.

Pokemon fanboys.


So many more.

I really don't see how bronies are pointed at when there are much worse out there.

This. So much this. Mostly the ToJESUS THIS AUTOCORTECT DOES NOT LILE THAT NAME. TOBUSCUS. And Pewdiepie fanboys. And the Genwunners.


Genwunnerd are the worst fandom. Imagine the insanity of brands loyalist apple fanboys and then give them an old buggy mess of a game to fanboy over.

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I come from another site (that isn't anime related) where they are the ones delivering all the hate onto bronies. They constantly note the sexual aspects of our fandom yet there is already so many flaws I can point out in their perspective.

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Im going to have to end this here guys. This thread has the potential to spawn nothing but shit talk regarding other fandoms and as such, doesn't have a place here.


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