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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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Sorry man, she just annoys the crap out of me, I'm not trying to argue or anything. The funny thing is early on when I started watching the show she was my number one favorite.


Its all good. Everyone has their own opinion. :)  Rainbow Dash used to be my favorite, but now she is my least favorite of the mane 6.

  • Brohoof 1
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Most disliked is most likely Flash sentry. He was just a rather bland re-hash of the perfect bad boy we have seen in every 80s highschool movie ever. He even has the sports car and leather jacket, all he was missing was a crowd of lovestruck girls following him around.



as for personal least favorite, out of the mane 6 it is Rarity, but overall it would have to be Diamond Tiara. She has a ton of potentiall to become a sympathetic bully, and she has shown to have great organizational skills. They just need to use her for more than the bland near phycopathic bully.

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Non Mane 6: Flash Senty. Gary Sue incarnate. Generic and boring.


Mane 6: Fluttershy,for reasons i will not state.


However know that i like Fluttershy more than 90% of all other animated characters ive ever seen,but when compared to the mane 6,she is easily my least favorite,sorry. :(

Edited by Pinkamena-Pills
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On the show it would be Flash Sentry because he holds little reason to exist outside of being Twilight's romance interest that I cannot care for whatsoever even if you bribed me and stuffed the greenbacks into my mouth. Diamond Tiara is a close 2nd however as her terrible one note bully character needs to be tossed aside for something much more meaningful for her character.


For the series in general, AU Sombra because he's pretty much Flash Sentry if he was made a thousand times worse right now. At least Flash Sentry didn't compromised his romance interest's character or wrecked a good portion of FIM's lore just to satisfy the presence of a romance which AU Sombra had done to Celestia.

Edited by Nuke87654
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Much like the other people above, Flash Sentry is my least favourite character. Not only he is pointless and one-dimensional, but Lauren Faust made sure that there was no romance among the Mane 6 at all. Unfortunately, that rule was destroyed when Meghan McCarthy wrote Equestria Girls. Make this shallow loser go away. D:

Edited by Mienshao
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The one I dislike from the Mane 6 is Rarity. I can't really relate to her at all and I feel like she's too dramatic. (Don't hate me) I dislike Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon too, typical school bullies. Also, to be honest, I really disliked Cheese Sandwich. I hated how he just showed up in Ponyville one day and declared himself best party pony. It really rubbed me the wrong way.

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The one I dislike from the Mane 6 is Rarity. I can't really relate to her at all and I feel like she's too dramatic. (Don't hate me) I dislike Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon too, typical school bullies. Also, to be honest, I really disliked Cheese Sandwich. I hated how he just showed up in Ponyville one day and declared himself best party pony. It really rubbed me the wrong way.

You've got some unpopular opinions. I will agree to disagree and respect your opinion (Yeah, you thought this quote was gonna be me lashing out on opinions)

  • Brohoof 2
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The one I dislike from the Mane 6 is Rarity. I can't really relate to her at all and I feel like she's too dramatic. (Don't hate me)



no why u must trust in the white and purple marsh mellow of fabulosity.  I'm kidding, it's all good. And about Cheese Sandwhich, I honestly never found Weird Al all that funny anyway.

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Good lord almighty, I despise topics like this. Nothing good will come out of them, really, other than arguments and what not.


Blechh - my least favorite character would be Gilda. Her lines were just so cheesy and dumb, I kind of facepalmed at them. 

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well my friend PonygamesDerpyHooves doesn't like Snips and Snails because of their character he also hates how Microsoft made a gamer picture pack just for them on Xbox Live


as for me I don't like Rainbow Dash because of many things she has done in many episodes not to mention what she says to you in Welcome To Ponyville if you are a Unicorn (she insults you for being a Unicorn then accuses you of making her crash)

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Just a heads up @Cyan Blue, I have merged your thread with an already existing thread with the discussion of least favorite characters of the show.  And although these sort of threads are prone to get out of hand, I ask everyone to try and keep things civil in here.   It's perfectly fine to dislike a character, but let's try to keep the bashing and unnecessary comments to a minimum.


As for one of my least favorite characters, I would have to say Diamond Tiara, as she serves as nothing more to bully and belittle the CMC at every chance she gets.  Though I know that was the intent behind her and the main focal point of her character, it still doesn't make her any more tolerable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate fluttershy, I hate her with a passion (for most part). She has the least depth of all the main six, that's all I have to say. 

Big macintosh, granny smith, and the mayor are some of the most boring side characters in a tv show ever. Braeburn and saphire shores are extremely annoying. And prince blueblood for obvious reasons. Derpy hooves, vinyl scratch, and octavia are some of the most overrated backround ponies of all time. Diamond tiara, silver spoon, snips, and snails are obvious reasons too. I don't know who hayseed, lotus, aloe, berry punch, seafoam, or ace is.


Edit: now I just read the comment above me, there's a chance my comment will get removed. :3

Edited by A goat
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I really hate Derpy, being that she's overrated and dumb all she does is carry the male with a stupid look on her face and talks about muffins, she was the reason I never wanted to join the herd because I thought being a brony was all about Derpy like Luigi games are all about Mario and Pokemon anime is all about Pikachu. Have a picture of this over rated stupid pony oh yeah and no offense to the ones who love Derpy but this is really just my oppion not trying to sound rude.


  • Brohoof 1
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My least favorite would likely be Diamond Tiara. I mean she has the same freakin' motivation with little to no development; despite the amount of episodes she has been in.


Honestly, I can tolerate Snips & Snails as they are least innocent. Ms. Tiara has NO excuse.

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My least favorite would likely be Diamond Tiara. I mean she has the same freakin' motivation with little to no development; despite the amount of episodes she has been in.


Honestly, I can tolerate Snips & Snails as they are least innocent. Ms. Tiara has NO excuse.

She exists to be a complete bitch & antagonist for the CMC. Does it well enough, I think developing her would detract from that. It's a good lesson for kids to learn; there are people who are mean just for the hell of it.

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She exists to be a complete bitch & antagonist for the CMC. Does it well enough, I think developing her would detract from that. It's a good lesson for kids to learn; there are people who are mean just for the hell of it.


I disagree; personally. It's potentially saying that bullies will never learn, they will alway be there to torture you, and you best avoid them.


Granted that isn't entirely bad advice if you CAN avoid them, but it's kinda forgetting that bullies can learn from their actions and even try to repent for them. As the CMC grow, I'd just like to see Diamond Tiara show remorse and actually grow as a character.


But that's just my standpoint, and I can understand where you're coming from.

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Snips and Snails just get on my nerves, they are the only ponies I actually dislike (wouldn't go as far to say hate).


Oh boy, better put on my flame suit for this one.




Now don't get wrong, I still like her and she is just plain adorable, but her shyness sometimes goes to far to me. I guess it's just because I can't relate to it. Also that even when she conquers her giants in an episode, I don't see any permanent change in her character, or at least compared to the other mane 5 (of course, if you can give me examples of changes in her character overtime, that would be nice).

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, I did a little searching and I didn't come across any threads asking fans who their LEAST favorite pony is. If there was a thread like this up in the past and got taken down, then please know that I'm sorry!


- Please try and keep things civil and not bash each other about this -


Personally, RainbowDash is my least favorite out of the 6 ponies.

Her ego and attitude has just left such a bad imprint on me from the beginning that she is no longer an irredeemable character to me.


Yes, she did have some moments in which she put her pride aside, but she always goes back to being selfish and quite rude. I don't have sympathy for characters like that and I can't get myself to like them :o



Edited by Royal Samurott
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