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What do you think about MLP Forums community?

碇 シンジン

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So what do you think about us the community of MLP Forums? Are there things we should improve as a community?

I personally think this community is amazing it's so kind compared to some other forums that I have been in. I usually never posted to forums before because I was afraid that they would start with those hate comments. Here I don't have to be afraid anymore. I think that is one main reason why I like this community so much.

  • Brohoof 4
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I like it here and around 95% of experience here was positive


of course, sme not, but that always happen everywhere.


I made so many friends and find a place here.

  • Brohoof 2

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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This community, thus far, seems what I have been looking for in a brony community and missing since early 2012. However I am incredibly new so it is difficult to comment meaningfully on the state of the community as a whole. But I am definitely excited to be around and hope I am accepted into it.

  • Brohoof 6
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I really like MLP Forums. For some reason, the people there feel more mature or relaxed. I don't know that many people in the forums, but they do make me feel more happy. This is also the best forum I've been in. The other forums I've been in were a rough experience because of how close-minded everyone was, so I had to leave every one of them as a result.

  • Brohoof 5
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For the most part it is a very friendly, accepting community. Somethings I don't get, like how bronies tend to be ostracized but we have a few people who don't feel that maybe we shouldn't do that in our own community to people who like this ship, or like this character over this one, or clo- *Banned by mod*. However for the most part people here tend to be very fun & enjoyable, & I have met quite a few people here who are the nicest of the nice. We have some amazing artwork done here, great story writers, musicians, & people of all sorts of backgrounds who come here & are very friendly to people, even ones who were once the worst of the worst of our polar opposites, the anti-bronies. I can say that, whole-heartedly, I was accepted into this community despite my past treatment of bronies. We also have a lot of closet bronies who get advice & support from the open ones, & we have everything from people who just enjoy the show to people like Ghostie who truly love the characters & what they stand for, so we have all levels of insanity :lol:


For what we could do better... Like I said I think people get worked up over things too easily at times... Shipping, Alicorn OC's, & clo- *Banned by admin* & the like tend to be really hot button topics when there really is no need too. I see a lot of "Least favorite pony" & "This pony is overrated" which just leads to bashing, bashing, & more bashing of others' opinions. For a community that gets such a bad rep & is treated like freaks, you'd think we would be less inclined to do so back. I feel everyone should just learn to relax & enjoy this community & the show itself, instead of debating why all the fans of Pony X are just meta-bronies with no real understanding of the community (which is really ironic considering that means they basically just do exactly that; hate for the sake of hating).


So overall, I think this community has its ups & downs, & while I won't be leaving this fandom anytime soon, it does tend to be a bit grating when I see a lot of people having to get reported & banned because they just won't let people enjoy this ship, or that pony, or even just natural human hormones like the clo- *Banned by Lauren Faust*



Please note that any & all jokes related to the more hormonal persons of this fandom were purely made in jest, & that no ban hammers were used in this production nor was Lauren Faust ever in contact with me, fucking awesome as that would have been. Please no banarino please


Edited by KokuraiNoSenshi
  • Brohoof 6


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I would say that its about the same as every other community I've participated in; a good mix and variety of people.
However I would actually say that this community in particular (at least in my experience) has been more friendly and positive in general. Of course, that can't be applied to everyone, but on the whole I've found people to be much more accepting of others opinions than on other forum sites. If we need to improve at all then we just need to keep on doing what we are already doing :)

  • Brohoof 3
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I think that the forums along with the community for the most part is great. Sure you are going to have drama here and there, people will argue, and people will tend to fight tooth and nail over their opinion but that will happen anytime where you happen to get a large sum of people together in one place. So other than a few hiccups here and there I have had a great experience and have been able to communicate with, and later converse with people that I otherwise would have never meant. :lol:

  • Brohoof 2


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It's great.One thing that may be lacking is the whole allowing members to fight eachother,although I still wouldn't have it.E.g a topic about the worst member(s) on the forums (HINT:It's ME)

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I mainly have positive experiences with this community. At first I was kinda afraid to get onto a brony forum, because I know how crappy the internet community is on average. However, this forum gave me new hope. As a matter of fact, this is the first forum I actually stick to. Of course, the community isn't perfect, but that's mainly because I have issues with certain individual members who shall remain anonymous. I can't really say that I hate them, or even that I dislike them, but they sometimes rub me the wrong way... Then again, I think that feeling is mutual, because I'm someone who isn't afraid to post his true opinion.


So overall, a bro-hoof to each and everyone of you, even to the people I like less. I hope this community will last. Not just for myself, not just for you guys, but for the internet as a whole!

  • Brohoof 6

Something (or someone) is TRULY discriminated against if we can't talk about it

          without any fear of suffering prejudice yourself.


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I've been on a few different forums and it's the constant ridicule and gay comments because of me being a Brony. I don't even try to hide it. My profile picture is always Vinyl. Here there's clearly no such comments going around lol. Probably the friendliest people I've ever met on here and I've only been around a few days. Another more gaming focused forum I use I've been active for two years on and I still get assholes. This place us definitely a good break from the horseplot I get in high school

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I must admit the community here has surprised me, to be honest I've never really used many forums, in fact my expectations were so low that I didn't go near other bronies for over a year. In this community I only dislike one user(and let's just say he's not a brony anyway)all the rest are surprisingly nice, it amazes me that people on the internet are able to coexist  after all.

  • Brohoof 5

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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Haven't been thrown out yet, yelled at for having an opinion, or told I was some evil sadistic bully for saying I can't stand Rainbow Dash...so, I guess good. :P

  • Brohoof 3

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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I'm not going to sugar coat it, I'm just going to get straight to the point.


Kind of okay.


This place has a good staff, and are willing to help. With that said, it feels most of the time I'm here I'm just doing stuff to pass the time. I always love to talk about hot stuff and engage in argument. It breaths longevity to this already patterned and repeated wave of information and entertainment.


We're all humans. So that can mean I cam change my opinions on whatever I want, how ever I want, whenever I want. This place did feel something to me, but we grow even though we are physically.


So if I were to give this site a score so of now, it would be 5/10. Its okay. It sure as hell beats all of the other forums and went to, and even the one I help run.

  • Brohoof 4


Signature created by: Gone Airborne


Imagine if you will being on your death bed – And standing around your bed – the ghosts of the ideas, the dreams, the abilities, the talents given to you by life.

And that you for whatever reason, you never acted on those ideas, you never pursued that dream, you never used those talents, we never saw your leadership, you never used your voice, you never wrote that book.

And there they are standing around your bed looking at you with large angry eyes saying "We came to you, and only you could have given us life! But now. We must die with you FOREVER!

The question is – if you die today, what ideas, what dreams, what abilities, what talents, what gifts, would die with you?

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As I type this, I don't know where this post is going to go exactly, but it might end up a TL;DR so I apologize in advance.


Why I came here - I wanted to discuss the show. I found You Tube, Facebook, and reddit, 4chan, and Equestria Daily insufficient for sustained in depth discussion. This may come of as a slight against those boards, but it's not. They just are conducive to the interaction that I wanted. I did a google search for 'My Little Pony Forums' and thanks to the almighty SEO God ... this was the first option. So, I showed up, contributed to the conversation, participated in a popularity contest that turned out to be so much more than that, discovered new ideas and ways to look at the show, and befriended dozens of people on this board. 


The Users - The people, the community, that is why I stayed. From early on, I could feel a different sense of camaraderie here. There were less users who were 'waiting to talk' and more productive dialog on the whole - even in disagreements. The board also had a less cliquish feel to it. I recognized that there were units and groups that seemed to center around each other, which is normal and healthy, but I didn't feel that sense of 'exclusion' that I got from even the boards I created or helped admin and moderate. There was something different here, less toxic as another like minded member (now mod) recently told me. I was able to integrate with relative ease since the forums here are populated by established members who don't ostracize newer members from discussion topics. The variety of opinions here cover almost every spectrum of consciousness, yet members here have co-existed with relative peace with one another even through disagreements. There are more than a handful of you I am glad to have met, and likewise call you a friend.


The Staff - Dear Celestia on High ...  these guys have no right to exist. How MLPF pulled together the Admin, Mod, and Support staff that they did is still something that astonishes me. It is obvious to that each of the staff I have conversed with really care about this site, the community (all of us), and the fandom at large. They are not complacent -  this is evident in the fact that this board has been evolving from its earliest days to what you see now. They are not holier than thou - they routinely hold themselves accountable by reviewing and modifying rules that they feel are outdated or in error. They are personable and approachable - you can actually talk to these guys and gals! They do all this and (God bless them) they apologize all the time for not doing more. Are you kidding me? Most of them have IRL responsibilities - and still care that much about a message board made by and for fans of a children's cartoon.


The Rarity Fan Club & World Cup - Of course open and accepting groups like the RFC (the opposite of cliquishness) and the MLPFWC and similar activities actually help with a sense of community that I have yet to see anywhere else. The activities that have come up are great ideas. More contests and all inclusive goofy days please!


The Creativity - Some of you are talented as hell. I only have this to say ... keep doing it! It doesn't matter if it's Pony (needs more pony) or another theme or style.


Improvements - It would probably be worthwhile for the technical staff to decrease it's load by bringing on one or two more hands to assist on projects. I think that they are spread extremely thin right now. It looks like they are working on some major changes coming down the pipe. The good news is that they are bring on more Moderators, etc so hopefully that takes the strain off of the other members of the staff.




I have no idea what the heck the future has for this place - but I am damn sure glad I came here ... a little tardy to the party ... but as my Best Pony would say, "Fashionably late is better than never, darling."



TL;DR  Love this place ... 10/10 it’s ok

  • Brohoof 8



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Over the past almost 2 years I've been here we have had our ups and downs here, I'm not going to act like everything is always perfect here.


However, despite all of that, this place is still by far the nicest and most inviting forum community I have been graced with being a part of.


I've been on other forums, not a whole ton, but several over time, but all of them I have been to just are missing something, they either feel less inviting, I feel worried about ridicule from posting something, being excluded because I'm a newer member Ect.


But here, the forums are just much more inviting, I keep coming back, and even when I needed a break from this place, it wasn't long before I came back and started loving this place again!


I joined this forums because I wanted to discuss MLP with someone after watching it an hearing about the community, I was a little afraid at first, since I felt weird for being so into a show that I was going to join a forum for it. But I felt so welcomed, and everyone here was so nice, I felt like I was part of the group in a very short time, where as other forums feel kind of like they exclude many newer members just for being new.


Not only are people here usually kind and respectable, but I find myself getting quite attached to people. I have known many people here, and many who have left, and honestly I miss many of them, some of which who I was not really close to, but I still miss.


And I think if I posted goodnight statues and statues asking for hugs and stuff id be insulted like crazy many other places, but not here.


Even if the forums has problems, it's obviously going to, perfection is an unrealistic state. But we can all do our part to better this place! I try my best to make this place as awesome as i can, because afterall we are the community, so how we are affects the community.


So yeah tl;dr, I love this forum, and I love you guys! *hugs*. I hope this forum lasts for a long time!

  • Brohoof 7


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Compared to most other forums, this forum beats them by a landslide. It's full of awesome people, not jerks like my previous forums. Mostly everyone is nice. But yes, there are some jerks. Not every forum is perfect.

Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 5

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Overall my experience here has been more positive than negative, I like most of the people here and even most of my experiences with moderation have been positive. But there a few things about this site that need a bit of improvement. Because of concerns I and many other users have expressed to me about the inconsistency of the "borderline NSFW rule" I have created my own thread about it in the "feedback and suggestions" subforum which if you haven't seen already you can find here.




SCS has said that the staff is discussing the issue and will come to a solution "sooner rather than later" of course until then I invite anyone to who hasn't commented yet or even someone who has commented but has maybe something else to add to please do so. This and a few other things are causing a lot of frustration and even resentment among some users.


I also noticed some recent topic locks where the reasons given are honestly a bit confusing to me and some other users here, especially this one on the Wesboro Baptist Church picketing Robin Williams funeral.




I can understand the points about being on topic but are we not allowed to criticize hate groups because "we don't know the background of everyone here?" What?


And then there is this topic on pornography




I don't understand what Simon was talking about when he said that the posts were "all over the place", pretty much everyone answered the OP's quesiton and I didn't see anyone post anything abuse or inappropriate which once again leaves me bewildered.


I bring these examples up not to attack or disparage anyone, start fights or drama monger but when there is confusion among users as to what is even allowed on here or why certain threads have been locked I believe that is in fact a problem. Most thread locks do make sense but a few examples like this can to some users seem a bit arbitrary and contribute to the same resentment I mentioned earlier.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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