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Strange Things Parents Do


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My parents seem painfully boring in comparison to what you guys are saying XD


My friends parents put a pedobear sticker on their car, obviously not knowing what it really was.

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My mom gets drunk and at parties and always finds a way to fall down a flight of stairs. One time it was so bad that I had to drive her home without a license.

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Hm...whenever either of my parents are stressed out while working on something and they need to find something, they always spend at least a half hour freaking out about how they can't find it, only to then realize that they had it in their hand.


And my mom organizes the fridge in alphabetical order.

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my dad likes to put a lighter to his butt and fart. you know what happens next...


....i'm serious.

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Whenever a salesperson comes to the door my dad always lets them in and talks to them forever for some reason. Except he usually is more interested in the person than whatever theyre selling. I think its because his dad was an anthropologist so he likes to study humans, though my dad's also a psychology major. He's a pretty interesting person...

Edited by matau
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  • 2 weeks later...

My dad plays the mandolin and likes friggin Celtic music.


My mom, on the other hand, is a bit of a gamer and is a metalhead.



Let's just say that my WHOLE family is strange.

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Once when I was little, I was at the grocery store with my mom. This guy nosily passed gas (IT STUNK!) in the aisle next to us. My mom pulled a can of room air freshener spray out of the cart, and SPRAYED IT ON HIS A$$! He actually ran away! We saw him later in the store, standing next to another woman. My mom walked up and said "Watch out, he likes to point hiss ass and fart at women." I swear, that is word for word what she said! That was years ago, and she still brings it up if anyone says something about disgusting habits or the like.


My dad always teases my mom. If there is any kind of a saying to be said, my mom always reverses it. Example (TRUE!) As long as I can remember, my mother always says jelly and peanut butter sandwiches. Never peanut butter and jelly.

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my old chinese parents....where do i start? they drive at like 60 km per hour on a highway. they fight over ridicuouls things like not buying the proper kind of banana. it's impossible to tell what makes them mad or what doesn't

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My brother teaches my dad a lot of what's going on on the internet these days. So he uses the word "troll" and "derp" and uses memes and whatnot. My brother also got him addicted to Dubstep, I think that's a little weird, I guess, because while we were growing up, he was a Pink Floyd, T.a.T.u, Cake kind've guy. Now he's all about the -step. xD

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Weirdest thing for me was when my mom, now in her 50's, told me she got her belly button pierced. All I could even say after she told me was, "Wait...what?" I was very taken aback by it. To my knowledge she still has it too.
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I told her I was taught in medical school that the "church-approved" rhythm method (ie following your periods closely and only having sex at times that conception is least likely) is not very reliable.


You know what they call people who use the rhythm method? Parents.

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You know what they call people who use the rhythm method? Parents.


I agree with you. I still can't believe my mom told me what she told me - guess my parents are anal enough to make the rhythm method work. Sucks though, I did not want to be an only child. Why couldn't they mess up the rhythm method like normal people? :P
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  • 7 years later...

Lol WELL I used to think it was strange when my parents would lock themselves in their bedroom and make weird noises. But now that I’m older I know why they do that. :ButtercupLaugh: 
Other than that, in all seriousness...I can’t think of anything particularly strange my parents do. 

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I have noticed that parents often do boring grown up things. Maybe you have noticed it also?


That's why I never really want to be a parent, it seems so boring, and you have to spend 20 odd years being it too, or even more if you are unlucky! :BornAgainBrony:

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I can’t think of anything strange, but more like embarrassing things. It’s not embarrassing to go every where with your mom, dad or both. But when  it comes to mom lecturing a grown man in public that’s a bit embarrassing for me. And she still do that. Sign.. moms. Well at least she yells in our language so no one can understand all the embarrassing things she said to me. :ButtercupLaugh:

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