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Stuff that scared the $#!@ out of you (and maybe still does)


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Since you mentioned Unsolved Mysteries, I just want to say this: "TONIGHT, ON UNSOLVED MYSTERIES, FIND OUT WHO GIVES A **** ABOUT BIGFOOT!"


Since you mentioned Bigfoot, I just want to say this: "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN A PETER PAN PEANUT BUTTER ALERT!!!!" :angry:

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I used to love water as a kid. We had a swimming pool in the home I grew up in, I was pretty much born in it. On family vacations I crazy about the pools and the ocean, I spent the entire days in there. But when we took one of those bottom glass boat tours on one vacation and I saw a swarm of jellyfish for the first time, it pretty much killed my ocean enjoyment. Those tentacle demons scared the hell out of me. Since then I was never able to step foot in the ocean without looking nervously around me. Stick to the swimming pools   :(

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I was terrified of loads as a kid, any slightly scary or tv show would make me scared. When I was young I was actually terrified of the mutated Gremlins (when they eat after midnight and become big green things). I used to have dreams about one of them living in my cupboard and he came out one morning telling me he wanted to be my friend, but he wouldn't let me leave my room and was then trying to kill me.


After I seen IT for the first time as a kid I hated walking anywhere near a stank (drain) in the street when it was raining.


These days there is only one thing that scares me...death  :blink:  Seriously, if I start thinking about it too much I actually want to cry or hit myself to try and snap out of it or just try and run away from it, as impossible as that is.

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I wouldn't say it scared the shit out of me but here are some fears I had as a kid and still do to this day


things that scared me as a kid and still kinda does

In Harry Potter The Chamber of Secrets the video game there was one part where your suppose to be sneaking around a shop to get something your friend left there it plays very creepy music for trying to sneak through a shop and when he finds you the music goes from creepy to HOLY FUCKING SHIT RUN so every time I play a game involving stealth (which is something I'm good at) if it has creepy music it still scares me


Bees I have never been stung but I can't calm myself knowing that its flying near my face and 90% of our bees aren't Honey Bees they are African Bees that have had bad records of attacking towns killing people and to the point where the town needed to be evacuated


Lightning I'm least afraid of this then anything but its not the bolts that scare me its the thought that the bolts can hit me


Suffocation being asthmatic I have always feared one day I wouldn't be able to breath and no one would be around to save me plus I have nearly died of suffocation plenty of times in my life from nearly drowning to choking once I was using my inhaler and something was inside of it and got caught in my throat if my friend wasn't there I wouldn't be here


Being stared at ever since I was in Fifth grade it had bothered me if someone was looking at me because I had done a lot of stuff that people laughed at me for doing and it still does bother me the only way it won't bother me is if I'm confident or wearing a mask 


Suddenly dying in video games as a kid I gamed a lot and there was times I was low on health or had a decent amount of health and all the sudden I get attacked from no where and die this is the reason I'm afraid of enemy spies in Team Fortress 2

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Smile Dog Creepy Pasta... I cant take a glimpse of it without freaking out. I know its fake but still, its creepy as hell. 

Smile Dog Creepy Pasta... I cant take a glimpse of it without freaking out. I know its fake but still, its creepy as hell. 

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The Hephalumps and Woozles from Winnie the Pooh used to scare the bajeezers outta me. :unsure:  They'd send me into my parents room or to hide under my covers and just freeze there, because if I can't see them, THEY CAN'T SEE ME!!!!! :okiedokielokie: The blanket will protect me.... :mellow:


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  • 3 years later...

We were cleaning my brother's backyard and a black widow/redback spider crawled out of the trash bin. When I saw it emerge, I literally jumped and almost fell into the pool.

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the power of stupid people in large groups, having to compete in a popularity contest for my life, the (current) government, 

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The fear of mowing the lawn and either mowing over a bees nest or an animal coming out of the ground. Luckily neither have happened yet.

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On 9/16/2014 at 11:16 AM, Snow Frostflame said:

I wouldn't say it scared the shit out of me but here are some fears I had as a kid and still do to this day


things that scared me as a kid and still kinda does

In Harry Potter The Chamber of Secrets the video game there was one part where your suppose to be sneaking around a shop to get something your friend left there it plays very creepy music for trying to sneak through a shop and when he finds you the music goes from creepy to HOLY FUCKING SHIT RUN so every time I play a game involving stealth (which is something I'm good at) if it has creepy music it still scares me


Bees I have never been stung but I can't calm myself knowing that its flying near my face and 90% of our bees aren't Honey Bees they are African Bees that have had bad records of attacking towns killing people and to the point where the town needed to be evacuated


Lightning I'm least afraid of this then anything but its not the bolts that scare me its the thought that the bolts can hit me


Suffocation being asthmatic I have always feared one day I wouldn't be able to breath and no one would be around to save me plus I have nearly died of suffocation plenty of times in my life from nearly drowning to choking once I was using my inhaler and something was inside of it and got caught in my throat if my friend wasn't there I wouldn't be here


Being stared at ever since I was in Fifth grade it had bothered me if someone was looking at me because I had done a lot of stuff that people laughed at me for doing and it still does bother me the only way it won't bother me is if I'm confident or wearing a mask 


Suddenly dying in video games as a kid I gamed a lot and there was times I was low on health or had a decent amount of health and all the sudden I get attacked from no where and die this is the reason I'm afraid of enemy spies in Team Fortress 2 


Man my grammar was horrible way back then. None of these really bother me anymore... except bees, fuck those things.

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I'm scared of looking down from heights, and have been since I can remember. It used to be a lot worse than it is now, but I've gotten used to it. I get the idea in my head that I'll fall and crack my skull and it will hurt badly.

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2 minutes ago, A Cynical Millenial said:

I'm scared of looking down from heights, and have been since I can remember. It used to be a lot worse than it is now, but I've gotten used to it. I get the idea in my head that I'll fall and crack my skull and it will hurt badly.

I think that's called vertigo.

As for me, something that scared me as a kid was the Horned King from the Disney movie The Black Cauldron. I was fine watching the movie then one night I had a nightmare about him and couldn't watch the movie for years. I got over it though. Another thing that scared me as a kid was the original Sims game. My dad had gotten it from one of his co-workers a the time and I would play it on the computer we had then. I was fine with it, until a fire broke out in the house I'd built and all my Sims died screaming. I couldn't play the game after that and my dad gave it back. Love the game now though.

Something that still scares me now though is anything similar to wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets. All of those things are nasty. I've never been stung, but I can't stand them and their buzzing bothers me so much.

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On 7/12/2018 at 11:11 PM, MidnightFire1222 said:

I think that's called vertigo.

As for me, something that scared me as a kid was the Horned King from the Disney movie The Black Cauldron. I was fine watching the movie then one night I had a nightmare about him and couldn't watch the movie for years. I got over it though. Another thing that scared me as a kid was the original Sims game. My dad had gotten it from one of his co-workers a the time and I would play it on the computer we had then. I was fine with it, until a fire broke out in the house I'd built and all my Sims died screaming. I couldn't play the game after that and my dad gave it back. Love the game now though.

Gotta say that kinda reminds me of my own experience. There's an animated film called "Little Nemo" and as a kid; the Nightmare King scared me to death; especially during the scenes with the so-called "The Nightmare" showed up and all you could see were glowing red eyes in a void of darkness. Always closed my eyes during that scene.

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