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Casual Stroll - An Introductionary RP mainly around Equestria OOC [Open Entry For All]

Blitz Boom

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Just now, WiiGuy2014 said:

@Blitz Boom

I think it's time to change locations. I've initiated the question for Will Guide to be led out by Alonsus. 

Also, Will Guide is at this point starting out as a blank flank. I'm thinking it'll appear once Will starts remember how much he loves reading fairy tales later on in town. I'm also thinking that the whole Cutie Mark shall appear at once instead of in parts. Don't you agree?

Oh dear let's hope Ancalagon doesn't set up shop in Ponyville.

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Hmm, shoot, waited too long to ask... now what was it?

  ... So @Blitz Boom? Do you have anything on your sisters of Void & Null? So better that I can tell them apart? ...I think you said one was a demon? Wait, we may have been over this already... Satin? Wasn't that someone else's character? Anyhow, I suppose that Ambie will be interacting with the two of them & Genessee's Lance?

Oh! Also, what are we to do if you & @Lloyd have plans to haul in my pirate griffon for the spot of Elementbearer of Cruelty? I... still kinda wanna go with the 'his ship needing to be moved' introduction.

   Though... come to think of it, the character I just made also fits into that and isn't AU... both of my dragons kind of apply, but I'm more interested in roleplaying the pirates.

   Aaalso... don't think I didn't notice that you recently introduced a character that has a relationship with fully-fledged dragon. We happen to be huge nerds about dragons. Not to mention that you seem to have another character that's trying to uncover whether there's ever been positive relations between dragons & ponykind...

  Oh, and by the by @dragon4111. If Ancalagon winds up flying out of town soon, feel free to grab Kozaky too on your way out. I haven't much further plans with him other than causing randomly minor irritation to others around town.

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39 minutes ago, Widdershins said:

If Ancalagon winds up flying out of town soon, feel free to grab Kozaky too on your way out. I haven't much further plans with him other than causing randomly minor irritation to others around town.

Oh he's not leaving after all he owns the territory. And trust me.

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Before I reply to things everypony, I have some exciting news.

I checked a few hours before, when I was in the process of writing, and guess what? We're now the most viewed thread in the Everfree Roleplays section. ^_^


We're still only third in most replies, but seriously beating the Trotting Dead one in any capacity is huge. That thread have been top of everything in this section for years. O.o

Anyway, wanted to say thank you to all of you, and I'm proud of everything we've gotten done thus far. Here's hoping we can keep it going and rock on. :D




@Dji @Widdershins

I don't claim to understand it, I just know the facts, and the facts is that you two need to enjoy the honeymoon as long as it lasts. Once the baby is there, you two won't have much time to enjoy thins anymore. :3

I need to remember to get a fruit basket soon... You two like roses, or do you prefer tulips?



@dragon4111 @Widdershins

Jeez Dragon, why don't you go ahead and make yourself a giant mayor's hat whilst your at it? :P hehe.

But it sounds fine what you two have going, though something tells me Ancalagon is going to end up being a right pain soon enough. Well that, or he'll eat Last Stand. Something tells me that might be a real possibility the way things are going.

...Please don't eat mah horsie. :adorkable:




The town shall come likely in the next post. And the cutie mark's fine by me. They tend to just pop up randomly on regular ponies too, so eh.

Reminds me I haven't made one for Alonsus... I'll have to think on this as things move along.




You're mixing things mate. Null and Void aren't demons, just ponies. You're thinking about Vivid Loss.

And you can tell 'em apart from a few things.





I aimed to have them have the same base color, eye color and mane/tail color. So if it isn't, just pretend.

Null is a smaller than normal pegasi who doesn't have a right wing and is the confident, protective one of them with anger issues at times. She's considered the older sister. Void is a larger than normal earth pony with her right back leg missing along with her left eye. She haves a glass eye and a leg made of wood, though it functions roughly like a regular pony leg with joints. Might look a little strange though. Void is the nervous, frightened one of the two, which is why she tends to stutter.

Sometimes Null rides around on Void's back. Gives her some height advantage and is one of the reasons why I have her being smaller than normal, and Void being larger than normal.

The NPC Circle Pop might or might not have a thing for dragons. I may or may not expand on this later on. :P

Nerzhei haves a book that details an ancient kingdom where dragons and ponies lived together, and it depicts half-breeds. I figure the long standing hatred between the races haves made that incredibly rare, but hey, toss in a half-breed somewhere if you want.

Ambie is unlikely to interact with Satin by @Lil' Lovebug, my char Vivid Loss, and @CentipedeGhoul's package deliverer, as Ambie is in the food place (Which really, I don't get why people keep thinking is inside when I keep saying it's outside in an open square) and those three are in the inn, which is not at the same place in Ponyville.

Lance is over with Null and Void, so yes, him you could feasibly interact with.




Thanks, but like with 90% or so of the things I do here on the forums, I'm just winging it. I start to write, and then things pops out of my head that sometimes makes sense. :) My best bet for you would to be to think a few steppes ahead to fit the bill too. Like say, a criminal is on the loose that might threaten the princesses. What do you do? Secure the princesses first, just as much as you do the castle. The princesses are currently in Ponyville, so perhaps pointing that out to Screecher would be a way for ya?

I never think I get all the points really, which is why having two generals is good. You can fill in on the points that were missed. ^^ If you can't think of many, consider that Iron Wing is new to the job, and that he needs time to mold into a leading machine. Seek advice, note concerns, ask advice, etc. ^^




Eh, I figure we cover the class thing when we get there. We have the base sorted, and it will likely be a while before he gets hold of the orbs anyway.

The lings sounds balanced this time around then, just remember: no controlling other's OC's To wake me up, before you go go.

Oh come on Anomalty, this isn't even about you. Shush, go back to... I don't know, lick the charbroiled Widdershins or whatever it is you're doing.

Now what was I saying... Meh, guess it doesn't matter, I said my piece.

Also, linked friends, does that include Anomaly? I can't remember if you made one with her too, or if it's just the caretaker and Jelly of my chars.



@all in general

I'll try to start working on some short bioses for the chars I have pictures for, so it's easier for people like Widders. I'll let you all know when I got some out that can go over the basics of the chars.

  • Brohoof 2
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Okay, I got Null, Void and Alonsus done thus far. The small bioses actually work better for me than the big ones it turns out. Saves me some filler I'd rather RP out. :3

Smokey is next, but I'm taking a break. I still need to do like... 7 or 8 of these more, then add a note about NPC in the google doc.

If you wanna see the links, check the doc link under my siggy. All the stuff will be posted there.

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@Blitz Boom

I'm not really one to like thinking ahead, since I tend to also try to jump to the moment I thought ahead to. So, probably not too much thinking ahead. Also, what you suggest is really the only thing I do at all with my characters, I think about how they should respond, and then make them respond that way, while writing the post of course as not to find myself jumping ahead.

So it seems I just have to do some more thinking, and consider the situation a bit more while making Iron Wing talk from now on.

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56 minutes ago, dosey doe said:


Have a background pone

She seems like an air head. Lol I love it

57 minutes ago, dosey doe said:


Have a background pone

Of course there's a giant dragon who could change his size at a whim.

  • Brohoof 1
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   Tulips. Maybe some snapdragons too, I've always liked those.... wh-what?....

    Oh, and good show on the....uh, showing up better on the forums!

  Alrighty! You heard the man-thing, Anomaly! Set the Depth-Charges! I'll be handing out congratulatory nuclear submarines! Still have to decide between pirate attire or skimpy naval sailor uniforms... though I'll need something for the mares too...

  While I'm at it, I'm tempted to make some snide remarks about ponies riding other ponies but... well, it's still just as cute to boot.

19 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

To wake me up, before you go go.

 ...Don' leave me hangin' on like a Yo-Yo! Wake me up! Before ya GO-GO!...

  ...and we've lost him now. Good job!

 Oh, I could never do a dragonpony; I feel I'm taking enough liberty with the two fully fledged dragons I've already just made.

  So I'll keep all that in mind then, I assume Void is the one behind the counter then. And, If I can comment on the pictures there...

    The pencil-graphite-black coats are a bit much. Don't think you should be able to see an outline that vividly. Think that black in the outline would work better as the full coat and there's just something terribly off about Void's hair. A toothpaste white hair seems to clash too brightly with the coat.... I've watched an awful lot of Your OC Sucks on Youtube, heh.

   Though I do have to say too that there's just something fun about stacking ponies. I tend to do that with my family of six since their all progressively different in size.

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   @Blitz Boom

   Ah, so too, I was kind of hoping Last Stand would get to see how easily Widdershins fixed his earlier mistake, however indirectly. I want it to be clear to that he's ultimately intending to be a source for good. 

   Ooh, and she's a shrine maiden you say? Note to self: Offer her cosplaying options when next we meet!

Oh, and think I'll let whatever moment is going on between Phoenix & Smoke take its path before they come over to inspect my damage.

   So cute how they're getting closer together! Were I not dead currently I'd totally be reaching into both their souls to bodyswap them for more awesome rom-com hijinks!


      And on an unrelated note... Am I the only one a little bit concerned where Equines are getting their milk from? And we have so many questions on dragon relations! Like how the pony doesn't get crushed to death!  ...when they hug, of course.


   And speaking of unrelated notes: I keep seeing that sentiment pop up an awful lot. That whole "Character is surprised that they're not being shunned & how Open & Welcoming Equestria is." I thought everyone knew that; that Equestria doesn't work on the same social rules as the real world. Most wouldn't bat an eye at a dragon walking down the street. There's comic books in cannon that show that Manehatten (well, one of the big cities) has a "Chinatown" Dragon District. Equestria is a huge world with boundless species diversity, you kind of have to quit being speciest pretty darn quick there. Ponyville's been attacked by a Godzilla-Spike and a half-bumblebee/half-polarbear mutant. I don't think most would really bat an eye at... I dunno, a mare with another head for a tail. Well, unless they were a skittish, cautious type like Fluttershy. Heck, think we've seen griffon ambassadors negotiating trade agreements or some such and griffons are the natural predator to horses in pretty much every story & cannon I've ever seen.

   Guess what I'm saying, is that notion seems negative & moot. Your free not to feel like you can't trust other's what with the life you've lead & such,( and believe me, I don't shy away from using that in my own characters, certainly) but if the majority of the entire world is already going out of their way to make you feel welcome, that's kinda just on you.

   This free world is led by a Lady that had to basically murder her own sister.(She got better.) I can think it's safe to assume forgiveness is deeply ingrained into this land.

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5 minutes ago, Widdershins said:

So cute how they're getting closer together! Were I not dead currently I'd totally be reaching into both their souls to bodyswap them for more awesome rom-com hijinks!

i would allow it. would be funny and kinky


might be difficult, however without complete understanding of how each of our powers work. we would each have to sorta write the outcome of the actions they try for eachother. 

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Maybe whoever is in control of the pink text can force whoever they want into skimpy uniforms, right?

Are snapdragons actually a flower type?

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 @Dji  Yeh, but its loads more hilarious if its a mandatory party dress code! Can't hit up the free buffet if you don't done a cute sailor uniform first!

And of course they are! Though I guess Snapdragons kinda have a bit wonky of a flower stem for bouquets... did see some rather pretty Irises today... Iri?...


  Oh, and just got back from reading Nerzhei, @Blitz Boom. Thought occurred to me. You know who I bet would be pretty good at translating a Dragon & Horse ancient book? Perhaps a being that is both dragon & of the species, Equis.    ...and some other random ten or so varied parts. With as many dimensions as Widdershins has gone through, he should have at least some grasp on nearly every language.

    ...and I'm not just saying that because I have a deep-seated, knee-jerk need to become involved in anything dragon related.

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@Blitz Boom,

I had said in a previous post here, he did take some scrolls. At least one would have been something of value. This scroll belongs to the cult. The others he had gained for training purposes. What is within the scroll however, is up to you.


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Alright, lets get cracking. Starting with @dosey doe

Looks good to me. No issues I can see, and an interesting, somewhat crazy character with some gokd thought put into her. :) Welcome to the flock.

I'd like to ask, did you do the models, or is this one from the show that's usually in the background? Because these are some really good visuals. :D

Beyond that, do you have any preferences to the RP, about how you'd like to start? We can start you off on the side or you can join one of the several crazy things going on in Ponyville right now.

Be aware though, barribg a few from Seamore and myself, all others are currently RP'ing at roughly 21:30 in the evening. If you wish for a day setting, we need to have you start on the side whilst time moves along for the rest of us. :)



@Dji @Widdershins

Tulips it is then, and I'll look into the snapping turtles or whatever it was. :P

Something quickly to go over with you both though: No skimpy outfits please. This isn't an anime highscool. Plus you know, I wanna try to keep it family friendly here, and skimpy clothing isn't really something that evokes family friendly pictures.

I have no issues with weird, torn, silly, cute, etc. clothes, but please refrain from directly calling some clothing skimpy by word. There's plenty ways you can still have pieces of a wardrobe without calling it that though, long as you explain it in the post rather than going something akin to *Dawn wandered into town, wearing a skimpy outfit that drew the eye* or something like that. :)



@Widdershins @~Phoenix~

I would be on board with the body swap thing if it were. Sitcom hijinks ensured. :3




To cover the book and Nerzhei first, you could offer to translate it, but she wouldn't let you within forty miles of the tome. :)

It's the pinnacle of her research subjects, and draconequui are too unpredictable to not randomly eat it or something similar, which she can't risk.

Plus, it's intertwined ancient equine and draconic. Not as easy to translate, plus she want this to be her own work. I figured that even if she were smarter and more open than most of her kin, she were still a dragon, which means prideful. No wanna share the research credit with a translator shen she is able to do so herself. :3

And she took it up with Ancalagon as he were old enough to tell her of the place was real. That was all she needed to know, as she had a nagging suspiscion the book could be an old hoax she stumbled upon.

As for Null and Void's pictures, it was what I had access too. I use pony creators after all, so I can't control it all. They're supposed to be all black colores in their coats. Like dark holes. :3 Kinda the vibe I tried for. And the manes and tails were meant as silver, but again, I can only work with the tools I have, and colors are hard.

Going on to the Equeatrian thing, I go with what makes sense for mg chara. The ones from outside the norm like Last, who grew up isolated from the from, the sisters who came from another country and only knows persecution, and generally those sho would think Draconequui are hard to accept. I can't see them being generally loved in Equeatria considering their story via Discord, even if some claims he is reformed.

Also, Wham rules.

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25 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:

Alright, lets get cracking. Starting with @dosey doe

Looks good to me. No issues I can see, and an interesting, somewhat crazy character with some gokd thought put into her. :) Welcome to the flock.

I'd like to ask, did you do the models, or is this one from the show that's usually in the background? Because these are some really good visuals. :D

Beyond that, do you have any preferences to the RP, about how you'd like to start? We can start you off on the side or you can join one of the several crazy things going on in Ponyville right now.

Be aware though, barribg a few from Seamore and myself, all others are currently RP'ing at roughly 21:30 in the evening. If you wish for a day setting, we need to have you start on the side whilst time moves along for the rest of us. :)



21:30 of which timezone? I'm US mountain time. If it's anywhere near there, I'll be available at that time.

As for starting location, I can go either way. She lives in Ponyville, so I can come up with an appropriate activity for her regardless of time. There are basically three likely locations for her: her home, at the market, or in the park. If a group actually wants to include her right off, that's fine. Starting by herself is fine too.

The drawings are mine. And thanks! Also, I just added another one.

Speaking of "day setting" what is the current weather and time of day in Ponyville, and the time of year? Are there any holidays or events (such as the summer sun festival) coming up?

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