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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom, Astral walked over, lifting a hoof for a hoof shake, hoping Scarcity at least shake it, and not leave it hanging there. Whether or not she'd shake it, she continue with introducing themselves "I'm Astral, she's Misty." Astral explained pointing her other hoof to Misty. "Yeah, we're, new here in Canterlot." She looked to the antique shop. Curious what things she ma- Nah, they had a mission. And that was get a new house. "So I suggested to Chow here, that he could try to get his shop back?" She asked rubbing the back of her head. "But that's his decision I suppose." She said rubbing the back of her head. "We're just here to get a new house, after Ponyville was attacked. I don't know if we'll stay here in the long run though."


"Awe! I wanted to!"


Astral chuckled as she turned to look at Misty, itching her head with a hoof. "Okay fine so maybe we will."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

"Even then you have to ask their shamans to do it," Draco said as he chuckled. "And you have to prove yourself a man to the tribe," Draco stated simply with a sigh. "Alot of pain to do it," Draco stated with a grin on his face. "But it's worth it. Also another caveat to it the shamans are restricted to their native tongue," Draco explained with a sigh. "Had to learn the whole language to do it," he explained to the older stallion. "But anyhow I better get this package back to ponyville," he said as he ran out of the shop.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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"T-Thanks. It looks... Comfy. Must have taken some time to set up."
"oh yea took me and mac a good 2 months to get the levers working right" he says nodding. "this entire tree house can withstand most anything thrown at it. In fact if you pull the lever next to the sofa its my favorite one." he said  


With the comment on noodles cresent decided to show the cat what he meant "how could you not have herd of pasta?" he says finding the noodles in his food cabinet then pulling the box out. of dried noodle's "let me show you some bat magic" he said then grabbing it in his mouth opening the box beginning to turn the hard noddle's into soft eatable.  


"ponys say best thing that's in this world is magic, clear they don't know what to do with noodles" he says stirring them in

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@@Blitz Boom


"Aye Aye Mayor Mare!" Storm chirped cheerfully, giving a goofy salute that was mimicked by his son. Then they both turned to Last, "You don't have to worry about leading us there if you don't want, I already know where it is and I'm sure you're pretty busy making sure everything is going smoothly." the blue Pegasus told her a smile. "I wouldn't want to make things any more annoying or time consuming for you."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Seamore Sandwich


"The Everwood stick. The one Priestess used and the one Luna blasted. Oh I still have to get her back for that..." she thought with some venom. "That blast ended up hurting one of my young and I've been informed that he's still in discomfort from it. So if you could wake the good doctor that'd be appreciated." 





"I believe that Princess Celestia will be well in mind to thank you for your efforts, and give you the appreciation of the crown you speak of. She is currently meeting with the authorities of Ponyville, no doubt to make plans on how to proceed from here, but if you want, I could talk to her on your behalf when she is done, and perhaps arrange that you meet at a neutral place? You would of course also all be welcome in town and wait for her there yourselves, provided you don't try and push past the Solar Guards and don't leave your impressive craft over town with weapons aiming towards the last of Ponyville. It is nothing against you, or your crew of course, it is simply for security reasons, and to avoid panic. The citizens are understandably a little tense for the time being."


"Best you do that then. There have been some...tensions, between the Subterranean local governance, and the offices of Canterlot.  Your word will carry more weight than mine. And yes, we'll keep our craft anchored outside of town. However since we are here, does the town require any other assistance.  We have an entire platoon on board, including a dozen field medics."


@@Mentis Soliloquy,

Star's motherly concern was easing Petey's pain. When she asked, he mustered the strength to weakly nuzzle under chin. 

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"I'm not a doctor." Charlie's confused response to Queen Allure would be both spoken aloud and directly into Queen Allure's mind. "Wait, are you referring to the one that visited us in the Grove of the Everspirits? I can sense him. He must be asleep. Should I contact him for you? Talking in each other's heads like this will be hard to get used to. I mean, it might be slightly similar to how my friends and I communicated in the forest, but we communicated with sensations and feelings, not words. That being said, even words are going to take some getting used to. 'Getting used to,' strange how this combination of words has a different meaning when used together than the combined meanings of the words when they're used separately." It seemed this distraction had taken all of Charlie's attention away from Vivid and her guest.

"It's more of a theory based on an actual location. A slight space where dream meets reality that we stumbled upon the last time Charlie came around here. A place that I take it that he knows of quite a bit better than me, which is why it was but a question and a suggestion that I brought up."


Whilst she did reply to Phantom, Vivid's eyes focus were mostly on Charlie, as he began to speak aloud about some kind of nonsense. Or more precisely, it did make sense, but how he were talking to somepony that wasn't here were beyond her. At least since he apparently couldn't repeat back with thoughts alone, but had to go on speaker mode.


From what she could gather, it sounded as if they might have a dream destination to go for soon though,. A doctor of sorts whose name didn't ring a bell with her. Perhaps somepony that were around after she had went away to handle the crafting and eventual storing of Charlie's new form? Might well be, but they'd see in time.


Phantom floated back slightly, thinking to himself. "...Well...It's risky...But this might be a chance to get a soul..." He frowned to himself, "on the other hoof, this might just be a one-way ticket to nonexistence...Geez, I love these kinds of situations, don't you?"


He chuckled weakly, seemingly losing his ability to float, landing on the ground with a gentle bump. "...Seriously, though...I don't wanna give this a go if it's not...Exactly, 'stable' for me."


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"I'm glad this is helping you a bit little one, just take what you can from me, not too longer the doc will be here and he'll fix you and you can go back to being a happy little nymph." She just continued her best to keep the little one's happy and most especially the one who was hurt. 

  • Brohoof 1

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My various Roleplay Characters

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So that was the way to look at it then. Interesting.


It was still something that she had to think about for an extended period of time, and she'd likely need to know exactly what it said to have enough to go by to think on this, but she understood the direction of the questions a bit more now at least. Until later on, that would have to do, but for the time being it seemed as if their little pause was done when the elder returned to them.


It sounded like good news from him, what with him having found out who else knew so that he could handle things with them before another troupe showed up and tried to lure Sen away. This was a good thing, as having to go back and forth from somepony trying different stunts to get them here for some reason would be tiring, but she did seem to hear one thing not being explained. If it were because he didn't know or if he simply wished to keep this to himself she didn't know, but it were an important part of the equation, far as she were concerned.


"Did he know why they wanted Sen back here? You seem to want better things, but not him. Not from what you said. He sounded like he didn't want to help or welcome anypony back."


The elder that had been presented through words of both her friends and this new elder, made Omen think rather low of the one that had been. Even more so when you saw the methods that were set up to capture Sen, if any of them managed to get him close enough to their city, and with that in mind, what would the elder had wanted with Sen? He were removed from their stories after all. Same with Lin. So why would the former elder care about him in the slightest? Shouldn't he have forgotten that he ever existed, according to what she understood of the exile thing? Or had she misunderstood some hidden clause in that, were the exiled ones were hunted down and... Disposed of, perhaps?


It were perhaps something she should ask about, but for now, she wanted to see if there was an answer to the previous question first. There wasn't a need to get it all tangled up and leaving her own words hanging like that.










Ziggy looked at Serenade that had wandered over, then to the mare she were holding, then to the few who were sending her funny looks... Rinse and repeat that for a few seconds and finally, the pieces clicked into place in her head and she let go of her accidental teddy, who wasn't a teddy after all, but somepony she had fallen down on. Didn't mean hugs weren't allowed in her books, buuuut perhaps she had done enough for now with that. Better to let her go and try to diffuse the whole thing.


"Hehe, whoops. Guess I got sorta confused there. My wings started to cramp and I went slam into the ground, then there was something about demons, but I guess me plopping down on her made her sorta confused. Guess I got confused too, huh? Or well, you are rather snugly, but not a teddy bear."


The zegasus directed her last words towards the blue mare before rising up on her hooves and stretching her wings out a bit to get some of the soreness out. It would be easier to see more for Trinket now that she didn't have to turn her head, like the frames without glasses on Ziggy's face, her overall influence of some zebra features, such as the rings around her legs, etc. Should also let Blue have a scope of how large the zegasus actually were, as it could be hard to tell when on the ground, but considering the good doctor towered a head or more over regular, adult ponies, it got easy to spot when she stood up or spread her large wings, though it didn't really do much as she didn't seem threatening. Usually being tall and scowling were the ones to look out for, but goofy and reaching up were hardly ever an issue, unless they felt mischievous.


"And hey there Serenade. Are you okay? And where's Fah'lina? I figured she would've gone out with you when you ventured around. Is she hiding?"







Ponies really did give her a migraine sometimes.


Nerzhei were okay with a few questions, long as she had the chance to answer them, but Blood were pretty insisting on keeping on the questions before they had even gotten answered, leaving the dragoness with having to catch up on things when she had the chance.


For example, the question of their Dragon Lord Ember and her answer on how for them, the dragon lord were like a princess to the ponies. A ruler, and hence one that you should listen too. Might be that Ember wasn't universally trusted with her new role from some, as a mixture of some thinking she were too young, to those thinking the competition had been rigged to allow for some degree of nepotism to occur came up here and there, but noone were stupid enough to say it when they had an inkling about their new lord actually hearing it. That wouldn't end well, both because of the office she held and the powerful, magical scepter that would increase and add on her own magic substantially.


The chance to examine that crystal even a little and find out how it stored its boundless energy were something she had dreamed of for years, but she knew well it would only be a dream unless she held the throne, and she had specifically avoided the competition because she didn't want that. She were a scholar more than anything, and having to handle the role of a ruler for centuries would stunt her ability to do that.


Things like this went on until they could finally see the entrance to her cave - or well, she knew it was here at least - and she halted, answering some of the last questions before doing the next thing.


"Dragons doesn't live on clouds, we make out home in huts, houses, caves or where else we want. Some likes to be at rivers too, if they are more amphibian in nature, others are instinctual fliers and build their homes on the side of mountains. I like to make my home close to the ground and near stone, as it fits my needs better.


And for the last time, dragons don't eat ponies. The last recorded case were so many generations ago that the books from then are crumbling apart, as as mentioned, even then it were an extreme to have one eat a pony. Your kind are not passable as food."


With that she raised her right arm and put a hand on the seemingly dull and bare rock wall they had reached. A shining, dark-green light glowed on her hand as she used her magic, and a section of the rocks began to slide aside like it were slow curtains, which after a handful of seconds, ended in the cave entrance to her current home.


It were a perk of her geomancy, and one of the reasons why she preferred her home close to the ground, though if it were up to her, a cave wouldn't be ideal. She longed for an actual place to live, but that would take time, and before that, she had to make her presence known to the local authorities to see what her limits in regards to placement of her home were. It would be good to set something up one place, then being told it couldn't be there after all.


She did what she could with the cave though. She had made a hammock out of some cloth and ensured it were set safely so she had a place to sit, and had a table raised from the rocks not too far away from it where on one half, she had some books, her large, important book that were currently tightly wrapped in leather, and a apparently filled notebook. On the other half, an open, wooden box stood with a slight light shining from it, and in front of it, were spread three slivers of gems. One were glowing with a deep, green light, one were as clear as a diamond, and one were blue, with a slight swirl of grey lazily going around inside it.


There were light in there too, but this also came from slivers of crystals, this time crafted into a circlet and hung over the table. It provided some light, though it was a necessity for night times mostly, not an optimal choice. During the clear days she tended to just have the entrance open, and the light from outside would come in and help, long as she didn't sit in a way that blocked it out.


"It is not much, but it is my home. As such, I expect you to follow this simple rule: Do not, under any circumstances, touch the leather-wrapped book. It is the center of my historical research, and I won't take the chance of accidentally damaging it. Not unless I am in the presence of somepony with a vast knowledge of history, and with all due respect, you don't seem like a historian."


It wasn't the entire truth, but it sounded better than *I don't want whatever illness you have on my book* so she had neglected to mention that last part.







Sea Breeze just stood and looked at Deadpan for awhile, then went into a grin and gave him a little push on the shoulder.


"Ah, I get it, you're pulling my leg here. Gotta admit dude, you got me roped in for a bit there, but come on, *the internet*? What sort of thing is that even? Besides, if you'd seen some of the stupid stuff I did as a foal, you'd toss out the idea that anypony controlled my actions. Nopony with any sort of intelligence would've let me do so many reckless, idiotic things like that."


It was clear that Sea Breeze didn't believe him, but considering how the fourth wall sounded to most folks, was it any wonder? It was just good that he didn't think Deadpan crazy, but just somepony that were pulling a prank on him.







"No Ms here, it's just Null, and whatever remedy you have in mind, it won't work."


"A-Are you sure? I mean, if you stopped the anti-magic for a little while it might work?"


"Yeah, it might have, but here's a news flash: It doesn't turn off. It's forever present, blocking out anything magical, and until I die it'll ruin my life."


"Why? I mean, you are defended against things, right?"


"Everything magical fizzled out around me and my sister. Magic used on us not working is one thing, but we destroy magic by just being near it. Now, try to imagine, in this world full of magic and applications for it, what would happen when somepony wandered or flew around who made it all just vanish."


Florence didn't need to think much on what had been said to see what it were that Null meant. Being like this, radiating something that would suppress or destroy magic... She would be a pariah, and that would be putting it mildly. In some placed she'd likely be hunted down and assaulted, or worse...


Null could see the look in Florence's eyes change from slight curiosity, to suddenly understanding a little about what this meant, and then over to awkward and silent. Not the best, but it was better than her trying to say she understood, which frankly, would have made Null rage a bit. Because how in the worlds could she, or anypony else than her sister for that matter, really understand?


"Exactly. And this is also why no remedy will work, because the only way to regrow a wing is through some kind of magic, a sort of transplant I don't think exists, or somepony engineering a wing, which is the only think I can hope for happening, and frankly, none of you two looks like tech heads to me."







Scarcity took the offered hoof and gave it a gentle shake.


"Astral and misty then? How delightful, though I am sorry to hear what brought you to Canterlot. having your town attacked must be devastating. perhaps I can ask about what happened another time, wnen Chow gets the chance to set up his shop again? Something tells me I will be seeing more of eachother when he does."


"If, the word is if. I haven't even found the pony I sold this place to yet, so frankly Scarcity, nothing's set in stone yet."


The mare chuckled slightly and gave Chow a rather knowing look that she knew he hadn't forgotten. That slight gaze of her being so many steppes ahead of him and enjoying it were hard to forget, and she could see it on him as he lightened up a bit and took a step back.


"You didn't."


"Why don't you follow me and find out? Your friends are welcome too of course. Might be I can even help them in their potentially long, troublesome search for housing otherwise, hmm?"


With a chuckle, and a slight pat on his cheek, Scarcity turned around and wandered into her shop, signalling them all that it would be okay to follow, with a welcoming gesture towards the door.. She didn't wait though, as there were no point. She knew as well as Chow now did what they would do. That is, unless they wanted to waste their time.


"...Well, guess I know where I'm headed then. And I'd think it best if you two come along too. Scarcity is... A problem solver, and if we stay on good hoofing with her, she can likely get you sorted too."







Spelt acknowledged what it were that Draco said, but as he were done, a customer came in and he suddenly had other things to handle. He'd keep in mind what he had been told though, but when there were customers, you should help them, and he were the only one here right now.


Back in Ponyville, Clayton would currently be over at the inn, where he were paying for a cup of tea. It were not as flavorful as he were used to, but it did well the trick of calming him down a little more. Enough even to get outside and have a seat on a bench to finish his drink. He still looked around nervously, and the cup shook slightly, but he weren't trying to hide right now at least.







At the question on how he could not know pasta, Zinthar gave him a pretty good *seriously?* face.


"I'm a cat. I eat mice, birds and things like that, not what looks like floppy bread sticks. Besides, higher brain functionality wasn't something I got until later in my previous life, and no matter how intelligent us cats tend to be, there is a limit to how much processing power a normal one tends to have. Hence, there is a good chunk of years where this might have been mentioned, but I didn't find it important enough to even focus on. You'd be surprised how often that happens when you're a tiny creature with a limited memory."


He could still remember well what it was like to be a regular cat. It was a nice life with simple pleasures like being petted, sleeping on his owner when he finally took his rests, hunting small mice and playing with his food... In ways, he missed the sort of innocence he had back then, and how less complicated things were before Starswirl had run one of his experiments on him and accidentally started the path that would make his cat grow and mutate into what he were now.


Granted, this life had it's perks. He could reach higher places, talk a language they'd understand, read and write, though writing with paws weren't exactly easy. Had been some time before he had figured out it was just easier to use one of his tails as a pen, though he were likely a bit rusty these days, considering he hadn't been around others for a millennia.


...That last one were going to take some time to get used to.


"E-Excuse me? But uhm... What happened if you pull that lever you mentioned?"


Cover-up had starred at the lever for a bit, contemplating just pulling it and find out as he hadn't been told not to, but eventually he had just let out a sigh and went towards the others, thinking it better he asked anything before he tried to do something that would end up messing things up. Not something he wanted to do when he were a guest.






"No, I need to know where this is. When the shifts are over I need to know where to direct the workers, and where to likely find the ones whose shift it then is. I can't afford ignorance if I want to keep a timely schedule on this. The town's too vulnerable when the buildings are damaged like this, too easy to take advantage of. It needs to run fluidly before the next attack, and the less I know of things here, the more time it will just take."


This were not her ancestral home so to speak, and she knew it. The shrine had been under constant attacks from being wanting to either take them or the thing they protected, and they had to keep a tight ship to make sure everything got repaired right in time before the next thing would come at them.


Ponyville were safer, but it was vulnerable, and especially now when there were distraught ponies and ruined houses around. It left less places to hide if something came from the air and injured ponies that were mostly not trained in battle to try and defend it. And that wasn't even thinking on changelings, that might come to town and take advantage of the distraught ponies to maker a quick, easy takeover via their manipulative ways.


She knew she couldn't get a wall built around town with defenders on that could handle the town better, but she could at least get the buildings sorted, then get some talk going on perhaps getting some proper safety rooms build into the ground, in case they needed to get to safety fast. Perhaps she could even convince some to let her train them in combat? It wasn't going to be a pretty sight or an easy road, but it would at least leave this place less defenseless when the next big thing came along.


But first, the town had to be rebuild. Before that had happened, nothing else would be possible to get done, and the more things she didn't have under control, the bigger were the chance that delays would happen from things cluttering up somewhere. For that reason, she needed to see where this feeding place were, and then be on her way again. She didn't have the time to stick around and eat or rest, not with all of this hanging over her head and potential others things after that.


"Lead the way."







It was good to hear that they were not taking it a wrong way that the ship had to remain outside the city. That was a good thing, as it would smooth things out, just as it might be if he reacted on one of the questions by the vixen.


"The assistance of field medics would be greatly appreciated, along with what muscle you might have to spare. We have several collapsed buildings in town and not enough able-bodied ponies left to search them for injured, and if we do find any, the hospital isn't likely to be able to accommodate everypony. We can set up a minor field hospital to accommodate both you and those we might find if it is. I am certain that the further assistance to the citizens will carry weight to the princesses, along with any words I bring them."


He would likely be better off trying to get hold of Princess Luna than Celestia for this, as communicating with his friend about this rather than her sister, whom he knew mostly in an official matter, were likely something that would work better. But as she wasn't here, and the letters would take time to get to Canterlot, especially after today... No, he had to attempt to speak with Celestia herself, and bring word personally from the forces of Subterenea. The Solar Guards might not like him not simply giving them the message, but that wasn't of any concern to him really. Not in the current situation.








"Never been in a situation like this. I have sent countless souls to the next phase of existence, but I haven't been part of the process of making one before. It is quite interesting to think of what would happen though, yet if we want answers, we need to get Charlie to spill the beans a little to us instead of whomever he is in contact with."


With that, Vivid wandered over to Charlie and talked into his ear, thinking that perhaps there were a connection here and he were some kind of speaker/receiver. If what she said didn't have any effect on who he were apparently communicating with, then it should still get his attention back to the place where they actually needed him to find out what they were gonna do here.


"If anypony can hear me, tone down the talking, would you? We need Charlie to be more reactive than acting as a mixture between a puppet and a bard, and so do you if you want whoever you're talking about to be tracked down."






@Seamore Sandwich


"Ah yes, here it is."


Briar were likely heard some time before this, or scouted out by one of the several changelings he could smell hiding around himself and the greying mare doctor he had with him, but still, it seemed appropriate to go about his business like this.


"Alright then, where are the patient you referred to? Because there are several changelings here. Among other things."


She looked around her, at the assembled ones in the little menagerie of creatures, including the one that looked like an actual pony in the mix, standing to the side with what looked like a half-grown changelings nymph that wasn't sure what form it hd to chose, that hastily made her way over to Briar as soon as she saw him, shivering at his side and mumbling something about being scared since he were gone for so long.


"Is it her?"


"No, his name is Doctor Xeno, You should be able to find out which one he is from one of the others, but if you will excuse me for the time being."


With that, he refocused himself to attempting to calm down Brittle and assure her that everything were fine, he were just a little late. It was a moment he were thankful for the cape that covered what would have been the bud on his left side at the end of his vine, as the damages there would have been impossible for her to ignore and would likely have sent her into panic. And he really didn't need any of that right now.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Well luckily for me my 'magic' isn't actually magic, it's just psychic energy. Although yes, the wound-mending remedy is magic, albeit modified to fit an Earth Pony like me." Zen smiled.




"Yeeeeaahh, let's just go with that. I got you good, didn't I dude?" he laughed. He really needed to stop breaking the fourth wall in front of other ponies. Like, REALLY badly.

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@Blitz Boom

@Storm Shine



Draco was currently being loaded up into a cannon being aimed towards Ponyville. And kaboom he was speeding back towards Ponyville at breakneck pace. An ear piece in his ear to contact the flight control. And he said into the earpiece "This is Courier 216 prepare a safety net over I'm coming in hot," he was definitely was coming in hot. minor adjustments with his wings. "Ponyville flight control do you copy?"

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom


Both ponies avoided the poison joke, the stallion especially so to the point that he stood on the exact opposite side of the trail.  When the house came into view, he balked.


"That is where we shall be saying?"


"You say that as if it's a terrible place," the mare sneered.  "I've seen worse."


"Splinters, Ametrine!  And dust.  You know how allergic I am."


"Stop making excuse and come along.  Maybe there'll be a library with a bunch of old books for you to read!"


The stallion's upper lip curled before he continued onward, grumbling under his breath.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Blitz Boom


"Okie Dokie~!" Storm replied happily as Grey hopped up on his back. The pegasus turned an abrupt about-face and began bouncing forwards with a wave of his hoof. "Follow Me! Let's see.. This way, then a left.. A right, followed by a quarter-turn left, then continuing in a north-easterly direction with a hint of south... Do a legal u-turn through this house- er... Rubble- and head north-southerly for about ten hoofsteps... And~, we're here!" Storm finished chattering his very confusing directions with an exclamation and a smile, gesturing around the area. "Easy-peasy lemon breezy!"


Grey looked around with slightly dizzy eyes, "I still don't get how you do that dad." He said in confusion, "I mean, I thought we were just on the other side of town!"


"It's a secret~" Storm teased, turning and ruffling Grey's mane with a grin.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom



"Hehe, whoops. Guess I got sorta confused there. My wings started to cramp and I went slam into the ground, then there was something about demons, but I guess me plopping down on her made her sorta confused. Guess I got confused too, huh? Or well, you are rather snugly, but not a teddy bear."


"Wh... What in Equestria is that supposed to mean?..." Trinket asked herself under her breath, her cheeks unconsciously becoming pink'ish. Soon after she was freed from the eventful "hug", she briefly wondered if the clumsy zegasus wasn't injured after that rough forced landing, but her answer soon came clean once said zegasus stood back up and stretched out her tall, somewhat lanky body. Now that they weren't so up close and personal anymore, Trinket could safely tell that that sight definitely wasn't one she witnessed on a regular basis. After being momentarily dazzled, the blue mare managed to get back on her four with the help of a friendly passerby who offered their hoof to her - who the zegasus addressed as Serenade.


Still feeling a bit light-headed and sore, Trinket took turns staring at the uncommon species in front of her and trying to choose one between hundreds of questions storming her mind to ask. As both of them engaged in what appeared to be some small talk, the mare quickly glanced around the ground near her, impulsively scanning for her working tools. With a disappointed sigh, she assumed the zone of impact had flung all the instruments away. However, she was going to address that matter sometime later.


"Um... Are you sure you're okay? It can be very dangerous for pegasi-- Uh... I mean... for winged creatures, to have a cramp and fall down from the sky. We're lucky nothing worse happened." Most likely because Trinket was there to cushion the blow and save the day. "Don't you need some rest?"

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@@Blitz Boom,


"Yeah, it was rather... Devastating, our house survived though, but we moved here to get away from the destruction." She'd turn to Ponyville, but most of Canterlot was in the way. She just looked in the generally direction of Ponyville. "We'd like a place to stay after the mess we've been through, some place that fits this wagon of stuff would be nice. Although my house is the only place that can."


Misty chuckled at Astral's mention of that. "She's kinda a hoarder."


Astral looked at Misty. "Hey! I inherited most of that stuff from my parents!" She paused for a moment. "Actually, I got it all from my parents, even the plushie." She said pointing to the plushie. "And the house."


Misty looked at the plushie. "I think you mentioned that before."


"I know I did." She turned to Scarcity at her offer of coming inside, she followed them in, Misty as well.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Driz@@Blitz Boom,  Serenade looks at the blue mare, slight confusion on her face as this mare looked familiar. She finally turns toward Ziggy, "I'm fine, things were just...weird for a bit. And she's still hiding up in her perch, but I left her something nice to chew on, you know something other then your head" She lightly pokes Ziggy. "She's right, your the doctor, you should know better. " 


Serenade turns back to the blue Mare, and offers her hoof "Moonlit Serenade"

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@@Blitz Boom@@Frosty Frost


summer nodded about blitz' statement about what parties should be like, those canterlot parties sounded terribly boring, almost as boring as the parties her father threw in manehatten... yea, she was happy she had escaped that. 


but before she could say anything to blitz to agree with the her, blitz got knocked out by lotus. "Blitz!" summer said, well, it was more like shouting actually, it had given summer quite a scare. worried she looked at Lyriel who picked up the filly, luckily everything was alright. summer let out a sigh of relief. 


Then she looked at Lotus and shook her head, how was it possible that such a little bunny could do such a thing. But summer couldn't really blame her, it was obvious that Lotus didn't like being squeezed. 


then Lyriel suggested to go back to Nerzhei, that's right, there also was their big dragoness friend, Summer had almost forgotten about her. "do you know where she is?" summer asked Lyriel "or do I need to fly off and find her and then show all of you the way? I can do that, if you want to" summer flapped her wings, she felt like flying, and a bit of alone time. no matter how much she liked the others, after a while she couldn't take more hyperness and now that Blitz had calmed down, summer finally noticed how nice the silence was again. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom


"I know the previous elder sounded contradictory and frankly, I noticed that too." Ghilan replied to Omen. "It doesn't make sense to me why he wanted Sen out but suddenly sent search parties to look for him. That's why I'm planning on investigating the matter and I'll be putting together a team to carry it out. By the way Xin replied to my queries, he was left out on a lot of information and I fear many others were as well."

Despite Lin calming down, she still had her suspicions on whoever it is would end up returning to the village. Considering not many in the village would dare venture too far unless they were dedicated or awaiting some form of large payment, they'd be returning within a few days, a week at most. What's troubling her though is who would sign up for such a task. It has all the makings of spies and inside agents, it is written all over it, and the prospect of an uprising is already brewing within her head. It is still very flimsy evidence and not much of it adds up, but Lin was scared of what all this could possibly mean. She would avoid the topic until she got a chance to meet with Ghilan privately.

"Are you sure about this elder?" Lin concernedly replied. "You're not exactly sporting complete confidence with the villagers, especially the older longma who are set in their thoughts and difficult to convince otherwise. You're still spreading yourself thin with whoever you get. Are you sure about this? What if pardoning them doesn't get the results you hope and it all becomes fodder for the villagers to remove you from your position?"

"Then I will live with the consequences." Ghilan scratched his head, hinting at his slight frustrations. "The pardons will come when their innocence is proven but until that time, everyone who returns will be asked questions similar to Xin. I will need to put this motion forward to the council before the investigations can be carried out. For the meantime, feel free to make yourselves at home in the village. My home is open to you all should you need more room."  

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@@Blitz Boom,


Blood Drops glanced as the dragon made part of the wall into a door. She blinked and walked forward into the wall thinking it was all a door. She blinked as she hit the wall and snorted, it wasn't a door at all. She sidestepped into the dragon and then walked though the door into the dragons cave house. She looked around, "Its rather large" she commented, She made herself at home sitting down in the middle on the floor, she blinked it was cozy.


"So you don't actually eat ponies? Well that's good. I don't want to be eaten, I don't taste nice and you will end up with my blood disease. She blinked "Can you fix my blood thing now? or after eating?" she remarked. Se took out a packet of her blood and took a portion, getting hungry again after the long walk. Her hooves told her she had walked quite abit and she was rather out of shape as well. She blinked at the dragon.


"Are you part of the royal family of dragons? Since you look like Lord Ember" she remarked blinking. 






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"It's fine, I'm just a little sore. And you're right, pegasi do have it easy getting bruised and beaten up, but I'm half zebra, which helps a bit with making me somewhat more sturdy. I can still get all sorts of usual damages though, like muscle strain and bent or broken bones - the whole *hollow bones* thing with winged creatures, you know? - but it's easy to fell if something like that happened. Especially if it were a muscle damage at my size. It goes ouchie a lot."


Ziggy went on to stretching her hooves after her wings had gotten their turn, and talked to the unknown mare she had landed on with a chirpy, happy voice in the process. That others worried about her getting injured from falling down or hitting things wasn't unusual, and she could see what they meant, since she knew the issues facing regular pegasi more often than not, but she were fine. She might look big, clumsy and easy to break, but it would take more than a small fall like this to truly get her damaged. Though granted, if she had fallen on something else than a pony, like a bed of rocks... That would be pretty bad news.


"And I still got tons of energy, it's just been a loooooong night at the hospital. Lots of injuries to help with, lots of running and walking around instead of flying. I really should have known better and stretch, but oh well, thankfully it doesn't seem anything bad happened. You are okay, right?"


Worry were in her big, pink eyes as she looked down on the blue mare, scanning her quickly with her eyes but not finding something currently wrong. Though she did appear to be looking for something... Okay, keep that thought hanging Ziggy, there was something else to address.


"Poor little thing must be terrified. I gotta check up on her soon, see if she's okay. Perhaps I should bring her a fish? That seemed to help on her mood a few times."


The matter of Fah'lina were a tricky one. The critter hadn't left her really since the day they met in the forest, or at least not for long while it went out to do something. Usually she figured it were hunting, but it could be hard to follow the little thing, so she hadn't the faintest clue anymore and really, she figured that she deserved some degree of privacy.


She wouldn't go as far as to say that Fah'lina were tame, because the mimic always seemed to be teaching herself how to adapt near the city more than Ziggy did and still behaved the way she wanted to, but at least she seemed less interested in biting the zegasus' head, so if not tamer, she could at least call Fah'lina more friendly.


She were about to say more to this, when Serenade introduced herself to the unknown mare and Ziggy's brain re-winded to the blue mare again, at which point she turned and waved at her a little.


"Mind if I ask, did you loose something? Seemed like you were looking for something at least. Oh, and I'm Doc Zinger, but everypony just calls me Ziggy. Nice to meet you."







"My, you two must have some fascinating stories to tell. Ah, but that is all later. For now, I welcome you to my humble store."


*Humble* was perhaps not the right word to use when you entered the large store. From the floors to the walls, ceilings and glamorous, yet somehow still tasty and subtle carpets and lighting fixtures, the store itself screamed that it was put together with an open wallet and a tactical mind, as it all seemed to fit very well. And that was not even speaking of the things on sale.


Presented well in each of their own ways, were statues, furniture, jewelry and more, all clean, most of them in perfect condition, and first and foremost: Antique. It were clear that Scarcity did not take items that were not up to some pretty high standards most of the times, though you did see a few statues and such here and there with some minor things wrong. Those things however, were of too high value to get through a restoration process without destroying said value, so they were just kept as intact as could be. No furniture like that though. She would not have that.


The price tags on these things reflected everything well too, with being far too expensive for a regular pony to just buy out of the blue, but for the elite in Canterlot, this store would hold merit.


The store currently had four other ponies in there. Three being a well groomed and welcoming stallion speaking to a pair of nobles about a couch that looked excessively adorned in silk and gold, but again, nobles. Beyond those three, a muscular pegasus guard wandered around the large store, keeping check on things and making sure that nopony tried to get over and damaging or stealing any of the merchandise. He were quite intimidating to look at, and the way his posture presented itself, along with his ability to somehow still blend into the background, though decked in some armor that wasn't restricting his movement, made it clear that he were a former palace guard. Which princess he had followed were anypony's guess, but likely solar guard, as they were the most common.


He started to make a few steps over towards them when Scarcity lifted a hoof and waved him off, which made him return to his patrol again, rather than intercepting his boss and what he assumed were her guests then.


"I would ask that you please, do not try to touch the merchandise. Brick Wall is very reactive if it seems like something is about to go wrong with my wares."


"I remember him. Nearly broke my jaw once."


"An unfortunate turn of events, but he were just doing his job dear. And i seem to recall you two getting along well eventually, no?"


"He's a fine one when he's off the clock, aye. Got things sorted, and learned why you stayed away from poking stuff in here."


Scarcity gave a small, pearly laughter, though low, as she did not want the nobles some way from them to hear her. She would rather not want to talk with them right now. Not when she had guests.


"Worth every bit that one, but all things to discuss as time comes along, I'm sure. For now, we have some more important things to handle. But not here of course. It isn't suited for friendly chatter. Please, follow me to the backroom."


She made sure to keep a close eye on Astral and Misty as she lead the way, prepared to take action herself if Brick wasn't near, though she knew he were, just in case. As she said, he were worth every bit that she payed him, and with what his salary were, that said quite a bit.







Last looked around, slightly confused as to how the hay they had gotten here. By using the clock tower as a constant, she could tell what part of the town they were in now, which were going to help, but for the life of her, she hadn't an idea about how in the world they got here in so little time. It had felt like they were walking in circles for a little while, then she had been about to ask if he had any idea what he were doing, and then presto, they were suddenly on the other side of town.


"...I swear, trying to make sense of you or Pinkie will end up being the death of some scientist one day."


She shook her head slightly and just did what she had done the last time she had been around this pony: Shrugged it off. Trying to understand it brought her nowhere, and she had other things to think about right now, like finding out who the last pony int he equation were. Some visitor to town as the mayor had put it, which really then shouldn't make her surprised to see the shiny-black coated mare with the silvery mane, tail and eyes and counter-clockwise, swirling black hole cutie mark planted on her flank, just above her intricate, black wooden leg. Not enough to blend in with her colors, but it helped on things.


"Ah, Void. Seems fitting."


The mare were an... Interesting sort, to say the least, and a bit taller than the usual earth ponies she met, herself included. Frankly, despite her wooden leg, she had considered first to ask her to help with construction, but then the issue had come along. No, not her leg, it wasn't just a single piece that would make her walk like she were peg-legged after all, but several parts, cut out and crated with parts to help it work mostly like a regular leg, though it did give her a slight limp, which were far more noticeable if she tried running.


No, the issue with er had been the anti-magic aura around her, that made it so that essentially, any unicorn helping would be useless, which made her more of a hindrance than a plus at that point, along with her sister. She had sent them on some menial tasks around town since then, since they still wanted to help, but all the time it would be away from where they were building, just in case.


That she were here to help set up the tables and seemingly help with the food however, she hadn't expected would be the place where she belonged. Though now that she saw her there, it made sense enough. None of the others at the stove were unicorns after all, and magic wasn't part of general cooking. Just heat. So with that in mind, she could see the mare do well here.


"O-Oh, Last... Didn't think I'd see you here right now. I-Is something wrong?"


The mare's eyes went towards the two ponies that Last had with her, that seemed like a regular pair of pegasi from what she could tell. And the two of them might be able to tell there were something a little off with her left eye when she looked at them. namely, that it seemed to have a slight reflection in it, like it were made of glass. Which, essentially, it were, but not everypony could identify a fake eye, so they'd see.


She nodded towards them and gave them a weak, shy smile..


"And hello. I'm Uhm... M-My name is Void. Nice to meet you."







"...Sounds like a complicated way to ask questions, but I guess that's your rules."


Omen were not a fan of rules, as she had been taught by Discord how the rules chained you down and restricted you from being free, along with the general over-complication of things that came from it. She had changed some of her views since she had been taught that, but the aversion to rules still were one thing that were present for the most part, where instead she just followed what seemed right, or at least not a bad thing to do for her, rather than trying to adhere to some strict guidelines.


It also helped in situations like this were it seemed pretty basic what should happen: Ask questions, judge them from what they told. There wasn't a need for all that filler things in her mind, but again, this was likely their rules, and not something she could do anything about. Likely not something she should be messing around with either, if she understood Lin right about wrong moves getting the elder in trouble. Potentially she only meant his moves, but could be they counted too, since he had let them wander loose in here? It were hard to tell, but why take chances?


"It was never said, but the other elder is dead, yes? You keep speaking of him as if he is. Him and The Council, whoever that is. Not somepony either talked to a lot?"





@@Hazard Time,


They wouldn't have gotten all that close to the building before a series of growls were heard around them, and the forms of around a dozen timberwolves broke through the bushes. It would appear that this were not as easy a run at things as they might have hoped for.


"Yey, puppies!"


The severity of the situation didn't seem to really get to Blitz though, as she went with a big smile and a happy voice straight towards the wolves, who understandably did what came naturally to them: let out a sniffed, let out a yelped and ran away before she could get to them.


The timberwolves in this forest had learned either personally, or through the warnings of others, that the filly that smelled slightly like gunpowder were highly dangerous to their kind, to a point where seeing her getting near them would instinctively make them run away, rather than take the chance that she had something that would blow them up and/or set them on fire.


And Blitz took advantage of it every time, thinking this far more a game now than anything when she saw them, and a chance to get small slabs of the bark they shed at times, which were excellent for her explosives, since it were somewhat flexible and the ends sealed together if you pressed them right.


"Awh, puppies never want to play anymore... But at least they left me a present. Yey."


A slab of bark around the size of her head had been dropped, and sure enough, she grabbed hold of it and put it on her back before wandering back to the other two ponies again, and looking up at them with glimmering eyes and a bit of bounce in her step.


"Wanna see what's in there now? Huh? Huh? Huh? I bet it'll be fun to explore."


(What is inside the house is up to you)







The flight control in Ponyville might have responded, if it wasn't for a minor detail: It didn't exist.


The technological advancements in Equestria wasn't exactly impressive most of the time, and especially communication devices were something which they hadn't mastered yet. A reason why sending letters were the way to go with instead of for example phones, which they had in other worlds. Some magical communication did also exist, but that were mainly through projections or stored in orbs.


Thankfully, for Draco's health, his neighbor had prepared a net the second she had seen him take off towards the big city. She were a loner type that didn't like being around others much, but Draco had been nice to her now and again, so she had taken to study his habits from her house. One of which were the way he returned to town, which had the first few times been lucky brakes with stacks of hay ans such breaking the fall, but it couldn't keep going. So she had made a big net that could handle him, and whenever she then saw him leave, she'd use her magic to put it up, just like she had done this time, and then let him keep his fantasies about the whole *control center* thing and such. It seemed innocent enough, and she didn't want to see him unhappy by telling him it was just her that did it out of habit.


It did get a bit of a strange look from one pony that had recently sat down at a nearby bench, and not seen the net the first few seconds when he started to drink his tea, but he were a big boy. Surely sompony hurling through the air and getting caught in a net like this wouldn't be a bother to him.







"Eh, call it what you want, if it ain't working on me it's some sort of magic. I can guarantee you that much."


Null let out a minor sigh and shook it off her. Whatever Zen wanted to call it, it wasn't her business to judge, just like it wasn't to condemn the monk for having magic of any kind when you were an earth pony, because frankly, how could she say anything there when she carried the sort of stuff around she did?


She got a minor jolt of adrenaline when Florence quickly gave a yelp and jumped a little though that snapped her out of the minor thought she had on this. At first she thought it was because of something Zen or her had said, but upon closer inspection, it seemed to be about the large griffin in the room, that had apparently clenched the talon he still had slightly, before it went limp again.


"Seems like something's stirring in his mind. Ain't awake yet though, that's for sure."







"You sounded all serious about it for awhile, so yeah, you got me for a bit before it got a little far fetched. Only way to find the limits though I suppose, eh?"


Sea Breeze felt a good deal better now that he saw the other pony laugh a bit. He hadn't been in a good mood for the majority of the time they had spoken, so seeing him getting at least somewhat of a grin going were good. Might mean he were also in the mood to ask a question that Sea hadn't known when to push forth before.


"By the way, what's your name? You never really mentioned it before, and It'll be easier to talk if I don't have to keep calling you dude."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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"Name's Shrignhold Sparklestein Glitterfart the Third." Deapdan rolled his  eyes. "Nah, I'm just messin' with ya my names Deadpan. Though it wouldn't surprise me if there was a character named that considering the stupid names Hasbro's came up with. I mean, Twilight Sparkle? Starlight Glimmer? Sunset Shimmer? Come on, they need t' give the thesaurus a rest for a bit."



​"Oh my goodness, he's recovering! Oh this is so exciting!" Zen grinned. She always loved helping others, or at the very least making an attempt to do so. So to see somepony do something so selfless it really made her happy.

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@@Blitz Boom


"So you've been working shifts tending the victims of this incident in Ponyville, huh?..."  Trinket could understand the situation a little better after the zebra-pegasus hybrid, by the name of Zinger, explained it. Granted, information was traversing rather too quickly for her to be able to keep up with all of those unnatural, somewhat comical events happening all at once. But nevertheless, meeting new ponies and hearing stories was always a win - perhaps this opportunity had quite literally fallen from the heavens. Besides, it seemed like both herself and the Doctor had a common goal: to help the town any way they could.


"Oh, uh... I'm fine, really... My neck still hurts a little bit from the hit, but nothing too serious." She massaged the back of her head, revealing the source of the discomfort. "Accidents happen, don't sweat it. Just... You know. You gotta look after yourself. Can't get too careless, especially while flying." She gave the zegasus a comforting smile. Perhaps it wasn't her place to give advices, but she felt the need to put the water under the bridge. After all, they had more serious matters to worry about.


"Nice to meet you guys. My name is Trinket." She signaled with a nod and a polite smile on her face. "Yeah, uh... I think that after you crash-landed, I lost my working tools. They shouldn't have gone too far away though." She paced around, looking at the ground and peeking at corners like a search'n'rescue dog. "I'm a volunteer worker here. I came from Baltimare to help the Ponyville folks by rebuilding some of the damage caused by the incident." Trinket explained with a small hint of pride in her chest.

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@Blitz Boom

Draco laughed as he was caught by his neighbor. "Thanks neighbor," Draco said at the loner pony. He chuckled as he knew he was strange but he loved messing around. He smirked at his neighbor,. "How are you this fine after noon neighbor?" Draco asked with a grin once more..

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom, Astral stiffened up at hearing that Brick Wall nearly broke Chow's jaw. That meant he was strong most definitely to break bone. She lifted her hoof up briefly, looked like the warding spell was on. She'd be safe from Brick, hopefully Misty as well, despite this, she knew if the warden spell protected either of them from a hit from Brick, it'd show. She put her hoof back down. "I won't touch anything." Astral said looking to Misty. "And neither will Misty." Astral said sternly looking at Misty.


Misty tensed up at the glare. "I won't." She staid near Astral, who could cast a shield spell if it was really necessary. Misty was also aware, especially after hitting Astral, that if either of them were hit, the warding spell would show, and it'd reveal their use of magic to everypony. In the most populated city, with Celestia in it. She shivered at the thought. "Well, the stuff in here looks, great." Misty said, stopping to look at a statue.


Astral's ears turned around when she heard the lack of Misty's hoof steps. "Misty?" She asked turning her head around to look at Misty. "We're not exactly here to admire the products."


Misty nodded, running over to Astral to catch up. "I know."


Astral turned her head to track Misty, then turning it ahead to look at Scarcity. "Just curious, but how old is some of this stuff exactly?" She asked tilting her head slightly.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom, "I made sure she's got really good comfy hiding spots, lots of snacks and things to chew on. I even left one of the small windows open, just enough and just in case.I'm confidant she'll be okay". She gives Ziggy a reassuring smile before turning to Trinket. "Baltimare? nice, I grew up along Horsehoe Bay." She trots over to where the tools had landed, grabs then in her mouth and brings them back to Trinket, "Have you had anything to eat today?"

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@@Blitz Boom

"It's... difficult to talk about that." Ghilan replied, carefully choosing the next words to leave his mouth. It is a touchy subject that puts him far from ease. "He was removed from his position peacefully and I thought his ailments would keep him from trying to get back into power, but his influence is far reaching. I do not know what has become of him since I offered him a chance to leave with what is left of his dignity; now I may have to face the consequences of that action."

Ghilan found himself a stump to sit on, assuming the position commonly associated with thinkers and lay a claw on his head in frustration. The sound of his voice beginning to waver and shake with each word spoken. And it was lucky, or rather unlucky, that he came across Sen and Omen discussing the codex and being reminded of the arguments and observations put forth in the text. He knows the feeling of questioning the very values he holds dear to him and dreads the day he would need to face it by himself. There was little he could do but swallow his pride and hoped everything he learned would humble him. All of that still hasn't eased his worries.

"That is what I'm most afraid of. All of this work, it comes crashing down; I'm afraid I'll regret ever going down this path. I suspect even the previous elder's agents are at work, plotting against me. I know it sounds farfetched and not enough evidence supports that claim but nobody ever talks about him because they learned to fear him. He's intelligent, he knows how to sway others to his side and put down dissidents and rebels. And most of all, he knows how to break anyone without even touching them."


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