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movies/tv Do you watch Doctor Who? Which doctor is your favorite?


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So, how many of you guys like Doctor Who? Who's your favorite doctor, How did you get into the show, etc.


For me, I got into the show after reading about Doctor Whooves. It made me wonder, "What's Doctor Who?" So I started watching the show with the help of a kind redditor who sent me a link to most of the newer episodes. 


My favorite doctor: Well, hard for me. The eleventh doctor was the first doctor I ever saw, but my first doctor in an episode was Eccelston. I liked Capaldi's doctor as well. Still getting used to Tennant's voice, though, but I like him too. 


Favorite episode so far: "The Empty Child". Harkness shows up for the first time, we have a creepy kid asking for his mummy, and Eccelston being upset with the people turned empty and telling them to go to their room was hilarious.

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My boyfriend kind of introduced me to it. At first I was utterly confused, but now I know a bit more about it that I ever have. I'm just starting out, though, so. Nobody ask me anything super complicated about it. I'm learning.



It'sh good show though. :catface:

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Well Yes I do watch the good doctor. XD I got into Doctor Who after stubling upon an ep on SciFi. I thought it was a movie and I lved it. It was the David Tennant Libary episode. Anyways I never saw an ep after until people on another forum, Ranger Crew, was talking about the 11th Doctor Premiere. Ao I asked them and they gave me advice on the series. I started with the 11th Doctor Matt Smith. Instantly I loved him and he is Up until this day my favourate Doctor. Eccelson was too serious, David had to grow on me and Capaldi can't act. Matt Smith is just somehow perfect as the Doctor. My fave companions would have to be I an and Barbra while my 2nd fave is Amy and Rory. I hate Rose Tyler. My Favourate episode is the the 1st angels ep of the Matt Smith season. 

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I love Eleven! He's my favorite because he's so adorable. Before that, I also adored the tenth doctor. I'm leaning more towards Eleven because he's considered the youngest doctor. I even have a plushie of him as well. He talks, and he's also very huggable and cuddly. ;w;

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I've started watching Doctor Who around a year ago, boy I'm glad I got into it  :P  It's such an amazing show.  River Song is my favorite "companion" because she is just so interesting and brings a whole new life to the show and really questions logic in general, with her traveling backwards in time.  The bundle of joy the Eleventh Doctor brings makes me feel all happy and he's my favorite doctor


I still can't really get into the 12th Doctor yet, I mean with each episode he grows a little more.  I didn't really like the Listen episode

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Yeah, I watch the show. I'm not gonna pretend to be some hardcore fan or anything, because I have watched NONE of the classics. As for who my favorite Doctor is, that would have to be

. Edited by mrmattimation
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I started watching during the late 90s when my dad would watch some of the older 70s era episodes. I didn't really like it much at the time, and never really grew to enjoy the show until the tennant era.


But as for favorites

the 9th is still my all time favorite, just a shame that I wasn't watching the show at the time due to experiences with the earlier seasons at a younger age.

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I wish Paul McGann had a longer run. The Doctor Who movie was the first thing "Dr. Who" that I watched and I loved it, I flipped so many shits when I saw his regeneration :)


Though I will say I love Peter Davidson and Colin Bakers Doctors :)

Edited by The Euphonium Brony
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So, how many of you guys like Doctor Who? Who's your favorite doctor, How did you get into the show, etc.


For me, I got into the show after reading about Doctor Whooves. It made me wonder, "What's Doctor Who?" So I started watching the show with the help of a kind redditor who sent me a link to most of the newer episodes. 


My favorite doctor: Well, hard for me. The eleventh doctor was the first doctor I ever saw, but my first doctor in an episode was Eccelston. I liked Capaldi's doctor as well. Still getting used to Tennant's voice, though, but I like him too. 


Favorite episode so far: "The Empty Child". Harkness shows up for the first time, we have a creepy kid asking for his mummy, and Eccelston being upset with the people turned empty and telling them to go to their room was hilarious.

In "The Doctor Dances" I love this quote:

"Everybody lives rose. Just this once, EVERYBODY LIVES!"

This scene always leaves me a bit weepy. The Doctor's joy just gets to me.




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I love Doctor Who! I'm currently on series 5 and my favorite so far is Tennant, though Matt Smith is great so far. When I catch up, I am going to watch the classic series.

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Tenant was a good doctor, but from what I've seen of the first couple of eps of the new season, Capaldi could possibly be taking place as my new favourite doctor!

The main reason I'm attached to Tenant though is because he was around when I first took an interest in the series!

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Indeed I do! I was actually introduced by my mom a long while back. She got us watching many episodes of the fourth Doctor and a few others. Then, years later, some friends of ours showed us episodes of the new series, and I got even more into it. The fourth Doctor is best Doctor, and K-9 is best assistant.



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Tennant and Baker go for best doctors. I like Smith, but he's literally nothing in comparison with the latter ones.


The villains and the settings are the best part of the show, though. The Daleks and the Cybermen rule.

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I do watch DW, and I like all the Doctors for different reasons, but my favorite is definitely War Doctor (John Hurt). I feel that his character made the most impact, especially when you consider that he had that ABSOLUTE least screen time of any other Doctor. Even Doctor Whooves (pick any of them!) has had more screen time, though I know, not in the actual show. :muffins:


So, yeah. War Doctor for me. :muffins:

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I watch DW, and I really like Tennant and the War Doctor. I still need to watch the old ones.

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I started watching Doctor Who last year and watched EVERY. SINGLE. EPISODE both classic and new and I LOVE IT!!!! I even began reading the comics and books and listening to the audio dramas! I can even name my top 5 favorite Doctors.


1. The Third Doctor (Jon Pertwee)

2. The Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker)

3. The Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker) mainly due to the brilliant audio dramas.

4. The Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) again due to brilliant audios.

5. The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) though he's really competing for that spot with The Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison). I like Tennant's performance as the Doctor but I really do tend to think Davison was a better Doctor.


I also love the War Doctor but that's one of the biggest problem I had with Moffat introducing him. I want to see more of this guy! I want to see some expanded universe material of him!


Also I like Capaldi's Doctor, I think he's perfect for the role, delivers a brilliant performance! The unfortunate thing is that his debut season has been pretty weak. (2 Great Episodes, 1 meh, 2 bad ones) and he's playing second fiddle to Clara (who IMO is worst companion), none of this is the actors' fault though, this is entirely on the writers. I feel bad for Jenna Coleman for having to play a character that is a big Mary Sue and I feel sorry for Peter Capaldi as he has to play a Doctor who seems revolve around Clara (Seriously why does she have so much power over him? She's trying to have a life and he's following her like a lost puppy. If it were any other Doctor he would wish her the best of luck and be on his way and gain another companion.) I honestly think he's being screwed over by the network in the same fashion that Colin Baker was during his televised tenure, however we're only 5 episodes in the season, the last one was good and there's a chance that things may be looking up. Best of luck to you Capaldi!

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