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Are some people superior to others?



64 users have voted

  1. 1. Are some people superior to others?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I'm confused now
    • I'd prefer not to answer

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Are you a troll? Because some of your arguments really make me wonder if that is indeed the case when you include nazis and bronies in the same paragraph as a serious(or seemingly) argument.


Part of me wants to respond but another part thinks it's probably futile and a waste of time. Decisions, decisions.

The truth is always rough.
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Are you a troll? Because some of your arguments really make me wonder if that is indeed the case when you include nazis and bronies in the same paragraph as a serious(or seemingly) argument.


Part of me wants to respond but another part thinks it's probably futile and a waste of time. Decisions, decisions.

i have a bunny as my cutie mark, and about 500 brohoofs... so im not a troll. you have full liberty to have opinions about what i say :/ try to keep passive aggressiveness out of it though. an internet fight results in nothing but bad moods for on both sides for the rest of the day.

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i have a bunny as my cutie mark, and about 500 brohoofs... so im not a troll. you have full liberty to have opinions about what i say :/ try to keep passive aggressiveness out of it though. an internet fight results in nothing but bad moods for on both sides for the rest of the day.

I should have been more specific, I meant are you trolling at this moment? But of course if you were doing it in such a subtle way you wouldn't likely admit it I suppose. I should also state that I could be as passively aggressive as I wish, but that was not my actual intention, your arguments came off as fairly cynical and contemptuous to me so that's why I asked. Not that being cynical and contemptuous is necessarily bad on every circumstance. Edited by Roughshod
  • Brohoof 1

The truth is always rough.
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I personally think we are all equal, but there are some who treat others as if they aren't equal to them.

  • Brohoof 1

Hmmm... What do I put as my sig?

On the bright side I'm no longer a newbie, and I'm learning the ways of this fandom fast!

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What? Your tone confuses me, I'm only stating an opinion.

  • Brohoof 1

Hmmm... What do I put as my sig?

On the bright side I'm no longer a newbie, and I'm learning the ways of this fandom fast!

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I agree with you 100% I don't get why people always argue about this kind of stuff...

  • Brohoof 1

Hmmm... What do I put as my sig?

On the bright side I'm no longer a newbie, and I'm learning the ways of this fandom fast!

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We're all equal to one another.  If you count in things like wealth, social status, etc as things that make one superior to another that still doesn't justify saying, "I'm richer/stronger/smarter/etc, than you therefore, I'm better than you."  It just sounds petty, we all come into this world similar to one another, we do stuff in between, we die.  Simply as that, really. 

  • Brohoof 2
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I have yet to find an effective measurement to determine whether someone "worth more" or "is more superior."

Because it all comes down to this word: How

It seems to me that you're implicitly stating that all measurements of differences are themselves equal. That because we are all different and superior/inferior to others and that no one is completely better than anyone else that we should consider ourselves equal. Is being richer or poorer than someone or having a higher intelligence or better education of equal importance to whether you can run faster, dress nicer or sing better? I would say no, probably not. It is possible for someone to achieve success by being able to run fast or sing well, but realistically speaking a larger amount of wealth or greater degree of education will serve most people better.


Just because these values may be subjective it does not mean their implications are of equal merit.


We're all equal to one another. If you count in things like wealth, social status, etc as things that make one superior to another that still doesn't justify saying, "I'm richer/stronger/smarter/etc, than you therefore, I'm better than you." It just sounds petty, we all come into this world similar to one another, we do stuff in between, we die. Simply as that, really.

Why can't it be justified? If someone really is richer/stronger/smarter and has a higher social status than someone else why should it be petty for them to assert that? What qualifies as petty?


And sharing humanly existential truisms like birth and death don't facilitate a grounds for equal value beyond the biological. Both Josef Stalin and Winston Churchill were born and died but I don't see why I should accept them or their lives as equals because of that mere fact.

Edited by Roughshod

The truth is always rough.
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I am going to make this short and sweet: No


No one is better than another we are all flawed human beings whom make mistakes daily as anyone else out there does. Thats just how I feel towards it and I am *not* disrespecting anyone else's opinion on this.

Edited by Gone Airbourne



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We are all created equal. We all have the same equal value.


But we are not all equal in the case of virtues and talents. Some people are obviously going to be smarter than other people. Some are going to be better artists, visionaries, groundbreakers, innovators etc.


So in certain respects and in particular domains, some people are clearly better than others.

Edited by Guest
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No one is superior than the other and I don't care what anyone else thinks.



You're basically saying that no one else's opinion matters because yours is superior to them. That has to be reason you can justify such a dismissive attitude about viewpoints that don't agree with yours. That's pretty ironic for someone who feels so strongly about equality.

  • Brohoof 1

The truth is always rough.
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You're basically saying that no one else's opinion matters because yours is superior to them. That has to be reason you can justify such a dismissive attitude about viewpoints that don't agree with yours. That's pretty ironic for someone who feels so strongly about equality.

No, no I never said that other's opinions does not matter. I never said that and if that is the notion you got I did not mean it like that. I just feel as if well we are all humans that all make mistakes right? Sure others have talents in other areas that others do not. I respect anyone else's opinion. I never stated that my opinion on it is great than anyone elses perhaps I should have worded it differently in my original post.



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Often one person can't be entirely superior to someone else. Most of us have our certain traits that may be superior another person's, but that won't necessarily make us a "superior" person. Person A might be able to see one thing by itself more clearly than person B, but person B might be able to see the big picture more clearly than person A.


Although, it could be argued that some traits are superior to others. If person A has much greater knowledge of science than person B, but person B is a much better athlete than A, many people might view A as being a superior person. But maybe in order for someone to be totally superior to some else, everyone would have to be in agreement on that.

this is my signature 

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On an existencey standpoint? All humans are exactly the same. On a actual standpoint that matters? No, everyone is so gahddamned different from each other that sure some are superior and some are well, weak. Some people radiate superiority while others grime in weakness. Sometimes looks deceive you, and the weak looking guy is actually the most superior badarse mofo there is, while the big tough looking guy is a weak and scrawny... puny... weak... thingy. So yeah, some people are superior to others, that's just the way it works on earth I guess. Gahd.

  • Brohoof 1
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It mainly comes down to multiple factors


Social class

Political position. Eg president


Specific employment. Eg CEO




Things like that make people superior in a sense


A samurai pyromancer? That's a bit overpowered.

"Trust me, there is much more out there that's stronger than me, I'm a soldier, not a god"



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Some quotes pertaining to the subject matter:


Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

- William Shakespeare



Great minds are to make others great. Their superiority is to be used, not to break the multitude to intellectual vassalage, not to establish over them a spiritual tyranny, but to rouse them from lethargy, and to aid them to judge for themselves.

- William Ellery Channing



The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.

- Aristotle



There is always inequality in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded and some men never leave the country. Life is unfair.

- John F. Kennedy



Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

- Wilma Rudolph

Edited by Roughshod

The truth is always rough.
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