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Will you be depressed on Christmas?


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I hate at times in missing my grandmother who passed away but

I also send it with my mom, have good friends and well,  gain 5 pounds

from all the free food we get as "gifts."

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Christamas time will just be another time of year for me... Get up, go to work, lather, rinse, repeat -- bar Christmas Day, where I'll be sleeping in...


All in all, nothing out of the ordinary!

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Yes and no.

For the good: I get a little more than twice the presents this year! I will be getting another beast PC, a graphics card for my more recent one, and a drawing tablet so I can art!

The bad part is the fact that I have to live in two houses. Why? Because my parents are no longer together. So that means I have to spend half the day at one, then half at the other, leaving behind the presents we just opened for half a day. Also, maybe some arguing might be happening.  :(

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Wow I feel sorry for all those who will be sad at Christmas :C I would love to be able to invite you all over!


I will be SO happy :D!


It's remembering the day God decided to make himself man to save us! It fill me with such joy and hope I can't contain myself :D! I never ever sleep Christmas ever I just want to sing at shout and be joyful :D!


You probably jsut signed or skipped the comment, and I understand how cringe it sounds, but seriously I can't help it ><!

  • Brohoof 1
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Nah. For one thing, Christmas over here is pretty simplified and less laden with the hideous, festering filth of consumerism -- especially when compared to the USA. We get presents but it isn't really a big deal. It's become one of the smaller things about the holiday.


We have christmas-themed folk music which is pretty decent and enjoyable to hear. We also play old classics which are also quite nice. It really gets that atmosphere of Christmas in the air.


Aside from that, the whole family gets together and we stuff ourselves with delicious food which we only eat around this time of year.


We don't have the whole mistle-tow thing over here. It's always been one of those things I've seen in American shows. Having a girlfriend just for Christmas just comes off as unnecessary.

  • Brohoof 1
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I will!


- Will be the last Christmas from my 20's

- No girlfriend

- Will see lots of young couples kissing, dating, holding hands and everything as they always do for X-mas


How about you?


How about you?

I feel your pain brother...


I will most likely be depressed as well. For all the same reasons you mentioned except the first one.


My reasons are these:


1. Will be turning 26 next year and now even 25 is considered old so I've heard

2. No girlfriend

3. Will see lots of young couples kissing, dating, holding hands and everything as they always do for Christmas. AND I always see a man and a woman together whenever I go out too...

  • Brohoof 1
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I wouldn't say I'll be depressed. If anything, I'll be happy to see my family for only the third time since last year.


However... I do know your pain. Last Christmas and the one before were awful, because I was going through heartbreak. And then... I had to see all those things... and I...


Yeah. Not fun.

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I certainly hope not. I'm going to spend the week of Christmas with my long distance boyfriend, whom I've never gotten to meet in person before. My mom passed away just before last Christmas, and she was very sick the previous one, so I'm looking forward to having a nice Christmas this year.

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I won't be really depressed this Christmas....being with my husband means more than anything, because he is my family...however, Christmas reminds me of how my own parents did not want me, and there is a lot of mental/emotional problems I have during this time of year because of that fact...but I try to focus on the NOW, and the love I have for my husband.

  • Brohoof 1
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Not me?







Live 3800miles from family

I dont have the money to get gifts for pwople who would do anythi.g for me

And my heater is broken so my room stays at a nice brisk 34 ddegrees Fahrenheit


But why wont i be depressed? Ive got blood pumping threw my veins. Even tho i wont be with them ive got people who love me and ill have a roof over my head and hot food in my belly. I have 11 other months in a ywar to be depressed and worry about crap im not going to be that way on a holiday that celebrates family especially sense i could have a much much worse situation.


Ill be donating blood and volunteering at a soup kitchen. You should try one of those trust me it makes you feel real good.

  • Brohoof 1
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No, I am really looking forward to Christmas! It will be the first time I'll have been home for longer than 3 days in over 6 months, so it will be really nice to be home, reconnect with my friends, see my family, sleep in my old bed, that sort of thing  :)

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Well, I guess I should add this but this is something more unique to myself. The thing about Christmas is that my parents birthdays are just around the corner and I usually get to celebrate both before ever having to back to school or university. More partying and eating cake lol

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