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Last year. I ws staying at my grandmothers to help out after her surgery. A friend of mine online wanted to do an rp involving mlp. I hadn't even heard of bronies until then, to be honest. Being open minded, I decided to go along with it. So I did some research into the show to help things along, trying to make it feel authentic. As I researched, I grew more curious. I won't lie, the actual rp was AWFUL. Not having to do it, I mean, that I didn't mind. My attempt was so bad, calling them imitations would be an insult to good rping. Even if I had wanted to see the show before this, I didn't get the hub (and I still don't) so I couldn't. While staying there, she had netflix, and I saw they had mlp on there. Watched the first 3 season in under 3 days. And the rest as they say is history.

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I don't know if I posted on this I may have already but i'll just say it again I became a big fan over the summer due to a very kind hearted individual who gave me lots of love and ponies during a time when I was really down in the dumps. We are both on the forums and now that he's become a stronger influence in my life and my heart I feel much better :D

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I remembered when my cousin open 9gag, i saw rainbow dash things, and curiously i find information and it was my littlepony. I download and being addicted with every episodes :)

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I'm old.


I was a fan of the show from the first episode.


I didn't realize that there was a huge fandom for another few months... So, maybe January 2011?


I watched every episode as it aired, so I never had to binge them. ^_^

doing the all day binge on a good show is fun, I like being behind on a good show, and now that I'v caught up I'm kinda annoyed lol. I'm bad at waiting for things. ^_^

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I guess i have started to watch MLP somewhere in June 2012 i think.


I have already posted why, in my introducing but i wanted to have a new franchise to collect, which had various series, mini movies, movies and games and was not so expensive like anime dvds.And then i have found MLP and now i have the Gens 1-3 complete and the first 2 seasons of G4.


But what me really got, was the Cover for the My Little Pony Tales Dvd Sweethearts Birthday, because it was so well drawn and cute i just had to start watching MLP.And My Little Pony Tales is still my favorite to this day.


Im talking about this picture :




This Picture made me a Brony  :muffins:

And maybe the fact that i like Furrys and had searched for a series with cute furry like creatures in it, i guess thats why i found that Picture so interesting  :lol:




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post-30092-0-42292700-1415028480_thumb.jpg vinyl scratch is awesome!!!!!!! 

how i became a brony was when i was watching the first episode with my sister and and i instintly fell in love with the characters of the show my favorite and the most cutest pony ive ever seen so a introduction was fluttershy. when i saw her meet twilight sparkle in that adorable shy nature i was so captivated that i wanted to watch more then, i started getting into the lessons of friendship and started loving and admiring it. and as i watched further into the show up to the wedding seen with vinyl scratch doing the dj, and the epic song by cadence and the changlong queen, then further into the flim flam song, then dragon shy episode, then episode 14 season 4 i just couldnt i was on my last straw, than finally came the final episode of season 4 with the epic fight between twilight sparkle and tarak.........i might have spelled tarak wrong.......anyway i just couldnt take it. i cant wait fro season five my hoof just keeps twitching with anticipation!!!! 


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Became a brony in May 2012


I used to take the mick out of it, but then I watched a video of some unnecessary censorship in MLP, and because I'd already heard about the fandom, I decided to watch a bit, and I found it really good.  (I remember it was May 2012 because it was a month after A Canterlot Wedding) I also got my older brother into it, but half way through season 3 he stopped :(

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Any other old show fans? I've been a brony (technically pegasister) since I was in like 1st grade... So... 20 years ago-ish? I saw the reboot and squealed. My friends thought I was nuts. I did it again with the Sailor Moon reboot.

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Any other old show fans? I've been a brony (technically pegasister) since I was in like 1st grade... So... 20 years ago-ish? I saw the reboot and squealed. My friends thought I was nuts. I did it again with the Sailor Moon reboot.

Im a Fan of the older shows, because i have started with them.Ive never watched them on the Tv back then but whenever i start with a franchise, i start from the beginning.  :squee:

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I vaguely remember if it was in March or not but yes it was in 2014. I remember being desperate for a good show to watch on TV.


Now I haven't looked back since, however I'm once again desperate for something good to watch.

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I actually watched it for the first time in late October but didn't join the forums until November 1st. I watched one episode when I was flipping through the channels and I thought it was a good show.

Edited by RainbowDash72
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Posted this in my welcome topic~

Reaaaaally long story. I first herd (:3) about ponies around 2011 ish, and I HATED IT. Everytime I saw a "brony" or some pony avatar on youtube, I'd lash out, calling them faggots or something. I absolutely wanted NOTHING to do with it. A year later, I started to kinda like the design of the ponies, thinking it was cute. But not openly liking the series or anything...yet. Another year passes, so it's august 2013 now. My friend (who is a brony) stayed over at my house and wanted to show me a video. He shows me this video, and it's comparing an ending of an episode of mlp with star wars. I was like "wat", and thought it to be kinda cool. Then he shows me some friendship is witchcraft, which was pretty funny. After that night I bought a Twilight plushie, and started to openly like ponies...but never watched the show. It was only last month or so, maybe even the beginning of this month, that I started to watch it. I watched the entire series in the course of a week. I love it. I think about it everyday, and can't stop talking about it. So that's how I discovered my love for ponies :3

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I watched the first episode aired the day it aired, and I was hooked the same day. My post in the welcoming forum explains that it was accidental, but great none the less. My remote broke and it happened to be on My Little Pony, FiM.

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ok well

seeing that was 9 when the show started I was more into sports,wwe,football stuff like that so when heard that people 3 times my age were watching a show called my little pony I thought they were pedos (no offense) so for a while I hated everything mlp stood for and hated the people who watched the show. one faithful day was watching pound puppies on the hub and lost my remote and yes mlp was next it was titled friendship is magic I watched and liked it but tried to deny it to myself and at the beginning of 2011 some where around may or so I watched pound puppies again and again lost the remote well any new mlp episode came out witch was titled the best night ever besides the fact title could really be took the wrong way it just seemed that it was gonna be a the perfect night ever thing was gonna fine kind of bullshit then afterward i loved rainbow dash and to this day it is my favorite episode most importantly I was a brony I couldn't deny it this time but I was closet brony and kept it under secret for a year until my friend found out he said it was ok and that he was one to after that I embraced the brony label and LOVE everything that this show stands for and LOVE the people that watch the show

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I stared watch MLP between first and second season. But to the fandom I joined when I made a account on the polish forum about My little pony, so I've been pegasis since April 2012, but I had read a Equestria Daily before it. However, I didn't write comments there, I was only reading, so I didn't be in the fandom then.

Everything I found with the help of google. So it isn't interesting story.

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I actually just became a bronie last month when my friend said that he was also a bronie. Being a fan digital art, and frankly art in general I liked the pony "style/look"... so i watched the first two episodes and loved them. 

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Must've been in late 2011, I guess. I entered November but I'm not really sure. All I know is that it was still 2011 when I first watched it. At the time (and still to this day, really) I spent a lot of time on TV Tropes. More and more often, I came across references to My Little Pony. At the time, I didn't take it very seriously because after all it was freaking My Little Pony.


Then, one day, I was checking Crowning Moments of Awesome of series I remembered from childhood on TV Tropes and once again I saw MLP in there. I remember thinking, how the hay can this series have any awesome moments at all? I read through the list and what I saw truly intrigued me. It didn't come across as a horrible series, that was certain. Being a guy who believes in fair chances (you know, whenever that suits me) I decided to check out the first episode.


At the intro, I remember shaking my head and thinking, 'why am I doing this again?', and that thought became even more prevalent when the intro started. That time, as soon as I heard the opening I muted it, and so I missed the awesomeness that should have given me a clue as to what I was dealing with. My mistake, but obviously long rectified.


When the show proper finally began, I quickly realized that this incarnation of MLP was quite unlike its predecessors. I found myself really liking Twilight and her light sarcasm, especially her reaction to Pinkie Pie. Her reactions were natural, and she seemed as weirded out and even lightly annoyed as I think I would have been in the same situation.


Of course, the opening was a two-parter so I had to watch the second episode as well. This, I think, was the one that cemented the show as a good one, mainly because of Twilight's reaction to Pinkie's song. "Tell me she's not..." That's when I knew beyond a doubt that this show was good, in an entirely different league from older versions. Obviously I immediately went on to watch the rest of the season and by the time I was done, I was completely willing to call myself a brony, eagerly anticipating season 2.


Oh, also worth mentioning as a true turning point for me: Winter Wrap Up. I loved that song the moment I first heard it, and I still love it.


TL;DR: Saw it on Tv Tropes, watched first ep, liked it, watched rest of season.

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