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When was the last time something hit you right you in the soul?


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Apologies if a thread like this exists. I've tried looking for it but I wasn't too sure what to look for.


Anyway, I was wondering when the last time was that something just hit you straight in the soul. For me, it was last summer when the MH17 was shot down. The event itself was tragic but didn't really hit me emotionally, but on Facebook the (ex?) boyfriend of one of the passengers wrote a letter to her.


From the letter, it was clear that the girl it was about and I would never be friends, and for the most part it didn't do much to me. But then the last paragraph began. The end of that paragraph just hit me like a fist to the face. I've translated the letter and added it in the spoiler below.



I immediately fell for you, first when I saw you in college in the Human Rights course, and later when you were dancing in the Tivoli. Disarmingly beautiful and because of that, nearly impossible to approach. After a couple of embarrassing and half-assed attempts from me, we miraculously ended up in De Zaak after all. Three unforgettable years followed, until early 2011.

My friends say I've changed a lot since we met and I have. You've colored my life. Subconsciously you've always pressed me to enjoy life and enjoy the little things. But then, that was very easy with you. Someone who visits refugee camps in her vacation, giggles in her sleep, feels deep sorrow for the dead cat of the neighbors, secretly hides a stuffed animal in my travel bag, is broke during her studies but instead of getting job volunteers to help refugees, and even in her twenties retains the dream to swim with the dolhpins. And there's numerous more thoughts about you that give me reason to embrace life.

Ever since I met you, and even before, you had the ambition to make the world a better place. You didn't care about making lots of money, but happy faces and being able to live with yourself mattered all the more. Whether that last thing is connected to looking at yourself in the mirror after expanding your wardrobe I'll leave up for debate.

You read and thought about the world a lot. Often we agreed, but whenever we didn't you challenged me. You took your side and looked at me patiently with your big, brown eyes, waiting to see if I had a retort. Usually you were right. One time when I was once again losing, I said as a last resort that I was 100% certain I was right. Of course it turned out I was wrong, which you found hilarious. I thought that, too, maybe more now than I did then.

The weapon you chose to deal with the injustice in the world was, among other things, a cum laude graduation in a War Law study. You don't think there should be wars at all, but if they are to be held, then within the rules. That way innocents remain safe. As irony would have it, you were in a plane that was unlawfully shot above contested ground. Dearest Tes, even now you were right.



In that last line, I felt all the anger, sadness, resignation and everything else this guy felt when he wrote it. I don't think anything's hit me harder before or since.


Is there anything you've read or seen or heard that hit you as hard as this hit me?

  • Brohoof 2
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There was a guy who bullied me for past 1-2 years, suddenly he came to me and apologized, asking if we can be friends again. I said sure and right after a day he asked me to lend him some money for lunch, telling me that he'll pay me back. I said yes and I gave him some money. But then he used $10 when I told him to use $4-5. I got over it, because he said he'll pay me back. Then I realised he was keep on making excuses, and it was his plan. To take away my money. I was really angry, it's not my first time getting betrayed by the others. 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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When I saw one of my closest friends being lowered into his grave.

Wow. Yeah, I can imagine the pain that would cause. I'm not saying that lightly, either.


There was a guy who bullied me for past 1-2 years, suddenly he came to me and apologized, asking if we can be friends again. I said sure and right after a day he asked me to lend him some money for lunch, telling me that he'll pay me back. I said yes and I gave him some money. But then he used $10 when I told him to use $4-5. I got over it, because he said he'll pay me back. Then I realised he was keep on making excuses, and it was his plan. To take away my money. I was really angry, it's not my first time getting betrayed by the others. 

I've fallen for something like that once. I can see why that would piss you off, especially since he pretended to want to make it up to you. I hope it hasn't disillusioned to a degree where you can't accept genuine apologies anymore because of this DB.

  • Brohoof 1
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Gee >_>.... this topic is similar but not exactly to an earlier one, actually.


I guess breaking up with my ex hurt for a while. It was worth all the mental frustration since my next girlfriend would be (is) so great :wub:, much like a mother giving birth to her loved baby :):P.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I was emotionally abused in my younger teenage days so it takes a lot to hit my soul, the last time I remember something really hitting my soul was at a military funeral for my step grandfather... wasn't enough to make me cry but I felt so many feels there...


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The death of a close family member really hit me, since I had to realize that I would never see him again.


much like a mother giving birth to her loved baby :):P.

What you said about me was sweet :squee:, but I don't get this part :wacko: Edited by SparklingSwirls


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The death of a close family member really hit me, since I had to realize that I would never see him again.


What you said about me was sweet :squee:, but I don't get this part :wacko:

The... depression of my last break-up was worth the relationship I would have with you two years later :).

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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For me, that would be the movie "Click".  Ignoring all the BS Adam Sandler raunchyness, that movie hit me right in the core.  It's all about how you shouldn't throw your life away.  How you sould live in the moment and always let familly come first.  I just watched that movie the other day all of those morals were things I was struggling with.  It came as a punch in the face and a huge wake up call for me.

There was a guy who bullied me for past 1-2 years, suddenly he came to me and apologized, asking if we can be friends again. I said sure and right after a day he asked me to lend him some money for lunch, telling me that he'll pay me back. I said yes and I gave him some money. But then he used $10 when I told him to use $4-5. I got over it, because he said he'll pay me back. Then I realised he was keep on making excuses, and it was his plan. To take away my money. I was really angry, it's not my first time getting betrayed by the others. 

Why does that remind me of "Rarity Takes Manehatten"?????????????????

  • Brohoof 2
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Last time something hit me in the soul was when a traditional healer gave me an eagle feather after speaking with her for almost two hours about my issues.  I've never felt so honoured about anything in my life before that.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd say what's happened to my friend recently is pretty saddening; but, sorta expected too, I guess... No; the last time I was hit in the soul was a few months ago when I read this article, seeing these smiling people... :(


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I've got to be honest Im desensitised to most bad news in the world. For me something 'hitting my soul' was the passing away of a family member some time ago, but that being said it turned me into a much more mature and humble person, so there is always a silver lining. 

  • Brohoof 1

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I've got to be honest Im desensitised to most bad news in the world. For me something 'hitting my soul' was the passing away of a family member some time ago, but that being said it turned me into a much more mature and humble person, so there is always a silver lining. 


Well, I'm pretty desensitized as well, that's why the rare thing that does get through hit all the harder. But I feel that pain, I've lost family as well, though not recently.

  • Brohoof 1
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Honestly... I have had terrible social experiences and yeah

I have trust issues along with a few more things but its just... A few months ago, I trusted somebody with an item that meant quite a lot to me, and they did too.


What did they do?

Sold it.


This is why I have trust issues.

  • Brohoof 1


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Honestly... I have had terrible social experiences and yeah

I have trust issues along with a few more things but its just... A few months ago, I trusted somebody with an item that meant quite a lot to me, and they did too.


What did they do?

Sold it.


This is why I have trust issues.


Dude, that is seriously fucked up. I'm certainly not the nicest person around but I would never betray my friends' trust. Whoever it is that did that I hope they'll pay for it somehow.


Then again, I once trusted a person I maybe shouldn't have, but I forgave his betrayal because I thought it was too pathetic to even make a fuss about it.

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I've been watching some circumcision testimony videos and they hit me hard. I don't usually feel empathy but these videos made me feel empathy.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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Honestly... I have had terrible social experiences and yeah

I have trust issues along with a few more things but its just... A few months ago, I trusted somebody with an item that meant quite a lot to me, and they did too.


What did they do?

Sold it.


This is why I have trust issues.


I feel you on that one. Back in 2013, I gave someone one of my guitar pedals on the basis that he'd give it back a week later. Three weeks had passed; he still didn't give it back. This was almost two years ago, and I still don't have it back.

"Have you ever felt the need to see more than you can see?"

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My fiancé got involved in a family dispute between me and my brother... And he took my brother's side, even though he barely knew him. (My brother has been physically abusing me for years and my now-ex-fiancé did not believe me when I told him of this.)


And my fiancé emotionally abusing me for years. His way of dealing with arguments was to shut me out (passive-aggressive) until I begged him to just say something. At which point he would come back and pretend that nothing had happened, as by that time I would have forgotten the cause of the dispute and would grovel and apologize.


He was a shit. Boy, can I pick 'em.

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When I saw one of my closest friends being lowered into his grave.


I know that feel all too well. I've seen it happen too many times in my life. *HUGS*

For me it was when the towers collapsed on 9/11/01. Even seeing it on TV was an incredibly horrific experience. I think that was the most soul wrenching experience of my entire life.



"Theological debates are great for intellectual children since they require absolutely no facts!"

- Mary Hawking, older sister of Stepehen Hawking.

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Well, the last time I've felt a direct hit to me, was a month ago, with the whole Charlie Hebdo thing you most likely heard about. I've not been near Paris at the time, and was never in a real danger. At the beginning, when I just learned about the attack, I just laughed because i was thinking that it may have been the stupidest terrorist attack ever. Then I learn that Cabu, Wolinski and Bernard Maris were dead, I just felt empty.

When I came back home, I saw my father cry, he that i can't remember even dropping a tear when his father died. He cried because he knew Bernard Maris. Because his whole generation, and maybe his whole life was partly defined by the work of Cabu, that he read in the magazine Pilote, in secret of his parents when he was yougner.

Edited by Paupech
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