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What do you stay alive for?


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You know, what keeps you going in life regardless of how awful it might be? Is there anything or anyone that can help make you feel better? Do tell!


For me, it'd have to be my Gotcharocka boys. Yesterday, PelleK was really mean to me. I'm not going into detail about this. If I do, I'll just start crying all over again. Anyway, during my depressive slump, I started watching videos of them, listening to their music and keeping an eye out for the tweets. Eventually, they started to make me feel a lot better. I mean, just looking at them is enough to make me squeal and smile.


So, what about you?

  • Brohoof 5
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I live simply because every action I do, no matter how small, affects the generations to come after me. I live because, me as a human being, is only what I know how to do. I can't say I live for anyone since I'm in an incredible state of solitude, only left with my thoughts. I've lived a different style of life much more diverse than average, and average being having a family or friends with support in helping me stay alive. It's much harder to live than to die, and I enjoy the challenges it brings, because my life has known pain all too well.

  • Brohoof 2
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Family, friends, pretty girls. The promise of fun and the thought of missing it will suck. Goals that I have and passionately aspire to reach. Doing things for future self (working out, braces, staying healthy and learning skills). Cuz soon enough I WILL be future self, and it will be AWESOME.

  • Brohoof 1
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I stay alive for Wolfie :). He's always there for me when I'm upset about something and he always tries to help me feel better.


Even though I have a lot of problems in my life, I'm so glad that I have him at least :)

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I stay alive for.. uhm, just because I want to.


Life is beautiful.  :D

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One of the things that is a huge driving force in my life is my best friend Obsidian Sky. He is always there for me and I do everything I can to help him like he helps me. The reason I've been so depressed is because of his absence over the past few days. I miss him so much :\

What keeps me going at the moment is the hope of seeing him soon. I miss him very dearly and life itself has felt lonely, cold, and empty since we last talked, but the hope that we will speak again soon and everything will go back to the way it was before is what is keeping me going right now.


I love him like I would my own flesh and blood, man. I'm very worried for him and I hope we see each other soon :\

  • Brohoof 3
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My close family and friends, for one thing. Didn't want them to be upset.

On top of that, there's always some new game or album coming out that I'm looking forward to - in the past it's been MGS4 (Now MGS5), The Last Of Us, Skyrim...

Currently got Mirror's Edge 2, Witcher 3 and Mass Effect 4 to look forward to!

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It really is just my siblings, I couldn't leave them behind. 

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I live for my friends and Amaryll, and the hope that with my life I can do something positive for them, and that my life may also be fairly positive in return. Though... I have doubts... =/

Edited by Edwardo_Brony
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I live for tea, crumpets, mash potatoes and yorkshire pudding more or less :P

this is part of my reason. British power!

I live for life. Id rather not die or kill myself. Why do that when there's so much in life you can do? Also you guys would want to live if you tried crumpets with butter and jam.

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For living life, of course. The afterlife doesn't give you enough details on its features.


But seriously, I live for everything that makes me happy. Those are things worth living for, worth going through all the horse-apples in life which is pretty much why they make me happy. :lol:


That and tea, I can't leave until I've sampled as close to every tea as is possible, and I'm not even british!

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