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S05:E07 - Make New Friends But Keep Discord


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That door is the door of disasters.

Discord upset with the suggestion "maybe we should all go out to dinner sometime", this episode is like a gift to Fluttercord shippers. Discord really does sound like he might have an actual crush on Fluttershy here.

Oh god, my nose is reacting.

I don't wanna consider it like Fan Service(I don't want to call it like it) but it's too perfect to be true.

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AHHHHHHHHHHHH, the dresses, the humor, the Smooze, Maud somehow burning Discord, THIS EPISODE IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!  :pinkie:

  • Brohoof 6
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In case y'all don't know who Gallagher is, that's his thing. He smashes watermelons for comedic effect. It's sorta his trademark :twi:

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I'm liking the episode so far. The humour is top-notch, the character appearances and continuity nods are nice and Discord's development is cool too. :yay:

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For Pete's sake, Discovery Family, STOP SHOWING THE SAME COMMERCIAL FOR MLP!!!!

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I see Pinkie talking to Pokey Pierce. Habro might or might not confirm their shipping.

What the hay? Discord just vaccumed Rarity's clothes.

And I really like RD's new gala dress.

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Discord, did you really think you can stop the Smooze?


Discord: "Well, y—"





Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 2
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