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Do European Countries have more tolerance for Bronies?

cider float

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I doubt it. I've never been to Europe but maybe bronies could still be seen as weird at least in some parts of Europe but I'm sure Japan would have a lot of tolerance for bronies because they make some quirky stuff.

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Well, consider that a number of people in the US have this idea that Western Europe and Canada are some magical happy place where people are accepted for their differences just because they tend to be, collectively, a little more left leaning on social issues.


I can understand that thinking, as it does pump out a fair bit of liberal thinking. But also a fair bit on non liberal thinking as well? You can get your 4x4 keyed by a tree hugger in London same as anywhere else.

If you need free thinking in buisness, then the UK isn't the place. The USA is miles ahead on that. It's a good example of something we can envy.

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I suppose it would depend where you are. I would imagine eastern European counries like Hungary to be less welcoming.


You have no idea how true this is. Personally, I have very good friends but on the other hand they are very mature too so It's not a problem for them to understand that probably every people has something that could seem weird but it's okay. My family is very conforming about my things cuz they trust me that i'm not a person who are in any "not right" things, so it was easy to explain them why is this show is popular(they don't think that there is any problem with this, morover my mother has watched a few wpisodes and she thought that it's funny). I'm from Hungary and I can say that people here is very close-minded(not everbody ofc but most of them are) about the things they don't understand or don't want to accept. MLP is not an exception. Bronies are usually bullied and if one of them put something on that can be recognised(I mean for example an RD patterned garment is an act of war for those who are intolerant with any colorful clothing.), it means that the person is gay or mentally advanced(you know, the typical stereotypy). So yeah, here beeing a brony is like playing Dark Souls in real life.

Edited by Kerberossz
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I´m from Spain and I know some bronies in my city. At least from what I know people didn´t usually care about it, mostly because here if you say someone you like mlp they usually think you are being a troll and forgot it inmediately.

On the other hand if you get someone to see the show they always admit that is good.

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As an Australian, I can vouch for Australia to generally be more accepting of bronies than America, from what I've seen. But only in certain areas of Australia. In metropolitan areas; along the coasts, people are friendlier and more accepting. Whereas if you go inland towards the Outback, you'll notice a lot more ignorance. 


I'm going to be stereotypical here and say that people who live in the Outback (the desert) are like the rednecks of Australia. Very conservative when it comes to political and cultural debates.

Edited by Papillon
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Since European Countries, Canada and Australia have more tolerable views on homosexuality than the US would they also be more accepting of brony culture?

I'm not sure the two are linked.

However, My Little Pony is less known elsewhere than in America, so there might be more tolerance anyway.

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For the majority maybe mlp is less known, but in the UK it hit the ground running from pretty much day one. I can remember kids singing "my little pony, all skinny and bony" in the mid/late eighties.

Sweden is another place with a lot of USA TV.


And sung at the same time;


He man,

he has the power,

to pick up a flower,

battle cat bit me,

skeletor hit me,

I'm as weak as a fly.

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This pops up into my memory just now.


I remember a friend telling that he knows someone from The Netherlands whose mother is OK with her son drawing clop.


I'm just putting this out there. Don't kill the messenger.


Just fancy that.

Edited by SunBurn
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Here in Italy the Brony community is pretty small and not so famous.

In Italy MLP is mostly known as the G1 cartoon from grown ups (people that are 30+), the MLP:FIM community as i said it's pretty small and scattered and it's not well known as the American one.

People mostly don't care about it from what i've seen.

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As much as I hate to say that, Poland isn't very tolerant country. Just look at our president election this month. Conservative candidates took about 90% of votes. Well, some of them voted for Kukiz (20%) to oppose those, who rule today, but still... It hurts socialists like me.


Many Poles tend to think of MLP as a show for gays (homophobia is strong here) and bronies are often thought to be freaks or homosexual by 'normal' people. Of course there are many tolerant people in Poland, but bronies are often sincere about their opinions only in groups of other show fans. So, I'm not gonna say we're more tolerant than US, but let's be honest, in some cases we're worse than Vatican.

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  • 3 months later...

It all depends on the country. From my experience most European countries have a mentality of "mind my own business" and generally don't like to get involved with such stuff.

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I live in Europe...but sadly i cant tell if we are more accepting or not, since im not talking that much with people.  :wacko:

But, ive heard someone scream in my class once " Yeah, Ponies ! " by watching something on the Internet about Mlp and a few even took a look as well and were laughing with them.


And the others simply said nothing or were asking, what exactly mlp is. So according to that experience, people are accepting or simply dont care that much.  :ooh:


On the other hand, were i live at the moment are people who destroy our things and people who just try to annoy me because of my haircolor.

So, were im currently living, people arent that nice...i wouldnt talk to anyone about mlp, they would make fun of me for sure .


So i guess, it depends were you life  :wacko:

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I guess it depends. Like some other people pointed out, Europe isn't a single mindset, so opinions are going to vary.


However, I would like to say that in Serbia (where I'm from), bronies are pretty much a completely foreign concept. And considering what some people in Serbia are like about foreign concepts... yeah, things like racism, sexism, and homophobia are still pretty common there. I did actually try explaining it to a few people, and most of them thought the whole thing was crazy or made homophobic remarks. So yeah, not the best place to come out as a brony :huh:

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