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S05:E11 - Party Pooped


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My own reaction to this episode was meh. I've never been a big Pinkie fan but that's not what led to my conclusion. I just wasn't into the story and I didn't like the yaks at any point. I don't dislike the episode because there wasn't much for me to dislike in the first place except for the destructive nature of the yaks. And also the Mane6 taking responsibility for things they shouldn't (i.e. attitudes of other diplomats). Thank goodness Fluttershy saved the animals in time.  :(


I'm confused about the polling though. I never expect people to agree with me because I only side with the most popular vote maybe half of the time. But the numbers so far for this episode really shocked me. I mean, 0% on the bottom two rungs with heavy votes on the top? I keep going back reading what others are saying to try and see why (what people liked about it). Maybe the poll has Pinkie Love to blame and differing votes just haven't been cast yet. In the end, I guess I just don't connect with others on this one.  :huh:


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That was a great, great episode. It was really silly and really fun. This episode should've been called "Episode 11 - the Screencap episode". I  can only imagine how many screens people took of all the great facial expressions shown in this episode.


I'm loving Twilight having a personality again. Freaking out like in Lesson Zero, she's always been hilarious when she's paranoid. Pinkie's narration through her journey was also great, Seeing Cherry Jubilee again is awesome! I like her a lot for some reason.


Pinkie's Party Dungeon Cave was pretty darn cool. I loved Fluttershy breaking the fourth wall by acknowledging Pinkie usually does things that are impossible for normal ponies.


This episode reminded me of the one in the Crystal Empire when they had to stall for the judge while Rarity was doing Cadence's hair. It was just plain fun, and to me was reminiscent of classic season 2 episodes. It just had that feeling like "this is going to be a classic one day".


The Yak's were interesting. I'm glad they're expanding more species beyond Equestria. It helps flesh out the world. I can't believe they mentioned war though!  :lol:


Pinkie episodes are always a joy to watch, and I think this was one of the best of the season.


Also, I'd like to say that it feels like the producers totally read my thread about the keys to success this season. So far they've give Twilight more personality and now a Luna episode has been confirmed. B)

  • Brohoof 1
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This episode upset me. Really and truly. I think this is the first time an MLP episode has done tht


Congratuponylations, DHX! I hope you're happy!


I'm mad. I did like that this episode just how dedicated Pinkie, one of my 2 favorites of the mane 6, is to her parties, in the way of preparedness. I liked the discovery of her party planning room.




-long string of squeak censored words-


The SPIKE sabotage from the writers....=_=









  • Brohoof 1

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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I dont know what to think about this episode... It's so wierd. It not feel like mlp at all 0_o. Even ss1 has a lot crazy, ridiculous stuff like Feeling Pinkie Keen but, this episode... just try to look lile season 1? Aaaaaaaaaaa, what is going on??????

My verdict: UNRATED @_@. Johnny Test writers, what have y done..


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I really liked this episode because there was so much going on. Twilight's panicking moments and her calming exercises were pretty funny and it made it her feel in character. The yaks were a pretty interesting group of characters because it's a new group of creatures we haven't seen before. The way they looked and acted was pretty interesting and entertaining as well. The ways to make the yaks feel at home were pretty funny and I was cracking up at the Rainbow giving them snow scene. I especially liked Pinkie in this episode because when it was up to her to solve this problem she was extremely nervous and it was interesting to see. This is because in most cases when something goes wrong or there's a situation, Pinkie never worries and acts random in one way or another. This episode she did a complete 180 in my opinion and it was nice to see how she can sometimes get nervous at making a party for others. It was nice seeing other places from past seasons again and same with some other characters like Cherry Jubilee. I really liked the Beatles reference because I didn't expect it and it feels like this season is trying to make new types of references in a way. I also liked Pinkie's thoughts being talked out loud because it fit her style of doing things and I can relate to her on that. The creature she met up with was pretty interesting and I wonder if we'll get more info on what that creature is. The way Pinkie got back to Ponyville was hilarious and it felt like a good old classic cartoon joke. I really enjoyed the party planning cave because it's something we have never seen from Pinkie and gives us a pretty good idea on how she plans a party for anypony. All in all I found this episode to be very enjoyable and I can't wait for what's to come from the rest of the season  :).

  • Brohoof 2
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  On 2015-06-27 at 10:11 PM, Nightmare Muffin said:

This episode upset me. Really and truly. I think this is the first time an MLP episode has done tht


Congratuponylations, DHX! I hope you're happy!


I'm mad. I did like that this episode just how dedicated Pinkie, one of my 2 favorites of the mane 6, is to her parties, in the way of preparedness. I liked the discovery of her party planning room.




-long string of squeak censored words-


The SPIKE sabotage from the writers....=_=










Jeez. You can just say that they didn't want to take risks, so they just let it play automatically.


Problem solved.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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This episode was great! Not amazing, but great! The story was a little flimsy in places, but it was very entertaining and heart-warming. 

The yaks were the most annoying thing about it haha, but everything else was fab. :D 

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


Creativity is life. ♥

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From what I've gathered thus far the Yak behave like stereotypical Vikings, though a little less violent. Haven't seen the whole episode yet.


Which is coo! I'm sick of hippy races.

Edited by Bendy

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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Pinkie Pie knew she had no choice. Desperate times called for desperate measures. With one swift hoof she cut the bulbous cactus in half, with one swift hoof she raised one prickly piece. The juicy pulp touched her lips, and she drank. There was no going back now.


She grabbed her pet alligator and threw him on the lamp above: “Watch the girls for me while I’m gone.” Alligators loved to perch on high places.


She quenched he thirst with the last morsel of her train ticket and jumped into the fresh night air, twisting around, falling all the way up towards the shining Sun. She was in a train now, brimming with ponies. They were traveling to the Crystal Empire up in the Frozen North. But then the sheep prevented it all and she found herself in the merciless desert of the Equestrian wild south. There was Cherry Jubilee with her cherries. They were all sleeping, so they fell into a ravine. She was in a band now. They traveled to all this new and exciting places. It was a good life. She was in Crystal Empire now. Cadence was there. She met a thing. She wanted to go through the doors of Yakistan but the sled tripped. It was so strong. Its force took her through the land. Faster and faster she went, until she crashed back at the beginning.


Pinkie Pie awoke on a familiar frosted rooftop of the Sugarcube Corner. The journey has made her wise. She knew exactly what to do.

  • Brohoof 2
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OK, before I begin this post, apologies in advance if this post is a little different than usual (and a tad late) but I just had a very bad day yesterday and I only just got around to watching the episode this morning as I didn't feel like watching it live last night due to being depressed and such.


So with that said, let's begin.


To sum it up as per my tweet...


"So....what is the overall verdict? That episode was A LOT better! Now that's the My Little Pony I know and trust!"


This episode for me was a huge, and I mean a huge improvement over the disaster of last weeks episode and the flat out, full blown tragedy of the 100th episode. (Personal thoughts etc) This was the classic My Little Pony that I know, trusted and loved since I started watching it four years ago.


For me, there were several scenes that I particularly liked.


I couldn't help but channel the classic Ken Bruce electrical retailer ads when Pinkie was freaking out over the party planning, minus the in bedding part of course to keep it "G" rated:


"Pinkie Pie has gone mad....Pinkie has gone mad...Pinkie has gone mad...PINKIE PIE HAS GONE COMPLETELY MAD!"


The Yak scenes also got me thinking as well, especially when it came to the high standards of satisfaction over every little detail that they wanted. Whether it would be the bedding, the castle, the food and even Spike's piano playing. I swear that they must have some signs of OCD because it felt like it for some odd reason.


Speaking of Spike, the piano scene also reflected my recent feelings towards the Disney-Pixar movie Inside Out (the crying bit, not Spike having 500 pounds dropped onto him and Jim Ross screaming "good gawd almighty, they killed him!"):


"Spike! Have you been playing that Inside Out movie to the Yaks? That's pretty powerful stuff that makes you sad!"


I also had a bit of a serious moment where the wagon decided to lose control during the trip to the Yak's homeland and brought up some memories of the NSW Roads & Maritime Services (RMS) campaigns of driver fatique and it's imfamous campaign message:


"Cherry has fallen asleep at the wheel! You are in one of those micro sleeps! Wake up before you crash!"


"Wagon crashes into pit = end of episode *Cue safety ad* When you see the signs, it's time to Stop. Revive. Survive."


Last but not least, the final scene where Pinkie Pie is overhearing the rest of the Mane 6 telling about her party planning and Applejack's mention of her parents anniversiary plans brought up again the subject of Pinkie's parents:


"Awwww....Pinkie Pie has the tears flowing! Plus she seems to care about her family more as well."


I know there is a Pie family themed episode coming up later in the season, but I think despite Pinkie and Cloudy having their differences, I think both of them care about each other despite their different paths in life. I won't go into much more detail here, I'll save that for that episode.


Overall despite not having a specific scene to talk about in detail, this episode as I said before was a huge improvement over the last two.


I have written my full thoughts on the episode itself on my blog which can be viewed here.

Edited by rjrgmc28
  • Brohoof 3
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This episode was, lacking better wording, all over the place, but at least better than "Princess Spike", and I was fearing the worst when I saw Thiessen and Big Jim's names come up as story credits with a new writer getting script credit again.


The first act was absolutely predictable and repetitive. What to expect was laid out through exposition, and of course the interests of all Mane 6 characters were sort-of shoehorned just to emphasize how spoiled and hard-to-please the yaks were. I almost wished the ponies would just have "accidentally" lost their visa applications in the mail so they could go right back where they came from, and I pretty much predicted at least two of their lines with letter-to-letter accuracy on my first viewing of the episode. Overall, the yaks were not interesting characters, frankly they were interchangeable and I don't see them becoming fan favorites anytime soon.


Pinkie's loss of faith in her party-planning ability was pretty much glanced over thanks to the length of the first act, but felt very, very reminiscent of "Pinkie Pride". When it came to the end, it felt like the resolution was run through too quickly and didn't have enough time to sink in, again you can attribute that to the length of the first act.


However, I cannot complain about any characters being taken backwards or any bad messages. The moral was good enough. I saw it coming from the beginning, but that didn't really take anything out of how good the moral was. The Mane 6, as representatives of Equestria, shouldn't have been trying to portray themselves as something they aren't, and that was a very clearly-delivered message, if not by the first act alone, and Pinkie Pie going to the giant A

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for them really showed the purity of her intentions. I couldn't see anything really wrong with the story itself, so it manages to be passable even if it is outclassed in the departments of entertainment value and story structure by much of the rest of the season, and really provides a good dose of hope after the big disappointment that "Princess Spike" was.


Those yaks, however, should just stay on their side of the mountains. :okiedokielokie:

  On 2015-06-27 at 11:51 PM, rjrgmc28 said:

Speaking of Spike, the piano scene also reflected my recent feelings towards the Disney-Pixar movie Inside Out (the crying bit, not Spike having 500 pounds dropped onto him and Jim Ross screaming "good gawd almighty, they killed him!"):

"Spike! Have you been playing that Inside Out movie to the Yaks? That's pretty powerful stuff that makes you sad!"

I couldn't imagine anyone making a connection like that, unless you were calling Inside Out a lump of intellectual fakery with the way Spike turned out to be playing a player piano. :huh:

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To put it bluntly


Buck the Yaks

Twi, calm yer flank

Pinkie, stop having an emotional breakdown

Everypony else, HELP HER!


And once again we have the magical train that is somehow always on time whenever you need it


And Twi is afraid of Mexicolt food?



  • Brohoof 1

"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

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  1. I'll have to echo @@Wind Chaser here. The pacing of this episode was all over the place. It comes across as wanting to put in a lot of content, but it got squashed to fit the twenty-minute time slot. Unfortunately, this hurts the comedy quality. Pinkie's narrating joke was good the first time, but it started to get stupid midway, and it felt like a contrived reason to push the episode forward.
  2. The yaks are primitive, spoiled, clichéd jackasses. The second they didn't get one thing they want, they started destroying the entire landscape. It's one thing to be upset, it's another to vandalize. These two-dimensional vikings don't deserve to be tolerated, embraced, or celebrated. Instead, Twilight, Pinkie, or some other member of the Mane Six should stand up to them and call them out for their bullshit, not reward them for a party they clearly don't deserve. By rewarding them, the moral loses credibility.
  3. I was never a fan of this then, and I'm still not. The geography traveling wasn't given any level of respect here. It won't take an hour or two just to get to TCE or Yakyakistan. TCE is incredibly far north. It would take several hours to get that far. Be more consistent with your geography.
  4. Nonetheless, the Mane Six deserve plenty of credit for their patience. Twilight and Pinkie are quite a bit alike, especially their hyperventilating sides. It was great to see Twilight in Swarm of the Century mode again while still keeping mind of prior continuity. Pinkie's admirable actions to give the yaks the perfect party shows her dedication to her passion.
  5. Unlike last week, the moral actually connects with the rest of the conflict.

In short, WAY better than last week's. But it still doesn't make it good. At most, it's average.

  • Brohoof 6

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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Loved it :) Great unique feel. More like season 1 than I've seen in a long time, yet such a story wouldn't feel right without Twilight being a princess.


Plenty of callbacks to past episodes, with Twilight using Cadence's relaxation technique, Rainbow's trophy for breaking things fits with her demolition scene in Lesson Zero, Cherry Jubilee is back, and that outhouse :lol: Seriously, is that the only toilet in town?


Pinkie's antics were also great. All the nervous expressions, hyperventilating upside down, sliding up a slide (and Fluttershy's reaction), and all the past tense storytelling of what she's doing. I feel a little ripped off that she joined the Beatles but we didn't get to hear them play :P Though the saved screentime was put to good use. The episode felt nice and long, and no time felt wasted.


While Pinkie was out adventuring, I thought it was going to turn out that she'd arrive in Yakyakistan at the same time as the yaks, and be able to throw them a party where they're comfortable. Nice to be surprised by how things went :) The moral was a good one, and what I was thinking right at the start... isn't half the fun of traveling to an exotic new land getting to experience a different way of life? Though I suppose for a prince, it may get tiresome, so Twilight's assumption that they'd want to have some comforts of home available wasn't stupid either. A true friendship problem, because it can only be solved by getting to know the yaks and how they like to be treated ^_^


It pleases me that Twilight still freaks out over anything that involves Celestia. Not becoming distant and unconcerned with her opinion just because Twilight isn't an official student anymore.


But is it just me, or was it pretty creepy that the other 5 had no respect for Pinkie's privacy at all when they discovered her most secret room?


Also, was "music a lie" a reference to "the cake is a lie"?

Edited by dekutree64
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Howdy all!


Not a bad episode.


Pinkie looking to solve the Yak problem was a hoot.

They sure rude much? hehe

But in the end they was :)


Good to see Cherry Jubilee again.

YES! Princess Cadence appearance :wub:

Twilight all nervous (See Lesson Zero)


Pinkie's Narration was :lol:

Who woulda thunk the party pony had a secret room?

Pure hilarious.


Jayson Theissen and Jim Miller wrote the story while Nick Confalone did the teleplay


But yeah it had a mix of Pinkie Pride with a mix of Party Of One.


It was a keeper.


See ya!

  • Brohoof 1


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I like how someone offsite saw the Yaks as something other than rude, one dimensional barbarians, so I'm gonna drop their quote here. Hope people can see the yaks in a different light, instead of judging at face value.



The Yaks are not stupid, mindless and primitive creatures, just victims of different cultural differences. As had been mentioned, the Yakyakitans had led a very isolationist existence with limited interaction before now. They are also shown to have very open emotions as shown by their rage reactions but ALSO by their reactions to the music being played showing they appreciate the arts.

Looking back on the episode, the yak's became angry at every attempt to portray something as "authentically" yakyakistan and they became angry when they realised they were, essentially, being lied too. As a culture where emotions and feelings are open, being lied too is something I could imagine being a huge insult with understandable reactions. You could argue that they should have been respectful of the ponies efforts but, being isolationists, they may not have a great deal of understanding and have a poor grasp of language for that matter too.

It's just a thought =)

Also....Interesting that Friendship princess nearly started a war. Irony at its best

Edited by Nightmare Muffin
  • Brohoof 2

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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  On 2015-06-28 at 1:26 AM, OtakuBrony said:


YES! Princess Cadence appearance :wub:


Third episode straight she shows up  :dash: , THAT'S AN ACADEMY RECORD  :pinkie:


I loved Pinkie's quest, Cherry Jubilee reappeareance, the wonderbolts, Cady.... though, those Yaks were quite.... yakASSES  :derp: . I mean, it's not the first time a cartoon deals with obnoxious and rude representatives, who are displeaced and the protagonists are in the wrong (Well, if we look back, it's the inverse of the protagonist centered morality, which the show had several times previously  :muffins: ). I can't say I've gotten a good impression in them and their culture  :sunny: , but that yak calf was a cutie  :icwudt:

  • Brohoof 2


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I love episodes like this that are solid in plot and storyline (I know they are the same thing but I needed an and), but also full of complete randomness that is funny and hilarious (again with the and). Season 5 is so far my favorite season.

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