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How are you handling the hiatus?


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The same way I'd expect anyone else to - move onto other things.


I take classes during the morning and early afternoon and I follow a YGO and political debate forum among other things. I survive without The Walking Dead for half the year and I survived the death of Futurama, so its not the end of the world.


Plus I have Masterchef, Kill La Kill, and Bojack Horseman to follow too, so I'm sufficiently occupied and entertained.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't really care.


I have Steven Universe and Gravity Falls to watch which are a million times better than MLP, so...doesn't bother me. The new season being awful really doesn't help that much. Plus there are other things to do than watch a show about candy colored horses.

  • Brohoof 3
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I've been on vacation for the past week, so it hasn't really affected me yet. I'll probably start watching something else until season 5 starts again, like Steven Universe. I don't think I'll ever be bothered by the hiatus.

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I don't really care.


I have Steven Universe and Gravity Falls to watch which are a million times better than MLP, so...doesn't bother me. The new season being awful really doesn't help that much. Plus there are other things to do than watch a show about candy colored horses.


If those shows are so much better then why aren't you on their forums?

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I don't really care.


I have Steven Universe and Gravity Falls to watch which are a million times better than MLP, so...doesn't bother me. The new season being awful really doesn't help that much. Plus there are other things to do than watch a show about candy colored horses.


boy do i love coming on mlpforums and having this be one of the first messages i read



i mean no offense but this is just kind of sad to read as a major fan of mlp lol



oh well, opinions

Edited by qMotus
  • Brohoof 1
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It doesn't really bother me. If it bothered me very badly, I wonder how I'd feel when the show ends. :wacko:

I just do other things. There's more to my life than ponies.

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It's a minor inconvenience so far. i can just re-watch old episodes, and there's always Steven Universe or Gravity Falls to cry over. Even though SU just went back on hiatus. Please release this innocent soul from the cold grip of the grim reaper. :')

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Week 1 of Pony Hiatus Report...... I've survived, for now... But slowly, more and more, I feel I will not survive this whole hiatus period... I can already feel the moderate effects of pony withdrawal scouring hairs of my fur and the tips of my hooves... It won't be long before this withdrawal completely overtakes me entirely. To anypony reading this, I wish you luck in surviving this tragedy, and please, for your own safety, the further into this hiatus we go, please, remain farther and farther away from me... I don't want to hurt anypony after the withdrawal effects have completely exhumed any and all equine being from my sole existence... Should you encounter me post-mortem I leave all that I have to you, my fellow humble brony friends and acquaintances......... Buuuuuuuuuuut my Fluttershy and Applejack plushies in particular are reserved for AppleGearRising. :fluttershy::P

Week 1 Pony Hiatus Report, concluded. Godspeed everypony.

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Doing the same that I do even when there are ponies:

-Go to /r/Fireemblem

-Post memes that only I will get

-Ship people

-Steven Universe and Gravity Falls (they eat my time, halp)

-Beat FE games on their hardest difficulties (H5!FE11 can go screw itself)


Tbh, I spend more time doing that stuff than watching ponies.

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This far, pretty good. I don't really mind it, But I expect more of the rest of the season now :)


My friends aren't handling it too well though, And it's annoying how they spam me about how upset they are ^^'

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