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Opinions on Smoking


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I never said people should be allowed to smoke "anywhere". I approve of designated areas and keeping it away from the young. If you have respiratory issues, then I advise you to steer clear of smokers. It's really not that difficult.



Okay and? Still sounds like scare tactics to me. 


Actually it's demonstrating that there are far worse things that are out there for your health that are not only perfectly legal, but ignored and even ENCOURAGED. You can't call someone fat or say you're worried about their obesity because that's "body shaming" and we have a new media that is encouraging obesity and pride in being overweight. It's pointing out a double standard that is ignored in favor of attacking an invisible enemy.


You want facts? Here are some:


  • Obesity kills more people than smoking every year.
  • Smoking is illegal to many, and heavily restricted.
  • There is little evidence actually linking any negative health effects to non-smokers.
  • Obesity is revered to many and encouraged, smoking is not.

So when you go on this crusade to stop smokers because of the health effects, you are attacking a little problem that isn't hurting as many people as you think it is.



Exhaust out of car tailpipes can cause the same attacks. Perfumes can cause them. Body sprays can cause them. Do we need to put heavier regulations on those things too? We invented inhalers and asthma medication for a reason because we can't just police the world and expect everyone to be on their toes for some  random medical problems someone else may have because of some fairly common thing that goes on in the outside world. We can't just ban perfumes, body sprays, cigarettes and exhaust can we?


I hate to say this because you'll probably write my argument off as me being a jerk or something, but you are responsible for your own wellness in this case. Unless someone is PURPOSELY walking up to you and blowing smoke in your face intentionally, it's on you.




Were you not the one who just said don't base arguments on logical fallacies and then generalize the opposing side? 


1. I never said you said that. I was saying I dislike the smokers who do say that, therefore you are not included in that statement.


2. Why would factual information be scary  :confused:


3. I think this is a matter of being more sensitive to anti-smoking movements due to being a smoker yourself, which is a very reasonable psychological phenomenon. There are plenty of anti-drunk driving ads (I see them every time I'm out driving). There are tons of measures being taken against the obesity epidemic, from babies to adults. I'm not sure what you mean by obesity being "encouraged"...Do you mean the body-positive movement? If so, studies have shown that letting obese people feel better about their bodies encourages them to participate in exercising that they normally wouldn't because they would feel too ashamed to go running/swimming/etc otherwise. Most of the movement targets women with low self-esteem, in order to counter the extremely underweight "ideal" that the media has for the female body.


Also, most of the "revered" obese people aren't actually obese, but overweight (and thus highly unlikely to die). I have never seen a morbidly obese person as a representative of the body-positive movement.


4. I do agree that if a person has respiratory problems, it is best that they choose to go places where they won't get triggered by attacks. For example, I'll never live in a big city because I know I'd likely die a swift death from all the exhaust and pollution. The problem is that smokers seem to be everywhere. Outside cafes, walking down the streets, around grocery stores, backyard neighbor parties. To "avoid" them, I'd have to either live alone in the countryside or never step outside my house.


5. I said "a lot", not "most" or "all". And all it takes is "a lot" of smokers not following the rules to cause this problem in the first place. Maybe 99% of smokers are awesomely law-abiding, but if the non-abiding 1% is still "a lot" of smokers, that's still a lot of smoke in places where there shouldn't be smoke.


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5. I said "a lot", not "most" or "all". And all it takes is "a lot" of smokers not following the rules to cause this problem in the first place. Maybe 99% of smokers are awesomely law-abiding, but if the non-abiding 1% is still "a lot" of smokers, that's still a lot of smoke in places where there shouldn't be smoke.


1% out of 100% is a lot? How does that even make sense?



2. Why would factual information be scary 


When factual information is purposely omitting things like the scarcity of what is being presented, it's just scare tactics. In this case many of the anti-smoking campaigns fail to mention how many actually never develop lung cancer.

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1% out of 100% is a lot? How does that even make sense?


When factual information is purposely omitting things like the scarcity of what is being presented, it's just scare tactics. In this case many of the anti-smoking campaigns fail to mention how many actually never develop lung cancer.


1. For example, I think Canada makes up 1% of the human population, but that doesn't mean there aren't a lot of people in Canada.


2. Oh, I thought you were talking about the person who saw a smoker's lung. Yes, I agree that the factual information should be thorough and non-omissive. Anti-smoking campaigns aren't very useful in terms of providing information, and could use much improvement.


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Whoever created smoking deserves to receive pain :P


Smoking has been in our society since as early as 5,000 BC. 

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As far as New York City goes, I've been there quite a few times, and each time I remember smelling cigarette smoke everywhere when I was outside. I even joked once that you know you're in NYC when you smell cigarette smoke no matter where you go, and everyone got the joke since where I live isn't far from New York. Outside of NYC, I rarely see anyone smoking. I think I should probably adress my thoughts on second hand smoke. The studies on whether it's harmful or not are mixed, so I can't come to any conclusion yet. I don't like the smell for the most part, but oddly enough, once in a while I enjoy the smell for a reason even I can't explain. Also, here's a fact you may or may not know. In the US, it's just illegal to sell cigarettes to minors, there are no laws about minors smoking them(although that just might be some states).

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People can stop smoking if they really want to. I've been on drugs and smoked cigarettes for about 7 years. I've quit cold turkey for months at a time. You just have to commit. Yes you will be upset and aggressive. Same thing happens when you cut caffeine out. People just don't wanna be told what to do and want their comforts instantly. I'm quitting now as in just no more tough tootie if I get anxious there's only a 3 day hump. I think people smoke cigarettes cause they're bored. I've done hard drugs for fun and just left them easy. It's all about your will. I know what I do harms me but I don't value myself enough to care.

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Maybe so, but I don't want to stop smoking. I also don't want to stop socially drinking alcohol, eating chocolate cake and listening to loud music, all of which are bad for me. Ironically, I'm in far better health than a colleague of mine who's a vegetarian health nut and always catches every single virus going.


Oh, and whenever I discuss with friends the subject of "What's the worst, most disgusting thing anyone can do in the street?", the top answer isn't smoking. It's spitting, either phlegm or chewing gum, on to the pavement. Ew.

  • Brohoof 1



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I hate it.  I simply cannot fathom how anyone would actually start smoking in this day and age.  I consider myself very lucky that my parents never smoked, or I probably would have taken drastic action to make them stop.  Not sure what I would have done.  Maybe start with interventions, move on to stealing and destroying their cigarettes, and if all else fails, maybe resort to unethical, forced imprisonment to get them over their withdrawls and break the addiction.  It would have been rough, that's for sure.  It wouldn't have been right, but I couldn't tolerate living with smokers, and I couldn't let a family member do that to themselves.  Just glad it never came to that, and I never had to face that situation.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't and don't plan to smoke. Most people smoke to relax, how? How does smoking make you relax? It blocks your heart and lungs, it may taste terrible and it's addictive. What's more, all your favourite cartoon characters from ABC will blabber on and on for you to stop until you do stop.

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Smoking kills you. There's no way around that fact. It doesn't matter if you smoke it, chew it, vape it, or whatever. E-cigs aren't any better either. It's an addictive drug: nicotine is even more addictive than opiates, from what I've heard. I've taken opiates before, legally, as prescribed, when I had tonsillitis for almost 2 months (two years in a row) and was in extreme pain. Those fucked with my brain enough: I hope I'll never need those ever again, let alone anything that's even more addictive.

  • Brohoof 1



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Maybe so, but I don't want to stop smoking. I also don't want to stop socially drinking alcohol, eating chocolate cake and listening to loud music, all of which are bad for me. Ironically, I'm in far better health than a colleague of mine who's a vegetarian health nut and always catches every single virus going.


Oh, and whenever I discuss with friends the subject of "What's the worst, most disgusting thing anyone can do in the street?", the top answer isn't smoking. It's spitting, either phlegm or chewing gum, on to the pavement. Ew.

You have to think about your lungs sometimes~ :( '~' xD <3 <3 


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I think it's disgusting, but you spend your money on whatever pleases yourself. I just don't really understand how people can know about the health effects and still do it. You're destroying your lungs...


Just please be a little considerate of those of us that don't want anything to do with it. Roll up your windows and breathe in your own smoke...

  • Brohoof 1



"They say I got sas."

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Smoking kills you. There's no way around that fact. It doesn't matter if you smoke it, chew it, vape it, or whatever. E-cigs aren't any better either. It's an addictive drug: nicotine is even more addictive than opiates, from what I've heard. I've taken opiates before, legally, as prescribed, when I had tonsillitis for almost 2 months (two years in a row) and was in extreme pain. Those fucked with my brain enough: I hope I'll never need those ever again, let alone anything that's even more addictive.

At last, I met someone who understands death by smoking~! I really like you~ =D :D;):) <3 <3  :pinkie:

  • Brohoof 2


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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  • 2 months later...

I smoke and that is that. I know how bad it is for me, I do not need people lecturing me. Just like I do not need someone to lecture me about how bad alcohol is when I am drinking a beer with my friends.


People have the right to do whatever they want with their own bodies - fair and square.


South Park put this whole "love and tolerance" concept down perfectly.


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I quit smoking but I do vape and have quit smoking cannabis due to government job policies.  I believe that most people who get into smoking smoke because of people or friends pushing them into it especially during a stressful time in their life.  It happened to me personally and that's how I started.  I do not support smoking cigarettes as it does irritate others around you.  However I do not support the negative stigma that it receives.  Just because someone is smoking doesn't mean you as an individual look down upon them or demand them to move even more out of the way when smoke blows over from the smoking area (unless you are the sick, crippled, or elderly).  I also do support the legalization of marijuana but that's for a different thread...    


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I watched my grandfather suffer for like a year before he died of lung cancer from smoking, now my father is starting to get that smokers cough to, i know people that are in great health that smoke but then they have a stroke or a heart attack , my instructor at HVAC school said he quit cold turkey when he had his heart attack and stroke and he was laying on that cold slab waiting for them to cut him open.

I hate smoking and i have never smoked, and to make it worse it is a product that makes you addicted to it! you become a slave to the tobacco corporations . you would think it would be illegal to make something that makes people ADDICTED to it and makes there bodies crave it or they start going through withdraws it is a horrible nasty thing. I know a lot of people that smoke and every time they find out i don't smoke they always say "you're lucky" or "I wish i had never started" while they are coughing and wheezing

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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would be illegal to make something that makes people ADDICTED to it


Many studies have suggested a mental addiction is possible to sugar.

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Many studies have suggested a mental addiction is possible to sugar.

you can get addicted to anything, I feel sorry for those who smoke because many WANT to stop but they can't, they can't stand to wait to go outside for a smoke break and they spend tons of money they don't have buying them, many many thousands of dollars over there life time

I had a spot on the back of my throat "turned out it was allergies" you know what the VERY first question the doctor asked me was? "Do you smoke or chew tobacco?" I said no i never have. doctor said "ok it is probably not cancer so there is no need to biopsy it" and it went away a week later

I see to many people dying and trapped by it to ever consider trying it

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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you can get addicted to anything, I feel sorry for those who smoke because many WANT to stop but they can't, they can't stand to wait to go outside for a smoke break and they spend tons of money they don't have buying them, many many thousands of dollars over there life time

I had a spot on the back of my throat "turned out it was allergies" you know what the VERY first question the doctor asked me was? "Do you smoke or chew tobacco?" I said no i never have. doctor said "ok it is probably not cancer so there is no need to biopsy it" and it went away a week later

I see to many people dying and trapped by it to ever consider trying it


You can feel bad for people, but at the end of the day all we can all really do is mind our own business.

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You can feel bad for people, but at the end of the day all we can all really do is mind our own business.

wrong, if you want to turn a blind eye to it and let people get trapped by it you are welcome to it. I warn everyone on the dangers of it every chance i get, "minding our own business" does not stop the young kid from getting started on a lifetime of smoking, we don't mind our own business on drug prevention and we shouldn't mind our own business on smoking, because smoking is the number one cause of preventable death in the USA

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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I used to smoke, drink, and party pretty heavily a few years back.

But ever since I met my girlfriend I stopped smoking and partying and now I only drink on occasions.

Lemme tell yah, of all my vices,




so to anyone who thinks they wanna try it....don't  o_o

Edited by Vulcan


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wrong, if you want to turn a blind eye to it and let people get trapped by it you are welcome to it.


A majority of people who smoke ALREADY know how bad it is for you. I have never met a smoker where someone said "you know that's bad for you?" and they go "WHAT!? REALLY!? I HAD NO IDEA!" All you're really doing is being rude. It's the same as going to someone who is overweight and telling them how bad eating fast food is for them, it's rude and it seldom helps. It just is considered not minding your own business.




I warn everyone on the dangers of it every chance i get, "minding our own business" does not stop the young kid from getting started on a lifetime of smoking,


And you think butting in does? Look at the facts: almost every school in America educates on the dangers of smoking. So kids who start know how bad it is for them. You randomly telling them is not going to influence their decision if their parents, the school and every adult they've ever known telling them doesn't.




we don't mind our own business on drug prevention and we shouldn't mind our own business on smoking, because smoking is the number one cause of preventable death in the USA


That is actually false. Studies have suggested that illness and medical problems related to obesity are far more rampant than death related to cigarettes. So are you advocating going to McDonalds and coaching fat people on why they should stop eating? It's a far more rampant cause of death.


When you put telling smokers to stop smoking into the perspective of how it is identical to fat people eating too much, you realize how rude it is to not mind your own business. Why is it acceptable to tell smokers how bad something is for them, but you don't tell kids that are getting cereal in the super market that their parents are letting them get cavities? Or telling people who eat fast food that they will die of heart failure? Why do we make this one exception for smoking? Because of second hand smoke? Studies have recently shown that much of the statistics about second hand smoke are false, and that the links between secondhand smoke and death are actually possibly not even true. Studies have shown that the effects of being exposed to cigarettes for 30 minutes are completely reversible.


So why is it okay to badger smokers who are minding their own business just because you have a bone to pick with smoking? Is it okay any time you make an unhealthy decision for me to come up to you and coach you on how bad it is?


Do you drink soda? That's loaded with sugar which is bad for you, and caffeine which is addictive. Do you eat fast food? That leads to obesity and heart disease? Do you have a poor exercise routine? How often do you go out for a run? Studies show poor exercise routines lead to obesity, muscular problems and many other health problems. 


Or is all of that none of my business? :P

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Since it is about opinions. I generally don't mind anyone smoking (i don't smoke myself). But please for the love of everything that is good and beautiful, think about your surroundings before you smoke. I don't want to have to smell or breath the toxic air that comes out from the stick, I don't want to walk up to you when you are smoking, just to tell you to move further as you and I both would not like it.


The reason why I am okay with others doing it:


Everyone has a right to choose what they do with their body. I understand that life is really stressful and sometimes down right depressing, so sometimes you need a break or some bit of excitement in life. Smoking is one way and it is a choice.

  • Brohoof 1

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