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How has My Little Pony affected you in real life?

Tranquil Claw

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I myself have found that My Little Pony has affected me in the best of ways. Before I got into the show I could easily relate my situation to Twilight's when she first entered. I used to be the lonely nerd who always thought the only thing that mattered were my grades. After this show I became one of those people you could be around and always feel comfortable with. My Little Pony even inspired me to create my own personal code that I strive to match each and every day. It simply states that you should be kind, generous, loyal, happy, and truthful (pretty much the elements of harmony) and that by following this you will be successful in making and keeping friends. So far it works above and beyond my expectations.  

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MLP has little relevance to me in real life.


It had no function for me than to be a fun, cutesy show that spawned some amusing gifs and interesting fan art.

Edited by Aedaz
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I feel that the show has really helped bring out the child in me that used to be easy going, (a little more than I remember) goofy/care free, really helped me as well deal with my depression and anxiety. I've never been one to go out alone and bum around a store or worse.... go to the mall. Well, I did on Sat.... went right to Hot Topic and bought 2 Pony shirts. It has really helped me break out of the shell I was suffocating in. I have lost both of my parents, my dad in 1998 to a Brain Anyerism, and my mom 2009 to a broken heart and failing body, my best friend and classmate from K-12 and beyond DJ... who we lost to testicular cancer, my special canine Wolfie (14.5 years I had her) 1/2 collie and 1/2 coyote.

The friends that I have now are very few, but oh so so special in my life. And I feel that everyday I help share the elements of harmony with them.

I've always felt a little different (society wise).... but MLP has realy raised my confidence, and self respect in myself that has been buried for years. Thank you everypony!!!

:squee:     :kindness:     :fluttershy:     :yay:

Edited by Mistral
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It hasn't had any significant impact on my life.

Pretty much all of the lessons and morals taught in the show I have already learned in kindergarten and just through life in general. So, it hasn't actually taught me anything.


But I will say that introducing me to the community has been a very pleasent experience.

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How much has it affect me in my life? Not even 1% of my life. Only thing it might be is I'm visiting this community when I can and watching the shows (someday) and the movies.


Honestly MLP might affect my future life if Sonata was still alive and with me. She would've make my 1% jump over 50%. Maybe even right now if she were still here.

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I'm more fun, outgoing, sarcastic, and confident. I love feeling like I'm spreading the word when I wear a pony shirt in public. I used to feel like I didn't belong anywhere, like I was weird, but now that I found MLP and became a brony, I have somewhere I belong.  :D  And if someone has the nerve to judge me, well...



...that's just, like, your opinion, man.



-Eva :dash:

Edited by Fluttercord36
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It made me happier in my live. Also I have been thinking many things in different angle because MLP. It gave lot of awesome music to listen.


And the community made me less lonely even I haven't really got to know anypony yet because I am really bad with starting conversation :blush:

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I wonder if any other forums are as supportive as this...

Anyways thanks to everyone who shared their story. I love reading all these positive and uplifting views on life because of this show. It goes to stand for what MLP truly is, what it can be, a loving and caring community in support of an amazing message to the world. Another thing this show gave me was a philosopher's view on the world as a whole. Before MLP I couldn't understand but 1 point of view, and the whole world seemed like a cruel and frightening place to me. Now I think not of the world's judgement, but of what I could possibly offer it... right now... that is nothing but my words and my wisdom. MLP made me feel a connection to Twilight that no other show could ever do, a connection to someone waiting for a chance, an opportunity, anything to rescue me from my hopeless spiral into a life centered on learning but never doing.

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Man I was scrolling through this thread like "wow, so many people are significantly influenced by My Little Pony. I don't have anything, what do I do!?"

But then that got alleviated.


In a nutshell My Little Pony is something for me to laugh with and boost my spirits, and burn a massive hole in my wallet. So much merch... so much.

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Before the show I was less caring and accepting of different things. I also didn't exactly like other people too for many reasons due to a bad past involving other people. But ever since watching this show I have surprisingly become more tolerant and accepting of more things in general. In the short, this show has affected my in a positive and good way. I do not regret watching the show and I would not change it for the life of me. And I met so many great people because of the show, a few wackos too haha.

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I suppose that's a good question. Well It made me learn the importance of friendship and put these lessons into use. What helped me was being generous, kind, and loyal to my friends. It's hard to keep myself honest, but even though I'm always honest and telling the truth to my friends and I don't even lie to them. I always like to help out my friends in certain times of their need(s) as their good, best, or true friend to them.

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It has really made me open my eyes and appreciate life more. I am now more happy, relaxed, no longer stressed. Staying true to yourself, learning from past mistakes. This might sound cheesy but friendship is magic. I appreciate all of my friends even more than before. Before i started watching, i was more of twilight on the first ever episode. After watching a couple episodes, i started talking to my friends more and enjoying their company. It just made me an overall a better person. Also, i started making references at everything i could. Saying "Eeyup" instead of yes. Saying "yay" in fluttershy's voice, all of these small things.

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It has really made me open my eyes and appreciate life more. I am now more happy, relaxed, no longer stressed. Staying true to yourself, learning from past mistakes. This might sound cheesy but friendship is magic. I appreciate all of my friends even more than before. Before i started watching, i was more of twilight on the first ever episode. After watching a couple episodes, i started talking to my friends more and enjoying their company. It just made me an overall a better person. Also, i started making references at everything i could. Saying "Eeyup" instead of yes. Saying "yay" in fluttershy's voice, all of these small things.

I feel the exact same way. I love saying "Eeyup" to people who have no clue what I'm referencing. It's like having your own special secret that hides you when you need to be hidden, inspires you when you're in need of inspiration, and makes friends where previously you had none.

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