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I've been thinking about starting this thread for some time and after darkwingmare's recent status update I decided it's finally the time. ;)


This thread is for everyone who already has a tattoo, is interested in getting one or generally interested in the concept. For the latter - I neither encourage or discourage getting one, it has to be yours and only yours decision. Maybe this topic will help you decide shomehow though.


I've wanted to get a tattoo since I was about 15 years old, but didn't get one till I was 20 (21? somewhere around that). Technically I could get it when I was 18, since it's the legal age in my country, but I didn't have neither a good idea or sufficent supply of cash.


And my first tattoo was Rainbow Dash (what a surprise!). It was some time after I started watching MLP and I thought "why not?". After thinking "why not" for a few more months I decided that since I haven't stick to one idea for so long this might as well be the right one. I don't regret neither the desing choice nor the fact that I finally got the tattoo. I found an incredible tattoo studio. Mostly because nobody even questioned my choice, not to say noone, clients and staff as well, were giving me any hard time about it. What they thought I'll never know, though. From the desings they posted on their site mine was not a usual one. ;)


The thing I didn't know was that the back is not the greatest first choice for the tattoo spot. It hurts as hell, there's a lot of spots where the bones are way too close to the skin, which are the most painfull. It's a weird sensation, sometimes it's more annoying than painful, sometimes feels as it's burning. It is all bareable though and weirdly, when the pain subsides it makes you want more (don't judge :D). I think that after it's done you're really releived, your body starts to make it up to you for the pain somehow, so you get relaxed plus you know that the pain wasn't for nothing, so it serves as additional gratification.


It wasn't another year until I got another tattoo, this time a drawing of a fox. It was done on my calf, where the pain is unbeliveably less than on the back. I just got myself a book and read, although I have only half paid attention. It wasn't because of the pain, but it was really interesting to see how the tattoo is actually done. Following the process when done on your back is not as easy. ;)


One more year and I've got another calf done (this time a wolf) plus an armada of different cartoon characters on my back in addition to RD. There was also a Tardis planned in the background, but when I realised it'll go straight through ribs I was kinda scared of the prospect. More so, it was after a large part of the tattoo was done, so I wasn't too keen to an hour more of getting needles set under my skin few hundred times a second. Fortunately the tattoo artist also wasn't keen on the prospect, apparently a lot of straight lines aren't fun to do. This way we've reached the consensus and I still lack a Doctor Who inspired tattoo, although it's gonna probably change in the next few months.


So, what are your tattoos, what style is your favourite, what was your experience?

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I don't have a tattoo, but I am planning on getting one soon. I thought for a long time on what, because this is not a decision that should be taken lightly. I don't want something that I will regret years from now. I think I am going to get my Scottish family crest on upper left back (kind of behind the shoulder). I think that is something that I won't regret (hopefully). I have also thought of the idea of eventually (but not any time soon) getting something music related, like my favorite band, since I am a musician and love music so much.

Edited by McDude
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About regret, as I haven't touched that subject before. It is a huge deal for most of the people, and rightfuly so. As McDude wrote the decision shouldn't be taken lightly, but whether you'll regret it or not - you just won't know that untill you regret or you die. You'll never be 100% sure, so maybe it's better not to overthink it. ;)

My first choice wasn't really thought over that much, the idea sticked with me for long enough, and other decisions were made in the same way. So far I don't regret any, as the experience itself was something worth knowing. And the interest in drawings, cartoons, animation, as well as my liking of animals, is probably to stay, and that's basicly what my tattoos are about - my passions.

Plus, the feedback I received was always positive (except for my family, but they're against tattoos in general, and even they were not really that bad). Of course other people opinions shouldn't matter that much, but lets face it - their do to some extent. And if you hear that your tattoo is awesome, less the chance you'll regret it.

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I dont have tatoo, if i want to do i would probably choose temporary ones  because one day you might possibe bored permanent tattoos and you might want to be change it ;)


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I've been wanting to get a tattoo since I was a little kid and saw that my daddy had them all over his body. Really cool ones, too! A tribal orca, me and my sisters names on his chest, a lizard on his ankle, a dolphin reaching around his upper arm, a wiking ship on his wrist... Yeah, plenty of tattoos, anyway.  :twi:


And since I passed 18 I've been wanting to get tattoos, but I haven't had the money and I haven't quite decided upon what kind of tattoo I'd like. First of all, I'd love to have something to symbolize my mother, one of her paintings, preferably of a bird of some sort. Something that truly connects my thoughts to her. Then, I want to have something for my dad, like a cool orca drawing or a wolf. I've always related him to those animals, so I'd really like something like that. <33  :please:

OH and a tattoo for my siblings, then lastly something really cool with a rose, a dream catcher and a deer.. I know it's kinda mainstream but those things really speaks to me.  :lie: Dream catcher resembles my constant nightmares that I've had all my life that never stops, a dream catcher has always been sort of like my element to keep me safe at night. Like.. My savior and protector of the dark and terrifying. A rose is a symbol of my favorite book of all time, my internet name revolved around it and roses also reminds me a lot of my mother as well. It's a very symbolic flower for me. And a deer is just a must.. Because it's basically my spirit animal. Favorite animal eveeeerrrr! Alongside with wolves and orcas, though.  :squee:

I would have loved to get a cartoon tattoo but it's just too early for that yet. Perhaps sometime, I'll make a tattoo for Steven Universe, since it has a really special place in my heart.

When I get back from my trip to Australia, I'll get my tattoos without hesitation. 


I love your thread by the way! Your tattoos sound really cool, too.

Edited by darkwingmare
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“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." - Dr.Seuss


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I've been wanting to get a tattoo since I was a little kid and saw that my daddy had them all over his body. Really cool ones, too! A tribal orca, me and my sisters names on his chest, a lizard on his ankle, a dolphin reaching around his upper arm, a wiking ship on his wrist... Yeah, plenty of tattoos, anyway.  :twi:

Those sound pretty awesome. :D It's interesting also, because my friend once told me I metioned on one ocassion that I wanted a lizard tattoo on my ankle, while I can never recall telling that. ;)


And since I passed 18 I've been wanting to get tattoos, but I haven't had the money and I haven't quite decided upon what kind of tattoo I'd like. First of all, I'd love to have something to symbolize my mother, one of her paintings, preferably of a bird of some sort. Something that truly connects my thoughts to her. Then, I want to have something for my dad, like a cool orca drawing or a wolf. I've always related him to those animals, so I'd really like something like that. <33 :please:

That was pretty much the reason I had the fox and wolf. I love those animals, which is kinda werid, as I've never actually seen them. ;)


OH and a tattoo for my siblings, then lastly something really cool with a rose, a dream catcher and a deer.. I know it's kinda mainstream but those things really speaks to me. :lie: Dream catcher resembles my constant nightmares that I've had all my life that never stops, a dream catcher has always been sort of like my element to keep me safe at night. Like.. My savior and protector of the dark and terrifying. A rose is a symbol of my favorite book of all time, my internet name revolved around it and roses also reminds me a lot of my mother as well. It's a very symbolic flower for me. And a deer is just a must.. Because it's basically my spirit animal. Favorite animal eveeeerrrr! Alongside with wolves and orcas, though. :squee:

Those don't sound mainstream at all, although maybe it vaires locally. Rose is really often and I've seen such tattoos many a time, but never really the same. You can get the same thing done in so many ways that even something trival can be great. And most important is always the meaning it has to you. Those seem to have a deep importance to you and for a long time, so I'll say they're a good choice. :)


Although I've seen one case where the tattooer politely refused to make a tattoo because the design was to cliche. It was a different situation though, because the person came in with a ready made design taken from the internet and wasn't the first with exactly the same thing (it was a feather if I remember well). She didn't get that one made, but the artist said he can make her another one, just not that exact thing. His point was that this picture is so popular it stops being what it has to be - showing something important to the client. And also making the same tattoo for a hundred time can probably make you want to stab yourself. In the end the client settled for something completely different and both her and the artist were really happy about it. :)


I love your thread by the way! Your tattoos sound really cool, too.

Thank you, always nice to hear that. :)

Edited by krindar
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I don't have any tattoos, and don't plan on getting one any time soon, but if I did, I imagine it'd be in a couple decades when I do.  I know what it'd be if I got one.  I'd get a cross on my left arm.

While I don't have any tats, I do have a few nice scars on my arms.  The scars on my left arm are from when I wrecked my motorcycle when I was 18.  Long story short, I was going around a corner about 45mph and an oncoming car was speeding around the corner in my lane.  It was either to 1. hope he moved out of my lane, 2. ride off the road into a 6 foot ditch, or 3. drop the bike and slide off to the side of the road.  Thankfully I chose the only option that wouldn't have killed me.  I dropped the bike.  I was wearing my helmet of course, so my head was fine.  Had on jeans and a T-shirt, and had some pretty bloodied up arms.  When it all healed I was left with some badass scars.

On my right arm I have a scar from when I accidentally broke a window (oops).  Lmao.

~ Miles

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~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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I had a small one...now it's turning into a gigantic (and unfortunately expensive) piece.  I was always a big Depeche Mode fan, so it's a tribute to them.  Spans from my upper left shoulder, down the back and ends on my right hip.  Still not done....  Maybe I'll post pics when it's done!

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I really really want a tatoo, but on the inside of my left forearm because I have some scars of when I used to cut myself. I know it might sound strange but I really need to hide them they make me feel really uncomfortable, and I already imagined getting the horse of a carousel on this arm because It would represent something to me. But the problem I'll probably have when getting it, well the price and the pain.

I really can't stand pain on my skin I'm aprehensive that it could be really painful... 

But this tattoo ain't coming soon cause you know, I'm 15 and I'm still a minor  ^_^

  • Brohoof 2


graphic design is meh pession


Twilight Sparkle  Pinkie Pie  Applejack Rainbow Dash Rarity Fluttershy

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I really can't stand pain on my skin I'm aprehensive that it could be really painful... 

But this tattoo ain't coming soon cause you know, I'm 15 and I'm still a minor  ^_^

You have quite some time to think of a good design then. ;) The inside of an arm could be painfull though, the skin isn't too thick there and that's what is a problem usually. Although it isn't as bad as it seems, I used to think I couldn't stand pain to well, yet I've got my first tattoo in one of the most painful places. ;) And if it's gonna be small (as it has to be on a forearm) at least it won't take long.

Best wishes for you!

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Currently I don't have one, but I like to look at equine tattoo designs, especially those of fire horses and kirins.

Edited by Gambit Mare

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On my right arm I have a scar from when I accidentally broke a window (oops).  Lmao.


~ Miles

On my right thumb I have a scar from when I accidentally broke a window...I was very little. I remember my dad wrapping my thumb up in his handkerchief and taking me to the hospital. I also remember what the inside of my thumb looked like, before a massive amount of blood just welled up and poured on out. Odd thing is that I don't have any memory of actually getting to the hospital. I think the stitches were too traumatic for me to handle. As for tattoos, I'm never sure about that. Sometimes I think something small like a flower would be nice, but then my natural aversion to pain says "Don't do it!"  

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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My first will be 10/27. Its my sister's birthday that I see all the tiiime, so it will mean a lot to me.


I want to get a little ghost design on my arm, I have for awhile. That or a black minecraft sheep, not a corny ugly one, as a symbol of my family. Those are for later because they need well thought out designs.


I've only waited so long so my sister can be there when she done with these stupid programs.

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I have three at the moment, on my hip I have vitality in Japanese, I have a raven on my shoulder blade, and a tribalish looking eagle on my ribs that has Semper Fortis which means always strong or always courageous. I got that one when I was in the Navy. 


I plan on getting one more. In a couple years maybe. 

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I have a tattoo of sorts, but not of ink. It is a word permanently etched into my arm. Some days it is inspiring, giving light to the present and future when I am feeling confident in my life. Other days it is a curse from the past, weighing upon me and instilling a despair I thought I had overcome.


Well...it's part of what defines me now, and I just have to accept it. Would be nice to get a more positive image someday, though indecision will most likely result in not getting one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've yet to get a tattoo, but I have two that I'm planning to get. 


The first is a religious code kind of tattoo, either a solar cross...





 or a valknut... 





Thinking of getting it on the back of my neck, right around the collar.



The second is another symbolic symbol, a simple small tattoo with the letters " A* ". The idea came from the the Patient Zeros song of the same name.As far as I understand, it's a coding algorithm for finding a way to another point, in the shortest distance (think pathfinding), or as I perceive it, "it's the journey that matters, not the destination." 

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I have a tattoo running down from the top of my arm down to my elbow, kind of inspired from an anime program I watched though different colour, just to warn you it was pretty painful but not as bad as people think ^-^

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I have 5 tattoos as of now.

Jelly. :c


I only have one at the moment, but I want to get more. Sadly the military will limit what I can and cannot get.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've wanted a tattoo for a few years now, but I've been indecisive about what I wanted to get. And of course, I want to be sure of what I want before I get anything. :P


Not gonna lie, I want a cutie mark. I know that much. But what cutie mark? I don't know... and I don't know if I wanna get one that already exists, or if I wanna make up my own. I've never been able to decide what my own cutie mark would look like. If I got one of the mane six's, I'd get Pinkie Pie's. Or maybe her's on one side and Rainbow's on the other side (I want them on my hip/thigh, where I feel a human cutie mark would probably be).


I once met a girl who had Twilight's cutie mark. It was really cool. :D


Me in a nutshell.

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