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Has anyone forgiven Diamond Tiara outright?


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It'll take some time. She just became reformed, and we haven't seen enough of her post reformation yet. So, once we have seen more of her post reformation, I'll probably slowly forgive her. But those 4 and a half seasons won't just go away in an instant. This isn't like Discord or Trixie, where they had one appearance, then their reformation stories. DT has been a recurring character since season one, and we've seen quite a bit of her old self. So, like I said, it'll be more of a process than an instantaneous thing, at least for me.


Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature!

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I'm in the same boat as some others who can't decide whether to forgive her because her transformation was just too quick. I always wanted (and maybe expected) her character to be redeemed someday, so I'm not all that surprised by it.


Furthermore, it's kind of a questionable redeement. Instead of trying to get what she wants with a stick, now she's going to use honey instead. I guess that's - better? (And maybe she won't look down on other ponies anymore?)


But, judging from the negative fan reaction to Rarity getting what she wants by sweet talking stallions all the time, I'm not sure the "new" Diamond Tiara is going to seem all that different than the old one. At least not until we see her in action in future episodes.

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Personally, even though we've seen first-hoof why DT was such a sadistic and rotten brat, I don't think I can forgive her. After all, we can never forget that moment when she belittled Scootaloo for her inability to fly. That is equal to a bully mocking a person in a wheelchair for their inability to walk, which is downright cruel and unusual. I do feel sorry for DT, being that her mother (whom I sorely hope gets her comeuppance in a future episode) forced her to be the way she was, but she had the chance to stand up to Spoiled Rich long before she was introduced to the show proper.


Your thoughts?

I personally love a redemption arc, and I think that DT is one of the better  characters on the show. She has shown herself able to learn independently and with very little support. What makes a character strong, IMHO, is an ability to recognize their own mistakes, something that was much more  challenging for DT, who was cut off and isolated from any friendship, than it is for our other characters, who have the constant support of dozens of people who love them, and know that. With that run-on sentence out of the way, yes I forgive DT. She rose above the role she was cast in to become more than what anybody thought of her. Forgive is an understatement. I would gladly accept her as a friend long before Sunset Shimmer, who was and is just a powercrazy pony who was given everything a pony can receive, and threw it all away.

  • Brohoof 3
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There really was no reason to hold a grudge against her in the first place even if she treated others poorly at times, but yeah I am entirely not sold on her reformation as that was too simplified and too quick for my liking.

Edited by UnknownFry
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If you asked me that is way way too quick of a change in personality. It would make more sense if Diamond Tiara goes through hard times with the CMC and somehow they bond briefly for a second but when they get to safety DT goes back to her usual ways but there is a soft side to her shown in a "tsundere" fashion. 


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If someone does something wrong, punishment should be dealt. But forgiveness is also important. The way Diamond Tiara mocked Scootaloo was cruel, yes. But she's still just a kid. So yes, I forgive her.


Besides, where was the outrage when Sweetie Belle called Scoots a dodo? Same thing! :lol:

Dr. Jinxie Umbra

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One 22 minute episode ain't gonna change jack. But, it's a start. Baby steps, everypony, baby steps.

It doesn't take 22 minutes. A single moment can change everything. For Twilight, it was when her friends arrived to help her fight Nightmare Moon. And for Diamond, it was during the Light of Your Cutie Mark song. She was on the hunt to take advantage of Pip's weakness, but the crusaders explained to her what she could do different, and she listened. It says a lot about a person/pony if they can break out of a mental state like that and stop before doing anything bad, rather than just begging forgiveness afterward.


If someone does something wrong, punishment should be dealt

IMO, punishment should be sort of a last resort. It's a crude tool to maintain law and order by means of fear. If someone experiences an internal shift to where they no longer want to do bad things, then it's not necessary. But education is still needed, or else they might revert to being bad just because they don't know what else to do (this is one of the big problems with our prison system in America). The crusaders really shined here, with the line "you can redeem yourself, but by helping others, not by being mean." Don't just tell someone not to do something bad, tell them what they can do that's good. A more detailed explanation of how to help others would have been even better, but I'll give it a pass because of time constraints, and because writing musical dialogue isn't easy :P


If Diamond was already an adult, I'd be more skeptical of her ability to change. But she's right at the age where her true personality reveals itself/is created, so a constructive approach to helping her will be more effective than punishment.

Edited by dekutree64
  • Brohoof 1
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There really was no reason to hold a grudge against her in the first place even if she treated others poorly at times, but yeah I am entirely sold on her reformation as that was too simplified and too quick for my liking.

AGreed i mean yeah outside of the wing insult which could have been just peer pressure of wnating ot win to impress her mom. All they really done was verbal insutls about bare flanks. well and some comments about granny smith that ONE time.  And it not like those two followd the CMC around but I Digres i forgive her cause she fell off her pedistal and got back up new pony.


Also funny how DT party from season one created the CMC and then helps  the cmc get thier marks in the end. O_O mind blown.

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Oh yeah. Now that I know she was brainwashed by her mother, I certainly do. I hope her mother learns a lesson about what happens when you raise your foal the wrong way. 

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It doesn't take 22 minutes. A single moment can change everything. For Twilight, it was when her friends arrived to help her fight Nightmare Moon. And for Diamond, it was during the Light of Your Cutie Mark song. She was on the hunt to take advantage of Pip's weakness, but the crusaders explained to her what she could do different, and she listened. It says a lot about a person/pony if they can break out of a mental state like that and stop before doing anything bad, rather than just begging forgiveness afterward.


IMO, punishment should be sort of a last resort. It's a crude tool to maintain law and order by means of fear. If someone experiences an internal shift to where they no longer want to do bad things, then it's not necessary. But education is still needed, or else they might revert to being bad just because they don't know what else to do (this is one of the big problems with our prison system in America). The crusaders really shined here, with the line "you can redeem yourself, but by helping others, not by being mean." Don't just tell someone not to do something bad, tell them what they can do that's good. A more detailed explanation of how to help others would have been even better, but I'll give it a pass because of time constraints, and because writing musical dialogue isn't easy :P


If Diamond was already an adult, I'd be more skeptical of her ability to change. But she's right at the age where her true personality reveals itself/is created, so a constructive approach to helping her will be more effective than punishment.


Punishment is a very broad term and need not mean something as harsh as what you see with the USA's broken prison system. Negative feedback is an important response to bad behaviour, especially in children as they are much better able to learn from it. Even just a stern talking-to makes a world of difference. In the case of Diamond Tiara she has already made efforts to atone for her past actions by getting the new school playground built. Evidently, she has learned well.

Dr. Jinxie Umbra

Angriest Statue in Celestia's Garden

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Sure, I never really hated her to begin with. She was to flat a caricature to muster any emotion towards, like how Sunset was. Now that she has some development (really fast whiplash inducing character development....also like Sunset) I'm interested to see where they could take her character. I hope she joins in on the CMC's efforts, they need a leader and she is perfect leadership material especially now that she is reformed. 

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Yes. She played the main role in building a new playground for her school by organizing, something that Pip wasn't even close to doing even when he promised it. For some reason he forgot that they needed funding for it to happen, yeah some president he turned out to be. Also it was because of her that the CMC realized their true calling and got their cutie marks. All the CMC did was invite her to the clubhouse but she stood up to her mother and she changed into a good character mostly by herself. I'd say that makes up for her treatment of the CMC in the past. She could say one more apology to Scootaloo but that's about it. 

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She was a poor soul whose parents are mean faces. So yeah, she has my forgiveness!

  • Brohoof 1

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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It'll be a while before I can forgive her completely, but a lot of what she said and did in the past is forgiven, after seeing the way her mother treats her.


I'm just glad we finally have an explanation for her attitude.  We've seen in the past that she certainly didn't get it from her father.  Filthy Rich was the polar opposite from what I've seen of him so far.  He might be oblivious to his daughter and wife's actions.  I'm willing to bet that Spoiled acts a lot different around him than she does anyone else.

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something that Pip wasn't even close to doing even when he promised it. For some reason he forgot that they needed funding for it to happen, yeah some president he turned out to be.

Except he did plan to fund it - he went to the school board like he promised to but Spoiled Rich turned the board against him and they denied his funds!


Diamond Tiara was all set to go along with her mother's plan but the CMC changed her mind at the last minute.

  • Brohoof 1

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Except he did plan to fund it - he went to the school board like he promised to but Spoiled Rich turned the board against him and they denied his funds!

Oh right so he did plan to fund it but he put all his eggs in one basket and that didn't turn out favourably. All I'm saying is that he shouldn't promise something he doesn't have much control over of.


Diamond Tiara was all set to go along with her mother's plan but the CMC changed her mind at the last minute.

Hmm I don't know. The fact that she went the other way at the end of the song and what she said to Pip suggests she planned to do that from the beginning but was still in two minds.
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She's turned over a new leaf, and that's a start. She has some work to do before she can truly be forgiven, but my opinion about her has changed quite a bit. I've already started to forgive her, but it'll still take some time.

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Hmm.  You know, I hated her and Spoon with a passion, but...idk...I think I've already forgiven her.  I mean, we've forgiven Luna, haven't we?  Weren't her transgressions as Nightmare Moon much worse?  I mean, sort of a different situation, as she was sort of possessed by...herself, I guess.  But I'm not going to hold a grudge against Diamond, or Spoon for that matter, though I do think that they, especially Diamond, should work very hard to make up for how they've hurt others.  In other words, while I have forgiven them, and believe they indeed deserve forgiveness, they shouldn't just forget everything they've done, but they should try to make up for it.


Now, you know who I'm NEVER going to forgive?  Khal Drogo.  Man, f*ck that a**hole.  Don't think for one second that I just forgot what he did early on.  He's a monster.  We're suppose to forget that just because Dany (apparently) did?  The hell?  It was nice when he killed Viserys, but that doesn't make him a hero.  I will never forgive.  I will never forget.


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Hell no, I didn't. I never wanted to forgive her. That's why Crusaders of the Lost Mark is one of my least favorite episodes in the entire show. I wanted the CMC to make her their bitch and get cutie marks in conquering bullies, not help her redeem herself.

Silver Spoon still put her in her place, so she's gained some respect from me at least.


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I kinda forgive her, but I can't really say until another episode. Also not forgiving people for past events that do not hurt you at the moment at all (like making fun of Scootaloo) is useless. 

Hell no, I didn't. I never wanted to forgive her. That's why Crusaders of the Lost Mark is one of my least favorite episodes in the entire show. I wanted the CMC to make her their bitch and get cutie marks in conquering bullies, not help her redeem herself.

Silver Spoon still put her in her place, so she's gained some respect from me at least.

I am confused as to why many bronys would forgive discord, who wanted to rule the world and have everypony under his grip, and not forgive a filly who said some stupid things. (I don;t know if you forgave discord. The only real reason I forgave him is because he's an interesting character, and I never hate him.)

  • Brohoof 1

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I never had the hatred towards DT that others had because of one thing: she's a kid.


That doesn't make that bad things she's done any better, but children are children. You see a nasty, rotten brat? Well guess what, they didn't just wake up one day and decide, yeah I'm going to be an ass. Their parents are the ones responsible.


And unfortunately for the poor rotten brats in question, unless SOMEONE gives them a reality check, their lives will just spiral miserably. If their parents or other authority figures don't lay down the law, then the only hope they have is for their own self-evaluation to kick in after the world dumps on them.


But the chances of that are poor, because NO human (or pony in this case) likes to criticize themselves.

And chances are even poorer that they'll act on that self-criticism and be able to turn their lives around.


Luckily for Diamond, this happened to her sooner rather than later.

She's like, "I've done everything I was ever told to do or allowed to do... but now I'm completely miserable. I don't want to be completely miserable, so I've got to act differently." That's an impressive realization for a child to come to.

You're wrong. When I was a bully, it wasn't my parent's fault, It was my fault. (It was also the teacher's fault for always siding with the bullies when I got bullied.) 


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