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When you have a crush!


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Define it ?  :   Imagine a spark, ever felt/saw a moment that started that spark ?

Feel ? : My hearth told me everytime :D


How do you act ? : be yourself 


It`s a test of patience, don`t offer too much information at one once, and stay clear and real :3    


Easy :)

  • Brohoof 1


                                                              Regards for the sign go to a very good friend :3


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I am afraid I do not exactly know. I never had a crush or anything like that. No pony seems to be interested in me and look the other way as I grew to being an outcast and loner for my whole life so far that I doubt I will ever find my special somepony.

  • Brohoof 2
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Define it: My heart exploding with sparks that are capturing it

Feel it: It feels like you have won an ulimate competition and feeling pretty awesome about it

Act it: Don't muck up, be yourself, don't be rude and Be the best person to the person you love :)


Hope this helps!

  • Brohoof 1
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I think it's something people feel differently from one another, but some core parts of it are universal.


If you feel that you really enjoy their company, that you wish to get closer to them, talk to them, and they are generally on your mind when they aren't around, then it's probably a crush.

  • Brohoof 1
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I just act the same.. I don't know what I feel when I have a crush or not ^^;;

  • Brohoof 1


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I dont know exactly what Crush means, i guess it means falling in love with someone?

Sry, but im from german and Google Translate gives me so strange translations  :lol:


Well, i define having a Crush, when im literally speechless, about how beautiful a Person is, when i cant stop thinking about her and my biggest wish would be, that i would have the courage to talk to her and maybe get a Relation Ship  :wub:

A crush makes me feel...well...love?  :ooh: And also shortly after that, sadness and frustration, when i realize, that im still way to shy, to ever talk to a Woman  :(


How i act around this Person? Normally im to shy, to do anything.  :please:

But i once had a crush on a classmate and the only thing i did, was staring at her, almost all the day...which if i look back, was probably a little bit creepy for her, having a silent guy staring at her.So i stopped after just one day and just got depression.

Then i had a second Crush, but actually ended up bullying her a little, after i heard that she was changing school.

I dont why i did it, i guess i was angry that she left. Just to make it clear, with bullying i just mean, i made fun of her like one or two times.

Nothing more. But i felt still pretty horrible ( since i was a jerk ) , so i ended up drawing her Pictures at her last day in my school.

A lot of Pictures. And said, that im sry.

And then i never heard about her again.


And lately, i dont have any crushes anymore.

Edited by Dune_Rarity
  • Brohoof 2


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My crushes are either short lived or end too soon because any factor. Although I believe that I can sorta explain how did I felt when I do have a crush.


I personally define it as a burning sensation on your heart. Some people define it as "butterflies on your stomach", but I would actually feel my heart more than my stomach. Probably me. That burning sensation is unique, because it doesn't hurt, if not the whole opossite, it brings you joy. It may be the beauty, the personality, or something else, but its presence makes you want to simply go where that person is, give a hug, and never let them go.


I feel like if I was in a game, and that one person was what awaited me if I fought hard. Not in an ownership level, if not on a "You really deserve it" level. I cannot remove that feeling that easily, and I would try what I could to let my crush notice me.


About how do I act, it's not really hard to miss. I act very mellow and nice to that person. I do act nice and mellow towards my friends most of the time anyways, but my crush would receive my best possible kindness from me. It's just... that I want that person to be happy, and I would do what I could to let them achieve that happiness.


And there it goes. How Mr Lightwing lives a crush on direct and exclusive. Was it what you thought? X:

  • Brohoof 2
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Having A Crush: Looking and thinking about someone in a different way than from the others.


Feel: On edge, like extremely self conscious of yourself, and happy when they talk to you, or flushed/embarrassed when you start looking at them uncontrollably


How do I act?: I act like myself, but secretly inside I'm raging with all these emotions.  


This is what I think I am like in that situation.




  • Brohoof 1
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How do you define having a crush?

I define it as taking a romantic interest in another individual.


What does having a crush make you do/feel? How do you act around that person? :)

Personally, having a crush makes me feel warm and giddy inside, and at the same time, I feel a ball of nervous energy in my core whenever I am in their presence, or even think of them. On the inside, I'm just as happy as a puppy to be around them. I noticed that my behavior toward my crush can change quite a bit. Sometimes I try to act unaffected in my behavior. In fact, I've come across as disinterested in the other person, while feeling just the opposite. At other times, I laugh at their jokes more than I should. No matter how I'm acting, I get very self-conscious around them. The person I have a crush on consumes nearly every waking thought. Lol

  • Brohoof 2

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definition: Crush-Soda.png

feel/do: its all fizzy on the inside and gives you a sugary high, but only as long as it lasts. It isn't the real thing, but it gives you a taste of it. Best experienced when not chugged. Open it up slowly to avoid a mess. Also, don't open it if it belongs to somebody else.

  • Brohoof 5

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I don't think I've ever had a crush, and people seem to think something is worng with me because of that.

Me neither. I don't think everyone has crushes, and it's not a bad thing not to have any.

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my faithful subjects,


how do I define having a crush... well for everypony it's different. for me when I know I have a crush I feel the blush coming when nopony can see me, and I guess when I found Natsu I realized that he was the only person that mattered in the universe right then and there. I know it's probably an empty promise that I made to myself but I would die a billion times but to make him smile! Even though he is an anime character he will always be in my heart!  :rarity:


your Princess of slumber,

Princess Nidra


ps when I'm around him ima like!-


giphy.gif and


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it's being irresistibly drawn to a person to the point where you'll do anything to be as close to them as possible, physically and visually - you'll do things for them you wouldn't do for normal person, and you pine for them and desire them so that they fill up their mind - if they engage you, your mind is so full of messing up a potential opening you become a wreck that you desperately hope they don't notice, which they usually don't as they are completely oblivious to the fact you are crushing on them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would define a crush as feeling affection towards a person that you know. Oftentimes we call it a crush because they don't notice, or they don't feel the same way. There is nothing wrong with having a crush, everyone has had one. 


Signature made by Odyssey (Sawk) 



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I wouldn't call it a "crush", but I would have to say that it's when you feel a really passionate love for someone of the opposite sex (unless your homosexual). 

Edited by Best Poni

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For me, a crush is a step below 'being in love' and is something relatively shallow. I define a crush as being attracted to a person you don't really know all that well. Despite this, you feel the desire to be around them and talk to them, and doing so makes you very happy.

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I have a kind of huge crush on a girl in my class right now, I don't act much different then usually around her though, We have the same humor and we have an easy time talking to each other. 


But the real struggle is, I got INSTA friend zoned when I got to close, Like literally INSTANTLY. xD :P


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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