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Who is your favorite Main Villain?  

490 users have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite Main Villain?

    • Nightmare Moon
    • Discord
    • Chrysalis
    • King Sombra
    • Nightmare Rarity
    • Tirek
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • The Dazzlings
    • Starlight Glimmer
    • Principal Cinch
    • Midnight Sparkle
    • Gaia Everfree (Gloriosa)
    • Juniper Montage
    • The Storm King
    • Tempest Shadow
    • The Pony of Shadows/Stygian
    • Cozy Glow
    • Wallflower Blush
    • Vignette Valencia
  2. 2. Who is/are your favorite lower level antagonists?

    • Trixie
    • Gilda
    • Flim/Flam
    • Diamond Dogs
    • Diamond Tiara/Silver Spoon
    • Ahuizotl
    • Lightning Dust
    • Other (please specify with a comment )
    • Suri Polomare
    • The Mane-iac
    • Chancellor Neighsay

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Chrysalis for villain, Trixie for antagonist. The two were just so much fun to have on screen, and they both open up a lot of questions. What was their past like? I'd like to know. Were they always the way they are now? Where did Trixie's act come from? Was Chrysalis a normal pony and became changeling queen because of some spell? I WANNA KNOW!

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Chryssy got defeated because she was distracted, yet, she didn't do anything to stop them. Her changelings could have drained both Cadence and Shining Armor's magic, but no, she was distracted looking at the senseless destruction of a city.
I wonder why she didn't keep guards to hold them.


Also in G1 he still is better than Chrysalis, heck, even better than his G4 counterpart. When you threaten to behead a baby, you know your boss.
The comics don't do her any justice either. 
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I'm sure my preference in villain should go without saying here.  :umad:

But I thought I'd give a special mention to Flim & Flam. Those bacon haired ponies have really interesting episodes. And not to mention their crazy songs. You don't really take them very seriously but still. They're pretty awesome villains that are often forgotten about.


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Really? I thought she was much more fun and threatening than in the show? When he eats the bunny in front of the fillies, for example.

It was entertaining but it didn't add anything more to her character. It was a cheap way of making her have a vendetta with Twilight. Plus Twilight should again have lost but "Nooo we have to make her pull an absurd amount of power from nowhere like a lame-ass anime character." yea... that happened. Plus the Crusaders were like talking all the time like if they were the writers themselves trying to clarify that "Hey guys she's evil!" WE GET IT! Plus the bunny killing was an over-reaction "Let's kill something cute to consolidate our character's evilness." Yea... tryhard much?

Minute 7:00 That...

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I love discord's unpredictable personality. He's funny. I absolutely love insane, cooky characters, villians or otherwise - The joker, Sheogorath, The Mask... It's because they can't be predicted - you can't tell what's going on in their mind, and whether or not they're insanely smart or are just insane.


As for lower tier villians, there's something very attractive about Trixie's personality and character design. Her boasting and showmanship is simply enchanting :D


Really wish to see more of both in the following season.

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Discord, still Discord.





I mean, Tirek was great as an antagonist, but I like Discord on a more personal level and I'd like it if writers explored his character more. There's still so much that we still don't know about him! How he became who he is, how he's relationship with Celestia looked in the past, how his friendship with Main 6 will look like in the next seasons... I'm a little disappointed that he's now good, but if it means that we'll see more of him, then I can't really complain. 

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Discord is pretty fun; I really like his personality. But even so, I think that my favorite villain of them all has to be Queen Chrysalis. I don't know exactly why, I just love her design and the whole concept of the changelings. Everything about them seems to be genuinely evil (which I very much enjoy), especially Chrysalis herself with her scary-looking eyes and, again, the entirety of her design. I would really like to see some more of her in the show!


As for an antagonist... Hmm... Guess I'll go with Trixie. She's funny~ mlp-trixie-happy.png

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Tirek was a complete badass who reminded me a lot of Cell from DBZ.

While the Mane-iac was a fun supervillain antogonist (tough she felt a lot like a major villain). Plus, I'm a sucker for psychos.

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  • 3 months later...

Trixie is easily favorite villain. One of the characters I have maintained a long-term interest in and I have my fingers crossed for an S5 reappearance :D She rocks, yo.


As for main antagonist, Sombra. What he lacked in outright personality he made up for in insane tactical prowress, intelligence, and mystique. Smart, smart fella right there.

  • Brohoof 1


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Discord is amazing and always will be, but he's not evil anymore.

As for a straight up villain? Tirek was friggin' threatening as hell, omg...

His intro scene got a legit physical and verbal reaction out of me, and I admire any scene in any show that can do that (I'm normally a very passive viewer, sitting quietly, soaking up what is being presented and then reacting AFTERWARDS).


For the minor antagonists, a like a bunch of them.

Ahuizotl's probably my fave, despite the fact that we know next to nothing about him. He just intrigues me.

Trixie is hilarious. <3

Lightning Dust has a lovely design and is an interesting foil for Rainbow Dash. Same with Gilda.


Suri Polomare is the straight up nastiest of the bunch. I like her, but in a way that I like to hate her. The Mane-iac and Ahuizotl may be actual conquering villains, but the Mane-iac is a cackling comic book character and Ahuizotl is at the very least charismatic with an exotic and unique design. Suri is a backstabbing opportunist that KNOWS what she does hurts people, and actively preaches it as a philosophy that others should adopt, otherwise they're "stupid" and deserve any manipulation or hurt she dishes out. And what's scary about her is that there's people just like her in the real world.

Edited by ShadOBabe
  • Brohoof 1



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King Sombra was the villain I loved (and feared) the most, perhaps due to the mystique surrounding his character and the long lasting effect that he had upon the crystal ponies. I felt that he was the most intelligent and threatening of the main villains thus far, not to mention his design is awesome. :D


Regarding lower level villains, I have warmed to Trixie more and more. Originally she was far from my favourite, although now I actually find myself sympathising with her. :wau: She strikes me as an insecure pony who attempts to overcome her own doubts by portraying herself in an almost 'larger than life' manner, that's just head canon of course :please: 

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  • 3 months later...

Personally I like the type of antagonists like the flim flam brothers, not bad enough in the sense they want to rule over somewhere or scare ponies but bad enough that they want to beat sompony else almost no matter what the cause. (I also liked them in the 'A Case for the Base' short) BUT my favorite is Discored and yes i know thats sort of contradicting what i said but there something about how he causes the mischief and turning each of the mane six (excluding Twilight Sparkle) into the opposites of their elements. I don't know why but that was really cool in my eyes.


Also sorry for this being long...opinions and such :3

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@@Emerald Flame


Just letting you know I edited the poll to include Sunset Shimmers (EqG) and The Dazzlings (RR), especially considering that Nightmare Rarity is a choice. ^^

For me, it HAS to be King Sombra, and the reasons why are below, which I copied from another I made in a different thread.


1. Little to no given backstory: We're given enough to at least get a taste for him, but not too much to have an official mindset about his motivations or whatnot. It is for the most part up to us to fill the blanks (or the comics eventually). That mysterious angle about him just give him that dark edge for me.


2. Lack of an apparent ego: Don't get me wrong; I don't hate egotistical villains. I mean that's one reason why I love Chrysalis was that she had a colorful personality. However, that can also be their downfall. She had Twilight in her hooves, then just revealed herself to her. Had she not done that, she could've very been successful. Discord had this same issue when he basically painted a target on him at the end of "Return of Harmony." Sombra, in contract, smartly bides his time and waits. Yes, he wants the Crystal Empire, but he knows he can't do much with the shield magic going on. He knows being big and boastful will not do him any good.


3. Intelligence: Had it not been for Spike, he very well could've had Twilight as his permanent captive. It took her genius to figure out his hiding spot for the crystal heart, Spike's concern when Twilight wasn't answering, her magic & foresight to beat the door, and her outside the box thinking to get to the top of the tower in quick time. Had it been anyone other than Twilight (not counting alicorns) he could've came out the victor.


4. Presence & Threat: You didn't see him much, but you didn't need to. One of the reasons why Sauron works as a villain is that you don't see him all that much. His strength of presence comes in rumors and warnings. Remember in "Fellowship of the Ring" when Gandalf was talking about the black speech in Bag End? Similarly, Sombra's presence is felt from the instant the ponies walk into the barren wasteland of the frozen north. You hear the creepy wail and fear inches up your spine.


5. Fear: Just look at the crystal ponies themselves. Just the mere mention of thought of Sombra is enough to send these ponies into full-on PTSD. Just WHAT did he do to these ponies aside form slavery? How bad were their working conditions? What horrors did these ponies witness?


6. Power: It took both Celestia & Luna to banish Sombra; and he still managed to curse the empire to vanish. You know from Celestia's warnings and what we see his do that he is indeed a VERY powerful unicorn. What is his power was left unchecked? Would he have eventually tried to conquer Equestria proper?


7. Design: In a sense I can see why some didn't like his physical design, but to me it evokes the dark side of kingly power. Add in his magic and he's a terror.


Of course all of this is IMO. Again, I'm a big fan of Chrysalis as well, but I prefer Sombra simply because he is the better villain. Chrysalis might be the better character, if you will, but as a villain she didn't work out as well...on the show at least. Now the comics, on the other hand, she improved a great deal with her cunning and deception; not to mention her brutality. That puts her almost on level with Sombra for me.


Saying that; Sombra is best pony villain. <3


Looks like I need to make an addendum to point #1 now that we actually have backstory.


1. Now that we actually have some backstory on him (whether it's canon is up to interpretation; personally I count it), it easier to see that his goal was a lot deeper, and honestly, a lot more disturbing than the show let on. As much as I loved the mysterious edge, I'll take a well-written backstory.



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1. Now that we actually have some backstory on him (whether it's canon is up to interpretation; personally I count it), it easier to see that his goal was a lot deeper, and honestly, a lot more disturbing than the show let on. As much as I loved the mysterious edge, I'll take a well-written backstory.


I'm just glad they didn't make him another generic overconfident monologuer.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm just glad they didn't make him another generic overconfident monologuer.


I can't stress that enough! While I love that in Chrysalis, I would've been sorely disappointed had we got that in Sombra.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
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I've only seen two seasons , but so far :


1)Discord - pure insanity;

2)Flim & Flam - amazing episode, catchy song, they look awesome;

3)Nightmare Moon - mysterious, cool and eternal night <3


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It would be Sombra as he was soooo dark and mysterious (although the new comic has revealed a lot that has been a little bit emotional). He was probably one of the more dangerous as he had to be pretty much killed to be stopped. 

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 1 month later...

Trixie is my favorite villain and I cannot describe why she's my favorite. I do like how her voice sounds.

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Starlight Glimmer for being very intimidating while being the most "normal" looking villain. 

  • Brohoof 1
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