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How powerful is Twilight Sparkle?

Thewookie Wooker

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Where do you think she stacks up in raw power against the many other unicorns and alicorns?


She is the Element of Magic which may not have been used in the defeat of Nightmare Moon since she seemed shocked that there was a 6th element.


If Nightmare Moon >Celestia

Celestia + Eoh > Nightmare Moon

also Mane 6 with EoH > Nightmare Moon/Celestia

Celestia + Luna with EoH = Mane 6 with EoH > Discord


Twilight did block Discord's magic near the end of that 2 parter.


So where is Twilight in power. Does she have the potential to gain the knowledge to actually overthrow Celestia alone?


Would Nightmare Twilight be stronger than Celestia?



What do you think?

  • Brohoof 1
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No, she isn't even the strongest unicorn. Shining is, and he can't even beat Celestia, but when his powers were united with queen C's they did beat Celestia. If Twilight can then she won't be able to for a long time.

  • Brohoof 5

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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Celestia always seemed to be unaffected by normal unicorn magic so I don't think so.



"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

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Shining also has had, what I guess to be, high level military training. Being captain of the guard and all. While Twilight, on the other hand, still has untapped potential power. Also, if magic is like any other skill, and Shining only trained in or practiced the most at making force fields and related defensive/offensive magic. This would explain why he was able to make a massive forcefield. If Twilight is given more time and the same training her power could be much more than it is now.

Edited by Venrix
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I believe that simple logi will conclude that Twilight is in fact the most powerful unicorn out there. Her special talent is magic, and she is capable of reaping the uses of each and every spell. This can be seen in Season 1 Episode 19 "A Dog and Pony Show" when Twilight is able to use Rarity's gem finding spell, and also in Season 2 Episode 20 "Its about Time" when she is able to harness the power of the time spell. Her power is not equivalent to Celestia's as you seem to assume. She was only capable or defeating nightmare moon and Discord with the power of The Elements of Haromny, which even then only work in conjunction of the mane 6. The Elemental power is distributed evenly there, but still adds up to be almost a 17% increase in power. Shinning Armor is not a very powerful unicorn at all. He has a very specific talent, as can be seen in the recent finale in both his action and his cutie mark. His cutie Mark depicts A shield with three stars above it and a large pink star on the shield. He is specialized in Fore Field Spells, and this in joint force with the alicorn magic provided by Cadence was very potent. (This confused me because Cadence's love helped get rid of Queen Chrysalis when the Queen was supposedly gaining power from the same love that was used to defeat her. WTC). Back to Twilight, all in all she is well rounded, which may as well make her the most powerful unicorn, or if a better word is needed, the most adaptable unicorn.

  • Brohoof 2

Riley was here

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Shes the most powerful unicorn on the show.


Considering her talent is magic itself, she can do anything she damn well pleases.


Travel through time? Check

Teleport? Check

Reproduce spells created by other ponies? Check

Magical Energy blasts? Check

Transforming one thing into another? Check


She's far more powerful then any normal unicorn, even her brother. All her brother can do is create a forcefield, which we've seen twilight do.


Now as to her forcefield being stronger then his, I am not sure.


Im sure she could overpower celestia and luna.

  • Brohoof 3

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In the grand scheme of things there are still a good number of unanswered questions and many speculations. Twilight is, with out a doubt, a powerful pony. With this recent episode showing how "weak" princes Celestia is this leaves some room for other ponies like twilight to take position of most powerful pony. If we look at Celestia and how she was defeated, she was defeated with the power of love, as was Chrysalis. Corrupted love, but love none the less. And that is arguably the all around most powerful force out there. So unless there is another confrontation were Celestia gets to test her mettle. I doubt that we will get an accurate measure of her force. Which means Twilight might not be as powerful as we like to believe.

Edited by Venrix
  • Brohoof 1
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Powerful enough, let's leave it at that.

And remember she's still a young mare. Shining Armor has had time to develop his powers more-from the flashback, it looked like he was Twilight's age when Twilight was still a filly. I have a feeling Twilight's going to be one of the most powerful ponies in Equestria once she develops more, especially with the magic of friendship by her side.

(She can time travel, for crying out loud! >.<)

  • Brohoof 3


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Honestly, I think it's going to be a matter of her learning to fully control her power. Once she does that (IF she does that), then I could see her at least being on par with Celestia.

Edited by SBaby

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As far as brute force goes, Shining seems to be the most powerful unicorn.


However, her special talent being the study of magic, she has one of, if not the most varied arsenal of magical knowledge of any unicorn currently alive, and as she grows up it's likely that she'l join the legendary ranks of such magicians as Starswirl the Bearded.


It'd be unfair to compare her to Celestia, of course, who has 1000+ years of magical study and practice under her belt.

  • Brohoof 1

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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Well of course I think she's can be more powerful, I mean we've seen what she can do!


All this shows that whatever you do, you should not buck with Twilight!

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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i agree, put twilight in the clip, then i will squee XD

  • Brohoof 1


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 Midnight moon (my main OC)

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To quote the Great and Powerful Scootacool, who probably quoted something else:



Twilight lives in a library with hundreds of spell books around her, she has been studying magic since she was a foal, she is the Princesses personal student and she has beaten an Ursa Minor. She has to be pretty damn powerful. Not Celestia, Luna or Discord style powerful but still a force to be reckoned with. So far, we have seen one other unicorn who is more powerful then Twi and that was her brother. Judging by how much older he is then her and by Twilight's already growing magical potential, I feel that when she turns Shining Armours current age (He looks to be late 20's or early 30's) she will be even more powerful then him.

  • Brohoof 2
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To quote the Great and Powerful Scootacool, who probably quoted something else:



Twilight lives in a library with hundreds of spell books around her, she has been studying magic since she was a foal, she is the Princesses personal student and she has beaten an Ursa Minor. She has to be pretty damn powerful. Not Celestia, Luna or Discord style powerful but still a force to be reckoned with. So far, we have seen one other unicorn who is more powerful then Twi and that was her brother. Judging by how much older he is then her and by Twilight's already growing magical potential, I feel that when she turns Shining Armours current age (He looks to be late 20's or early 30's) she will be even more powerful then him.


Im jsut not sure that Twi's brother is more powerful. The only thing more powerful about him was his ability to cast large force fields and use that ability to repel a massive swarm of changelings. And even then, he was only able to do this with the assistance of Alicorn magic, which does seem to have more powerful capabilities compared to regular Unicorn magic.

Riley was here

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I believe that the scene when Twilight got her cutie mark could be foreshadowing how powerful she could become. It certainly got the attention of Celestia.

Edited by Lavoaster
  • Brohoof 2
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Celestias talent is moving the sun. So the only powers she technically has in cannon is VERY strong telekinesis, teleportation, and flying.


Oh and energy blasts apprently, which Twilight can do.


Look at Twilight when she was a filly, her power overwhealmed her, transformed her parents into plants and aged spike to adulthood.


Imagine when she could tap into that power at will.

  • Brohoof 1

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We've seen a great deal of Twilights abilities, and of course they have clearly improved over the course of the two seasons. If you remember back to the first episode, Twilight was not even 1/10th as powerful as she is now. When she and Nightmare Moon were facing off, Twilgiht used her teleport spell to fool Nightmare, and get to the Elements of Harmony. She did accomplish this, but was exhausted immediately after doing so. However, we get to this season and Twilight has used her teleport to transport herself multiple times without any repurcussions, Lesson Zero for instance, when she teleports multiple times without breaking a sweat. Later on she teleports herself, Rarity, Dashie and Spike in Dragon Quest, here she gets a little tired from teleporting her friends, but it's nothing she cannot handle.


One thing we know is that Twilight learns all of her spells from books. How these spells are performed, I haven't got a clue, but any spell that she can do has been done by another pony in the past. The thing is, she gets her spells from a multitude of books, written by a vast amount of ponies I'm sure, so this leads me to believe that she is at least as powerful as many well-known Unicorns from the past. One thing is for certain, and that is she hasn't created any of her own spells yet, but I believe she does have the potential to, perhaps something we shall see in a future episode.


Okey dokey, now let's compare her magic to that of the alicorns we've seen. First off, Twilight in Lesson Zero when she is trying to stop the Smartie Pants "Want it, Need it" spell. She has to hit the doll directly in order to stop it, while Celestia comes in and in a quick flash everything is suddenly back to normal. Another lengthy example: Twilight's beams of pressurized electromagic purple plasma are certainly powerful, but when we compare it to Celestia and Chrysalis' beams later on, they certainly appear to be more powerful than Twilight's. However, Celestia's beam was not strong enough to stop the evil energy created by Chrysalis' more evil beam of darkness. Chrysalis' beam did not cause a great deal of harm to Celestia though, so we can assume that either her magic was not lethal, or Celestia does not go down easy at all. (I'm betting on the latter) After seeing this event occur, Twilight, being the powerful Unicorn she is, would certainly know the force applied with each of the two royal's attacks. If Twilight and Celestia thought that her magic was powerful enough, then they would have required the Elements at all and Twilight would have just tried to take on the Queen with her own magic.


So to put it simply; Celestia is more currently far more powerful than Twilight, and the two of them clearly know it. Then again, she has been alive for over one thousand years... If Celestia weren't that powerful, I'd have to slap some people.

  • Brohoof 7
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Twilight Sparkle = Feld0

Feld0 = our supreme overlord

Supreme Overlord = All powerful

Thusly, Twilight Sparkle is all powerful. Problem solved.

  • Brohoof 3

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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I'd have to agree with the general idea that Twilight, while indeed at the top of her class, is in a low grade (of power) compared to even here brother and caidence (sp?) Oddly enough this question has been racking around my head for awhile now, I'm fleshing out a screenplay for my upcoming feature length fan film and....yeah this is something I'd like to quantify so I know what to work with,


I'd have to say based on what we've seen, she isn't ever going to be on the fringe of being comperable to Celstia or even Nightmare Moon or Luna, I would say though that among the "normal" unicorns, she is up there; why with, as many have pointed out, being the princesse's student, and with her massive resources of knowledge, she is a force to behold. Not mighty, not supreme, but definatley something that can't be ignored.

Edited by William
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