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mega thread The state of the Brony fandom (Numbers, Popularly, Future)


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I think it's ridiculous to drop out of the fandom because of change, it's like dumping your girlfriend because she changed her hair color. -_-


Some bronies here just don't know how to adapt to change, and what's funny is that changes happen all the time. But I know one thing that everyone is looking forward to is season 4 of MLP FiM, even the bronies that dropped out because of Twilight and EQG. IMO, this series is taking a turn to the better!


Just because It's change doesn't mean abandon ship, correct!


It does change the series ENTIRELY, and not in a good way, Im a brony to the end, and so should a FANDOM.

  • Brohoof 1


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This is a Subject I could write an entire blog on...but in all honesty, it surprises me most people haven't jumped sooner. I'm probably one of the few people still around from the early days of Modern Bronydom - most of my comrades in arms have by now jumped ship.


However, more to the topic - I think there is such a thing as outstaying your welcome. I'm in the minority who don't want a Season 4, but not because of Twilycorn or Derpygate - but because it will easy become a victim of it's own success. Laugh and joke about these two incidents, but the fact remains that some goodwill was broken in both incidents - in shorthand, Modern Bronydom is an unstable fandom. The longer this goes on, the more and more incidents like this are going to happen. Eventually, you'll end up in a similar place where Spongebob is - and at last count that's been airing for fourteen years.


And that's a fate I'd not wish on anything.


Anyway, I'll stop here before I become either less coherent, or start running out of page room.

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.<br /><br />This is an automatically generated message, by the way.


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I may not speak for everyone but I myself will go down with this until the very end. (of the show that is, there will always be a fandom, even after the show ends) were bronies we kind of stand for change in a way so I don't see why some people are ready to jump ship.


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I wouldn't leave the fandom for reasons like that.  I was curious about Alicorn Twilight, not angry.  For Equestria Girls, it was the same thing.  I really enjoyed Equestria Girls and I have high hope for Alicorn Twilight.  The only thing that could make me leave is perhaps if the show is cancelled or if it becomes like new spongebob episodes (which I doubt since the crew really cares about their show).  I don't want the fandom to die either, I love the fan animation and music, you guys are so creative.

  • Brohoof 1


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I personally am not leaving the fandom even if the show somehow becomes totally dislikable to me, simply because of the awesome people here. its enough to make me stay.


That said I don't dislike the show yet, nor EqG. So I have no reason at all to jump ship.


I think that some people just get worried. Which is understandable, the show has a sort of magic to it, and people like that about the show, and they like being in this fandom, and they all just get worried very easily that something is going to come and ruin the magic we have here.


So I find its a natural feeling, sure its a bit of an overreaction alot of times, but people overreact alot about things that they care about.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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One thing I've found is that this seems to be one of the most paranoid fandoms I've ever been in. Damn near everything is going to break the show to some people.


I just had a look in the "what's the worst that could happen in S4" thread, and my God I hope most of those (and I'm guessing most are) are tongue-in-cheek responses, because people are treating this show as if it were made of glass.


Despite any small hiccups there might have been along the way, the writers and staff have done good by us so far for 3 seasons, and I seriously doubt that after all the knowledge they've gathered telling these stories, and all the feedback, that they're suddenly going to go full-moron and destroy the series.


Honestly, if people are going to jump ship because of every little change or alteration to their flawless mental image of their ideal My Little Pony cartoon, then I'd recommend they do so, because no show could be worth that much stress.

  • Brohoof 2


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Some people just don't like any-sort of change and will resort to the worst possible measures when something changes. The truth is though that the only reason it sounds like Bronies are waiting for the fandom to die is because that small group of overactive people are very vocal. The ones who don't care, which I think is the greater amount stay quiet.


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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The anti-Hasbro crowd probably is. They seem to be resistant to anything Hasbro does to the show, but from what I've seen of them, they seem to have forgotten that we are not Hasbro's primary target audience, we are just a minority audience, and, therefore, Hasbro doesn't have to cater specifically to us. They can if they want to, but their primary audience is the kids.


Frankly, I think the fandom will survive despite what the naysayers say. I find reports of FiM's death to be highly exaggerated, and season 4 has a lot of promise, especially since it wasn't part of the original plan (Hasbro never foresaw the bronies or FiM's explosion in popularity, thought it would only attract little kids and their parents, and that the show was a done deal after 3 seasons.)

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, I do think that some of the choices the creators make are a little bit annoying, I hear a bunch of people complaining about a couple of things, though I don't really worry much about those things myself. I'll stay in the fandom as long as I'm not alone, And I do not hope that the fandom dies anytime soon :P


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Observation? Ponies are ruined. Some are just so negative and apparently hate change so much, that it just seems like straight denial in my eyes. To those people, everything Hasbro does is for the sole purpose of making money, any new change is a marketing scheme and any advancement is evil, I guess. These rare members of the fandom, luckily are rare.


I will admit that there was one possible thing that had the potential to break the show for me, but thanks to the new info from SDCC, that obviously is not going to happen. I still would have been apart of the fandom I guess, even though it does annoy me a lot at times. If that info is any indication, this show and especially fandom will not die anytime soon. There is much heart being put into season 4 apparently and all of it really makes me excited for the future of the show. I just hope some of these extreme negative..uh...bronies can eventually see it that way too. Being positive is far better than being negative, especially in this regard.


Explanation? Ponies are ruined. FAQ.



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Its just like with World of Warcraft, each time they loose a subscriber everyone is harping on about how it's dieing!


I think for some people they got bored with the whole MLP "fad" and the fandom has diversified immensely since the start, and some people just don't like it (for instance, I used to love EQD and Reddit, but now I am never on them for pony stuff and stick exclusively to this forum nowadays :).


This is just all part of the growth of the fandom (I have friends that like things because no one else does), and no it's not dieing and I don't think it ever really will now, in years to come people will reference "that time when everyone liked ponys" :).


+ Season 4 is looking AWESOME! 

Edited by Happy Plant


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I wish people would stop asking the stupid as hell "when will the fandom die" question.


It's just stupid beyond belief. I'll make my points, then I'm done.

1) Everything dies. Get used to that idea and it will take the edge off

2) Just because everything dies, that doesn't mean that it will happen soon.

3) As long as one fan exists, so does the fandom

4) The original series still has its fans.



Can we consider the issue closed now?

Edited by Midnight Seeker

Avatar of OC by the lovely Skullgal56

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nnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo. no. NEVER. I'm fairly new to bronydom, so I'm fine with the change, and I don't care if everyone else leaves, I'm waiting for season 4.

  • Brohoof 1

Enter the Forest...

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The fandom isn't dying. In fact, it seems to be growing in my eyes. At least in my town, it's growing. We lost a brony (senior graduated and moved out of town), and we gained 2 or 3 more younger ones. 


I'd like to think the fandom is like that. You lose some, you gain some. Also, you gotta give the show a chance even in the eyes of change. My favorite bands are always changing. My friends change too. You have to give them a chance, you can't just jump off the bandwagon at the first sight of possible change. Change can be good every once in a while. 

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Okay here me out. I've noticed somethings recently, when twilight got wings. People were ready to jump ship. Equestria girls was announced, second verse same as the first. But I have found those willing go down with this fandom to the end. But a lot of bronies, will leave because of change.


So what's your opinion? Do you think the same way, or do you disagree?

there are just those that simply cannot accept change.

but without change things go stale and get boring FAST.


I admit sometimes change can be bad too, but its gotta be done.


Look at the tear in the fandoms of Star Wars and Star Trek between series/movies... there are those that adore the new and hate the old, and those that hate the new and adore the old. Even many that claimed they were jumping ship over one thing or another.


Usually when someone TRULY likes something they aren't likely to give it up over a small detail, or even big one, begin changed.

Those that claim such are still around under new names, and still loving what they love.

Those that left never were fans in the first place, probably only on board to be with the in crowd and feel good about themselves.


Even here you can find a few that claimed they were leaving, or did and came back.

Sometimes they came back under the same name, sometimes under new names same account.

Maybe even a few under new names and new accounts.


A lot of the time though i've seen the complainers usually stick around in one form or another and just make the claims for attention, thinking/hoping they'll be heard.

Luckily most companies and such don't  rely on such input to affect their decisions. Sadly in a few cases they do (such as Derpy's voice/name change)

Edited by GrimCW
  • Brohoof 1
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Yes, many bronies leave because of change. They're stupid. We don't want them around.


I will personally stick to the show until its very end, no matter what happens.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Addendum: My wife pointed out something when I mentioned this thread. With the first wave of bronies there was a very strong vein of narcissism running through many of them. Some of them were the kinds of people that if they like something *they* are the fandom. Not part of the fandom, but they believe they represent all of the fandom, and what they like is what everybody likes. When new people come along and like different aspects, the 'you're not a true fan' and 'you weren't here at the beginning, so you can't possibly understand' tropes come out. They're not as common here, but on some other forums and messageboards the percentages of these people are very high there.


So when they decide they're done with the fandom, they are honestly confused as to why the fandom doesn't die along with their interest. It's very nihilist, really. As far as they're concerned, when they walk out of a fandom the fandom should cease to exist. When it doesn't, they get quite upset and come back to various forums and messageboards and try to make sure everyone knows all about the bad things that Hasbro/DHX/Other Fans have done that killed their interest and so why is anyone still here? Don't you know that the fandom is dead?


It's sad, but there's not much that can be done for these people. So it's best to just ignore them. Nobody has the right to tell you that you can't be a brony/pegasister/whatever anymore. It's up for you to decide, and there will always be fans of this show around. The same way there are always Trekkies, Whoovians, Browncoats, etc. The numbers may fluxuate, but there's always going to be some around.


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This is a Subject I could write an entire blog on...but in all honesty, it surprises me most people haven't jumped sooner. I'm probably one of the few people still around from the early days of Modern Bronydom - most of my comrades in arms have by now jumped ship.


However, more to the topic - I think there is such a thing as outstaying your welcome. I'm in the minority who don't want a Season 4, but not because of Twilycorn or Derpygate - but because it will easy become a victim of it's own success. Laugh and joke about these two incidents, but the fact remains that some goodwill was broken in both incidents - in shorthand, Modern Bronydom is an unstable fandom. The longer this goes on, the more and more incidents like this are going to happen. Eventually, you'll end up in a similar place where Spongebob is - and at last count that's been airing for fourteen years.


And that's a fate I'd not wish on anything.


Anyway, I'll stop here before I become either less coherent, or start running out of page room.



Actually, there's a very unique and different explanation for Spongebob,.


The creator wanted to end it. The movie was meant the be the shows grand finale but Nick wouldn't retire the property. It's not a matter of the show getting stale, it's a matter of the creative teams heart not being in it anymore because that did all they could and the company told them to do more anyway.


This is a show where there's tons more stories to be told because they've created a rich and colorful world full of interesting character and mythology.   

Edited by Shoboni



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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That's just silly really, there are loads of fandoms that go through this kind of thing. Everytime we see it we'll just roll our eyes, ignore and move on. 


Some go just overboard with little signs of forums slowing down a bit or some predicting the end of a series all together because it 'had a bad season' nonsense like that


some ponies are just ridiculous, excuse me while I nom on a cupcake and continue on from this silly subject xDD

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I think it's ridiculous to drop out of the fandom because of change, it's like dumping your girlfriend because she changed her hair color. -_-


Some bronies here just don't know how to adapt to change, and what's funny is that changes happen all the time. But I know one thing that everyone is looking forward to is season 4 of MLP FiM, even the bronies that dropped out because of Twilight and EQG. IMO, this series is taking a turn to the better!


ya I agree, I wasn't fond of some of the changes that hasbro was placing but so far they are not bad and seemed to work pretty well. I think its the fact that some bronies are mad because they wanted what they want.

  • Brohoof 1


I Run and Operate Alicornradio

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In my opinion,if they jumped ship because of Alicorn Twilight, or a movie...then they aren't true Bronies....they're idiots.


I don't mind change, as long as it's not too much. But even so, I'll stay in the fandom till whenever.I'm not gonna abandon this ship at the first sign of change. Love and tolerate, right? This ship shall stay afloat for quite awhile.



Same goes for the bronies that whined about wanting Derpy to talk, they got it. But then they were mad because she talked.....You can't please everypony. Then more whined about her being censored. I'm indiffernet of it. I was like "Hey cool, Derpy talked"


So it's like...



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