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general If Bigfoot was real what would you do?

Luna 831

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How would you handle? If Bigfoot or other strange creatures were real? Personally if Bigfoot was real I would just try to find were they were located and watch them. But I would let them be in peace . How would you all react to them ?

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I would go about my day normally. I might Google them and see some pictures, read up on their mental/physical abilities just so I have a small knowledge-base on them. But other than that, I really wouldn't give a hoot.

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I honestly wouldn't be surprised. My home away from home growing up was a library. I spent a fair amount of time in the mythology section. It's not unreasonable to believe that creatures such as Bigfoot exist.

  • Brohoof 1
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I wouldn't react at all. Part of the thrill (at least the way I see it) in mythical creatures is actually discovering their existence. If it's already common knowledge, then why bother?

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Don't you mean, "Since Bigfoot is real, what are you going to do?" I'm not going to do anything, because I have other things to do. However, he is real. Obviously. Just ignore the complete lack of evidence.

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