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How would you order the season 6 episodes so far?

The Crystal Maiden

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I know we haven't had a lot of episodes so far, but I'm interested in what people's personal favourites are up to now.


This is how I would order the episodes so far from best to worst:


1. Newbie Dash - Emotional, funny, and well written. Not to mention Dashie achieving her dream. By far my favourite episode so far.

2. Gauntlet of Fire - A Spike episode that actually had a good story and a nice way of developing his character.

3. No Second Prances - Made me like Starlight Glimmer more. Plus, a great way to bring Trixie back.

4. On Your Marks - One of the best CMC episodes to date. 

5. The Crystalling - A solid two-parter but a bit of a weak start to the season.

6. Gift of Maud Pie - A little boring and predictable. Another weak way of kicking off the season.


That's my opinion. But what's yours?


P.S. Have some Wonderbolt Dashie.  :pinkie:




  • Brohoof 3

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


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1. No Second Prance - A true marvel of great character interaction

2. Gauntlet of Fire - Best Spike episode by FAR

3. On Your Marks - A solid showing of life for the CMC after getting their cutie marks

4. The Gift of Maud Pie - A solid, if unremarkable episode

5. The Crystalling - Solidly entertaining with Starlight & Sunburst's story stealing the show

6. Newbie Dash - Not a bad episode, but I really don't know how to feel about it yet... :/

  • Brohoof 2

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  1. Gauntlet of Fire. Easily the best Spike episode to date and really well-written.

On Your Marks. Excellent exploration of how the Cutie Mark Crusaders will handle themselves from now on, and good work on Apple Bloom's conflict.

The Crystalling. This is a Starlight episode for the most part, and it really weaves the A and B plot well. Spike is excellent here, and it's the best paced two-parter.

The Gift of Maud Pie. Mediocre. Pinkie was flanderized to the point of being a brat. Maud Pie lost some intelligence. The ending with Maud and Rarity pushing the salesman to re-trade the cannon for the wallet was abusive and very out of character of them both. But it also had some decent cartoon humor and pacing.

No Second Prances. Very out of character of Twilight for wanting to sabotage Starlight's chance of gaining friendship with Trixie, who she and Twilight parted on amicable terms. Starlight's decision to force Big Mac to talk sounded funny on paper, but it degraded her character by making her abusive. The climax has major unfortunate implications, a decision that the show must go on on a magic trick in which Trixie knew she can't perform on her own. Because of her past and how she reacted to losing Starlight, she acted like she was committing suicide, and Twilight and Starlight sat back and watched.

Newbie Dash. A massive failure on all accounts. Terrible characterization of Dash. Terrible jokes. Terrible moral! The implications that hazing of all kinds is okay on the back of "good-natured fun" when people have been injured, raped, maimed, and killed by hazing rituals makes it the worse moral of the season and one of the worst of the show.

  • Brohoof 5

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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1. Gauntlet of Fire: Best spike episode of the series and best episode so far in season 6.

2. The Gift of the Maud Pie: Loved the character interactions and Maud Pie's characterizations in it.

3. On your Marks: A good follow up for the cutie mark crusaders after the events of the Crusaders of the Lost Mark.

4. The Crystallying: A solid premiere for the show that gave us hope for Starlight Glimmer in the series and a nice new character in Sunburst.

5. No Second Prances: While the character interactions and conflicts between each other worked well, the rushed climax caused alot of problems and unintended themes from it.

6. Newbie Dash: Despite what I consider to be one of the Wonderbolt's best characterization in the series, a weak and regressed Rainbow Dash character on the other hand makes it my personal weakest for the season thus far.

  • Brohoof 6
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1. No Second Prances 

2. Gift of the Maud Pie/ Guantlet of Fire

3. Gauntlet of Fire/ Gift of the Maud Pie

4. On Your Marks

5. The Crystaling 

6. Newbie Dash


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1. No Second Prances: Best episode so far. Loved the dynamic character interactions. 

 2. Gauntlet of Fire: Fantastic Spike Episode and a great world building piece. Also sparked a brand new ship. 

 3. On Your Marks: Pretty cute cmc episode and it helps answer the question of what they are going to do now that they have their cutie marks

4. The Crystalling: Not the strongest opener on the planet, dialogue was a bit too spelled out and exposition heavy. Not bad though. 

5. Gift of Maud Pie: It could have been done better in a number of ways, including having one of the other sisters as the pony Pinkie meets in Manehattan. Kind of Meh.

6. Newbie Dash: Utterly cringe worthy in some sections. It was painful to see Rainbow fail that hard and hear 'Rainbow Crash" for the billionth time, even if it was tempered by the last few minutes. Really didn't care for it, and this is coming from someone that was okay with Mysterious Mare Do Well. 

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1. Gauntlet of Fire - At this point, I'm sure this will go on to be one of my top 5 episodes of the season. 


2. On Your Marks - I was admittedly expecting more from the CMC's first episode after getting their marks, but this was still a fine episode regardless. 


3. No Second Prances - Trixie and Starlight worked well together, and that's about the only positive I can think of. The episode would have worked better towards the end of the season, after Starlight had plenty of time to develop and Twilight's lack of trust in her would have been less warranted. Yet something rubs me the wrong way about Starlight thinking that there's nothing wrong with using magic to control others (and even more concerning, she mentions this to be her "first instinct"), while Twilight is still guilt-tripped over not trusting her. 


4. The Gift of Maud Pie - I still believe the episode would have turned out better if either Rarity or Maud were absent. Having them both together really brought the episode down for me. In particular, I thought that Rarity was dumbed down just for Maud's sake. But Pinkie was great, at least. 


5. The Crystalling - Still not a fan of this for several reasons. 


6. Newbie Dash - I honestly couldn't think of a more unfulfilling episode to close out Dash's one and only goal in the show. The premise itself wasn't bad, but the execution was beyond terrible. 

  • Brohoof 1
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1.Episode 1-6


I just liked every episode since season 1 episode 1, yes some has more flaws, others less, but non I would overly love or hate, so all have the same place for me :3

  • Brohoof 1

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


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1. Gauntlet of Fire. Basically, this episode was the opposite of one of my least favorite episodes from last season, Princess Spike. Finally we had an episode that treated Spike like a character rather than a punchline ripe for abuse. The introduction of Ember helped too.


2. The Crystalling. One of things that I said would have made The Re-Cutie Mark even better is if we had a moment with Starlight reuniting with Sunburst, and this episode proved that I wasn't wrong. Plus, after Celestia and Luna being relegated to the sidelines for most two parters, it was nice to see them actually do things for a change. Yeah, they only delayed the storm, but the bought precious minutes and put up a better fight than Rainbow Dash.


3. The Gift of Maud. The first part of this episode rubbed me the wrong way thanks to Pinkie Pie being more annoying than usual in a city that doesn't appreciate her random nature, but after that it picked up despite a few hiccups like the "sterotypical con pony" built up as the bad guy, when he really did nothing wrong. Rarity was still in top form this episode though, especially when she perfectly imitated Pinkie's mannerisms. 


4. On Your Marks. A quiet little breather episode that showed that the CMC are still more than their cutie marks. Plus, we were introduced to Tender Taps who I now ship with Apple Bloom.


5. No Second Prances. Alternate title : What About Discord? Part 2. Unfortunately, this episode was nearly identical plot wise, with Twilight being OOC in how untrusting she was. With Discord, I could kind of buy it given his history (right up until she assumed that her friends were all too stupid to avoid falling for Discord's tricks and said so to their faces) but here, Twilight really has no reason to assume Trixie is up to no good given that not only was it mostly the amulet's fault things escalated out of control, but also that they seemed to part on relative good terms by the end of Magic Duel. Plus, they made Celestia a big grump for no reason.


:wacko:  Hey, I'm Grump!


:sunbutt:  I'm not so Grump!


6. Newbie Dash. I've already spit enough fire about this episode, so here's the short version: The Wonderbolts are colossal jerks again like Rainbow Falls (seriously, why does Dash want anything to do with them again?), Rainbow acts like an idiot trying to imitate her friends in cringe inducing ways, this episode digs up harsh memories for people who were mocked and bullied with insulting nicknames for the sake of a supposed laugh and to top if off we have a major farce of a "moral" that rivals the farce of a "moral" from my most hated episode of all time, Mysterious Mare-Do Well.

Edited by PoisonClaw

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1: Newbie Dash

2: Gauntlet of Fire

3: No Second Prances

4: Crystalling 

5: On Your Marks

6: Gift of Maud Pie

  • Brohoof 1


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1. The Crystalling

A decent season opener, I liked the introduction of Sunburst and seeing more of Starlight Glimmer's character. The episode had a few moments that made me laugh, especially when you first see Shining Armor. The story was... ok, although the reason the crystal heart broke was bullshit and felt shoehorned as all hell. There were also a couple of other issues I had, but most of them are pretty nitpicky. All and all I thought it was good and the resolution didn't feel TOO rushed, just slightly rushed. I thought the episode was a decent start to season 6 and I really hope that changeling spotted at the very end implies what I think it dose.


2. Guantlet of Fire 



6 years to get a Spike episode worthy of high praise but by Celestia here it is. Written by the best writers of the season, miss Lewis and Songco, Gauntlet of Fire is a Spike episode that delivered on many levels. I already wrote my piece on this episode in the episodes thread so I will give my abridged thoughts here. I liked Rarity and Twilight being in the episode but i feel their inclusion could have been better implemented. Maybe being taken hostage by the dragons and the winner of the gauntlet, the new dragon lord, will decide their fate as their first order of business. I also didn't like Gramble as the villain and thought he was just a foolish choice. Dispite the episodes small issues it was a fun and well written ride.


3. No Second Prances



I was happy to see Trixie come back, she really is a great character and i feel like this episode wrapped up her ark well. However this episode dose lose points with me by Trixie not retaining her talking in the third person which I think was one of her more memorable traits. Also Twilight felt forced as the pseudo-antagonist especially with her and Trixie seemingly making amends at the end of Magic Duel. But I was able to look past all those small errors and see an episode that is ok and I also like the Vinyl and Derpy cameos. So the episode was decent and I don't really see a reason for Trixie to come back after this.


4. On Your marks 



I can barely remember what happened in this episode. Dave Polsky seems to lack the ability to write an episode with staying power and all of his episodes just make you feel like you're eating a bland tasteless not bad but also not good bowl of meh. This episode is just meh, I don't know what to say. I couldn't tell you one lyric from the song, as a matter of fact I forgot this episode had a song, that's how forgettable it was. if you want me to say something nice about it I guess its the best of the worst so far... although that's not really saying much.


5. Newbie Dash



Oh boy... now we are getting into the real shit... Newbie Dash, I don't even know where to begin with this one. I tore this episode apart in it's respective thread so I don't want to write too much here but i will say this. This episode is absolutely terrible, to support this claim, let me refer everyone to the entirety of the second act. This episode is pure cringe comedy and even the people who liked it admitted that second act was hard to watch. This episode had way more padding than any other MLP episode, as if the writer couldn't fill 22 minutes. If you are a writer and you can't figure out how to make enough substance in a story to fill 22 minutes, you shouldn't be getting paid to write. I just can't with Newbie Dash and I hope we never have an episode this cringy again.


6. The Gift Of Maud Pie 



Oh boy, I can already hear the pitch forks sharping and the crackling of fire, but before you all track me down and kill me, let me explain myself. I hate hate HATE it when characters are written out of character and The Gift of Maud Pie had some of the most annoying and cringe worthy character interaction I have ever had the displeasure of viewing. Rarity was way too off the wall, closer to Pinkie Pie territory and it really hurt me to see best pony acting the way she did in that episode cause I did not see Rarity, I don't know who I saw in that episode, but it wasn't Rarity. Pinkie Pie was way more annoying and hyper than usual, and even Maud seemed off I mean I guess what was the most in character of the three but she still seemed off. I am a fanfic writer and nothing is more important to me than writing a character in character. When I see a character acting in a way I would never expect them to, for example, Rarity bouncing all over the screen like a spastic bitch just to do an impression of Pinkie Pie, I get annoyed and Its probably the quickest way to make me hate an episode. Gift of Maud pie was just real unpleasant to sit though and if you like it more power to you, but I will just be trying to erase this episode from my mind.


I spent over an hour writing this post :/ 

Edited by Zantetsuken
  • Brohoof 2
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1. No Second Prances - I know there's some people out there who hate this episode because of the climax (which I agree, it could've been excecuted a lot better), but I really enjoyed this episode regardless. Seeing Trixie and Starlight together was nice, and it had some good development for both of them. Not only did Starlight learn something important, so did Twilight. This episode showed that she's still learning new things despite being Starlight's mentor. It was also a very funny, interesting, and moving episode in some ways. So yeah, I think this episode had its heart in the right place.


2. The Gift of Maud Pie - It was so awesome to see Pinkie and Rarity have an episode together, and their interactions were great. Maud was also hilarious as usual. A surprisingly good episode from new writers.


3. Gauntlet of Fire - Nice Spike episode, that's really all I have to say. It's cool to finally see a good Spike episode after such a long time, but I honestly don't think it's as great as everyone says it is. Still a good episode though.


4. Newbie Dash - I liked this episode, please don't kill me. I love cringe humor so I enjoyed this episode a lot, and I totally understand why others wouldn't like it. Not the funniest ever episode though, but I still found those parts funny anyway. It was interesting to see Rainbow put in this situation and it had a great resolution too. Also, SCOOTALOO. The episode wasn't flat out terrible in my eyes, so that's why it's not at the bottom of the list like 90% of other people's lists.


5. On Your Marks - It was alright, but I just can't get over how dumb Apple Bloom's "conflict" is. Apparently she doesn't like the idea of the crusaders doing things on their own, yet they've been doing it for the past 5 seasons. Just because you're great friends with someone doesn't mean you spend every living second with them, that's impossible. The episode also implies that the CMC never do things that don't have to do with cutie marks, yet they have done things that don't have to do with cutie marks. Sleepless in Ponyville? Sisterhooves Social? Somepony to Watch Over Me? Those episodes had nothing to do with cutie marks at all. Anyways, this episode just makes me frustrated. I could go on and on. But it was a decent episode and I guess it was kinda cool to see what other things the CMC wanted to do after getting their cutie marks.


6. The Crystalling - I don't think any episode is terrible this season, and that includes this. It's on the bottom of the list, but I don't hate it. It's simply a weak premiere. Better than the Crystal Empire though, that's for sure. I found the Sunburst and Starlight subplot a lot more interesting than the main plot. Speaking of the main plot, I don't hate Flurry Heart. I actually think it's kinda neat to have a premiere without a villain, just some out of control baby. Decent episode.

Edited by PonyLaces



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  1. No Second Prances - 9/10

Guantlet of Fire - 8/10

On Your Marks - 7.5/10

Gift of the Maud Pie - 7/10

The Crystaling - 6.5/10

Newbie Dash - 5.5/10

"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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  1. On Our Marks - Beautiful episode with lots of much needed development for Apple Bloom and a lovely song that has become one of my favorites. What's there not to love?

Newbie Dash - Just a very fun episode with more silly Rainbow Dash that I love. More filly Dash, lots of ship fuel if you care about that stuff and the imitations are absolutely hilarious. Unlike some people, it actually made me like the Wonderbolts more after the travesty that was Rainbow Falls.And of course, she finally became a Wonderbolt, which is very satisfying.

The Crystalling - At first I found this episode rather underwhelming, but the more I watched it the more I started to love it. Sunburst is adorkable as heck and one of my favorite male characters of the show, second only to Big Mac, Starlight was great and showed her personality to be more than just pink Twilight, Shining Armor was hilarious and Spike had some really good moments. It's just nice to see the guys take the spotlight for once. I don't care much for Flurry Heart though...

Gift of the Maud Pie - Very good episode with some of my favorite characters, adorable Pinkie and Rarity interaction, Maud is great as always, lots of heartwarming moments and lots and lots of development for all of them. I wish I could rank it a little higher.

Gauntlet of Fire - I would like it more if it wasn't incredibly overhyped. The dialogue can be quite clunky at times and the moral is just FRIENDS ARE GOOD shoved up our throats. There are good moments of course, like lots of Spike moments that don't depend on abusing him or showing his greed all the time, and Ember is pretty cool.

No Second Prances - Don't get me wrong, this is a good episode, but some things just made it so awkward for me to watch. Trixie is fun as always, but Starlight and Twilight were really putting me off for some reason. I found the fan service forced, Celestia was a bit out of character, Fluttershy was scared of a manticore... don't know, just can't like this like everyone else does. Sorry.

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1. No Second Prances

2. Gauntlet of Fire

3. Gift of the Maud Pie

4. Newbie Dash

5. The Crystalling 

6. On Your Marks

Edited by EquestriaGuy
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No Second Prance - 9.5/10. The Return of the Great and Powerful Trixie, Good old Twilight, Abusive Starlight is back, Suicide Attempt implication.


Gauntlet of Fire - 8.5/10. Ember the Tsudere, Spike gains more respect, Garble has more impact than his 1st appearance, more Dragon designs.


Gift of the Maud Pie - 8/10. I dont know anything about "Gift of the Magi" so this episode is sth new to me, Maud is Rock, Rarity imitate Pinkie Pie, nice moral, the Gift Swap scene is surprisingly touching.


Newbie Dash - 6.5/10 (OMG, i dont know why i did this... :o ). I  first gave this ep 5.5/10 and call it Weak, but after reading A ton of hate posts in EQD, mlp forum, Youtube Comment section and some analysis video and watch this ep some several times, i'm recollected my thought and... i'm fine with it.  I dont want give the reasons why i like this ep cuz i dont  want to provoke somebody who extremely hate this episode, Peace  :please:


On Your Marks - 6.0/10. Tree Hugger is nude model  :love: , The song is not the best but capture the feels well done, relable conflicts though the solution is anti-climatic, Breakdown Filly is the best breakdown.


Crystalling - 6.0/10. If not for Starlight's Subplot, this episode will fail  :angry: , StarBurst is the new ship  :wub: , SunBurst is the best male character design and great character too, the baby is not that bad  :catface:  better than Skyla. Sunbutt and Moonbutt finally do something. This premire is the third worst premiere, better than Princess Twilight Sparkle. Crystal Empire is better than Crystalling, better humors, better villian, more intense  :fiery: . I will give Crystalling 8.0/10 if it is NOT the premiere  :=: , The premiere is supposed to be more epic, more adventurous, more like a set-up for the whole season, this premiere is not feel like a premiere at all...  :toldya: But other than that, it is really a worth-watching episodes.  :wat:

Edited by Lambdadelta
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==================== Episodes I liked

1. Gauntlet of Fire - Spike Gets Actual Respect: The Episode. Plus Ember is pretty cool.

2. Gift of the Maud Pie - Not pretending objectivity here, but Maud is hilarious, and Rarity complemented her so well. A pretty standard version of the fairy tale, but sometimes less is more.

3. On Your Marks - A good follow up to the CMC finding their marks and the whole "so what now?" vibe was pretty true to life.

4. The Crystalling - Don't really care about Starlight Glimmer, and now she looks far too much like Rarity. 

==================== Episodes I didn't like

5. No Second Prances - It's a Trixie episode... Strike 1. It has massive Unfortunate Implications that can and should have been avoided...  Strike 2. Most of the character interactions make no sense and go against earlier episodes... Strike 3. You're out!

6. Newbie Dash - Spike is the punching bag again. Rainbow Dash is portrayed as stupid for misunderstanding how to stand out "like her friends". 

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


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and the moral is just FRIENDS ARE GOOD shoved up our throats.

No, that's not the moral. GoF was actually teaching a general form of leadership. It isn't the physical size, brute strength, and sex that makes a leader, but his, her, or hir personality and the ability to communicate with others.

Edited by Dark Qiviut

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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No, that's not the moral. GoF was actually teaching a general form of leadership. It isn't the physical size, brute strength of the individual, and person's sex that makes a leader, but his, her, or hir personality instead and the ability to solidly communicate with others.

That's still a weak moral that gets repeated a lot in newer media, but that's just me.

My OCs: Kimi Vulpine / Bluebell


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1) Gauntlet of Fire - Did a lot of Spike and expanded dragon lore in a positive manner

2) The Crystalling - One of the better premieres out there

3) Gift of Maud Pie - Really fun episode and nice to see Rarity and Pinkie together for once

4) No Second Prances - Better than expected, though I'm still not feeling it with Starlight and still don't give a shit about Trixie

5) Newbie Dash - 6 years worth of build up ends with the writers turning Rainbow Dash and her arc into a complete joke, repeating almost every mistake they made with The Mysterious Mare Do Well, right down to giving the episode to a new writer. The episode felt like a giant "fuck you" as a Rainbow Dash fan, and is possibly the only time I've ever wanted an apology from the writers soo bad. Only reason it's not last is because I think the episode on it's own still has its merits, and I don't think I'd be so upset if it was a smaller episode on it's own rather than being what was supposed to be Rainbow Dash's most important episode. Also because

6) On Your Marks - It's fucking boring

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