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Everybody say bronies are gay what do you think?


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Are we like Pinkie Pie, a little more frivolous and carefree in our happiness?  While it would be nice to think so, I think a lot of people who are drawn to FiM kind of lack those qualities and hence are drawn to them in the series. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I dunno man. I thought I was straight, but some of the stallions in this show are pretty darn cute... :lie:


 Nah, Some Bronies are gay, some are straight, some are Bi, some are Asexual, Some are maybe Space Aliens. We come in all colors of the Rainbow. B)

  • Brohoof 14
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That was always just an unoriginal insult said by most people who didn't like bronies. Nothing to get upset over.

  • Brohoof 9
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The brony community is more diverse than people think. We have all many different kinds of people here. Especially as far as sexual orientation goes, the fandom is most def a mixture of many different sexual and romantic identities.


The assertion that "all bronies are gay" is a stereotype based in homophobia and misogyny. It's important to remember that boys and men can like cute ponies without it having any effect on their sexuality or gender expression. :)

  • Brohoof 9
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well unlike what Jennabun said, i don't have any smart sounding thing to say.


Im a brony and I am strait. Hell, I even served in the Army and people still give me shitty looks (its funny to me) when i wear my pony shirts and whatnot.

  • Brohoof 2
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That's an example of a baseless insult that's not worth listening to or really taking seriously. 


I didn't even think people called everything they found stupid gay anymore. I thought they switched to, 'autistic.'

  • Brohoof 3
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It's funny because in a survey bronies had a slightly LOWER percentage of gay people than non-bronies. xD


Really, though, I don't get the whole "liking something that isn't all tough and manly make you gay!" thing. It's so stupid and also incredibly untrue. I'm female myself but I've never been called a lesbian when I've mentioned liking things geared more towards males. Heck I've worn men's clothing plenty of times before and no one cared. That said, my interests overall tend to lean more toward the girly end of the spectrum and I always wear skirts, but yeah.  :P 


Also, another thing is the whole "gay is an insult" thing, which I take offense to. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay! Even if a brony is gay, so what? Thankfully it seems like less and less people believe that a TV show has the magical ability to change your orientation as time goes by. I happen to be bisexual, and I can say that the brony community as a whole is very warm and welcoming to all sorts of different people.  ^_^ 

  • Brohoof 8
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Its just a label.Which of course its untrue.Like most of you said,Most Bronies aren't gay but are straight,Asexual,Bisexual etc.And we shouldn't care much as we all know people who made those insults are just ignorant attention whores who wants to boost their egos.

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From my own personal experience, Bronies (And Furries) are all over the spectrum, ranging from completely straight to completely asexual and everything in between. But honestly, why are people getting so bent out of shape about what gender other people are interested in? It's really got nothing to do with them, it's a personal thing and I feel that people who get all up in arms about sexual orientation and even their gender identity, need to get a life, as it does not effect them in any way what so ever. 


It would be a whole lot better if people just kept their noses (And ultimately their religions, as that is what it all comes down to) out of other people's business and personal lives.

  • Brohoof 6
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Because the show is targeted toward younger audiences/ little girls so they just call bronies gay for liking 'a little girl's show...' O.o This doesn't make sense

  • Brohoof 2
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So many normal peoples say bronies are gay but it's not real i'm a brony and i'm in love with a girl

What do you think? say your opinion


Really? You actually believed that stereotype? That is mostly just an insult used by anti-bronies. I am not saying that no bronies are gay. There are a few that are!  :D

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So many normal peoples say bronies are gay but it's not real i'm a brony and i'm in love with a girl

What do you think? say your opinion

You may want to rephrase that. "Normal People"? I would have said "Straight People". I do not like the implication that homosexuals are not normal.

  • Brohoof 1
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boys and men can like cute ponies without it having any effect on their sexuality or gender expression. :)

Wait, really?!  I thought that just seeing the color pink instantly turns a guy gay!




As a serious response to the OP, I'm sure that most of the accusations are just asinine insults, but if someone actually thinks that one's tastes in entertainment have an affect on sexual orientation, or indeed if anything has an effect on sexual orientation (besides how sexual attraction is wired in your brain), then they're either unbelievably stupid or shockingly ignorant.



You may want to rephrase that. "Normal People"? I would have said "Straight People". I do not like the implication that homosexuals are not normal.

I'm pretty sure by "normal", he mean non-bronies.  I could be wrong, but that's how I took it.  And I doubt he was implying that bronies are abnormal, either.  I'm sure he didn't mean nuthin' by it.

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