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gaming Worst parts of your favorite game(s)?

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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We all have video games that we love. We all have our favorites. Usually, our favorite games do not have a bunch of things we dislike. However, some of our top favorite titles could still have moments or aspects that we still cannot bring ourselves to actually like that particular thing, but we still love the game overall.


So, let's delve into that subject. Are there any aspects or parts to your favorite games that you actually dislike?


I have an easy one for me: Elite Dangerous. One of my favorite games ever. I love almost everything about the game and it has such insane potential to grow and get better and better. However, there is one thing about the game I honestly hate: The combat. I have not exactly tried it much, but judging from the tutorials, the combat in the game is immensely tedious but also risky, and boring, though that is personal preference. It is the one part of the game I do not like at all. Mining, you are getting close to 2nd place.

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I have two games to add to this list:


(The first) Mass Effect's gameplay:  For me, Mass Effect's strength was its plot and writing: the way it made you feel the weight of your choices, the colorful and diverse personalities of the side characters, and the driving tension that kept building up to one of the most satisfying climaxes in any game I've played.  Having said all that, however, the gameplay is far from fun.  Sure, I didn't think too much of it, but when I first started playing Mass Effect 2, I suddenly realized just how unoptimized and unstreamlined its predecessor is.  Firstly, the side missions are typically repetitive and/or tedious, and secondly, during combat, there would be inexplicable drops in frames.  Don't even get me started on the Mako...


My other game is Crusader Kings 2.  For those people who love grand strategy games, CK2 is THE Feudal Politics Simulator 2k13.  Aside from some minor gripes, the truly terrible downside of the game is the DLC.  If you were to just buy the vanilla game at its current price on Steam for $40 USD, you'd really only be getting about...let's go with the liberal estimate of 20% of the content.  If you want to play as someone other than a European Christian, discover new styles of gameplay, or just be able to see portraits of other people who AREN'T European Christians, you're going to need to dump cash into Paradox Interactive's coffers.  A LOT of cash.

Edited by Hazard Time
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Super Smash Bros Melee- There's not much content for a solo player.


Super Smash Bros Brawl- The physics are slow.


Bloodborne- Grinding to upgrade your weapons and stats can get tedious at times.


Team Fortress 2- Crashes too easily. Respawn time. Trolls. 


Wrestlemania XIX- Not many matches to choose from. Tedious story mode. Created characters stick out like a sour thumb from actual wrestlers. Countering is a bitch to master. Can't change the color of gear. Ability Points have to be earned from story mode.

No Backstage brawls. No Mick Foley/Mankind, Jeff Hardy, Bret Hart, or Rhyno. No unlockable characters. Only 5 arenas.

Character limit. Only 16 CAW slots.


Metroid Prime- Backtracking.


Call of Duty: Black Ops- The lighting is too dark. Especially on the Zombie maps. 


No More Heroes- Doing jobs to earn cash for the next rank fight.


Mario Bros- The fucking timer.


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For Kingdom Hearts 2, it's the heartless that don't get blown back from my attacks. Not only that, but they keep standing and retaliating, that's why I have to keep lashing out to reduce their health to zero, without letting up.

  • Brohoof 1
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Borderlands 2: Level cap and constant grinding just for loot hunting


Fallout 4: Unable to unite ALL the factions, as in unite the Minutemen, the Railroad, the Brotherhood of Steel AND the Institute. I hope that with a future DLC in Fallout 4 that there will be another faction that can involve those four vanilla factions able to coexist rather than just those three vanilla factions coexisting. Also, that and the fact that there comes a time where there's nothing more than repetitive fetch quests after the main story line is done. And no, don't talk to me about DLCs, because even then, there's still nothing to do after those.


Mass Effect: First game was very good in terms of balance of story and game play and mechanics and overall lore. After that, however, Bioware and EA completely screwed up the franchise with action-based game play and no attention given to the story line. That and the weapons system switched from the fun overheating mechanic in weapons to basic clip usage like modern FPS games, although they CLAIM that it is the same overheating mechanic and that the thermal CLIP system was used to quickly cool down the weapon just in case. The problem with that was if that was the case, then why are the weapons on constant overheat when you have no clips? Why don't they just incur the overheat mechanic on the weapons and just have them slowly cool down like they used to, but no, they have to keep weapons permanently overheated if you have no thermal clips to cool them down with. It makes no sense whatsoever


Stupid timers on side-scroller games in general, ESPECIALLY when they put you on a one-hit, you're dead system AND there's literally hundreds of things that will kill you in one hit AND there's a stupid time limit attached to it AND there's environmental hazards that can also kill you in one hit. Combine all of that and you have a game whose first level is nearly impossible to complete, let alone the whole game.


Multiplayer FPS games in general. I know that this seems like a cliche thing to hate on, but here me out: Before FPS games were the way that they are now, old FPS games had systems where you needed to actually aim at certain areas on your opponent to kill them more quickly (ie Headshots), that and at least all of the weapons took some skill to learn to use effectively and there was at least a learning curve to most FPS games. But these days, there's no learning curve anymore, there's just "Is your weapon a peashooter or a body blaster?" In other words: How many shots does it take for your gun to kill your opponent, which in most cases seems fine until you have mid-tier weapons that can kill players instantly and high tier weapons are worse than mid-tier weapons. And what makes this worse is that as games get further into more of their sequels, they seem to make weapons more and more powerful while making the players as fragile as wet tissue paper. Now, I know that there's a few exceptions, but seriously, this is what's really annoying to me.


Motion control games: Again, like what I said about the FPS games, I'm not saying that ALL motion control based games are bad, in fact, I have a Kinect for my XBox 360 and I've played the Gunstringer, and it was pretty amazing. It had interesting controls, a very dynamic story line that always seemed to change the game play style, and the bosses were phenomenal. You guys should try playing the Gunstringer sometime and try to make it to the end, because it will amaze you. However, I wish that motion control games could be something similar to that, but no, games like Kinect Adventures seem to always tire some people out after two or three games and sometimes the camera has a hard time figuring out what you're doing. Let me give you an example: One time, and this is seriously what happened to me, I was playing on the Kinect and my dog got in my way. For some reason, the Kinect camera was recording the DOG'S movements!! Albeit, it didn't do that much, but for a brief moment, I wasn't in control anymore. It's systems like taht that are implemented in motion controls that I just don't understand.


TF2: Stupid updates that most of the time add stupid crates and rarely ever gives the community what they really want: NEW GAME MODES AND WEAPONS!!!! And don't get me started on the Meet Your Match Update. The thing with that update is that you're gonna basically be in a community-wide showdown of Donald Heavy versus Hillary Pyro. Once you choose your team, you can't switch back, remember that part. At the end of the Meet Your Match event, the team with the most kills gets a new weapon, but ONLY for the winning class and--and I'm not sure if this is true or not, but--ONLY for the members of the winning team. The losing class (and maybe team, but remember, I don't exactly know) gets nothing.


Castle Crashers: When you're playing with players you don't know and a high-level Red Knight joins in and then you all fight for the princess and he uses his continuous shock attack to decimate the other three players at once. Something just doesn't seem fair about that, and even if you do escape his magic attack, if his magic is maxed out, he'll just restore his magic in like two seconds and chase you with a lightning bolt of death, which makes it more challenging if the same Red Knight has maximum attack to decimate you more quickly with his magic or has high defense to make it hard to kill him or has high agility to make it hard to hit him or any combination of the three to make him nearly unstoppable.

  • Brohoof 1
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...The fact that people who aren't very nice probably like them too :/


To me, that defenetly counts as a 'bad' thing for ANY thing.

Edited by PinkuRiku

Aka "LadyPKchu".

I changed my name again cuz lately fluttershy has been more my favorite pony :3 I like her innocence, and I think I may get active in the fluttershy fan club. I really like a lot of the other main 6 too though.

I'm also a FlutterDash supporter.

I still love Korrina from pokemon a lot and plan on keeping my Korrina profile for now :P

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Battlefleet Gothic: Some of the dry bits in the campaign between chapters or important battles.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:Call of Pripyat: Retrieving some of the black boxes from the helicopters, specifically the one with the minefield. 


Men of War: Assault Squad 2: Anytime the AI has the brilliant idea of running out in front of a tank, machine gun, etc...






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Worst parts of my favorite games? Let's see what I know


Borderlands 2 - Probably It's the loot because obviously When I try to get a legendary item off from a loot midget, it's hard to get what I want from them.


Final Fantasy XI - Well there are some worst parts in this game that I know. First of all, The party which is that it gets annoying when people go afk without telling. 2nd of all is the assault missions, some of these assault missions are hard. 3rd which is the loot, It's hard to get what I want including upgrading my relic artifacts, 4th is being charmed by the mobs and you turn on people to fight against, and lastly, Camping for Notorious Monsters (NMs), it's hard to get these NMs to spawn even when needed for trial of magians.


Diablo 2 - The loot. It's hard to get what I want and get junk and trash equipment so I normally sell them to the vendor to make money


Maple Story - The worst parts in this game are The party because they can go afk without telling, 2nd is the language which is hard to make spanish people to understand english if we don't understand spanish, 3rd is the loot as usual, 4th would be grinding which it got a lot worst than usual and it became like pre-BB all over, and lastly, the bossing since of them are hard to kill.


Terraria - Probably Lavas are the most annoying in the game


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Deus Ex Human Revolution:  The hacking, forcing you to constantly take breaks from a brilliantly designed games to play a boring, tedious minigame.  Bonus points for poorly optimized controls on the PC during the minigame.  The original handled hacking (which was actually lockpicking, electronics and hacking) much better.


Most RPGs:  Inventory management.  The fact that crafting now seems to rear its ugly head in nearly every RPG (remember when you used to buy things with gold rather than random piles of crap) has only made this problem worse.


League of Legends:  Only one map per gameplay mode.  Also everything that Heroes of the Storm does better.  I don't think I will be returning to this game.


Overwatch:  Players who are too timid to get their hands dirty.

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Overwatch: When no one stands on the point or delivers the payload.

Assassins Creed: When i have to follow someone for five minutes and nothing happens.

GTA: Any character that makes you drive their car.

Shadow of Mordor: Uruks that counter your first attack.

Borderlands: The inevitable struggle to get the best loot and the appropriate level for quests.

Resident Evil 6: The melodramatic story.

Edited by PopBox
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Resident Evil 4: I dislike the part where you have to play as Ashley. 


Gears of War: I love the game, but I think this game has one of the more toxic communities out there. 


SFV: I think two of the worst things are whenever you get completely destroyed by an opponent or when a player wins a close match and chooses to walk away instead of taking the rematch. 

Edited by joanro
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Starfox Assault is too short, no multi player co-op, no hub world, can't play as the other characters. And even though Fox is the main character he doesn't develop.


I swear Starfox Assault is still my favorite game of all time but it does have flaws.

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Mafia 2 - When you repeat a story-driven game as many times as I have, certain parts get very...repetitive. For me, this is the cleaning toilets in jail scene. Also, driving Joe home after her gets drunk in chapter ten when he kills the bartender. Then, crushing the bartender in his car is also very tedious because of all the driving.



I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can think of as of now. I've been on a marathon of...playing the game over and over.

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League of Legends - community.


Don't even get me started about the League of Legends community.  All I will say is that I am glad Heroes of the Storm does away with the team selection team entirely if you are not running premades (just pick your hero and go), the problems I had with other people in the premade selection screen alone were legion. 

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The lack of post game content in some of the Pokemon games.


did you like the end game of alpha/omega?  because I enjoyed that one, but generally agree with you.  




My favorite game is world of tanks (16000 matches played), and my least favorite part is that the game snowballs, since removing a tank makes it easier to remove the next tank.  The first part of each game is interesting, but since its balanced on a knife edge, you very rarely get an exciting end game.  




I also have some favorite board games that are amazing, but have some flaws...

  • Tales of the Arabian Nights: one of the best games ever...but for all of its strengths, it doesn't have a ton of interaction with your opponents
  • Roborally: this game is stunningly amazing...until someone gets just enough ahead of the other racers that they don't have to worry about getting shot in the back.  At that point the frontrunner can put 100% of their focus into speed, and the chase pack still needs to defend themselves.  It becomes excessively difficult to close the gap and have an interesting endgame.  I'm hoping that the new version coming out in a few weeks has rule tweaks.
  • Magic the Gathering: its really easy to get into competitive magic, but its really hard to find casual players, because they don't go to public competitive events.  

Send me pictures of ponies in hoodies

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Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door: The creepy steeple level. I like that it's the level where you team up with Vivian, one of my favourite partners from that game, but I hate the level itself. You have to walk back and forth between the town and that steeple way too many times. The whole level is based around walking back and forth through the same bloody forest. 


Legend of Zelda Windwaker: While the expansive ocean is awesome, some of the islands feel like they were just put there to fill out space. Some merely existing for a heartpiece puzzle. I almost wish there were more windfall islands where you could just derp around.

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