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MLP Series Finale - How will it all end?

Akemi Homura

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A future time jump to show the Mane 6 have moved on with their lives.



Rainbow Dash can be the Grand Admiral General whatever title of the Wonderbolts who brought massive sweeping reform to the group. Then she had to resign after being exposed for having several illicit affairs with other Wonderbolts.

Edited by Singe
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The mane 6 had drifted apart, each sentenced to live alone in their respective places and Equestria goes into chaos Fallout-style. Twilight is setting on a journey to leave Equestria behind, disappointed that all her struggles were for naught.


The end credits would roll as you see the remnants of devastation and each of the mane 6 in their respective homes looking over things and what they've become as this music plays.



Of course I'm only kidding. :P

Edited by SunBurn
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In all honesty, I think our series finale will be Princess Celestia stepping down, Twilight getting her crown and castle, and everypony lives happily ever after.  :comeatus:


This would NEVER happen, but in an ironic turn of events, Princess Celestia has to use the Elements of Harmony to banish Twilight to the moon when she tries to take over the kingdom. That would be an episode to remember!  :pinkie:

160zaea.png"Yeah, this post needs to be about 20% cooler."

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I think that Celestia will die. She comes to Twilight as a ghost and tells her Luna killed her. Meanwhile, Shining Armor (Cadance is dead at this point or something... I don't know) marries Luna, a week after Celestia died. By the way, he had previously been married to Celestia. Twilight gets super obsessed about enacting revenge on Luna, and hates Shining Armor. At some point, Rarity and Applejack come and then just kinda vanish... I dunno... and um... Yeah, she and Rainbow kill each other in the end... and they all die...

...I have never really finished Hamlet. Don't judge me.

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If Twilight is the focus of the series finale, then the Mane 5 should get their own finale version episode each to tie up their stories. They would take place before the series finale.

Edited by Singe
  • Brohoof 2
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Two words.  Red Wedding.


Naw, but seriously, I believe the movie is "suppose" to be the finale, right?  I don't think Hasbro will ever let it end, as long as there's money to be made.  Unless it's based on literature  (GoT, LOTR), then it will never truly end.  It will just be dragged through the mud until the name is worthless (Simpsons, Halo).


Anyway, I truly hope they just do seasons 5 and 6, then end it with the movie before it goes downhill.  I'll tell you what I personally wanted.  Save Magical Mystery Cure for the last regular show episode.  The rest of the series would be the same.  You could still do practically everything that's been done in seasons 4 and 5, with minor tweaks.  I guess you'd have do more rewriting for the season 4 premiere and finale.  You could still do it perfectly fine, though.  The season 5 premiere wouldn't change at all.  Anyway, MMC would be the last episode, then the movie would be a ~2.5 hour epic.  None of this 70-80 minute crap we get with most animated movies.  No.  Real deal, at least two and a half hours.  Screw kids' attention spans.


Ok, ready for this?  Now, bear in mind, this is just my stupid hypothetical fantasy.  The movie opens with a parody of the opening scene from The Incident,



with Starlight Glimmer in Jacob's role.  The scene would introduce a mysterious Mare in Black.  I'm not sure how the big reveal at the end of the scene would work, but I'm thinking that instead of an island, we tilt up to see the mountain that Canterlot is built on, except it's not there, and we pull back to reveal that Starlight and the MIB are sitting where Ponyville should be, but it's not there either.  The idea is the same--this scene takes place a very long time ago, presumably thousands of years.  Before the Sisters, even.  So, yeah, Starlight is immortal.


From there, I'm not sure where we go, exactly, but we'd enter present day and spend a lot of time with Twilight getting used to her new role as a princess.  For a long time, I've fantasized about a movie scene where Twilight is trying to fly, but can't very well, like the opening of Princess Twilight Sparkle, but with a more serious tone.  She goes to Celestia for advice, who happens to be in the Crystal Empire at the moment, and after an inspiring conversation, Celestia poses the idea to Twilight, "You don't need your wings to fly.  You never needed wings."  Twi would stare at her, a little confused, but beginning to understand the implication.  From here, we do a shot for shot parody of Superman's first flight scene in Man of Steel, beginning in the Frozen North just outside of the Empire.  Instead of her wings, Twilight would use her telekinesis to lift herself and fly.  Think about it--with her talent for telekinesis, she should be able to fly like Superman with it.  She could.  She can.  It's just never occurred to her.


Not sure what else would happen in the movie.  I have no idea how the immortal Starlight thing would play out, or who the MIB would be, but it would all lead to the most epic of showdowns, you can bet on that.


Anyway, just my stupid fantasies.  It's obviously too late for that anyway.  I don't know what they'll do with it.  I'll tell you how I'd like them to end it, though, even though I know they won't/can't.  The Sisters sacrifice themselves to save Equestria from it's greatest threat, but not before giving the rule of Equestria to Twilight, who, despite her fears, would bravely accept.


Or maybe they should just end it like "Not All Dogs Go to Heaven", and reveal that the entire FIM universe is within the molecules of a lampshade in a hotel room where Adam West and Rob Lowe are wishing each other goodnight.


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Hope it ends in a WTF did I just watch way. Nothing's better than the end of a series that leaves more questions than answers to frustrate the fandom forcing it to stay alive till the end of dawn.


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I think the S6 finale will be both self contained in some respects, so as to serve as a satisfying series finale, and yet still set the stage for the movie. I honestly wouldn't want the show to extend beyond that. Better to go out on top, than grind the show into the ground by extending it beyond the writer's ability to tell an entertaining story and not completely jump the shark.

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I just hope they don't make all of the mane six alicorns. Twilight being a princess is great, but Dashie growing a horn? Applejack gaining wings and a horn? Fluttershy suddenly having to learn magic? Rarity wouldn't be able to handle the stress of the royal duties that would surely follow...




img-2329043-1-1365047592187.pngI don't think Equestria could handle this one.


To be honest, I think pinkie is actually the one of the mane six would would handle being an alicorn the BEST XD


She already really has no goals in life except to spread laughter and happiness to others as per her smile smile segment in a friend in deed, and unlike AJ or Rarity, she has absolutely nothing tying her down or goals in life. She's pretty much just a free radical able to do whatever she wants, which is more or less just trying to make others happy.





If Twilight is the focus of the series finale, then the Mane 5 should get their own finale version episode each to tie up their stories. They would take place before the series finale.



haha, That's a good one :P

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For a finale, I'd just love it to be a grand old send-off, something we can all look back on with happy memories. Though I think the movie would be a good finale in itself.

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 11 months later...

I cant really see it being that much different to an ending to a season. It will be a two part story with good vs evil and then end. I don't really think they will do anything massive like answer all unanswered questions and tie up every ponies story line or anything like that. I don't think there will be a big lead up or anything. This would allow fan creations to be free with answering these questions instead and also allow them to revive the series in a few years time. OR it might all end with the film in some epic quest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A trilogy conclusion! Three episodes an hour each! Kinda like Wishology on FOP! If FOP didn't continue after that, that would've been the perfect conclusion! This way all the questions will be answered in the last trilogy. But before that, a final season with each of the Mane Six, Spike, and the CMCs have a few episodes in a row to conclude their stories!

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If I knew for certain WHEN the show was going to end, perhaps I could make some better predictions on HOW it's all going to conclude. I mean, there's a lot I want to happen, but it probably won't because of the show's target demographic and general style.


I would honestly like to see some of Equestria destroyed; a drastic change to the status quo. Perhaps, knowing Hasbro will make a generation 5, some kind of link between Gen4 and the next one. For example, Equestria falls as Canterlot slides down the mountain from its perch, crumbling away, forcing the ponies of the land to evacuate and find a new place to settle. Through all of this, we lose Celestia and Luna, and Twilight becomes the leader of the land, trying to maintain and organise what remains of Equestria in a new kingdom. This new kingdom could then be the setting for the next series of MLP after Gen4 is over ^^


But these are just ramblings :P



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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  • 5 months later...

Here's how I think the whole series will end:


Starlight Glimmer and her friends are assigned a new friendship problem: the relationship between Triton and Star Swirl the Bearded. As they prepare to go solve the problem, they go to where they reside. Meanwhile, Celestia goes to a secret demon lair that reveals her true identity as "St. Koroleva". On the other hand, with Starlight Glimmer asking question after question, Star Swirl the Bearded explained how he met Triton and how he became friends with him (leading to the story of how the elements of harmony were really made). Then, Triton explained something big, unexpected, and that could change everything: Celestia is the real appereance of evil. This leaves Twilight Sparkle thinking back all the way to when she was a student to study magic (this was back in Season 1). Then, she feels sorrow and sadness in her heart that she cries and runs away. Starlight Glimmer and the others run after her, but Spike goes back to Canterlot to investigate what has been happening. But, as Koroleva finds him, he captures him. With Triton's powers, he informs that Spike has been captured by Celestia, more like, St. Koroleva! Twilight then realizes that "Princess Celestia" does not exist, neither does Luna as she is actually Triton's daughter named "Clara" only reincarnated after death. Meanwhile, in the human world, Sunset Shimmer finds out that Principal Celestia is actually a corrupt official and politician terrorist who wants power over the school, and finds General Triton (named after Emperor Triton). He explains that he founded Canterlot High a few decades ago when he was young. So now, the entire human race unites for a revolution against Principal Celestia. With Vice Principal Luna, or rather Carla (similarly named after Clara) helping the students with the revolution, something big happens: in the Pony world (Equestria), Triton reveals himself and explain what Celestia (Koroleva) has done. They all turn against her, and the battle of the century begins. The same thing happens in the human world (alternate Equestria). But what they do not see coming, is that two interdimensional thick rays of portal magic collide within the two worlds. As Princess Twilight and the rest Equestria hold on to their hooves, their world and the human world collide as one. Conclusion? Principal Celestia is now the true St. Koroleva, and is sent to the underworld for all eternity thanks to Sunset Shimmer. Everyone cheers, and celebrate the night.


Surprise ending: Everything in the show, every episode, the equestria girls movies (not counting the comics), and literally everything, was just one big fictional story in a fancy-made storybook read by a beautiful woman named Lauren Faust that she has read to her children. As the children sleep, Lauren Faust looks over at the human town of Equestria and at the distance a statue of Twilight, Sunset, Clara, Emperor/Principal Triton, and everybody/everypony else hugging each other.



I think that's how it should end. It would be great, emotionally moving, and etc.

Edited by KuvishMonk
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Forget season three for now. Let's talk about how this will end just to pump ourselves up for the upcoming third season.How do you think it will all end? Give a brief summary of the plot and explain how it all came to be (or will come to be).


Forget season three for now. Let's talk about how this will end just to pump ourselves up for the upcoming third season.How do you think it will all end? Give a brief summary of the plot and explain how it all came to be (or will come to be).


  • Brohoof 1

https://mlpforums.com/topic/158860-emerald-stars-crazy-adventure/- My Fanfic, featuring my OC Emerald Star and his Stand, Grey Justice. The Mane Six also get Stands in this fic, so if you like awesome fights, Stands, and epicness, check it out!

NOW ON AO3! - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8505844

MLP:O/C - Order/Chaos, an original MLP Fighting Game featuring Original Characters! Apply within! https://mlpforums.com/topic/159347-mlp-oc-orderchaos-mlp-fighting-game-with-a-cast-of-ocs/?p=4726269#entry4726269

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