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Do You Prefer Being Alone or Being Around Other People?

Lucky Bolt

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Easily and always with other folks. I've spent and will spend my entire life trapped inside myself with none other than myself. I know myself best. This is why I love and need other people. Community is a powerful thing. It takes a village to do anything right. Only by observing, understanding and coexisting with others may we hope to truly understand ourselves. I find this is a result of the fact that our interactions with others (be it intimate or not) are clear cut, observable aspects of ourselves that ought to be studied, trained and harnessed much like any other social tool/skill/technique. No one is born alone, no one has to die alone. Choosing to "lone wolf" our lives is a grave and unfortunate mistake. Doing so not only robs others of your personal charms, wit and skill, but also yourself of the very same from others. We are a race of social creatures who thrive in communities where mutualism and understanding reign supreme. As a species, we are just beginning to become self aware enough to accept this and great strides in our favor are the result of this "awakening" if you will.

  • Brohoof 1
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All by my lonesome. 

I have to deal with people every day. Work with strangers every mon-fri. Deal with the incompetencies of people I'll probably never meet. I've had  to forcibly co exist with people for over 20 years now. 

I cherish my alone time. The tiem where I don't have to put on a facade, walk on egg shells and put up with the awkwardness. When I'm alone, I feel at peace. I feel like I can be me. 

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I love my solitude, but I don't mind the company of others as long as they aren't constantly around. Except for crowds. I can deal with them if it's a concert or sporting event. But if you throw me into a massive mob of people, that puts me on the verge of a panic attack.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by Kyoshi

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I'm sort of 50-50 as I can take large crowds and I enjoy being around my friends at school but I have to have my rest periods here and there where I'm completely alone. Basically I can relax and recover myself during my rest periods and at home during a rest period I usaly lie down on my bed and watch YouTube on my IPad but often I also play Minecraft on our home PC. :)

  • Brohoof 1


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Alone's cool - but...I do like the smaller groups---forget the larger crowds - that's too hard to handle sometimes. :lol:

  • Brohoof 3

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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I prefer surrounded isolation. That is to say, where I am technically both alone and with other people, but neither completely. Total isolation can be dangerous but total social immersion can be maddening. Another way of looking at it is 'distanced contact'. So an internet forum like this would be a case of distanced contact, where there is anonymity and easy escape from any possible entanglements.

  • Brohoof 1

The truth is always rough.
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It depends. I am not good with large groups or crowds. I usually prefer the company of one or two people but I also need alone time to recharge and relax. I can do a small group of about five or nine which is the max at my work but it's very mentally draining for me. Usually it's just me and my husband (and my doggie babies).

  Proud Pegasister and Dog Mom!



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Depends. I usually prefer being alone but it's all mood dependant at the end of the day.

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I love being on my own and enjoying my own company. Life is stressful a good majority of the time. People are loud, people don't understand you needs or your issues. When you interact with yourself, you get to experience a period of reflection and you become a more emotionally understanding person because of it. I absolutely despise hanging around with large groups of people as I find it quite unnerving and awkward. I'm quite an anti-social person and I love to have my own privacy.

After all, no one understand me quite like I do. When you spend so much time with yourself instead of being distracted by interacting with others, you really discover things about yourself and suddenly your workd becomes a far larger place.

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For me it actually depends on the person. Some people I can only stand for a few hours, some for a few days and the rare kind that I would like to be around forever :'D

I also don't mind crowds as long as someone's with me, when I'm alone I just wanna get out as fast as I can.

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I enjoy being with others because it's good to step outside one's self and get a fresh perspective rather than stewing in the same old internal juices. I like being around people and it can be rewarding on many levels. On the other hand, I'm with other people so often that, in the interest of balance and my personal sanity, I absolutely must get away by myself sometimes. My alone time is special to me and I treasure it. It's a good time to improve mental sharpness, find inspiration and contemplate the infinite. If anyone interrupts me during my few moments of personal solitude I'm not usually very happy about it. I don't rip their heads off over it (but I might be inclined to make faces at them behind their backs when they're on their way out). :pout: 

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I do spend alot of my time alone, though it's nice to be around people from time to time. But no large groups for me, no, no.

  • Brohoof 3

「A nightingale in a golden cage, thats me locked inside reality's maze.」

「Come someone make my heavy heart light, come undone bring me back to life~!」



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Most of the time (I'd quantify it as something on the lines of 80-90% of the time), I strongly prefer being alone because people make me anxious. That anxiety turns into irritation, and especially quickly if they do something otherwise irritating (like talking so much that I wonder how they breathe...)

But, It's fine when I know them well enough and have fairly good relations with them. In fact, I'm pretty good with being around people I care about, and I actually talk to them. Sometimes it may be in some sort of indeterminable grunt. that doesn't really hint anything, but it's some sort of communication. of some sort.

Edited by In Loving Memory


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  • 1 month later...

Being around people usually bore the everliving crap out of me. Actual conversations are rare. Just normal banter/crap you forget after 3-5 minutes. Being around people in general drains my energy. The more people the faster it drains. At some point I just gotta GTFO there.

Normally I'm the most asocial git you'll ever come across. Let me warm up to you a little and I can talk about the dumbest pointless crap for hours.

I have two sides:
My asocial side because I have a strong dislike for people in general. Being around people drain my energy, especially in crowds. A general distrust of people, social anxiety and Asperger's is never a good mix.

My bsocial side because I like talking with people, even if it's just making randomass dumb noises over Discord for hours. I very rarely use VC over Discord, so consider yourself a little honored if I go out of my comfort zone to speak with you directly.

There are not many people I actually like and even less people I really like. If you are on either of these lists, consider yourself lucky.

Edited by Yakamaru
  • Brohoof 1

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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I am a little bit of both actually. Sometimes I do things with my friends etc. etc.


but, sometimes/most of the time I like to do things by myself. I think the main reason is I have a really, really, really hard time sticking up for myself. So if I do things alone I don't have to hear "your idea is stupid, we're doing this instead". And me just have to go with other person's plan. 

  • Brohoof 1

Facebook: Josh B.

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Normally I try my best to be social and outgoing. Unfortunately due to my die-hard introvert personality this is truly a trial for me. So thankfully, I'm taking psychiatric therapy to overcome my rigid lifestyle and anxiety issues.

If you talk down to people, I'll talk down to you. If you talk up to people, I'll talk up to you. However, I do try my hardest to talk AT people instead of catering towards the extremes which is very easy to do.

I use the same line of logic as people judging other people by their looks. Normally most people look down upon people because *insert ignorantly foolish reason here* while others look UP to people but, at least I'm willing to look AT people based on what they stand for to overcome my shortcomings.

If any of you become my Enemy for whatever reason, that's on you. I don't care if you do become one, but I am firm with what I stand for and that's all that matters to me even if I have to die in the most slow and painfully imaginative ways for it e.g. Crucifixion, Electrocution, Testicular Torture... you get the idea :lol:.

Edited by ZethaPonderer
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For me, I find that being in a large crowd or group can make me feel insignificant and overwhelming.

Among a small group or even a couple of friends is where I feel accepted and acknowledged. I have a voice at least in this sense. I like to fall between this and being alone too sometimes because being alone is were I can reflect, relax my mind and think clearly ahead without anyone's presence. 

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