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general Air Travel, yes or No?


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Do you like to travel by airplane? What do you like about it? What do you hate about it? What are your experiences at airports or up in the air? Or would you prefer to travel by other means altogether?  

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, as far as traveling overseas goes, I've had very good experiences with airplanes. Mostly because I made the trip across the Pacific Ocean in a timely manner, about 19 hours, rather than three and a half months on a boat. :P

As far as ground travel goes... I mean, if it'll take longer than 24 hours driving, I'd rather fly. So like, if I was going (from Texas) to Tennessee, New Mexico, or the tip of Florida, I'd probably want to go by car. Otherwise I'd fly. :3

  • Brohoof 2
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Air travel is fine and perfectly safe if you want to go fairly long distances, though I would still prefer to commute by bus for shorter distances due to economy or train due to comfort for shorter rides. It's a bit unfortunate in the United States though that for most parts of the US, the train is far too slow, outdated, and unreliable to be a viable mode of transportation, and it's only particularly useful in the Northeast where they have reasonably fast high speed rail. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Yes all the way! I've been fortunate enough to fly on a number of occasions and it's so exciting every single time. You get to just eat junk food and relax while soaring through the air miles up at 500+ mph - how neat is that?

  • Brohoof 2
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I haven't had the best experiences with airplanes or airports. The last time I used air travel, I ended up having two anxiety attacks - one on a plane and the other in an airport in Malaysia. It's been almost five years since then, though it's still something I would prefer not to go through.

  • Brohoof 1
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I personally love the sensation of the plane taking off, I have no issues with flying at all, maybe slight fear, but that's kinda fun in all honesty.

Edited by Califorum
  • Brohoof 1
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I've been in dozens of planes when I was younger with my family on vacations so I'm pretty used to it. I tend to really like it due to all of the memories in the past and the excitement for the destination. It's also pretty fun watching movies for 5 hours straight on the seats too.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have flown in an airplane a handful of times and I hated every time. Why? My ears always pop due to the pressure change when landing and that is very painful. At least, it was for me... Not only that, but I am terrified of the aircraft crashing. I know the odds of that happening are low but after seeing the airplane crash scene in the movie Cast Away, it runed my perception of safety of airplanes. My parents go to Mexico at least twice-three times yearly and they don’t mind flying at all. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Flying is fine but I do have some complaints...  I don’t like how they stuff us in there like sardines and it’s either very hot or freezing on the airplane, at least in my experience it is.  Some guys like spreading their legs out on an already small area, this one guy I had the misfortune of sitting next pretty much took up most of the leg room during a four hour flight, he absolutely refused to move even though me and the lady on the other side of him complained both to him and the flight attendants.  I was just glad I had no connecting flights after that one, my legs were asleep and I had to sit there for a bit before they woke up again...:okiedokieloki:

  • Brohoof 1
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14 hours ago, Kyoshi said:

That's gonna get a big NAH from me. Traveling by plane is terrifying to me. The idea of being 10,000 feet in the air is panic inducing. My anxiety would not handle it.

It's more like 35,000 feet. See? Nothing to worry about.

After a certain height it doesn't matter :mlp_bedeyes:

Edited by BronyNumber2
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I love to travel by plane! It’s my favorite way to get from here to there. It’s fast and the views are spectacular. I don’t mind waiting in airports or even enduring the insane search and baggage procedures because I like the atmosphere of a place made for embarking to wondrous destinations all over the world. Just the thought of that is exciting and you can feel that energy when you walk into an airport.

The only parts I dislike are the ways airlines are always trying to rip off their passengers, like the list of fees for non-existent and ridiculous things like ‘paper fee’ for having a ticket printed at the check-in counter (a whopping five bucks for a slip of paper!) or additional baggage fees for anything that doesn’t squeeze into a space the size of a thimble, or the ‘9/11 fee’ which is for…nothing. I travel by the cheapest airline I can get, but it isn’t so cheap by the time they fee me half to death with their nonsense. 

But all that being said, I love to fly and I always find it worth the downsides of it.  Being able to go anywhere in the world in a matter of hours (even a lot of hours) is a wonderful concept and makes everything seem within reach.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm scared of it. I'm aware that it is fast and convenient, but that doesn't change my fear. I visited three places by plane in the early to mid 00s and I was uneasy the whole time. The first plane ride I was in just ended up needing to land when there was a tornado warning. The turbulence was really bad and it was scary.

I *really* hope when we visit/move to New England I can somehow avoid doing it by plane. Even if it takes a day or more to get there.

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Yes, I do travel by air but see it more as a means to an end than a preference as it's much faster and practical than traveling by land or sea to more distant places. I feel more comfortable travelling by land or sea if that's an option though.

Edited by Rainbow Cloud
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Flying is unequivocally my favorite means of travel. It is the perfect combination of speed, safety, and efficiency. Not to mention, airports are in general among my favorite places to be; it just makes one feel so adventurous. :mlp_grin:

  • Brohoof 1
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