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I live in Syracuse, NY, which is almost located smack-dab in the middle of New York State.


It's a major city in which I was born in. I moved to many places before, but I again live here now and this will always be my awesome hometown!


Here's a few pics, courtesy of Wikipedia!: :P


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Downtown Syracuse.


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University Hill.


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Syracuse University - Main Building


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Clinton Square - Where most of the excitement happens!

Edited by AegisReflector
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The only two hints I ever give out are "California" and "The Mojave Desert".


And no, despite popular belief, it DOES get cold in the desert. Well, not as debilitating as, say, Neptune...


But still,... Cold. (Scratch that; It does get cold enough sometimes to form this weird hard clear rock-like substance that most people would call,... What was it, "Ice"?)



And boring. The only major highway interchanges here are a T-bone and what appears to be a bunch of work-in-progress parclos.


At least the water's really really clean; I could drink out of the tap if I wanted to. Same with the air; I could drink that out of the tap, as well.


Please tell me you live in the Yucca, Joshua Tree, or 29 area it seems to me I am the only brony in this area and I’d pretty much die if I knew there was another one in the area.


Signature Courtesy of

Like A Boss

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I live roughly forty-five minutes away from San Francisco, California, United States, in the East Bay area. It is a rather nice area, but rather hot as of late...

Edited by Chapien
  • Brohoof 1
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I live in southern california, where the weather is fair and sunny practically all year long! Which I vex, as I hate hot weather and bright sunlight However I am near a lot of cool places

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Well to sum it up

I live in Williamstown,NJ

in the United States of America

on the Continent of North America,

Which is located on the south side of the Atlantic Ocean and the north Side of the Pacific

On the Planet Earth

in the Sol Solar System

in the Milkyway Galaxy

Anyone else live here?



I just saw this. I live in Williamstown too! :D Wow, that sure is interesting, if you really do live here.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Can't remember if I posted here. Meh i'm from the USA and I live in a small city in Wisconsin and alas haven't come across any bronies where I live. Which actually makes me think that i'm the only brony in the city.

  • Brohoof 1
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If you live in The Bronx, you live in the same area as @Lady Rarity Pony.


I myself am going to be relocating to Bodensee, Germany until next Spring.

Where my DeustcherBronies at?


Ah, yes, I know. I'm actually within spitting distance of him thanks to the metro! We'd actually considered meeting up a while back.

  • Brohoof 1

keep it real .

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I live in Lincoln in England.


Its a very nice Historical City with massive historical importance. We're in the middle of a farming county here, so lots of villages and rural stuff. :P

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

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I live in Argentina, Buenos Aires, Vicente Lopez.

Let me take you to a tour to show you how Argentina is destroying little by little.


First thing is first, this is the reason why Argentina is going to hell:




This "song" started to spread out everywhere, radios, streets, commercials, even TV like you see in that video.

Even kids like it, at the age of 5 they start touching girls butts, no joke.

This is a proof that kids like it:




Even worse, girls call that cute.

Girls love getting punched.

A few weeks ago, a girl killed another girl. Reason? Fight on facebook, they fighted because someone asked "who is cooler?" and they started to say "me" and they got to a fight for that, really stupid right?


Also, girls do what these idiots do:


Posted Image


Posing like that in every picture, if you are asking who are those girls, those are "Las Culisueltas".

The picture you see there it's the resized cover for their CD, yeah, it's their cover, tons of effort for it.


Now speaking about male people.


If you aren't dressed like this and you don't have that hair and skin, you can get killed, no joke.


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Why do you get killed if you aren't dressed like that? Here's how their logic works:


- If you don't look cool or look like an otaku, metalfan or gamer, you will get killed because they think you are crazy.


-Happens the same with religion, if you aren't christian, they also think you are crazy... this doesn't happen just where i live, i'm serious.

Even worse, tons of people get killed for this everyday, the president doesn't give a fuck.

She prefers buying purses worth around 2000 euros.


Posted Image


This is how i have to live everyday, like a refugee, and nobody does anything.

Don't come here, it's bullshit.

Well, this is pretty much the sum of everything bad in CABA dude XD (and yes, I do come from Buenos Aires...well...Ciudad Autonoma of Buenos Aires, CABA, to be precise ;) ). Still, yeah, we do have a lot of that stuff. But hey! Let's not kill of the good things, shall we? We have a great football team, the footbal here is lived on a different way than others countries, we do have our fair share of culture, we're the capital of tango, and, to me, we are a some sort of southamerican version of New York, from what I could tell by myself.




Besides, we can still somehow threaten good all Cristina Kirchner, by taking away her 2000 euros bags, to make a bronycon in La Rural, and make her somehow bring Tara Strong ^_^.http://www.google.com.ar/imgres?q=mapa+de+La+Rural&hl=es&biw=1280&bih=677&tbm=isch&tbnid=WICOHvx7AScqwM:&imgrefurl=http://www.larural.com.ar/mapa-del-predio/&docid=7XvGmKS4sQI_WM&imgurl=http://www.larural.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Mapa-del-Predio.jpeg&w=1024&h=814&ei=HltJUPPxMob28gSE3YDgCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=417&vpy=154&dur=3014&hovh=200&hovw=252&tx=87&ty=91&sig=114619647061919079072&page=1&tbnh=150&tbnw=189&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:70


That's a map with even size of the buildings. I know it's a big place (and maybe even have capacity for more stuff than the one BroNYcon was in!...Ah...we can only hope...).

  • Brohoof 1
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Currently in a hick town called Comfort, Texas. It's pretty to a degree, but otherwise sucks. Born in raised in this county, but hopefully in the next year or so I will be relocating to Arkansas, where I've always dreamed of living.


Maybe one day quite a few years down the road, I'd like to live in England. Or maybe not. I suppose I'll have to actually go there first to decide.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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I live roughly forty-five minutes away from San Francisco, California, United States, in the East Bay area. It is a rather nice area, but rather hot as of late...


Reppin' that East Bay. Niiiice. Didn't think I would see anyone on here from the Bay Area, let alone East Bay XD


No more information because that's already pretty decent amount of info :3

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Reppin' that East Bay. Niiiice. Didn't think I would see anyone on here from the Bay Area, let alone East Bay XD


No more information because that's already pretty decent amount of info :3


East Bay is best bay.


I'm over near Pleasenton, personally, in the town right next to Dublin. It is a usually rather safe area, though just this week there was a shooting of a police officer over by the freeway entrance (which has NEVER happened before).

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East Bay is best bay.


I'm over near Pleasenton, personally, in the town right next to Dublin. It is a usually rather safe area, though just this week there was a shooting of a police officer over by the freeway entrance (which has NEVER happened before).


I don't really watch the news anymore because of stuff like that. It's just so tiring listening to "Yo, somebody got shot. Again. Sucks. Now back to the shootings again."


So tiring. :blush:

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I don't really watch the news anymore because of stuff like that. It's just so tiring listening to "Yo, somebody got shot. Again. Sucks. Now back to the shootings again."


So tiring. :blush:


Yeah. This is, however, only the second time it has actually happened in my town - usually the news is about our neighbors over in Oakland.

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah. This is, however, only the second time it has actually happened in my town - usually the news is about our neighbors over in Oakland.


Ah, Oakland. It's so much more different than Alameda. It's like that estuary seperates two entire worlds. It's kinda strange, in a good way I guess.

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