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If You Were a Pony, Which Character Would You Like To Have As Your Neighbor?


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Let’s say you are a pony living in Equestria. Which canon character would you like to have as a neighbor? Why?

I would like to have Zecora as a neighbor. She could assist me with any ailments I may have.


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Twilight Sparkle; I'd love to utilize the library in that castle if at all possible. Maybe study together. It doesn't look as comfy as the Golden Oak Library was but it's certainly something. :o

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57 minutes ago, Bakugou Is My Man ❤ said:

I would like to have Zecora as a neighbor. She could assist me with any ailments I may have.

but that means you'd have to live in everfree :lie:

my current neighbours feel like Cranky doodle so i'd take pretty much anyone over that, but since i can choose, the apples sound like great neighbours(post apple-pear feud)

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8 minutes ago, Lord Valtasar said:

but that means you'd have to live in everfree :lie:

Well, not necessarily... What I meant is as in you can live anywhere in Equestiria and have that pony be your neighbor. Your location is where your neighbor lives as well. I should have been more specific ^^;

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If I had the opportunity to live in Equestria,

I would love if my Best Pony Friend For Five-ever Rarity was  my neighbor. :darling:

That way, Rarity & I could work together to create nice gifts for Princess Twilight Sparkle. :ticking:

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Applejack because she's friendly and being a fellow country girl, we'd get along like two peas in a pod. She'd make a great neighbor, and besides, who wouldn't wanna be best friends with their neighbor? She could bake me apple pies too.



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1 hour ago, Treeglow Flicker said:

Autumn Blaze. :kirin:

She is somekirin who appreciates a good conversation. Be it over the fence/hedge, in the kitchen with some lunch. Or just a general walkabout.

She talks too much. You would lose your ears. Kirins might be cute but their temper will burn down your house!

I would choose anypony but Pinkie Pie, because who can have a crazy neighbor that talks at that pitch and never shuts up!

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I'd be fine with anypony, provided I can get along with them and that they can deal with my sour moods.

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3 hours ago, Splashee said:

She talks too much. You would lose your ears. Kirins might be cute but their temper will burn down your house!

I would choose anypony but Pinkie Pie, because who can have a crazy neighbor that talks at that pitch and never shuts up!

The thing is I love the energetic, talkative and excitable ones. So Autumn Blaze, Pinkie Pie, Silverstream. All of them would be awesome in my books. That boundless enthusiasm to me has always been inspiring. :mlp_laugh:

But outside of those, I suppose I would also go with somepony like Starlight or Trixie as a neighbour. :P

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Rarity would be perfect because she understands the concept of peace and civility. Fluttershy would be good too because she’d be quiet and unobtrusive, although her animals might get a bit out of hand from time to time. :sealed: 

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