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mega thread How are you feeling?

Rift enchanted

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Down, because it's dawned on me I really don't have a social life... When I receive a text message it's from one of three people - my mom, my dad, or my oboe teacher. Granted, my oboe teacher and I are of similar age and have conversations, but I feel off texting her about too many things non-oboe related. Even still, if she sends me a message out of the blue it's usually "Can't work out the lesson tomorrow after all, we will have to reschedule", so... No one texts me out of the blue to have conversations really. T.T

I'm the exact same.... and trying to get out there is really.. really hard. i feel like i need to beg to even have conversations like..

  • Brohoof 3
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Feeling good, I spent the day working and resting at the same time. 

A bit like Rainbow Dash perhaps. 

"Work done in ten seconds flat? Let's sleep on that cloud because I've been sufficiently awesome today."  :dash:

Edited by Floppy Snow
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well I feel in many ways :

Happy because the music I listen to and talking to my friends makes me feel so 

Scared because I only got 2 days till I have to take 2 exams >~<

A bit sad thinking of my pet I lost long time ago 

A bit tired 

A bit optimistic

aaaaaaaaaaaand Good ^_^

  • Brohoof 3
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I'm feeling kind of hungry after posting about twisted fries. Help me pls

I feel A LOT of energy right now!!!!!!!!  :pinkie:  Hmm. Must have something to do with the coffee I had earlier.  :P

I didn't know you drank coffee. That's cool!
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Right now? Kinda tired, since it's 1:30 AM.  :adorkable:


Besides that I'm happy, because it's weekend ~ I don't like my job, so weekends are important for me!  :P  :wub:

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Assessments and tests are over so I'm feeling happy. Although also pretty shit because I only scored 67% on my Maths test.

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