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What do you love about MLP and its fandom?

Crazy Misty

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Many people think "If you like this, you are gay."


I like it for many reasons. One, I'd like to break gender-based stereotypes (I'm callin' to you, Fox News!) and predujice-based antics. It's not fair to be titled something because of a fandom. If you like Twilight or JB, I'm not gonna call you a fag or a homo. I'm gonna live my life and not waste it. Two, I love Ponies. I rest my case.


And three, It's fun to have a community that loves and tolerates everyone, even if they are complete, er, plots.

"I swear I didn't know!" -Myself  :ph34r:

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I have always been a huge fan of cartoons, but it seems that a lot of cartoons these days aren't very good. I was huge fan of the Power Puff Girls when I was a kid, and I loved all of the shows Lauren Faust has worked on. She is extremely good at making "girly" cartoons that all people can enjoy.

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  • 2 months later...

this is my first topic but what i am trying to ask is why do we all like the show so much its addictive but why i still have no idea why so lets discuss this topic i like the characters but i have no idea why i do i what to know what you all think



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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To me the show is deeper then most people realize. It's not just a simple cartoon. Here are my reasons why I like the show so much:


- Each character is unique to him or herself. Every pony's personality is different and original so no pony gets boring to watch or listen to.


- Each episode is a story in itself. You'll never run into an episode that has been done so many times before. Each episode is a new story so i look forward to each one every time. 


- The character dialogue in the show is fresh and original. Listening to what each character has to say never gets old. To add to that the voice actors of each character are fun to listen to.  


- Character design is always unique and original. Every pony looks appealing.

Edited by Mighty E.
  • Brohoof 3
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I always thought that the show seemed really apealling to us, is that because it is "Cute" (Extremely cute), Now i start to think about how good the stories are, How well people can relate to the ponies from the show.

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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I just think the show is funny and cute, and I only treat the show like a guilty pleasure (not in a clop clop way).


And it is actually not my favorite cartoon of all time. It actually doesn't even come close. If you look at my posting stats, I never post in any section discussing the show because I am not that big of a fan. 


The show will always have a special place in my heart though, so does this particular community. 


It was actually really hard for me to find an MLP community like this, and I am glad I found it.

  • Brohoof 1

“The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.”
― Christopher Hitchens

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1. Positive gender neutral messages which can appeal to both children and adults

2. Proves that something can be slightly girly yet can still appeal to everyone

3. Interesting relatable characters each with strengths and weaknesses

4. Entertaining and interesting plots and stories which can make you think and sometimes make you laugh

  • Brohoof 2
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To me the show is deeper then most people realize. It's not just a simple cartoon. Here are my reasons why I like the show so much:


- Each character is unique to him or herself. Every pony's personality is different and original so no pony gets boring to watch or listen to.


- Each episode is a story in itself. You'll never run into an episode that has been done so many times before. Each episode is a new story so i look forward to each one every time. 


- The character dialogue in the show is fresh and original. Listening to what each character has to say never gets old. To add to that the voice actors of each character are fun to listen to.  


- Character design is always unique and original. Every pony looks appealing.

I would say that pretty much sums up how I feel but another thing, The animation is beautiful (most of the time Derp)  and the very bright and vivid colours are very pleasant to look at and come as a nice change since there usually isnt much colour in normal boring life.

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thanks for you views on this suject i agree but i think there is somethink magical in the show (not twilight something else) but i cant put my finger on it so keep posting i would like to hear all your other sugestions  



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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It strays away from most other cartoons of today with characters that actually can appeal to everyone.  It holds a bright message that basically is really different then most things these days.  Also the plot is VERY good.  I also like how they made it appeal to all age groups, so it doesn't talk down to the audience.

  • Brohoof 2


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The characters, which have interesting and rounded personalities that aren't necessarily limited to their hobby or over-exaggerated to all center around a single trait.


Twilight, for example. She's a nerd. But she's also the main character (whereas the typical show would relegate the "smart one" to a side character). Her main talent is magic and she's a skeptic. Or look at Rarity. Fashionista, yes, but she follows her sense of aesthetics and knowledge as an artist, not the popular trends. She's vain, but wants others just to look as fabulous as her while staying true to themselves. And she's one of the smartest and most well spoken of her friends.


The writing, which can range from hilarious jokes that grow organically from each character's personality, to dark and serious.


As implied above, the humor. Slapstick that could be applied anywhere bores me. I like character based humor, and there's plenty of that here.


The animation and art, especially Season 3. I had to stop at the Mirror Pool in Too Many Pinkie Pies so that I could look at the amazing background.


I could go on. The voices, the world building... but I think I wrote enough for now.

  • Brohoof 4

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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One major thing is that it has an, 'aura' to it, it's always captivating, it's always interesting, it always gives you a gravitational pull on your emotions, which, in most cases, is the most utterly amazing joy and happiness one could possibly, have, the very foundation of the characters interacting with one another is just simply amazing. It's taking reality and throwing away the harsh, cruel world as we come to know it, yet retaining problems and issues in a way which makes the show enjoyable both tension-wise and happiness-wise, yet not holding back on quite harsh problems in itself, just handled really well, so the show is like an escape route from the outside world, and it's just so cute and really amplifies friendship and care for one another that's really pleasant to watch unfold, there is more to why it's a great show, and people could actually have deep conversations as to why, which is a point in itself, as in the ability to be talked on and on and on about without just retracing the average show's praise and discussions. 


tl;dr it's a really good show that provides happiness and grows one's mind and is able to be talked about on many levels, yeah

  • Brohoof 2

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The show is well written and the characters well realised. I actually read somewhere about how the show actually portrays the characters through more than just the use of language or 'quirks' (like Twilight being OCD). They've even gone as far as body language, even though each pony is created from the same template (with the exception of an odd few) each of the mane 6 can be identified even with the mane and coloring removed simply because of the body language they use.

Of course the stellar voice acting goes a long way too, no matter how good you write it, if the voice acting isn't up to the task, it will fall flat.


Also the show sends a positive message that isn't aimed at any one gender, combine that with clever humour and a universe that they keep expanding it seems to be going from strength to strength.


As if that weren't enough the fact they actually pay attention to the fan community is amazing, most shows would never dream of creating even subtle references let alone out and out shoutouts. Yeah, I know many feel we're getting too much attention but still the fact we get any is amazing!


Then theres the community, I've only been involved a relatively short time but theres so much creativity out there. Music, animations, stories, radio series, comics and pictures... some not so great but those that stand out really shine! Its made me want to contribute and I know that there are many others that feel the same.

Edited by Fridge
  • Brohoof 2

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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I love the show because it's just got so much depth to it. On the surface, it's a silly, bright children's show about talking equines, but there's all this lore and background and so many characters, all with depth to them, and each one of them is likable in their own way. I have characters I like less than others, but none that I just flat out dislike, that's that, and that's pretty rare for me.

Then there's the amazing fandom, which stretches out the maturity of the show somewhat; all these creative people coming up with ideas and different ways to look at things that wouldn't be necessarily shown in the show, but can be accepted anyway. Original content which just adds to the greatness of the official thing.

It's interesting because... it just is. The writers themselves have a huge amount of creativity. The dialogue isn't cheesy and re-used, the plots aren't strained or redone(and if they're slightly re-used, there's bound to be a unique twist on it), and you can't always predict what'll happen minutes in advance like with a lot of other shows. I can see myself sticking around for quite a while because there's so much stuff in it and so little to dislike about it.

All in all, it's really well made, not recycled in the slightest, and it's got a great community to boot.

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It would take quite a novel to really do an in-depth analysis... but I love it most for the characters, artwork, continuity without being focused on death, and fan works.


The characters don't really come off as "cartoon characters" to me... too much emotional depth to each of them. And combined with the continuity, developing their personalities and relations over time, and making reference to past events, it's just so much more for the brain to work with than a purely episodic show. And without being constantly dwelling on who's dead, like most stories. Pretty much every sitcom/drama series has somebody dead to cry over regularly, and 90% of Disney characters have a dead mom, and of the rest, 9% have a dead dad or both. But finally there's that last 1%, such as that lovely Lindsay Lohan Parent Trap movie with both together in the end :lol:


The artwork is quite beautiful, especially for a Flash show. I'm still not that fond of the thick outlines, but at least they're colored rather than black. And I love how everything is soft and smooth and makes sense in 3 dimensions, rather than having sharp angles, straight lines, perfect circles and ovals, shapes that only make sense from certain camera angles, etc. that are often done in cartoons. And not too much scaling and rotating Flash objects to get out of doing real animation.


And the fan works... so many great drawings, fanfics, plushies, songs, memes, conventions, random acts of kindness... as much as I love the show itself, it wouldn't be half as cool if not for the community surrounding it :wub:


I loved the old anime fan community in the late 90's/early 2000's, but eventually the old shows finished up, new shows started getting boring and repetitive, and everyone grew up and drifted apart :( Well, I guess I never really "grew up"...

This community is sort of similar, but updated to the modern internet age, and even more cohesive since it's all focused on a single show. Makes me very happy to have something new to party on ^_^

Edited by dekutree64
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It's a fun show to watch. But what really drew me in where the characters. I feel that each character is unique in their own way. It's interesting to see the different types of personalities of the characters interact with one another. Also the stories in some episodes and how the character develops in that episode makes it interesting to watch as a well. I enjoy seeing character depth and I feel that MLP makes it original. I don't believe that cartoons these days don’t go much into character development but that’s just me.

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Let me do my best to break down why I love the show in a very very quick summary.... thing.


the visual dynamic


What actually impressed me off the bat was how the character each looked very different, but at the same time shared the same basic body type. This allowed animators to save time, but it didnt sacrifice quality. In my character design class we learned of the importance of silhouette and how your characters should be recognizable from just the that. You will probably notice that it is virtually impossible to confuse one character for another, they all look distinct.


MLP FIM uses clors very well, to list all instances would be crazy, but just look at the Mane Six. Every one of them works. Unlike previous pony series this series does not use over saturated colors. Lines are also an example of great color use as they are a darker color of the main body color, similar to what Disney films did.


Animation making characters feel alive

​Characters in MLP are rarely completely still, but dont feel over active(unless intentional). Do to the production flow of MLP there is a minimal amount of hold positions. Seriously go watch a hanna barbara cartoon or even most animes and then watch MLP to see how crazy the discrepancy is. Many companies use flash as a method mainly to speed animation up and take short cuts. This is the opposite of what DHX does they cut down on the monotonous tasks so they can put the bulk of thier focus on what matters the character animation.


Variety in characters

No two characters are the same, you could pare any two of them together and easily make a seasons worth of material. These characters also have a great amount of dept. I could easily see any one of them being real people.


Variety in episode structure.

MLP has two basic episodes types the adventure type and the slice of life type. Those two types also have thier own little variation. Whether its more comedy focused, Real character dilemma, fast paced, or slower paced ect. 


Great music.

The songs almost never disappoint and range in styles from broadway style to classic Disney villain son.


An interesting fantasy world

A great world with interesting creatures both classic and original. Placing this in its own world immediately made it more believable.

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Take your pick as to why the show is so interesting. 


The animation quality is fantastic as compared to other cartoons, like Regular Show for instance (another show I really love by the way)


I love all the voice actors, and the writing for the show is surprisingly intelligent for the show’s intended demographic. 


For me though, the biggest reason I love this show is for the characters, they are so relatable for me. I can see bits and pieces of myself in all the characters. To me I feel as though they are my friends. For a television show to do that is quite impressive. The only shows I’ve felt so strongly for the characters was Naruto and Avatar the Last Airbender. 


I also forgot to mention the fandom! The fandom this show brings with it is amazing. In every sense, we have so much fan-made material that is so incredible. For the most part we are all supportive and helpful towards one another. Today, you never find such random acts of kindness that you find regularly with this community, especially on the Internet. Being apart of such an amazing community makes me proud, and is another reason I love the show. 

Edited by Flying Whales
  • Brohoof 3


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The characters are well done and even the backround characters get attention like derpy and dj-pon3.

The story is well done. The landscape is well done.

As somebody sayed above  it sends good gender neutral messages.

And because of mlp ,a lot of people have been starting doing even more good. Like the charity that is going on right now on here

  • Brohoof 2


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This show is great for a number of reasons:

-It's characters are deep, cute and with interesting backstories.

-The episodes are really entertaining, sometimes they expand or introduce some of the character or they just put them in a difficult situation.

-The animation is plain great.

-The music is PLAIN GREAT.

I feel it is an outstanding show with a lot of moral values and shows the true meaning of friendship.

  • Brohoof 1

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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'What do you think of the show and why do you find it interesting?' has been merged with 'Why do you love My Little Pony?', as they both ask the same general question, which garnishes the same type of answers.











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When life gets me down...and I mean really down...I always have something to make me smile at the end of the day.


i have a couple hours at night when nopony else is awake when I can listen to awesome music, unwind, and chat with some of the friendliest (and most trustworthy) people on the Internet.


Oh! Also, it's inspired me to make both some orchestral music, and quite a few story ideas, two of which are currently on FIMFiction.



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It is why I watch any show, it is entertaining. Watching how they get stuck in some kind of situation and have to get it out it, and this show seems to have more detailed characters than a lot of others.


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